ChipMaster's bwBASIC This also includes history going back to v2.10. *WARN* some binary files might have been corrupted by CRLF.
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  1. # Open Watcom C ( Makefile
  2. # for Bywater BASIC Interpreter
  3. #
  4. # Adapted from makefile.qcl
  5. # by Bill Chatfield <>
  6. #
  7. # To make the program type: wmake -f makefile.wcl386
  8. #
  9. # To implement the bwx_iqc implementation (using specific
  10. # features for the IBM PC and compatibles), chainge each
  11. # instance of "bwx_tty" to "bwx_iqc".
  12. #
  13. # The WATCOM environment variable should have been set
  14. # to the top directory of the Open Watcom C installation.
  15. # It is used below, so it needs to be set.
  16. #
  17. # Watcom looks a the INCLUDE variable to find its include
  18. # files.
  19. #
  20. .BEFORE
  21. set INCLUDE=$(%WATCOM)\h;$(%WATCOM)\h\nt
  22. PROJ= bwbasic
  23. CC= wcl386
  24. LINK= wlink
  25. #
  26. # Open Watcom options
  27. # -bc Build a console application
  28. # -c Compile only; no link
  29. # -d2 Generate code for the debugger
  30. # -ox Optimize at maximum level
  31. # -q Quiet operation
  32. # -wx Display warnings at maximum level
  33. # -za ANSI C syntax only; no language extensions
  34. #
  35. CFLAGS= -bc -c -ox -q -wx -za -DMSDOS
  37. OFILES= bwbasic.obj bwb_int.obj bwb_tbl.obj bwb_cmd.obj bwb_prn.obj &
  38. bwb_exp.obj bwb_var.obj bwb_inp.obj bwb_fnc.obj bwb_cnd.obj &
  39. bwb_ops.obj bwb_dio.obj bwb_str.obj bwb_elx.obj bwb_mth.obj &
  40. bwb_stc.obj bwx_tty.obj
  41. HFILES= bwbasic.h bwb_mes.h
  42. ZFILES= bwbasic.exe bwbasic.doc INSTALL COPYING README &
  43. README.patch01 README.patch02
  44. all: $(PROJ).exe
  45. $(PROJ).exe: $(OFILES)
  46. $(LINK) $(LFLAGS) FILE $(OFILES: =,) NAME $@
  47. clean: .SYMBOLIC
  48. del $(OFILES) *.err $(PROJ).exe
  49. dist: .SYMBOLIC
  50. zip $(ZFILES)
  51. .c.obj: .AUTODEPEND
  52. $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $[@
  53. bwbasic.obj: bwbasic.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  54. bwb_int.obj: bwb_int.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  55. bwb_tbl.obj: bwb_tbl.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  56. bwb_cmd.obj: bwb_cmd.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  57. bwb_prn.obj: bwb_prn.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  58. bwb_exp.obj: bwb_exp.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  59. bwb_var.obj: bwb_var.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  60. bwb_inp.obj: bwb_inp.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  61. bwb_fnc.obj: bwb_fnc.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  62. bwb_cnd.obj: bwb_cnd.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  63. bwb_ops.obj: bwb_ops.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  64. bwb_dio.obj: bwb_dio.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  65. bwb_str.obj: bwb_str.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  66. bwb_elx.obj: bwb_elx.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  67. bwb_mth.obj: bwb_mth.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  68. bwb_stc.obj: bwb_stc.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)
  69. bwx_tty.obj: bwx_tty.c $(HFILES) $(__MAKEFILES__)