- ' ORIGINAL: http://regards.sur.sciences.free.fr/ordis/gwbasic/BASICMAN.TXT
- Contents
- 1 Welcome to GW-BASIC 1
- 1.1 System Requirements 3
- 1.2 Preliminaries 3
- 1.3 Notational Conventions 3
- 1.4 Organization of This Manual 4
- 1.5 Bibliography 5
- 2 Getting Started with GW-BASIC 7
- 2.1 Loading GW-BASIC 9
- 2.2 Modes of Operation 9
- 2.3 The GW-BASIC Command Line Format 10
- 2.4 GW-BASIC Statements, Functions,
- Commands, and Variables 14
- 2.5 Line Format 16
- 2.6 Returning to MS-DOS 18
- 3 Reviewing and Practicing GW-BASIC 19
- 3.1 Example for the Direct Mode 21
- 3.2 Examples for the Indirect Mode 22
- 3.3 Function Keys 24
- 3.4 Editing Lines 24
- 3.5 Saving Your Program File 25
- 4 The GW-BASIC Screen Editor 27
- 4.1 Editing Lines in New Files 29
- 4.2 Editing Lines in Saved Files 29
- 4.3 Special Keys 30
- 4.4 Function Keys 33
- iii
- Contents
- 5 Creating and Using Files 35
- 5.1 Program File Commands 37
- 5.2 Data Files 38
- 5.3 Random Access Files 41
- 6 Constants, Variables,
- Expressions and Operators 47
- 6.1 Constants 49
- 6.2 Variables 51
- 6.3 Type Conversion 54
- 6.4 Expressions and Operators 56
- A Error Codes and Messages 65
- B Mathematical Functions 73
- C ASCII Character Codes 75
- D Assembly Language
- (Machine Code) Subroutines 77
- D.1 Memory Allocation 77
- D.2 CALL Statement 78
- D.3 USR Function Calls 82
- D.4 Programs That Call
- Assembly Language Programs 85
- E Converting BASIC Programs to GW-BASIC 89
- E.1 String Dimensions 89
- E.2 Multiple Assignments 90
- E.3 Multiple Statements 90
- E.4 MAT Functions 90
- E.5 FOR-NEXT Loops 91
- iv
- Contents
- F Communications 93
- F.1 Opening Communications Files 93
- F.2 Communications I/O 93
- F.3 The COM I/O Functions 94
- F.4 Possible Errors: 94
- F.5 The INPUT$ Function 95
- F.6 The TTY Sample Program 97
- F.7 Notes on the TTY Sample Program 98
- G Hexadecimal Equivalents 101
- H Key Scan Codes 105
- I Characters Recognized by GW-BASIC 107
- Glossary 109
- v
- Figures
- Figure D.1 Stack Layout When the CALL Statement is Activated 77
- Figure D.2 Stack Layout During Execution of a CALL Statement 78
- Figure D.3 Number Types in the Floating-Point Accumulator 82
- vi
- Tables
- Table 4.1 GW-BASIC Function Key Assignments 34
- Table 6.1 Relational Operators 58
- Table 6.2 Results Returned by Logical Operations 59
- Table G.1 Decimal and Binary Equivalents
- to Hexadecimal Values 99
- Table G.2 Decimal Equivalents to Hexadecimal Values 100
- vii
- Microsoft (R)
- GW-BASIC Interpreter
- User's Guide
- Microsoft Corporation
- Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does
- not represent a commitment on the part of Microsoft Corporation. The
- software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement
- or nondisclosure agreement. It is against the law to copy this software
- on magnetic tape, disk, or any other medium for any purpose other than the
- purchaser's personal use.
- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1986, 1987. All rights reserved.
- Portions copyright COMPAQ Computer Corporation, 1985
- Simultaneously published in the United States and Canada.
- Microsoft(R), MS-DOS(R), GW-BASIC(R) and the Microsoft logo are registered
- trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
- Compaq(R) is a registered trademark of COMPAQ Computer Corporation.
- DEC(R) is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.
- Document Number 410130001-330-R02-078Chapter 1
- Welcome to GW-BASIC
- 1.1 System Requirements 3
- 1.2 Preliminaries 3
- 1.3 Notational Conventions 3
- 1.4 Organization of This Manual 4
- 1.5 Bibliography 5
- 1
- Notational Conventions
- Microsoft (R) GW-BASIC (R) is a simple, easy-to-learn, easy-to-use computer
- programming language with English-like statements and mathematical notations.
- With GW-BASIC you will be able to write both simple and complex programs to run
- on your computer. You will also be able to modify existing software that is
- written in GW-BASIC.
- This guide is designed to help you use the GW-BASIC Interpreter with the MS-DOS
- (R) operating system. Section 1.5 lists resources that will teach you how to
- program.
- 1.1 System Requirements
- This version of GW-BASIC requires MS-DOS version 3.2 or later.
- 1.2 Preliminaries
- Your GW-BASIC files will be on the MS-DOS diskette located at the back of the
- MS-DOS User's Reference. Be sure to make a working copy of the diskette before
- you proceed.
- Note
- This manual is written for the user familiar with the MS-DOS operating sys-
- tem. For more information on MS-DOS, refer to the Microsoft MS-DOS 3.2
- User's Guide and User's Reference.
- 3
- Welcome to GW-BASIC
- 1.3 Notational Conventions
- Throughout this manual, the following conventions are used to distinguish ele-
- ments of text:
- bold Used for commands, options, switches, and literal por-
- tions of syntax that must appear exactly as shown.
- italic Used for filenames, variables, and placeholders that
- represent the type of text to be entered by the user.
- monospace Used for sample command lines, program code and
- examples, and sample sessions.
- SMALL CAPS Used for keys, key sequences, and acronyms.
- Brackets surround optional command-line elements.
- 1.4 Organization of This Manual
- The GW-BASIC User's Guide is divided into six chapters, nine appendixes, and
- a glossary:
- Chapter 1, "Welcome to GW-BASIC," describes this manual.
- Chapter 2, "Getting Started With GW-BASIC," is an elementary guideline on how
- to begin programming.
- Chapter 3, "Reviewing and Practicing GW-BASIC," lets you use the principles of
- GW-BASIC explained in Chapter 2.
- Chapter 4, "The GW-BASIC Screen Editor," discusses editing commands that can
- be used when inputting or modifying a GW-BASIC program. It also explains the
- unique properties of the ten redefinable function keys and of other keys and
- keystroke combinations.
- Chapter 5, "Creating and Using Files," tells you how to create files and to use
- the diskette input/output (I/O) procedures.
- 4
- Bibliography
- Chapter 6, "Constants, Variables, Expressions, and Operators," defines the ele-
- ments of GW-BASIC and describes how you will use them.
- Appendix A, "Error Codes and Messages," is a summary of all the error codes
- and error messages that you might encounter while using GW-BASIC.
- Appendix B, "Mathematical Functions," describes how to calculate certain
- mathematical functions not intrinsic to GW-BASIC.
- Appendix C, "ASCII Character Codes," lists the ASCII character codes recognized
- by GW-BASIC.
- Appendix D, "Assembly Language (Machine Code) Subroutines," shows how to
- include assembly language subroutines with GW-BASIC.
- Appendix E, "Converting BASIC Programs to GW-BASIC," provides pointers on
- converting programs written in BASIC to GW-BASIC.
- Appendix F, "Communications," describes the GW-BASIC statements required to
- support RS-232 asynchronous communications with other computers and peri-
- pheral devices.
- Appendix G, "Hexadecimal Equivalents," lists decimal and binary equivalents to
- hexadecimal values.
- Appendix H, "Key Scan Codes," lists and illustrates the key scan code values
- used in GW-BASIC.
- Appendix I, "Characters Recognized by GW-BASIC," describes the GW-BASIC char-
- acter set.
- The Glossary defines words and phrases commonly used in GW-BASIC and data
- processing.
- 5
- Welcome to GW-BASIC
- 1.5 Bibliography
- This manual is a guide to the use of the GW-BASIC Interpreter: it makes no
- attempt to teach the BASIC programming language. The following texts may be
- useful for those who wish to learn BASIC programming:
- Albrecht, Robert L., LeRoy Finkel, and Jerry Brown. BASIC. 2d ed. New York:
- Wiley Interscience, 1978.
