- This folder contains a large number of BASIC programs
- to test conformance to ANSI Minimal BASIC,
- as documented in ECMA-55.TXT. The file ECMA-55.TXT
- originally came from http://sourceforge.net/projects/buraphakit/.
- The tests are described in NBS_minimal_BASIC_test_programs_vol1.txt.
- The P###.* files implement the "NBS Minimal BASIC Test Programs—Version 2",
- which is described in the file "NBS_minimal_BASIC_test_programs_vol1.txt".
- The P###.* files originally came from http://sourceforge.net/projects/buraphakit/.
- The P###.* files have been updated for bwBASIC by Howard Wulf, AF5NE.
- By design, bwBASIC does not pass test number P062.