Unix runtime packages (tars) for various flavors of Unix. I.E. VAX780, 3b2-700 complete
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224 lines
4.5 KiB

  1. Present=1
  2. HostName=localhost
  3. LogFileName=putty.log
  4. LogType=0
  5. LogFileClash=-1
  6. LogFlush=1
  7. LogHeader=1
  8. SSHLogOmitPasswords=1
  9. SSHLogOmitData=0
  10. Protocol=telnet
  11. PortNumber=2323
  12. CloseOnExit=0
  13. WarnOnClose=1
  14. PingInterval=0
  15. PingIntervalSecs=0
  16. TCPNoDelay=1
  17. TCPKeepalives=0
  18. TerminalType=xterm
  19. TerminalSpeed=38400,38400
  21. AddressFamily=0
  22. ProxyExcludeList=
  23. ProxyDNS=1
  24. ProxyLocalhost=0
  25. ProxyMethod=0
  26. ProxyHost=proxy
  27. ProxyPort=80
  28. ProxyUsername=
  29. ProxyPassword=
  30. ProxyTelnetCommand=connect %host %port\n
  31. ProxyLogToTerm=1
  32. Environment=
  33. UserName=
  34. UserNameFromEnvironment=0
  35. LocalUserName=
  36. NoPTY=0
  37. Compression=0
  38. TryAgent=1
  39. AgentFwd=0
  40. GssapiFwd=0
  41. ChangeUsername=0
  42. Cipher=aes,chacha20,3des,WARN,des,blowfish,arcfour
  43. KEX=ecdh,dh-gex-sha1,dh-group14-sha1,dh-group1-sha1,rsa,WARN
  44. HostKey=ed448,ed25519,ecdsa,rsa,dsa,WARN
  45. PreferKnownHostKeys=1
  46. RekeyTime=60
  47. GssapiRekey=2
  48. RekeyBytes=1G
  49. SshNoAuth=0
  50. SshNoTrivialAuth=0
  51. SshBanner=1
  52. AuthTIS=0
  53. AuthKI=1
  54. AuthGSSAPI=1
  55. AuthGSSAPIKEX=1
  56. GSSLibs=libgssapi,libgssapi_krb5,libgss,custom
  57. GSSCustom=
  58. SshNoShell=0
  59. SshProt=3
  60. LogHost=
  61. SSH2DES=0
  62. PublicKeyFile=
  63. RemoteCommand=
  64. RFCEnviron=0
  65. PassiveTelnet=0
  66. BackspaceIsDelete=0
  67. RXVTHomeEnd=0
  68. LinuxFunctionKeys=4
  69. NoApplicationKeys=0
  70. NoApplicationCursors=0
  71. NoMouseReporting=0
  72. NoRemoteResize=1
  73. NoAltScreen=1
  74. NoRemoteWinTitle=1
  75. NoRemoteClearScroll=0
  76. RemoteQTitleAction=1
  77. NoDBackspace=0
  78. NoRemoteCharset=1
  79. ApplicationCursorKeys=0
  80. ApplicationKeypad=0
  81. NetHackKeypad=0
  82. AltF4=1
  83. AltSpace=0
  84. AltOnly=0
  85. ComposeKey=0
  86. CtrlAltKeys=1
  87. TelnetKey=0
  88. TelnetRet=1
  89. LocalEcho=2
  90. LocalEdit=2
  91. Answerback=PuTTY
  92. AlwaysOnTop=0
  93. FullScreenOnAltEnter=0
  94. HideMousePtr=0
  95. SunkenEdge=0
  96. WindowBorder=1
  97. CurType=0
  98. BlinkCur=0
  99. Beep=1
  100. BeepInd=0
  101. BellWaveFile=
  102. BellOverload=1
  103. BellOverloadN=5
  104. BellOverloadT=2000000
  105. BellOverloadS=5000000
  106. ScrollbackLines=2000
  107. DECOriginMode=1
  108. AutoWrapMode=1
  109. LFImpliesCR=0
  110. CRImpliesLF=0
  111. DisableArabicShaping=0
  112. DisableBidi=0
  113. WinNameAlways=0
  114. WinTitle=Linux 20pt Font
  115. TermWidth=80
  116. TermHeight=24
  117. FontName=client:Monospace 20
  118. FontQuality=0