- Coan, James. Basic BASIC. Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden Book Company, 1978.
- Dwyer, Thomas A. and Margot Critchfield. BASIC and the Personal Computer.
- Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1978.
- Ettlin, Walter A. and Gregory Solberg. The MBASIC Handbook. Berkeley,
- Calif.: Osborne/McGraw Hill, 1983.
- Knecht, Ken. Microsoft BASIC. Portland, Oreg.: Dilithium Press, 1982.
- Chapter 2
- Getting Started
- 2.1 Loading GW-BASIC 9
- 2.2 Modes of Operation 9
- 2.2.1 Direct Mode 10
- 2.2.2 Indirect Mode 10
- 2.3 The GW-BASIC Command Line Format 10
- 2.4 GW-BASIC Statements, Functions,
- Commands, and Variables 14
- 2.4.1 Keywords 14
- 2.4.2 Commands 15
- 2.4.3 Statements 15
- 2.4.4 Functions 15
- Numeric Functions 15
- String Functions 16
- User-Defined Functions 16
- 2.4.5 Variables 16
- 2.5 Line Format 16
- 2.6 Returning to MS-DOS 18
- 7
- Getting Started With GW-BASIC
- This chapter describes how to load GW-BASIC into your system. It also explains
- the two different types of operation modes, line formats, and the various ele-
- ments of GW-BASIC.
- 2.1 Loading GW-BASIC
- To use the GW-BASIC language, you must load it into the memory of your com-
- puter from your working copy of the MS-DOS diskette. Use the following pro-
- cedure:
- 1. Turn on your computer.
- 2. Insert your working copy of the MS-DOS diskette into Drive A of your
- computer, and press RETURN.
- 3. Type the following command after the A> prompt, and press RETURN:
- gwbasic
- Once you enter GW-BASIC, the GW-BASIC prompt, Ok, will replace the MS-DOS
- prompt, A>.
- On the screen, the line XXXXX Bytes Free indicates how many bytes are avail-
- able for use in memory while using GW-BASIC.
- The function key (F1 - F10) assignments appear on the bottom line of the
- screen. These function keys can be used to eliminate key strokes and save you
- time. Chapter 4, "The GW-BASIC Screen Editor," contains detailed information
- on function keys.
- 2.2 Modes of Operation
- Once GW-BASIC is initialized (loaded), it displays the Ok prompt. Ok means
- GW-BASIC is at command level; that is, it is ready to accept commands. At this
- point, GW-BASIC may be used in either of two modes: direct mode or indirect
- mode.
- 9
- Getting Started with GW-BASIC
- 2.2.1 Direct Mode
- In the direct mode, GW-BASIC statements and commands are executed as they
- are entered. Results of arithmetic and logical operations can be displayed
- immediately and/or stored for later use, but the instructions themselves are
- lost after execution. This mode is useful for debugging and for using GW-BASIC
- as a calculator for quick computations that do not require a complete program.
- 2.2.2 Indirect Mode
- The indirect mode is used to enter programs. Program lines are always preceded
- by line numbers, and are stored in memory. The program stored in memory is
- executed by entering the RUN command.
- 2.3 The GW-BASIC Command Line Format
- The GW-BASIC command line lets you change the environment or the conditions
- that apply while using GW-BASIC.
- Note
- When you specify modifications to the operating environment of GW-BASIC,
- be sure to maintain the parameter sequence shown in the syntax statement.
- To skip a parameter, insert a comma. This will let the computer know that
- you have no changes to that particular parameter.
- GW-BASIC uses a command line of the following form:
- gwbasic[filename][<stdin][[>]>stdout][/f:n][/i][/s:n][/c:n][/m:[n][,n]][/d]
- filename is the name of a GW-BASIC program file. If this parameter is present,
- GW-BASIC proceeds as if a RUN command had been given. If no extension is pro-
- vided for the filename, a default file extension of .BAS is assumed. The .BAS
- extension indicates that the file is a GW-BASIC file. The maximum number of
- characters a filename may contain is eight with a decimal and three extension
- characters.
- 10
- The GW-BASIC Command Line Format
- <stdin redirects GW-BASIC's standard input to be read from the specified file.
- When used, it must appear before any switches.
- This might be used when you have multiple files that might be used by your
- program and you wish to specify a particular input file.
- >stdout redirects GW-BASIC's standard output to the specified file or device.
- When used, it must appear before any switches. Using >> before stdout causes
- output to be appended.
- GW-BASIC can be redirected to read from standard input (keyboard) and write
- to standard output (screen) by providing the input and output filenames on the
- command line as follows:
- gwbasic program name <input file[>]>output file
- An explanation of file redirection follows this discussion of the GW-BASIC com-
- mand line.
- Switches appear frequently in command lines; they designate a specified course
- of action for the command, as opposed to using the default for that setting. A
- switch parameter is preceded by a slash (/).
- /f:n sets the maximum number of files that may be opened simultaneously dur-
- ing the execution of a GW-BASIC program. Each file requires 194 bytes for the
- File Control Block (FCB) plus 128 bytes for the data buffer. The data buffer
- size may be altered with the /s: switch. If the /f: switch is omitted, the
- maximum number of open files defaults to 3. This switch is ignored unless the
- /i
- switch is also specified on the command line.
- /i makes GW-BASIC statically allocate space required for file operations, based
- on the /s and /f switches.
- /s:n sets the maximum record length allowed for use with files. The record
- length option in the OPEN statement cannot exceed this value. If the /s: switch
- is omitted, the record length defaults to 128 bytes. The maximum record size is
- 32767.
- /c:n controls RS-232 communications. If RS-232 cards are present, /c:0 disables
- RS-232 support, and any subsequent I/O attempts for each RS-232 card present.
- If the /c: switch is omitted, 256 bytes are allocated for the receive buffer
- and
- 128 bytes for the transmit buffer for each card present.
- 11
- Getting Started with GW-BASIC
- The /c: switch has no affect when RS-232 cards are not present. The /c:n switch
- allocates n bytes for the receive buffer and 128 bytes for the transmit buffer
- for each RS-232 card present.
- /m:n[,n] sets the highest memory location (first n) and maximum block size
- (second n) used by GW-BASIC. GW-BASIC attempts to allocate 64K bytes of
- memory for the data and stack segments. If machine language subroutines are
- to be used with GW-BASIC programs, use the /m: switch to set the highest loca-
- tion that GW-BASIC can use. The maximum block size is in multiples of 16. It is
- used to reserve space for user programs (assembly language subroutines) beyond
- GW-BASIC's workspace.
- The default for maximum block size is the highest memory location. The default
- for the highest memory location is 64K bytes unless maximum block size is
- specified, in which case the default is the maximum block size (in multiples of
- 16).
- /d allows certain functions to return double-precision results. When the /d
- switch is specified, approximately 3000 bytes of additional code space are
- used.
- The functions affected are ATN, COS, EXP, LOG, SIN, SQR, and TAN.
- Note
- All switch numbers may be specified as decimal, octal (preceded by &O), or
- hexadecimal (preceded by &H).
- Sample GW-BASIC command lines are as follows:
- The following uses 64K bytes of memory and three files; loads and executes the
- program file payroll.bas:
- A>gwbasic PAYROLL
- The following uses 64K bytes of memory and six files; loads and executes the
- program file invent.bas:
- A>gwbasic INVENT /F:6
- 12
- The GW-BASIC Command Line Format
- The following disables RS-232 support and uses only the first 32K bytes of
- memory. 32K bytes above that are reserved for user programs:
- A>gwbasic /C:0 /M:32768,4096
- The following uses four files and allows a maximum record length of 512 bytes:
- A>gwbasic /F:4 /S:512
- The following uses 64K bytes of memory and three files. Allocates 512 bytes to
- RS-232 receive buffers and 128 bytes to transmit buffers, and loads and
- executes
- the program file tty.bas:
- A>gwbasic TTY /C:512
- For more information about RS-232 Communications, see Appendix F.
- Redirection of Standard Input and Output
- When redirected, all INPUT, LINE INPUT, INPUT$, and INKEY$ statements
- are read from the specified input file instead of the keyboard.
- All PRINT statements write to the specified output file instead of the screen.
