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7 lines
486 B

  1. 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536
  2. 131072 262144 524288 1.04858E+6 2.09715E+6 4.1943E+6 8.38861E+6
  3. 1.67772E+7 3.35544E+7 6.71089E+7 1.34218E+8 2.68435E+8 5.36871E+8
  4. 1.07374E+9 2.14748E+9 4.29497E+9 8.58993E+9 1.71799E+10 3.43597E+10
  5. 6.87195E+10 1.37439E+11 2.74878E+11 5.49756E+11 1.09951E+12 2.19902E+12
  6. 4.39805E+12 8.79609E+12 1.75922E+13 3.51844E+13