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  1. # Puropose: Verify existing BWBASIC behavior
  2. # Author: Howard Wulf, AF5NE
  3. # Date: 2014-02-28
  4. # Usage: implementatino defined
  5. # Example:
  6. # cd /sdcard/Download/BASIC/bwbasic3/bwbtest
  7. # ash ./
  8. #
  9. rm *.80
  10. rm *.OUT
  11. rm *.LPT
  12. rm *.dif
  13. # ----------------------------------------------
  14. # Regression Tests
  15. # ----------------------------------------------
  16. testcase()
  17. {
  18. TESTCASE=${1}
  19. echo "TESTCASE=${TESTCASE}"
  20. ~/bwbasic --tape ${TESTCASE}.INP --profile B15.PRO --profile ${TESTCASE}.PRO ${TESTCASE}.BAS 1> ${TESTCASE}.OUT 2> ${TESTCASE}.LPT
  21. echo "500 DATA ${TESTCASE}.OUT, ${TESTCASE}.80" > PAD80.INP
  22. ~/bwbasic --profile PAD80.PRO PAD80.BAS
  23. diff ${TESTCASE}.run ${TESTCASE}.80 > ${TESTCASE}.dif
  24. if test -s ${TESTCASE}.dif
  25. then
  26. echo less ${TESTCASE}.dif
  27. fi
  28. }
  29. # ---------------------------------------------
  30. testcase abs
  31. testcase assign
  32. testcase callfunc
  33. testcase callsub
  34. testcase chain1
  35. testcase chain2
  36. testcase dataread
  37. testcase deffn
  38. testcase dim
  39. testcase doloop
  40. testcase dowhile
  41. testcase elseif
  42. testcase end
  43. testcase err
  44. testcase fncallfn
  45. testcase fornext
  46. testcase function
  47. testcase gosub
  48. testcase gotolabl
  49. testcase ifline
  50. testcase input
  51. testcase lof
  52. testcase loopuntl
  53. testcase main
  54. testcase mlifthen
  55. testcase on
  56. testcase onerr
  57. testcase onerrlbl
  58. testcase ongosub
  59. testcase opentest
  60. testcase option
  61. testcase pascaltr
  62. testcase putget
  63. testcase random
  64. testcase selcase
  65. testcase snglfunc
  66. testcase stop
  67. testcase term
  68. testcase whilwend
  69. testcase width
  70. testcase writeinp
  71. testcase error1
  72. testcase error2
  73. testcase error3
  74. testcase error4
  75. # ----------------------------------------------
  76. # EOF
  77. # ----------------------------------------------