- Error messages go to standard output and to the screen.
- File input from KYBD: is still read from the keyboard.
- File output to SCRN: still outputs to the screen.
- GW-BASIC continues to trap keys when the ON KEY n statement is used.
- Typing CTRL-BREAK when output is redirected causes GW-BASIC to close any open
- files, issue the message "Break in line nnnn" to standard output, exit
- and return to MS-DOS.
- When input is redirected, GW-BASIC continues to read from this source until a
- CTRL-Z is detected. This condition can be tested with the end-of-file (EOF)
- function. If the file is not terminated by a CTRL-Z, or if a GW-BASIC file
- input
- statement tries to read past the end of file, then any open files are closed,
- and GW-BASIC returns to MS-DOS.
- 13
- Getting Started with GW-BASIC
- For further information about these statements and other statements, functions,
- commands, and variables mentioned in this text, refer to the GW-BASIC User's
- Reference.
- Some examples of redirection follow.
- Data read by the INPUT and LINE INPUT statements continues to come from
- the keyboard. Data output by the PRINT statement goes into the data.out file.
- gwbasic MYPROG <DATA.IN
- Data read by the INPUT and LINE INPUT statements comes from data.in.
- Data output by PRINT continues to go to the screen.
- Data read by the INPUT and LINE INPUT statements now come from the file
- myinput.dat, and data output by the PRINT statements goes into myoutput.dat.
- Data read by the INPUT and LINE INPUT statements now comes from the file
- \sales\john\trans.dat. Data output by the PRINT statement is appended to the
- file \sales\sales.dat.
- 2.4 GW-BASIC Statements, Functions,
- Commands, and Variables
- A GW-BASIC program is made up of several elements: keywords, commands,
- statements, functions, and variables.
- 2.4.1 Keywords
- GW-BASIC keywords, such as print, goto, and return have special significance
- for the GW-BASIC Interpreter. GW-BASIC interprets keywords as part of state-
- ments or commands.
- 14
- Statements, Functions, Commands, and Variables
- Keywords are also called reserved words. They cannot be used as variable
- names, or the system will interpret them as commands. However, keywords may
- be embedded within variable names.
- Keywords are stored in the system as tokens (1- or 2-byte characters) for the
- most efficient use of memory space.
- 2.4.2 Commands
- Commands and statements are both executable instructions. The difference
- between commands and statements is that commands are generally executed in
- the direct mode, or command level of the interpreter. They usually perform
- some type of program maintenance such as editing, loading, or saving programs.
- When GW-BASIC is invoked and the GW-BASIC prompt, Ok, appears, the system
- assumes command level.
- 2.4.3 Statements
- A statement, such as ON ERROR...GOTO, is a group of GW-BASIC keywords
- generally used in GW-BASIC program lines as part of a program. When the pro-
- gram is run, statements are executed when, and as, they appear.
- 2.4.4 Functions
- The GW-BASIC Interpreter performs both numeric and string functions.
- Numeric Functions
- The GW-BASIC Interpreter can perform certain mathematical (arithmetical or
- algebraic) calculations. For example, it calculates the sine (sin), cosine
- (cos), or tangent (tan) of angle x.
- Unless otherwise indicated, only integer and single-precision results are
- returned by numeric functions.
- 15
- Getting Started With GW-BASIC
- String Functions
- String functions operate on strings. For example, TIME$ and DATE$ return the
- time and date known by the system. If the current time and date are entered
- during system start up, the correct time and date are given (the internal clock
- in the computer keeps track).
- User-Defined Functions
- Functions can be user-defined by means of the DEF FN statement. These func-
- tions can be either string or numeric.
- 2.4.5 Variables
- Certain groups of alphanumeric characters are assigned values and are called
- variables. When variables are built into the GW-BASIC program they provide
- information as they are executed.
- For example, ERR defines the latest error which occurred in the program; ERL
- gives the location of that error. Variables can also be defined and/or
- redefined
- by the user or by program content.
- All GW-BASIC commands, statements, functions, and variables are individually
- described in the GW-BASIC User's Reference.
- 2.5 Line Format
- Each of the elements of GW-BASIC can make up sections of a program that are
- called statements. These statements are very similar to sentences in English.
- Statements are then put together in a logical manner to create programs. The
- GW-BASIC User's Reference describes all of the statements available for use in
- In a GW-BASIC program, lines have the following format:
- nnnnn statement[statements]
- nnnnn is a line number
- statement is a GW-BASIC statement.
- 16
- Statements, Functions, Commands, and Variables
- A GW-BASIC program line always begins with a line number and must contain at
- least one character, but no more than 255 characters. Line numbers indicate the
- order in which the program lines are stored in memory, and are also used as
- references when branching and editing. The program line ends when you press
- the RETURN key.
- Depending on the logic of your program, there may be more than one statement
- on a line. If so, each must be separated by a colon (:). Each of the lines in a
- program should be preceded by a line number. This number may be any whole
- integer from 0 to 65529. It is customary to use line numbers such as 10, 20,
- 30,
- and 40, in order to leave room for any additional lines that you may wish to
- include later. Since the computer will run the statements in numerical order,
- additional lines needn't appear in consecutive order on the screen: for
- example,
- if you entered line 35 after line 60, the computer would still run line 35
- after
- line 30 and before line 40. This technique may save your reentering an entire
- program in order to include one line that you have forgotten.
- The width of your screen is 80 characters. If your statement exceeds this
- width,
- the cursor will wrap to the next screen line automatically. Only when you press
- the RETURN key will the computer acknowledge the end of the line. Resist the
- temptation to press RETURN as you approach the edge of the screen (or beyond).
- The computer will automatically wrap the line for you. You can also press
- CTRL-RETURN, which causes the cursor to move to the beginning of the next
- screen line without actually entering the line. When you press RETURN, the
- entire logical line is passed to GW-BASIC for storage in the program.
- In GW-BASIC, any line of text that begins with a numeric character is
- considered
- a program line and is processed in one of three ways after the RETURN key is
- pressed:
- o A new line is added to the program. This occurs if the line number is
- legal (within the range of 0 through 65529), and if at least one alpha or
- special character follows the line number in the line.
- o An existing line is modified. This occurs if the line number matches the
- line number of an existing line in the program. The existing line is
- replaced with the text of the newly-entered line. This process is called
- editing.
- 17
- Getting Started with GW-BASIC
- Note
- Reuse of an existing line number causes all of the information con-
- tained in the original line to be lost. Be careful when entering
- numbers in the indirect mode. You may erase some program lines by
- accident.
- o An existing line is deleted. This occurs if the line number matches the
- line number of an existing line, and the entered line contains only a line
- number. If an attempt is made to delete a nonexistent line, an
- "Undefined line number" error message is displayed.
- 2.6 Returning to MS-DOS
- Before you return to MS-DOS, you must save the work you have entered under
- GW-BASIC, or the work will be lost.
- To return to MS-DOS, type the following after the Ok prompt, and press RETURN:
- system
- The system returns to MS-DOS, and the A> prompt appears on your screen.
- 18Chapter 3
- Reviewing and Practicing
- 3.1 Example for the Direct Mode 21
- 3.2 Examples for the Indirect Mode 22
- 3.3 Function Keys 24
- 3.4 Editing Lines 24
- 3.5 Saving Your Program File 25
- 19
- Example for the Direct Mode
- The practice sessions in this chapter will help you review what you have
- learned. If you have not done so, this is a good time to turn on your computer
- and load the GW-BASIC Interpreter.
- 3.1 Example for the Direct Mode
- You can use your computer in the direct mode to perform fundamental arith-
- metic operations. GW-BASIC recognizes the following symbols as arithmetic
- operators:
- Operation GW-BASIC Operator
- Addition +
- Subtraction -
- Multiplication *
- Division /
- To enter a problem, respond to the Ok prompt with a question mark (?), fol-
- lowed by the statement of the problem you want to solve, and press the RETURN
- key. In GW-BASIC, the question mark can be used interchangeably with the key-
- word PRINT. The answer is then displayed.
- Type the following and press the RETURN key:
- ?2+2
- GW-BASIC will display the answer on your screen:
- ?2+2
- 4
- Ok
- To practice other arithmetic operations, replace the + sign with the desired
- operator.