  119. FontVTMode=4
  120. UseSystemColours=0
  121. TryPalette=0
  122. ANSIColour=1
  123. Xterm256Colour=1
  124. TrueColour=1
  125. BoldAsColour=1
  126. Colour0=187,187,187
  127. Colour1=255,255,255
  128. Colour2=0,0,0
  129. Colour3=85,85,85
  130. Colour4=0,0,0
  131. Colour5=0,255,0
  132. Colour6=0,0,0
  133. Colour7=85,85,85
  134. Colour8=187,0,0
  135. Colour9=255,85,85
  136. Colour10=0,187,0
  137. Colour11=85,255,85
  138. Colour12=187,187,0
  139. Colour13=255,255,85
  140. Colour14=0,0,187
  141. Colour15=85,85,255
  142. Colour16=187,0,187
  143. Colour17=255,85,255
  144. Colour18=0,187,187
  145. Colour19=85,255,255
  146. Colour20=187,187,187
  147. Colour21=255,255,255
  148. RawCNP=0
  149. UTF8linedraw=0
  150. PasteRTF=0
  151. MouseIsXterm=0
  152. RectSelect=0
  153. PasteControls=0
  154. MouseOverride=1
  155. Wordness0=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  156. Wordness32=0,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1
  157. Wordness64=1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,2
  158. Wordness96=1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1
  159. Wordness128=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
  160. Wordness160=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
  161. Wordness192=2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
  162. Wordness224=2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
  163. MouseAutocopy=0
  164. MousePaste=implicit
  165. CtrlShiftIns=implicit
  166. CtrlShiftCV=none
  167. LineCodePage=UTF-8
  168. CJKAmbigWide=0
  169. UTF8Override=1
  170. Printer=
  171. CapsLockCyr=0
  172. ScrollBar=1
  173. ScrollBarFullScreen=0
  174. ScrollOnKey=0
  175. ScrollOnDisp=1
  176. EraseToScrollback=1
  177. LockSize=0
  178. BCE=1
  179. BlinkText=0
  180. X11Forward=0
  181. X11Display=
  182. X11AuthType=1
  183. X11AuthFile=
  184. LocalPortAcceptAll=0
  185. RemotePortAcceptAll=0
  186. PortForwardings=
  187. BugIgnore1=0
  188. BugPlainPW1=0
  189. BugRSA1=0
  190. BugIgnore2=0
  191. BugHMAC2=0
  192. BugDeriveKey2=0
  193. BugRSAPad2=0
  194. BugPKSessID2=0
  195. BugRekey2=0
  196. BugMaxPkt2=0
  197. BugOldGex2=0
  198. BugWinadj=0
  199. BugChanReq=0
  200. BugDropStart=1
  201. StampUtmp=1
  202. LoginShell=1
  203. ScrollbarOnLeft=0
  204. BoldFontName=
  205. WideFontName=
  206. WideBoldFontName=
  207. ShadowBold=0
  208. ShadowBoldOffset=1
  209. SerialLine=/dev/ttyS0
  210. SerialSpeed=9600
  211. SerialDataBits=8
  212. SerialStopHalfbits=2
  213. SerialParity=0
  214. SerialFlowControl=1
  215. WindowClass=
  216. ConnectionSharing=0
  217. ConnectionSharingUpstream=1
  218. ConnectionSharingDownstream=1
  219. SSHManualHostKeys=
  220. SUPDUPLocation=The Internet
  221. SUPDUPCharset=0
  222. SUPDUPMoreProcessing=0
  223. SUPDUPScrolling=0