- Bywater BASIC Interpreter/Shell, version 1.10
- ---------------------------------------------
- Copyright (c) 1992, Ted A. Campbell
- for bwBASIC version 1.10, 1 November 1992
- The Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large
- superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978)
- in ANSI C and offers shell program facilities as an extension
- of BASIC.
- The set of BASIC commands and functions implemented is fairly
- limited (see section three below), although more commands and
- functions are implemented than appear in the specification
- for Minimal BASIC. There are no commands that are terminal- or
- hardware specific. (Seriously -- CLS may work under bwBASIC
- on your DOS-based pc, but that is because bwBASIC shells
- out to DOS when it does not recognize CLS and executes CLS there.)
- The interpreter is slow. Whenever faced with a choice between
- conceptual clarity and speed, I have consistently chosen
- the former. The interpreter is the simplest design available,
- and utilizes no system of intermediate code, which would speed
- up considerably its operation. As it is, each line is interpreted
- afresh as the interpreter comes to it.
- bwBASIC implements one feature not available in previous BASIC
- interpreters: a shell command can be entered interactively at the
- bwBASIC prompt, and the interpreter will execute it under a
- command shell. For instance, the command "dir *.bas" can be
- entered in bwBASIC (under DOS, or "ls -l *.bas" under UNIX) and
- it will be executed as from the operating system command line.
- Shell commands can also be given on numbered lines in a bwBASIC
- program, so that bwBASIC can be used as a shell programming
- language. bwBASIC's implementation of the RMDIR, CHDIR, MKDIR,
- NAME, KILL, ENVIRON, and ENVIRON$() commands and functions
- offer further shell-processing capabilities.
- The bwBASIC source code and executables produced from it can be
- used subject to the following statement which is included in
- the header to all the source code files:
- All U.S. and international copyrights are claimed by the
- author. The author grants permission to use this code
- and software based on it under the following conditions:
- (a) in general, the code and software based upon it may be
- used by individuals and by non-profit organizations; (b) it
- may also be utilized by governmental agencies in any country,
- with the exception of military agencies; (c) the code and/or
- software based upon it may not be sold for a profit without
- an explicit and specific permission from the author, except
- that a minimal fee may be charged for media on which it is
- copied, and for copying and handling; (d) the code must be
- distributed in the form in which it has been released by the
- author; and (e) the code and software based upon it may not
- be used for illegal activities.
- ABS( number )
- ASC( string$ )
- ATN( number )
- CHAIN [MERGE] file-name [, line-number] [, ALL]
- CHR$( number )
- CINT( number )
- CLOSE [[#]file-number]...
- COMMON variable [, variable...]
- COS( number )
- CSNG( number )
- CVD( string$ )
- CVI( string$ )
- CVS( string$ )
- DATA constant[,constant]...
- DEF FNname(arg...)] = expression
- DEFDBL letter[-letter](, letter[-letter])...
- DEFINT letter[-letter](, letter[-letter])...
- DEFSNG letter[-letter](, letter[-letter])...
- DEFSTR letter[-letter](, letter[-letter])...
- DELETE line[-line]
- DIM variable(elements...)[variable(elements...)]...
- ENVIRON variable-string = string
- ENVIRON$( variable-string )
- EOF( device-number )
- ERASE variable[, variable]...
- ERROR number
- EXP( number )
- FIELD [#] device-number, number AS string-variable [, number AS string-variable...]
- FOR counter = start TO finish [STEP increment]
- GET [#] device-number [, record-number]
- GOSUB line
- GOTO line
- HEX$( number )
- IF expression THEN statement [ELSE statement]
- INPUT [# device-number]|[;]["prompt string";]list of variables
- INSTR( [start-position,] string-searched$, string-pattern$ )
- INT( number )
- KILL file-name
- LEFT$( string$, number-of-spaces )
- LEN( string$ )
- LET variable = expression
- LINE INPUT [[#] device-number,]["prompt string";] string-variable$
- LIST line[-line]
- LOAD file-name
- LOC( device-number )
- LOF( device-number )
- LOG( number )
- LSET string-variable$ = expression
- MERGE file-name
- MID$( string$, start-position-in-string[, number-of-spaces ] )
- MKD$( double-value# )
- MKI$( integer-value% )
- MKS$( single-value! )
- NAME old-file-name AS new-file-name
- NEXT counter
- OCT$( number )
- ON variable GOTO|GOSUB line[,line,line,...]
- OPEN O|I|R, [#]device-number, file-name [,record length]
- file-name FOR INPUT|OUTPUT|APPEND AS [#]device-number [LEN = record-length]
- OPTION BASE number
- PRINT [# device-number,][USING format-string$;] expressions...
- PUT [#] device-number [, record-number]
- RANDOMIZE number
- READ variable[, variable]...