- The GW-BASIC language is not restricted to arithmetic functions. You can also
- enter complex algebraic and trigonometric functions. The formats for these
- functions are provided in Chapter 6, "Constants, Variables, Expressions and
- Operators."
- 21
- Reviewing and Practicing GW-BASIC
- 3.2 Examples for the Indirect Mode
- The GW-BASIC language can be used for functions other than simple algebraic
- calculations. You can create a program that performs a series of operations and
- then displays the answer. To begin programming, you create lines of
- instructions
- called statements. Remember that there can be more than one statement on a
- line, and that each line is preceded by a number.
- For example, to create the command PRINT 2+3 as a statement, type the fol-
- lowing:
- 10 print 2+3
- When you press the RETURN key, the cursor shifts to the next line, but nothing
- else happens. To make the computer perform the calculation, type the following
- and press the RETURN key:
- run
- Your screen should look like this:
- Ok
- 10 print 2+3
- run
- 5
- Ok
- You have just written a program in GW-BASIC.
- The computer reserves its calculation until specifically commanded to continue
- (with the RUN command). This allows you to enter more lines of instruction.
- When you type the RUN command, the computer does the addition and
- displays the answer.
- The following program has two lines of instructions. Type it in:
- 10 x=3
- 20 print 2+x
- Now use the RUN command to have the computer calculate the answer.
- 22
- Examples for the Indirect Mode
- Your screen should look like this:
- Ok
- 10 x=3
- 20 print 2+x
- run
- 5
- Ok
- The two features that distinguish a program from a calculation are
- 1. the numbered lines
- 2. the use of the RUN command
- These features let the computer know that all the statements have been typed
- and the computation can be carried out from beginning to end. It is the
- numbering of the lines that first signals the computer that this is a program,
- not a calculation, and that it must not do the actual computation until the
- RUN command is entered.
- In other words, calculations are done under the direct mode. Programs are writ-
- ten under the indirect mode.
- To display the entire program again, type the LIST command and press the
- RETURN key:
- list
- Your screen should look like this:
- Ok
- 10 x=3
- 20 print 2+x
- run
- Ok
- 5
- Ok
- list
- 10 X=3
- 20 PRINT 2+X
- Ok
- You'll notice a slight change in the program. The lowercase letters you entered
- have been converted into uppercase letters. The LIST command makes this
- change automatically.
- 23
- Reviewing and Practicing GW-BASIC
- 3.3 Function Keys
- Function keys are keys that have been assigned to frequently-used commands.
- The ten function keys are located on the left side of your keyboard. A guide to
- these keys and their assigned commands appears on the bottom of the GW-BASIC
- screen. To save time and keystrokes, you can press a function key instead of
- typing a command name.
- For example, to list your program again, you needn't type the LIST command;
- you can use the function key assign to it, instead:
- o Press the F1 key.
- o Press RETURN.
- Your program should appear on the screen.
- To run the program, simply press the F2 key, which is assigned to the RUN com-
- mand.
- As you learn more commands, you'll learn how to use keys F3 through F10.
- Chapter 4, "The GW-BASIC Screen Editor," contains more information about
- keys used in GW-BASIC.
- 3.4 Editing Lines
- There are two basic ways to change lines. You can
- o Delete and replace them
- o Alter them with the EDIT command
- To delete a line, simply type the line number and press the RETURN key. For
- example, if you type 12 and press the RETURN key, line number 12 is deleted
- from your program.
- To use the EDIT command, type the command EDIT, followed by the number of
- the line you want to change. For example, type the following, and press the
- RETURN key:
- edit 10
- 24
- Saving your Program File
- You can then use the following keys to perform editing:
- Key Function
- CURSOR UP Moves the cursor within the statement
- BACKSPACE Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
- DELETE (DEL) Deletes the current character
- INSERT (INS) Lets you insert characters to the left of the cursor.
- For example, to modify statement (line) 10 to read x=4, use the cursor-right
- control key to move the cursor under the 3, and then type a 4. The number 4
- replaces the number 3 in the statement.
- Now press the RETURN key, and then the F2 key.
- Your screen displays the following:
- Ok
- 10 X=4
- 6
- Ok
- 3.5 Saving Your Program File
- Creating a program is like creating a data file. The program is a file that
- con-
- tains specific instructions, or statements, for the computer. In order to use
- the program again, you must save it, just as you would a data file.
- To save a file in GW-BASIC, use the following procedure:
- 1. Press the F4 key.
- The command word SAVE" appears on your screen.
- 2. Type a name for the program, and press the RETURN key. The file is
- saved under the name you specified.
- 25
- Reviewing and Practicing GW-BASIC
- To recall a saved file, use the following procedure:
- 1. Press the F3 key.
- The command load LOAD" appears on your screen.
- 2. Type the name of the file.
- 3. Press RETURN.
- The file is loaded into memory, and ready for you to list, edit, or run.
- 26Chapter 4
- The GW-BASIC Screen Editor
- 4.1 Editing Lines in New Files 29
- 4.2 Editing Lines in Saved Files 29
- 4.2.1 Editing the Information in a Program Line 29
- 4.3 Special Keys 30
- 4.4 Function Keys 33
- 27
- Editing Lines in Saved Files
- You can edit GW-BASIC program lines as you enter them, or after they have been
- saved in a program file.
- 4.1 Editing Lines in New Files
- If an incorrect character is entered as a line is being typed, it can be
- deleted
- with the BACKSPACE or DEL keys, or with CTRL-H. After the character is deleted,
- you can continue to type on the line.
- The ESC key lets you delete a line from the screen that is in the process of
- being typed. In other words, if you have not pressed the RETURN key, and you
- wish to delete the current line of entry, press the ESC key.
- To delete the entire program currently residing in memory, enter the NEW com-
- mand. NEW is usually used to clear memory prior to entering a new program.
- 4.2 Editing Lines in Saved Files
- After you have entered your GW-BASIC program and saved it, you may discover
- that you need to make some changes. To make these modifications, use the
- LIST statement to display the program lines that are affected:
- 1. Reload the program.
- 2. Type the LIST command, or press the F1 key.
- 3. Type the line number, or range of numbers, to be edited.
- The lines will appear on your screen.
- 4.2.1 Editing the Information in a Program Line
- You can make changes to the information in a line by positioning the cursor
- where the change is to be made, and by doing one of the following:
- o Typing over the characters that are already there.
- 29
- The GW-BASIC Screen Editor
- o Deleting characters to the left of the cursor, using the BACKSPACE key.
- o Deleting characters at the cursor position using the DEL key on the
- number pad.
- o Inserting characters at the cursor position by pressing the INS key on
- the number pad. This moves the characters following the cursor to the
- right making room for the new information.
- o Adding to or truncating characters at the end of the program line.
- If you have changed more than one line, be sure to press RETURN on each
- modified line. The modified lines will be stored in the proper numerical
- sequence, even if the lines are not updated in numerical order.
- Note
- A program line will not actually have changes recorded within the GW-BASIC
- program until the RETURN key is pressed with the cursor positioned some-
- where on the edited line.
- You do not have to move the cursor to the end of the line before pressing the
- RETURN key. The GW-BASIC Interpreter remembers where each line ends, and
- transfers the whole line, even if RETURN is pressed while the cursor is located
- in the middle or at the beginning of the line.
- To truncate, or cut off, a line at the current cursor position, type CTRL-END
- or CTRL-E, followed by pressing the RETURN key.
- If you have originally saved your program to a program file, make sure that you
- save the edited version of your program. If you do not do this, your
- modifications will not be recorded.
- 4.3 Special Keys
- The GW-BASIC Interpreter recognizes nine of the numeric keys on the right side
- of your keyboard. It also recognizes the BACKSPACE key, ESC key, and the CTRL
- key. The following keys and key sequences have special functions in GW-BASIC:
- 30
- Special Keys
- Key Function
- BACKSPACE or CTRL-H Deletes the last character typed, or deletes the
- character to the left of the cursor. All characters to the right of the cursor
- are moved left one position. Subsequent characters and lines within the
- current logical line are moved up as with the DEL key.
- CTRL-BREAK or CTRL-C Returns to the direct mode, without saving
- changes made to the current line. It will also exit auto line-numbering mode.
