- # Filename: xxx.sh
- # Purpose: Build Bywater BASIC for Unix uwing GCC 4.8
- # Author: Howard Wulf, AF5NE
- # Date: 2015-01-29
- # Uasage: implementation defined
- # Example:
- # cd /sdcard/Download/BASIC/bwbasic3/
- # ash ./xxx.sh
- #
- # cleanup
- rm -f bwbasic
- rm -f *.o
- # normal compile
- gcc -o bwbasic -lm -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Werror bw*.c
- # On my system, I cannot execute the binary from the source folder.
- # So, I have to copy the binary to ~ which is
- # /data/data/com.pdaxrom.cctools/root/cctools/home/
- cp bwbasic ~/
- # cleanup
- rm -f bwbasic
- # make the binary executable
- chmod 764 ~/bwbasic
- # start exectuable
- ~/bwbasic
- # EOF