C++DB is the database layer that was designed to work with C++CMS. This customized version is used within Ye Ol' Pi Shack.
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  1. /*! \mainpage CppDB - SQL Connectivity Library
  2. CppDB is an SQL connectivity library that is designed to provide platform
  3. and Database independent connectivity API similarly to what JDBC, ODBC and
  4. other connectivity libraries do.
  5. This library is developed as part of <a href="http://cppcms.sourceforge.net">CppCMS Project</a> -
  6. the C++ Web Development Framework.
  7. CppDB was designed with following goals in the mind:
  8. - Performance is the primary goal - make fastest possible SQL connectivity as possible
  9. - Transparent connection pooling support
  10. - Transparent prepared statements caching
  11. - Dynamic DB modules loading and optional static linking
  12. - Full and high priority support of FOSS RDBMS: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3
  13. - Support as many RDBMSs as possible via cppdb-odbc bridge
  14. - Simplicity in use
  15. - Locale safety
  16. - Support of both explicit verbose API and brief and nice syntactic sugar
  17. This library was developed on the base of experience with SOCI, libdbi and
  18. other SQL Connectivity libraries.
  19. The CppDB library, version 0.0.3 and above, is released under Boost Software License 1.0 or The MIT license
  20. at your opinion, CppDB version 0.0.2 and below is released under terms of LGPLv3 license.
  21. This manual is divided in the following parts:
  22. Basic use:
  23. - \subpage intro
  24. - \subpage connstr
  25. - \subpage stat
  26. - \subpage query
  27. - \subpage pool
  28. - \subpage transaction
  29. - \subpage escaping
  30. - \subpage backendref
  31. - \subpage build
  32. - \subpage support
  33. - \subpage changelog
  34. Advanced use:
  35. - \subpage advanced_drivers
  36. - \subpage backenddev
  37. */