- REM string
- RESTORE line
- RIGHT$( string$, number-of-spaces )
- RND( number )
- RSET string-variable$ = expression
- RUN [line][file-name]
- SAVE file-name
- SGN( number )
- SIN( number )
- SPACE$( number )
- SPC( number )
- SQR( number )
- STR$( number )
- STRING$( number, ascii-value|string$ )
- SWAP variable, variable
- TAB( number )
- TAN( number )
- VAL( string$ )
- WHILE expression
- WIDTH [# device-number,] number
- WRITE [# device-number,] element [, element ]....
- If DIRECTORY_CMDS is set to TRUE when the program is compiled,
- then the following commands will be available:
- CHDIR pathname
- MKDIR pathname
- RMDIR pathname
- If DEBUG is set to TRUE when the program is compiled then
- the following debugging commands (unique to bwBASIC) will
- be available:
- VARS (prints a list of all variables)
- CMDS (prints a list of all commands)
- FNCS (prints a list of all functions)
- If COMMAND_SHELL is set to TRUE when the program is compiled,
- then the user may enter a shell command at the bwBASIC prompt.
- An interactive environment is provided, so that a line with a
- line number can be entered at the bwBASIC prompt and it will be
- added to the program in memory.
- Line numbers are not strictly required, but are useful if the
- interactive enviroment is used for programming. For longer
- program entry one might prefer to use an ASCII text editor, and
- in this case lines can be entered without numbers. In this case,
- however, one will not be able to alter the numberless lines
- within the interactive environment.
- Command names and function names are not case sensitive,
- so that "Run" and "RUN" and "run" are equivalent and "abs()"
- and "ABS()" and "Abs()" are equivalent. HOWEVER: variable
- names ARE case sensitive in bwbASIC, so that "d$" and "D$"
- are different variables. This differs from some BASIC
- implementations where variable names are not case sensitive.
- A filename can be specified on the command line and will be
- LOADed and RUN immediately, so that the command line
- bwbasic prog.bas
- will load and execute "prog.bas".
- All programs are stored as ASCII text files.
- TRUE is defined as -1 and FALSE is defined as 0 in the default
- distribution of bwBASIC. These definitions can be changed by
- those compiling bwBASIC (see file BWBASIC.H).
- Assignment must be made to variables. This differs from some
- implementations of BASIC where assignment can be made to a
- function. Implication: "INSTR( 3, x$, y$ ) = z$" will not
- work under bwBASIC.
- Notes on the implementation of specific commands:
- CVI(), CVD(), CVS(), MKI$(), MKD$(), MKS$(): These functions
- are implemented, but are dependent on a) the sizes for integer,
- float, and double values on particular systems, and b) how
- particular versions of C store these numerical values. The
- implication is that data files created using these functions
- on a DOS-based microcomputer may not be translated correctly
- by bwBASIC running on a Unix-based computer. Similarly, data
- files created by bwBASIC compiled by one version of C may not be
- readable by bwBASIC compiled by another version of C (even under
- the same operating system). So be careful with these.
- ENVIRON: The ENVIRON command requires BASIC strings on either
- side of the equals sign. Thus:
- environ "PATH" = "/usr/bin"
- It might be noted that this differs from the implementation
- of ENVIRON in some versions of BASIC, but bwBASIC's ENVIRON
- allows BASIC variables to be used on either side of the equals
- sign. Note that the function ENVIRON$() is different from the
- command, and be aware of the fact that in some operating systems
- an environment variable set within a program will not be passed
- to its parent shell.
- ERR: Note that if PROG_ERRORS has been defined when bwBASIC is
- compiled, the ERR variable will not be set correctly upon
- errors. It only works when standard error messages are used.
- FOR and NEXT: In this implementation of bwBASIC, a NEXT
- statement must appear in the first position in a program
- line; it cannot appear in a line segment beyond a colon.
- INPUT: bwBASIC cannot support the optional feature of INPUT
- that suppresses the carriage-return and line-feed at the end
- of the input. This is because ANSI C does not provide for any
- means of input other than CR-LF-terminated strings.
- There are a few items not implemented that have been so long
- a part of standard BASICs that their absence will seem surprising.
- In each case, though, their implementation would require opera-
- ting-system-specific functions or terminal-specific functions
- that ANSI C cannot provide. Some specific examples:
- CALL In some versions of BASIC, CALL is used to call a
- machine language subroutine, but machine language
- routines are highly system-specific. In other
- BASICs (conforming to the more complete ANSI
- definition of BASIC), CALL is used to call a
- named subroutine. Although it's possible that
- bwBASIC could develop as a numberless BASIC
- with named subroutine calls, these features
- are not implemented in this earliest released
- version.
- CLOAD See CALL above (machine language subroutines).
- CONT See RESUME below (programmer ignorance?).