- CTRL-CURSOR-LEFT or CTRL-B Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous
- word. The previous word is defined as the next character to the left of the
- cursor in the set A to Z or in the set 0 to 9.
- CTRL-CURSOR-RIGHT or CTRL-F Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next
- word. The next word is defined as the next character to the right of the
- cursor in the set A to Z or in the set 0 to 9. In other words, the cursor moves
- to the next number or letter after a blank or other special character.
- CURSOR-DOWN or CTRL-- Moves the cursor down one line on the screen.
- CURSOR-LEFT or CTRL-] Moves the cursor one position left. When the cur-
- sor is advanced beyond the left edge of the screen, it will wrap to the right
- side of the screen on the preceding line.
- CURSOR-RIGHT or CTRL-\ Moves the cursor one position right. When the
- cursor is advanced beyond the right edge of the screen, it will wrap to the
- left side of the screen on the following line.
- CURSOR-UP or CTRL-6 Moves the cursor up one line on the screen.
- CTRL-BACKSPACE or DEL Deletes the character positioned over the cursor.
- All characters to the right of the one deleted are then moved one position
- left to fill in where the deletion was made.
- If a logical line extends beyond one physical line,
- characters on subsequent lines are moved left one
- position to fill in the previous space, and the
- character in the first column of each subsequent
- line is moved up to the end of the preceding line.
- 31
- The GW-BASIC Screen Editor
- DEL (delete) is the opposite of INS (insert).
- Deleting text reduces logical line length.
- CTRL-END or CTRL-E Erases from the cursor position to the end of the
- logical line. All physical screen lines are erased until the terminating
- RETURN is found.
- CTRL-N or END Moves the cursor to the end of the logical line.
- Characters typed from this position are added to the line.
- CTRL-RETURN or CTRL-J Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next
- screen line. This lets you create logical program lines which are longer than
- the physical screen width. Logical lines may be up to 255 characters
- long. This function may also be used as a line feed.
- CTRL-M or RETURN Enters a line into the GW-BASIC program. It also
- moves the cursor to the next logical line.
- CTRL-[ or ESC Erases the entire logical line on which the cursor
- is located.
- CTRL-G Causes a beep to emit from your computer's speaker.
- CTRL-K or HOME Moves the cursor to the upper left corner of the
- screen. The screen contents are unchanged.
- CTRL-HOME or CTRL-L Clears the screen and positions the cursor in the
- upper left corner of the screen.
- CTRL-R or INS Turns the Insert Mode on and off.
- Insert Mode is indicated by the cursor blotting
- the lower half of the character position. In
- Graphics Mode, the normal cursor covers the
- whole character position. When Insert Mode is
- active, only the lower half of the character posi-
- tion is blanked by the cursor.
- When Insert Mode is off, characters typed replace
- existing characters on the line. The SPACEBAR
- erases the character at the current cursor posi-
- tion and moves the cursor one character to the
- right. The CURSOR-RIGHT key moves the cursor
- one character to the right, but does not delete
- the character.
- 32
- Function Keys
- When Insert Mode is off, pressing the TAB key
- moves the cursor over characters until the next
- tab stop is reached. Tab stops occur every eight
- character positions.
- When Insert Mode is on, characters following the
- cursor are moved to the right as typed charac-
- ters are inserted before them at the current cur-
- sor position. After each keystroke, the cursor
- moves one position to the right. Line wrapping is
- observed. That is, as characters move off the
- right side of the screen, they are inserted from
- the left on subsequent lines. Insertions increase
- logical line length.
- When Insert Mode is on, pressing the TAB key
- causes blanks to be inserted from current cursor
- position to the next tab stop. Line wrapping is
- observed as above.
- CTRL-NUM LOCK or CTRL-S Places the computer in a pause state. To resume
- operation, press any other key.
- CTRL-PRTSC Causes characters printed on the screen to echo
- to the lineprinter (lpt1:). In other words, you will
- be printing what you type on the screen. Pressing
- CTRL-PRTSC a second time turns off the echoing
- of characters to lpt1:.
- SHIFT + PRTSC Sends the current screen contents to the printer,
- effectively creating a snapshot of the screen.
- CTRL-I or TAB Moves the cursor to the next tab stop. Tab stops
- occur every eight columns.
- 4.4 Function Keys
- Certain keys or combinations of keys let you perform frequently-used commands
- or functions with a minimum number of keystrokes. These keys are called
- function keys.
- 33
- The GW-BASIC Screen Editor
- The special function keys that appear on the left side of your keyboard can be
- temporarily redefined to meet the programming requirements and specific func-
- tions that your program may require.
- Function keys allow rapid entry of as many as 15 characters into a program
- with one keystroke. These keys are located on the left side of your keyboard
- and are labelled F1 through F10. GW-BASIC has already assigned special
- functions
- to each of these keys. You will notice that after you load GW-BASIC, these spe-
- cial key functions appear on the bottom line of your screen. These key assign-
- ments have been selected for you as some of the most frequently used com-
- mands.
- Initially, the function keys are assigned the following special functions:
- Table 4.1
- GW-BASIC Function Key Assignments
- Key Function Key Function
- F1 LIST F6 ,"LPT1:"<-
- F2 RUN<- F7 TRON<-
- F5 CONT<- F10 SCREEN 0,0,0<-
- Note
- The <- following a function indicates that you needn't press the RETURN
- key after the function key. The selected command will be immediately exe-
- cuted.
- If you choose, you may change the assignments of these keys. Any one or all of
- the 10 function keys may be redefined. For more information, see the KEY and
- ON KEY statements in the GW-BASIC User's Reference.
- 34
- chapter 5
- Creating and Using Files
- 5.1 Program File Commands 37
- 5.2 Data Files 38
- 5.2.1 Creating a Sequential File 38
- 5.2.2 Accessing a Sequential File 40
- 5.2.3 Adding Data to a Sequential File 41
- 5.3 Random Access Files 41
- 5.3.1 Creating a Random Access File 42
- 5.3.2 Accessing a Random Access File 43
- 35
- Program File Commands
- There are two types of files in MS-DOS systems:
- o Program files, which contain the program or instructions for the computer
- o Data files, which contain information used or created by program files
- 5.1 Program File Commands
- The following are the commands and statements most frequently used with pro-
- gram files. The GW-BASIC User's Reference contains more information on each
- of them.
- SAVE filename[,a][,p]
- Writes to diskette the program currently residing in memory.
- LOAD filename[,r]
- Loads the program from a diskette into memory. LOAD deletes the current con-
- tents of memory and closes all files before loading the program.
- RUN filename[,r]
- Loads the program from a diskette into memory and runs it immediately. RUN
- deletes the current contents of memory and closes all files before loading the
- program.
- MERGE filename
- Loads the program from a diskette into memory, but does not delete the current
- program already in memory.
- KILL filename
- Deletes the file from a diskette. This command can also be used with data
- files.
- NAME old filename AS new filename
- Changes the name of a diskette file. Only the name of the file is changed. The
- file is not modified, and it remains in the same space and position on the
- disk.
- This command can also be used with data files.
- 37
- Creating and Using Files
- 5.2 Data Files
- GW-BASIC programs can work with two types of data files:
- o Sequential files
- o Random access files
- Sequential files are easier to create than random access files, but are limited
- in flexibility and speed when accessing data. Data written to a sequential file
- is a series of ASCII characters. Data is stored, one item after another
- (sequentially), in the order sent. Data is read back in the same way.
- Creating and accessing random access files requires more program steps than
- sequential files, but random files require less room on the disk, because
- GW-BASIC stores them in a compressed format in the form of a string.
- The following sections discuss how to create and use these two types of data
- files.
- 5.2.1 Creating a Sequential File
- The following statements and functions are used with sequential files:
- The following program steps are required to create a sequential file and access
- the data in the file:
- 1. Open the file in output (O) mode. The current program will use this file
- first for output:
- OPEN "O",#1,"filename"
- 2. Write data to the file using the PRINT# or WRITE# statement:
- PRINT#1,A$
- PRINT#1,B$
- PRINT#1,C$
- 38
- Data Files
- 3. To access the data in the file, you must close the file and reopen it in
- input (I) mode:
- CLOSE #1
- OPEN "I",#1,"filename"
- 4. Use the INPUT# or LINE INPUT# statement to read data from the
- sequential file into the program:
- INPUT#1,X$,Y$,Z$
- Example 1 is a short program that creates a sequential file, data, from
- informa-
- tion input at the terminal.
