- 11111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778
- 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- There were a small number of changes made to the programs in order to make them
- runnable. These are apparently due to differences between original Microsoft
- Basic and later versions (GW-BASIC, QBASIC).
- In all cases, the problem was that the program was taking advantage of a quirk
- of original Microsoft basic, which didn't work with later versions. So the
- GW-Basic/QBasic Modified sources are simply cleaner version of the originals,
- and should be usable for other Basic dialects as well.
- <------------------------- THINGS THAT WERE FIXED ----------------------------->
- 1. In "Sinewave" the statement:
- 40 REMARKABLE ....
- Uses a trick that worked with many Basic interpreters that recognize keywords
- wherever they appear, even in the middle of other words. This does not work in
- GWBasic/QBasic.
- Are allowed, you would go crazy trying to chase down imbedded keywords. It
- worked in neither GW-BASIC nor QBASIC.
- 2. (various files) Spacing.
- As in example (1), it is not possible to have the statement:
- The keywords must not be run together with other keywords and variable names
- (which was sometimes done to save memory space on early machines):
- 10 IF C$="BARK" THEN GOTO 20
- 3. (varius files) Special characters.
- Occasionally, a special character (control character) appears in the programs.
- These were REMed out. Special characters in ASCII are characters less than 32 in
- value (space).
- 8. In the program "hexapawn", the function fns appears before its definition,
- which causes a problem with Qbasic. The lines 20 and 25 were swapped.
- 9. In the program "hexapawn", line 511 uses an unterminated REM statement. Space
- added.
- 10. "Hexapawn" has an interesting board output routine that executes tab(10)
- (line 1030) multiple times. On the original MS Basic (and other basics) tabbing
- to a position that is behind or at the current position is a no-op. GW-Basic and
- Qbasic actually throw another line and tabs to the position. This was fixed by
- replacing:
- 1030 PRINT TAB(10);MID$(P$,S((I-1)*3+J)+2,1);
- With:
- 1015 PRINT TAB(10);
- 1020 FOR J=1 TO 3
- 1030 PRINT MID$(P$,S((I-1)*3+J)+2,1);
- I.e., move the tab to print position to the outter loop, since it only need be
- executed once.
- 11. "hilo" makes the unwarranted assumption in line 180 that 100*rnd(1) will be
- a number from 1 to 100. Actually, the number will be between 0 and 99, since
- exact 0 and exact 1 will never be the result of rnd, and the fraction is
- removed. Fixed by changing line 180 to:
- 180 Y=INT(100*RND(1)+1)
- 12. In "horserace", there is a really bazzare bit of code in lines 570 to 780
- where the value of N is used after a for n=..next loop, and apparently it
- expects the value to be 8. In both IP Basic and Qbasic it isn't, but is instead
- 9, and this results in access to the uninitialized variable d(i) and a zero divide.
- Fixed this by adding the line:
- 721 n = 8
- 13. In "salvo", line 1270, DEF FNA is executed twice, because the code loops
- back to that point. On several basics this is not a nice trick, although the
- original Microsoft Basic probably tolerated it. The solution was to move the
- defines upwards toward the top.
- 15. "bowling" does not format correctly on GW-Basic and QBasic. This is because
- of the tab issue (see "hexapawn" above). The answer is to replace three existing
- lines with the following ones:
- 3780 PRINT: PRINT TAB(I+1);
- 4140 PRINT "+ ";
- 4320 PRINT "O ";
- 16. In "awari", GW-Basic and QBasic don't apprecate the odd order of the "for"
- statement at 230. This occurs because the Basic implementation is doing more
- complete analysis of the Basic source while reading it, and it will get confused
- if there aren't matching "next" statements for each "for" statement in the
- statements following. The fix was to change the statement at 235 to:
- 235 NEXT I
- Because all the line did was branch to a "NEXT I" statement.
- 17. "checkers" has the "for" issue problem at 1340. The code was changed by
- moving the "NEXT A" to each of the for loops on previous lines, based on the
- fact that S(X,Y) is invariant in the included code.
- 1340 X=R(3):Y=R(4):IF S(X,Y)=-1 THEN B=-2:FOR A=-2 TO 2 STEP 4:GOSUB 1370: NEXT A
- 1350 IF S(X,Y)=-2 THEN FOR A=-2 TO 2 STEP 4:FOR B=-2 TO 2 STEP 4:GOSUB 1370:NEXT B: NEXT A
- 1360 IF R(0)<>-99 THEN PRINT"TO"R(3);R(4);:R(0)=-99:GOTO 1240
- 18. In "qubic" (3d tic tac toe), the line 1560 attempts to run non-existant
- program "menu" (and crashes/hangs GW-Basic/QBasic). Change this line to:
- 1560 STOP
- 19. In "qubic", the "lprint" statement is used to print out the playing board.
- This is not useful unless you have a printer connected for DOS use, which is not
- common with Windows users. These statements were changed to "print".
- 20. "life", the program spills out endless printout, since neither GW-Basic nor
- QBASIC appear to respond to control-C unless the program performs input. To fix
- this, the following statement was added:
- 21. In "banner", the banner text is printed to the screen, then 75 lines of
- blanks are printed to the screen. Unless your screen is more than 75 lines tall,
- the program will just result in a blank screen, without apparent action.
- Banner was designed for continous print forms, like teletypes or old form feed
- printers. The best use of it now would be to save the output to a file, which I
- have left up to the users.
- 22. In "animal", there were two "for-next" issues, lines 415 and 640. The
- solution was to move the next statement to the next line.
- 23. "bullfght", the lines 1390 and 1395 were swapped to remove definition order
- issue.
- 24. "poetry" loops forever, which locks up GW-Basic/QBasic. I added the
- following line:
- You are free to change this to output a whole page before stopping, etc.
- 25. "splat" has and error in referencing a non-existant line 540. Its wrong in
- the original listing from the book, take a look. It does not appear to affect
- the program run, which is probally why it exists. QBasic does not appreciate
- gotos that go nowhere, so the line was replaced by:
- 610 STOP: REM GOTO 540
- 26. In "stock", QBasic didn't like the lack of ";" between print items. This was
- added.
- <------------------------ THINGS THAT WEREN'T FIXED --------------------------->
- 1. "checkers" was seen making impossible moves, jumping a opposing player, but
- leaving the original position still there (duplicated piece).
- 2. "diamond" does not work quite correctly, I suspect because of the tab issue.
- 3. "life2" does not match the printout in the book, which frankly does not make
- much sense. It looks like the original relied on overprinting on a teletype.
- 4. Animal does not work, giving incorrect printout.
- 5. "life" works under GW-Basic, but not QBasic.