- DEF USR See CALL above (machine language subroutines).
- EDIT EDIT would be especially nice, but requires some
- specific knowledge of how particular computers
- handle interaction between the screen and the
- keyboard. This knowledge isn't available within
- the bounds of ANSI C alone ("innerhalb die Grenzen
- der reinen Vernunft," with apologies to Immanuel
- Kant).
- FRE() The ability to report the amount of free memory
- remaining is system-specific due to varying patterns
- of memory allocation and access; consequently this
- ability is not present in ANSI C and this function
- is not available in bwBASIC.
- FILES The FILES command requires a list of files conforming
- to a specifier; ANSI C does not provide this. When
- COMMAND_SHELL is defined as TRUE, users might want
- to issue operating-system commands such as "DIR"
- (DOS) or "ls -l" (Unix) to get a list of files.
- INKEY$ This function requires a keyboard scan to indicate
- whether a key is pending. Although this facility
- is easily available on microcomputers (it is part
- of the minimal CP/M Operating System), it is not
- easily available on some more complex systems.
- Consequently, it's not part of the C standard and
- bwBASIC has not implemented INKEY$.
- INPUT$() Similar to INKEY$ above, ANSI C by itself is not
- able to read unechoed keyboard input, and can read
- keyboard input only after a Carriage-Return has
- been entered.
- INP Calls to hardware ports, like machine-language
- routines, are highly system-specific and cannot
- be implemented in ANSI C alone.
- LLIST See LPRINT below.
- LPOS See LPRINT below.
- LPRINT and LLIST, etc., require access to a printer device,
- and this varies from one system to another. Users
- might try OPENing the printer device on their own
- operating system (e.g., "/dev/lp" on Unix systems,
- or "PRN" under DOS) and see if printing can be done
- from bwBASIC in this way.
- NULL In this case, I am convinced that NULL is no longer
- necessary, since very few printers now require NULLs
- at the end of lines.
- OUT See INP above (calls to hardware ports).
- PEEK() PEEK and POKE enabled earlier BASICs to address
- particular memory locations. Although bwBASIC
- could possibly implement this command (POKE) and
- this function (PEEK()), the limitation would be
- highly limited by the different systems for
- memory access in different systems.
- POKE see PEEK() above.
- RENUM Since unnumbered lines can be entered and
- executed under bwBASIC, it would not be
- possible to implement a RENUM routine.
- RESUME Is this possible under ANSI C? If so, I
- simply have failed to figure it out yet.
- Mea culpa (but not maxima).
- USR See CALL and DEF USR above (machine language
- subroutines).
- VARPTR See PEEK and POKE above.
- WAIT See INP and OUT above.
- bwBASIC is written in ANSI C and takes advantage of some of the
- enhancements of ANSI C over the older K&R standard. The program
- expects to find standard ANSI C include files (such as ).
- Because there is nothing terminal- or hardware-specific about it,
- I should hope that it would compile correctly under any ANSI C
- compiler, but you may have to construct your own makefile.
- Two makefiles are currently provided: "makefile.qcl" will compile
- the program utilizing the Microsoft QuickC (tm) line-oriented
- compiler on DOS-based p.c.'s, and "makefile.gcc" will compile
- the program utilizing the ANSI option of Gnu C++. I have also
- compiled the program utilizing Borland's Turbo C++ (tm) on DOS-
- based machines.
- No alterations to flags are necessary for varied environments,
- but the beginning of file allows the user to set
- some debugging flags and to control some program defaults.
- The file has a number of language-specific message
- sets that can be controlled by setting the appropriate language
- flag.
- This program was originally begun in 1982 by my grandmother, Mrs.
- Verda Spell of Beaumont, TX. She was writing the program using
- an ANSI C compiler on an Osborne I CP/M computer and although my
- grandfather (Lockwood Spell) had bought an IBM PC with 256k of
- RAM my grandmother would not use it, paraphrasing George Herbert
- to the effect that "He who cannot in 64k program, cannot in 512k."
- She had used Microsoft BASIC and although she had nothing against
- it she said repeatedly that she didn't understand why Digital
- Research didn't "sue the socks off of Microsoft" for version 1.0
- of MSDOS and so I reckon that she hoped to undercut Microsoft's
- entire market and eventually build a new software empire on
- the North End of Beaumont. Her programming efforts were cut
- tragically short when she was thrown from a Beaumont to Port
- Arthur commuter train in the summer of 1986. I found the source
- code to bwBASIC on a single-density Osborne diskette in her knitting
- bag and eventually managed to have it all copied over to a PC
- diskette. I have revised it slightly prior to this release. You
- should know, though, that I myself am an historian, not a programmer.
- Ted A. Campbell
- Bywater Software
- P.O. Box 4023
- Duke Station
- Durham, NC 27706
- email: tcamp@acpub.duke.edu