- Example 1
- 10 OPEN "O",#1,"DATA"
- 20 INPUT "NAME";N$
- 60 PRINT#1,N$;","D$",";H$
- 70 PRINT:GOTO 20
- DATE HIRED? 01/12/72
- DATE HIRED? 12/03/65
- DATE HIRED? 04/27/78
- DATE HIRED? 08/16/78
- OK
- 39
- Creating and Using Files
- 5.2.2 Accessing a Sequential File
- The program in Example 2 accesses the file data, created in the program in
- Example 1, and displays the name of everyone hired in 1978.
- Example 2
- 10 OPEN "I",#1,"DATA"
- 20 INPUT#1,N$,D$,H$
- 30 IF RIGHT$(H$,2)="78" THEN PRINT N$
- 40 GOTO 20
- 50 CLOSE #1
- Input past end in 20
- Ok
- The program in Example 2 reads, sequentially, every item in the file. When all
- the data has been read, line 20 causes an "Input past end" error. To avoid this
- error, insert line 15, which uses the EOF function to test for end of file:
- and change line 40 to GOTO 15.
- A program that creates a sequential file can also write formatted data to the
- diskette with the PRINT# USING statement. For example, the following state-
- ment could be used to write numeric data to diskette without explicit delim-
- iters:
- PRINT#1,USING"####.##,";A,B,C,D
- The comma at the end of the format string serves to separate the items in the
- disk file.
- The LOC function, when used with a sequential file, returns the number of 128-
- byte records that have been written to or read from the file since it was
- opened.
- 40
- Random Access Files
- 5.2.3 Adding Data to a Sequential File
- When a sequential file is opened in O mode, the current contents are destroyed.
- To add data to an existing file without destroying its contents, open the file
- in append (A) mode.
- The program in Example 3 can be used to create, or to add onto a file called
- names. This program illustrates the use of LINE INPUT. LINE INPUT will read
- in characters until it sees a carriage return indicator, or until it has read
- 255 characters. It does not stop at quotation marks or commas.
- Example 3
- 10 ON ERROR GOTO 2000
- 20 OPEN "A",#1,"NAMES"
- 120 INPUT "NAME";N$
- 160 PRINT#1,N$
- 170 PRINT#1,A$
- 180 PRINT#1,B$
- 190 PRINT:GOTO 120
- 200 CLOSE #1
- 2000 ON ERROR GOTO 0
- In lines 10 and 2000 the ON ERROR GOTO statement is being used. This
- statement enables error trapping and specifies the first line (2000) of the
- error handling subroutine. Line 10 enables the error handling routine. Line
- 2000 disables the error handling routine and is the point where GW-BASIC
- branches to print the error messages.
- 5.3 Random Access Files
- Information in random access files is stored and accessed in distinct, numbered
- units called records. Since the information is called by number, the data can
- be
- called from any disk location; the program needn't read the entire disk, as
- when
- seeking sequential files, to locate data. GW-BASIC supports large random files.
- The maximum logical record number is 2 32 -1.
- 41
- Creating and Using Files
- The following statements and functions are used with random files:
- 5.3.1 Creating a Random Access File
- The following program steps are required to create a random data file:
- 1. Open the file for random access (R) mode. The following example
- specifies a record length of 32 bytes. If the record length is omitted, the
- default is 128 bytes.
- OPEN "R",#1,"filename",32
- 2. Use the FIELD statement to allocate space in the random buffer for the
- variables that will be written to the random file:
- FIELD#1,20 AS N$,4 AS A$,8 AS P$
- In this example, the first 20 positions (bytes) in the random file buffer
- are allocated to the string variable N$. The next 4 positions are allo-
- cated to A$; the next 8 to P$.
- 3. Use LSET or RSET to move the data into the random buffer fields in
- left- or right-justified format (L=left SET;R=right SET). Numeric
- values must be made into strings when placed in the buffer. MKI$ con-
- verts an integer value into a string; MKS$ converts a single-precision
- value, and MKD$ converts a double-precision value.
- LSET N$=X$
- 4. Write the data from the buffer to the diskette using the PUT statement:
- PUT #1,CODE%
- The program in Example 4 takes information keyed as input at the terminal
- and writes it to a random access data file. Each time the PUT statement is exe-
- cuted, a record is written to the file. In the example, the 2-digit CODE% input
- in line 30 becomes the record number.
- 42
- Note
- Do not use a fielded string variable in an INPUT or LET statement. This
- causes the pointer for that variable to point into string space instead of
- the random file buffer.
- Example 4
- 10 OPEN "R",#1,"INFOFILE",32
- 20 FIELD#1,20 AS N$, 4 AS A$, 8 AS P$
- 40 INPUT "NAME";X$
- 70 LSET N$=X$
- 80 LSET A$=MKS$(AMT)
- 90 LSET P$=TEL$
- 100 PUT #1,CODE%
- 110 GOTO 30
- 5.3.2 Accessing a Random Access File
- The following program steps are required to access a random file:
- 1. Open the file in R mode:
- OPEN "R",#1,"filename",32
- 2. Use the FIELD statement to allocate space in the random buffer for the
- variables that will be read from the file:
- FIELD, #1, 20 AS N$, 4 AS A$, 8 AS P$
- In this example, the first 20 positions (bytes) in the random file buffer
- are allocated to the string variable N$. The next 4 positions are allo-
- cated to A$; the next 8 to P$.
- Note
- In a program that performs both INPUT and OUTPUT on the same
- random file, you can often use just one OPEN statement and one
- FIELD statement.
- 43
- Creating and Using Files
- 3. Use the GET statement to move the desired record into the random
- buffer.
- GET #1,CODE%
- The data in the buffer can now be accessed by the program.
- 4. Convert numeric values back to numbers using the convert functions:
- CVI for integers, CVS for single-precision values, and CVD for double-
- precision values.
- .
- .
- .
- The program in Example 5 accesses the random file, infofile, that was created
- in
- Example 4. By inputting the 3-digit code, the information associated with that
- code is read from the file and displayed.
- Example 5
- 10 OPEN "R",#1,"INFOFILE",32
- 20 FIELD #1, 20 AS N$, 4 AS A$, 8 AS P$
- 40 GET #1, CODE%
- 50 PRINT N$
- 60 PRINT USING "$$###.##";CVS(A$)
- 80 GOTO 30
- With random files, the LOC function returns the current record number. The
- current record number is the last record number used in a GET or PUT state-
- ment. For example, the following line ends program execution if the current
- record number in file#1 is higher than 99:
- Example 6 is an inventory program that illustrates random file access. In this
- program, the record number is used as the part number, and it is assumed that
- the inventory will contain no more than 100 different part numbers.
- Lines 900-960 initialize the data file by writing CHR$(255) as the first
- character of each record. This is used later (line 270 and line 500) to
- determine whether an entry already exists for that part number.
- 44
- Random Access Files
- Lines 130-220 display the different inventory functions that the program per-
- forms. When you type in the desired function number, line 230 branches to the
- appropriate subroutine.
