Unix runtime packages (tars) for various flavors of Unix. I.E. VAX780, 3b2-700 complete
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vi.notes 616 B

  1. 12-17-2023 KenUnix Old School
  2. In vi under Unix use the following most common keys:
  3. a = Ad text
  4. dd = Delete current line. Example to delete 3 lines you would enter 3dd
  5. i = Insert text at cursor position
  6. j = Join lines at the cursor
  7. p = paste yanked lines at current line position
  8. q = Quit vi
  9. q! = Quit vi without saving
  10. r = Read file , append
  11. s = Substitute text. Example :s/old/new/ for current line
  12. or :s 1,$ /old/new/ for entire file
  13. u = Undo the lest operation
  14. w = Write file
  15. x = Erase character under cursor
  16. yy = Yank line
  17. : = Issue command. Example :w to write file
  18. esc= Go to command mode