- Example 6
- 120 OPEN"R",#1,"INVEN.DAT",39
- 125 FIELD#1,1 AS F$,30 AS D$, 2 AS Q$,2 AS R$,4 AS P$
- 230 ON FUNCTION GOSUB 900,250,390,480,560,680
- 240 GOTO 220
- 260 GOSUB 840
- 270 IF ASC(F$) < > 255 THEN INPUT"OVERWRITE";A$:
- 280 LSET F$=CHR$(0)
- 300 LSET D$=DESC$
- 320 LSET Q$=MKI$(Q%)
- 340 LSET R$=MKI$(R%)
- 360 LSET P$=MKS$(P)
- 370 PUT#1,PART%
- 380 RETURN
- 400 GOSUB 840
- 430 PRINT D$
- 460 PRINT USING "UNIT PRICE $$##.##";CVS(P$)
- 470 RETURN
- 490 GOSUB 840
- 45
- Creating and Using Files
- 520 Q%=CVI(Q$)+A%
- 530 LSET Q$=MKI$(Q%)
- 540 PUT#1,PART%
- 550 RETURN
- 570 GOSUB 840
- 590 PRINT D$
- 610 Q%=CVI(Q$)
- 620 IF (Q%-S%)<0 THEN PRINT "ONLY";Q%;" IN STOCK" :GOTO 600
- 630 Q%=Q%-S%
- 650 LSET Q$=MKI$(Q%)
- 660 PUT#1,PART%
- 670 RETURN
- 690 FOR I=1 TO 100
- 710 GET#1,I
- 730 NEXT I
- 740 RETURN
- 890 END
- 920 LSET F$=CHR$(255)
- 930 FOR I=1 TO 100
- 940 PUT#1,I
- 950 NEXT I
- 960 RETURN
- 46
- Chapter 6
- Constants, Variables,
- Expressions and Operators
- 6.1 Constants 49
- 6.1.1 Single- and Double-Precision Form
- for Numeric Constants 50
- 6.2 Variables 51
- 6.2.1 Variable Names and Declarations 51
- 6.2.2 Type Declaration Characters 51
- 6.2.3 Array Variables 52
- 6.2.4 Memory Space Requirements
- for Variable Storage 53
- 6.3 Type Conversion 54
- 6.4 Expressions and Operators 56
- 6.4.1 Arithmetic Operators 56
- Integer Division and Modulus Arithmetic 57
- Overflow and Division by Zero 58
- 6.4.2 Relational Operators 58
- 6.4.3 Logical Operators 59
- 6.4.4 Functional Operators 61
- 6.4.5 String Operators 61
- 47
- Constants
- After you have learned the fundamentals of programming in GW-BASIC, you will
- find that you will want to write more complex programs. The information in
- this chapter will help you learn more about the use of constants, variables,
- expressions, and operators in GW-BASIC, and how they can be used to develop
- more sophisticated programs.
- 6.1 Constants
- Constants are static values the GW-BASIC Interpreter uses during execution of
- your program. There are two types of constants: string and numeric.
- A string constant is a sequence of 0 to 255 alphanumeric characters enclosed in
- double quotation marks. The following are sample string constants:
- "$25,000.00"
- "Number of Employees"
- Numeric constants can be positive or negative. When entering a numeric con-
- stant in GW-BASIC, you should not type the commas. For instance, if the number
- 10,000 were to be entered as a constant, it would be typed as 10000. There are
- five types of numeric constants: integer, fixed-point, floating-point,
- hexadecimal, and octal.
- Constant Description
- Integer Whole numbers between -32768 and +32767. They do not contain decimal
- points.
- Fixed-Point Positive or negative real numbers that contain decimal points.
- Floating-Point Constants Positive or negative numbers represented in
- exponential form (similar to scientific notation). A floating-point constant
- consists of an optionally-signed integer or fixed-point number (the mantissa),
- followed by the letter E and an optionally-signed integer (the exponent).
- 49
- Constants, Variables, Expressions and Operators
- The allowable range for floating-point constants is 3.0X10 -39 to 1.7X10 38.
- For example:
- 235.988E-7=.0000235988
- 2359E6=2359000000
- Hexadecimal Hexadecimal numbers with prefix &H. For example:
- &H76
- &H32F
- Octal Octal numbers with the prefix &O or &. For example:
- &O347
- &1234
- 6.1.1 Single- and Double-Precision Form
- for Numeric Constants
- Numeric constants can be either integers, single-precision or double-precision
- numbers. Integer constants are stored as whole numbers only. Single-precision
- numeric constants are stored with 7 digits (although only 6 may be accurate).
- Double-precision numeric constants are stored with 17 digits of precision, and
- printed with as many as 16 digits.
- A single-precision constant is any numeric constant with either
- o Seven or fewer digits
- o Exponential form using E
- o A trailing exclamation point (!)
- A double-precision constant is any numeric constant with either
- o Eight or more digits
- o Exponential form using D
- o A trailing number sign (#)
- 50
- Variables
- The following are examples of single- and double-precision numeric constants:
- Single-Precision Constants Double-Precision Constants
- 46.8 345692811
- -1.09E-06 -1.09432D-06
- 3489.0 3490.0#
- 22.5! 7654321.1234
- 6.2 Variables
- Variables are the names that you have chosen to represent values used in a
- GW-BASIC program. The value of a variable may be assigned specifically, or may
- be the result of calculations in your program. If a variable is assigned no
- value, GW-BASIC assumes the variable's value to be zero.
- 6.2.1 Variable Names and Declarations
- GW-BASIC variable names may be any length; up to 40 characters are significant.
- The characters allowed in a variable name are letters, numbers, and the
- decimal point. The first character in the variable name must be a letter.
- Special type declaration characters are also allowed.
- Reserved words (all the words used as GW-BASIC commands, statements, functions,
- and operators) can't be used as variable names. However, if the reserved word
- is embedded within the variable name, it will be allowed.
- Variables may represent either numeric values or strings.
- 6.2.2 Type Declaration Characters
- Type declaration characters indicate what a variable represents. The following
- type declaration characters are recognized:
- 51
- Constants, Variables, Expressions and Operators
- Character Type of Variable
- $ String variable
- % Integer variable
- ! Single-precision variable
- # Double-precision variable
- The following are sample variable names for each type:
- Variable Type Sample Name
- String variable N$
- Integer variable LIMIT%
- Single-precision variable MINIMUM!
- Double-precision variable Pl#
- The default type for a numeric variable name is single-precision. Double-
- precision, while very accurate, uses more memory space and more calculation
- time. Single-precision is sufficiently accurate for most applications. However,
- the seventh significant digit (if printed) will not always be accurate. You
- should be very careful when making conversions between integer,
- single-precision, and double-precision variables.
- The following variable is a single-precision value by default:
- Variables beginning with FN are assumed to be calls to a user-defined function.
- The GW-BASIC statements DEFINT, DEFSTR, DEFSNG, and DEFDBL may be included in a
- program to declare the types of values for certain variable names.
- 6.2.3 Array Variables
- An array is a group or table of values referenced by the same variable name.
- Each element in an array is referenced by an array variable that is a
- subscripted integer or an integer expression. The subscript is enclosed within
- parentheses. An array variable name has as many subscripts as there are
- dimensions in the array.
- 52
- Variables
- For example,
- V(10)
- references a value in a one-dimensional array, while
- T(1,4)
- references a value in a two-dimensional array.
- The maximum number of dimensions for an array in GW-BASIC is 255. The max-
- imum number of elements per dimension is 32767.
- Note
- If you are using an array with a subscript value greater than 10, you should
- use the DIM statement. Refer to the GW-BASIC User's Reference for more
- information. If a subscript greater than the maximum specified is used, you
- will receive the error message "Subscript out of range."
- Multidimensional arrays (more than one subscript separated by commas) are
- useful for storing tabular data. For example, A(1,4) could be used to represent
- a two-row, five-column array such as the following:
- Column 0 1 2 3 4
- Row 0 10 20 30 40 50
- Row 1 60 70 80 90 100
- In this example, element A(1,2)=80 and A(0,3)=40.
- Rows and columns begin with 0, not 1, unless otherwise declared. For more
- information, see the OPTION BASE statement in the GW-BASIC User's Refer-
- ence.
- 6.2.4 Memory Space Requirements
- for Variable Storage
- The different types of variables require different amounts of storage.
- Depending
- on the storage and memory capacity of your computer and the size of the pro-
- gram that you are developing, these can be important considerations.
- 53
- Constants, Variables, Expressions and Operators
- Variable Required Bytes of Storage
- Integer 2
- Single-precision 4
- Double-precision 8
- Arrays Required Bytes of Storage
- Integer 2 per element
- Single-precision 4 per element
- Double-precision 8 per element
- Strings:
- Three bytes overhead, plus the present contents of the string as one byte for
- each character in the string. Quotation marks marking the beginning and end
- of each string are not counted.
- 6.3 Type Conversion
- When necessary, GW-BASIC converts a numeric constant from one type of vari-
- able to another, according to the following rules:
- o If a numeric constant of one type is set equal to a numeric variable of a
- different type, the number is stored as the type declared in the variable
- name. For example:
- 10 A% = 23.42
- 20 PRINT A%
- 23
- If a string variable is set equal to a numeric value or vice versa, a
- "Type Mismatch" error occurs.
- o During an expression evaluation, all of the operands in an arithmetic or
- relational operation are converted to the same degree of precision; that
- is, that of the most precise operand. Also, the result of an arithmetic
- operation is returned to this degree of precision. For example:
- 54
- Variables
- 10 D# = 6#/7
- 20 PRINT D#
- .8571428571428571
- The arithmetic is performed in double-precision, and the result is
- returned in D# as a double-precision value.
- 10 D = 6#/7
- 20 PRINT D
- The arithmetic is performed in double-precision, and the result is
- returned to D (single-precision variable) rounded and printed as a
- single-precision value.
- o Logical operators convert their operands to integers and return an
- integer result. Operands must be within the range of -32768 to 32767
- or an "Overflow" error occurs.
- o When a floating-point value is converted to an integer, the fractional
- portion is rounded.
- For example:
- 10 C% = 55.88
- 20 PRINT C%
- 56
- o If a double-precision variable is assigned a single-precision value, only
- the first seven digits (rounded), of the converted number are valid. This
- is because only seven digits of accuracy were supplied with the single-
- precision value. The absolute value of the difference between the printed
- double-precision number, and the original single-precision value, is less
- than 6.3E-8 times the original single-precision value.
- For example:
- 10 A = 2.04
- 20 B# = A
- 30 PRINT A;B#
- 2.04 2.039999961853027
- 55
- Constants, Variables, Expressions and Operators
- 6.4 Expressions and Operators
- An expression may be simply a string or numeric constant, a variable, or it may
- combine constants and variables with operators to produce a single value.
- Operators perform mathematical or logical operations on values. The operators
- provided by GW-BASIC are divided into four categories:
- o Arithmetic
- o Relational
- o Logical
- o Functional
- 6.4.1 Arithmetic Operators
- The following are the arithmetic operators recognized by GW-BASIC. They
- appear in order of precedence.
- Operator Operation
- ^ Exponentiation
- - Negation
- * Multiplication
- / Floating-point Division
- + Addition
- - Subtraction
- Operations within parentheses are performed first. Inside the parentheses, the
- usual order of precedence is maintained.
- The following are sample algebraic expressions and their GW-BASIC counterparts:
- 56
- Expressions and Operators
- Algebraic BASIC
- Expression Expression
- X-Z/Y (X-Y)/Z
- XY/Z X*Y/Z
- X+Y/Z (X+Y)/Z
- (X 2) Y (X^2)^Y
- X Y Z X^(Y^Z)
- X(-Y) X*(-Y)
- Two consecutive operators must be separated by parentheses.
- Integer Division and Modulus Arithmetic
- Two additional arithmetic operators are available: integer division and modulus
- arithmetic.
- Integer division is denoted by the backslash (\). The operands are rounded to
- integers (must be within the range of -32768 to 32767) before the division is
- performed, and the quotient is truncated to an integer.
- The following are examples of integer division:
- 10\4 = 2
- 25.68\6.99 = 3
- In the order of occurrence within GW-BASIC, the integer division will be per-
- formed just after floating-point division.
- Modulus arithmetic is denoted by the operator MOD. It gives the integer value
- that is the remainder of an integer division.
- The following are examples of modulus arithmetic:
- 10.4 MOD 4 = 2
- (10/4=2 with a remainder 2)
- 25.68 MOD 6.99 = 5
- (26/7=3 with a remainder 5)
- 57
- Constants, Variables, Expressions and Operators
- In the order of occurrence within GW-BASIC, modulus arithmetic follows integer
- division. The INT and FIX functions, described in the GW-BASIC User's Refer-
- ence, are also useful in modulus arithmetic.
- Overflow and Division by Zero
- If, during the evaluation of an expression, a division by zero is encountered,
- the "Division by zero" error message appears, machine infinity with the sign of
- the numerator is supplied as the result of the division, and execution
- continues.
- If the evaluation of an exponentiation results in zero being raised to a
- negative power, the "Division by Zero" error message appears, positive machine
- infinity is supplied as the result of the exponentiation, and execution
- continues.
- If overflow occurs, the "Overflow" error message appears, machine infinity with
- the algebraically correct sign is supplied as the result, and execution
- continues. The errors that occur in overflow and division by zero will not be
- trapped by the error trapping function.
- 6.4.2 Relational Operators
- Relational operators let you compare two values. The result of the comparison
- is either true (-1) or false (0). This result can then be used to make a
- decision regarding program flow.
- Table 6-1 displays the relational operators.
- Table 6.1
- Relational Operators
- Operator Relation Tested Expression
- = Equality X=Y
- <> Inequality X<>Y
- < Less than X<Y
- > Greater than X>Y
- <= Less than or equal to X<=Y
- >= Greater than or equal to X>=Y
- 58
- Expressions and Operators
- The equal sign is also used to assign a value to a variable. See the LET state-
- ment in the GW-BASIC User's Reference.
- When arithmetic and relational operators are combined in one expression, the
- arithmetic is always performed first:
- X+Y < (T-1)/Z
- This expression is true if the value of X plus Y is less than the value of T-1
- divided by Z.
- 6.4.3 Logical Operators
- Logical operators perform tests on multiple relations, bit manipulation, or
- boolean operations. The logical operator returns a bit-wise result which is
- either true (not zero) or false (zero). In an expression, logical operations
- are performed after arithmetic and relational operations. The outcome of a
- logical operation is determined as shown in the following table. The operators
- are listed in order of precedence.
- Table 6.2
- Results Returned by Logical Operations
- Operation Value Value Result
- ____________________
- T F
- F T
- ____________________
- T T T
- T F F
- F T F
- F F F
- _________________________________________
- 59
- Constants, Variables, Expressions and Operators
- Table 6.2(continued)
- Operation Value Value Result
- ____________________
- T T T
- T F T
- F T T
- F F F
- ____________________
- T T F
- T F T
- F T T
- F F F
- ____________________
- T T T
- T F F
- F T F
- F F T
- ____________________
- T T T
- T F F
- F T T
- F F T
- Just as the relational operators can be used to make decisions regarding pro-
- gram flow, logical operators can connect two or more relations and return a
- true or false value to be used in a decision. For example:
- IF D<200 AND F<4 THEN 80
- IF I>10 OR K<0 THEN 50
- Logical operators convert their operands to 16-bit, signed, two's complement
- integers within the range of -32768 to +32767 (if the operands are not
- within this range, an error results). If both operands are supplied as 0 or
- 60
- Expressions and Operators
- -1, logical operators return 0 or -1. The given operation is performed on these
- integers in bits; that is, each bit of the result is determined by the
- corresponding bits in the two operands.
- Thus, it is possible to use logical operators to test bytes for a particular
- bit pattern. For instance, the AND operator may be used to mask all but one of
- the
- bits of a status byte at a machine I/O port. The OR operator may be used to
- merge two bytes to create a particular binary value. The following examples
- demonstrate how the logical operators work:
- Example Explanation
- 63 AND 16=16 63 = binary 111111 and 16 = binary 10000, so 63
- AND 16 = 16
- 15 AND 14=14 15 = binary 1111 and 14 = binary 1110, so 15 AND
- 14 = 14 (binary 1110)
- -1 AND 8=8 -1 = binary 1111111111111111 and 8 = binary 1000,
- so -1 AND 8 = 8
- 4 OR 2=6 4 = binary 100 and 2 = binary 10, so 4 OR 2 = 6
- (binary 110)
- 10 OR 10=10 10 = binary 1010, so 1010 OR 1010 =1010 (10)
- -1 OR -2=-1 -1 = binary 1111111111111111 and -2 = binary
- 1111111111111110,so -1 OR -2 = -1. The bit comple-
- ment of 16 zeros is 16 ones, which is the two's com-
- plement representation of -1.
- NOT X=-(X+1) The two's complement of any integer is the bit com-
- plement plus one.
- 6.4.4 Functional Operators
- A function is used in an expression to call a predetermined operation that is
- to
- be performed on an operand. GW-BASIC has intrinsic functions that reside in the
- system, such as SQR (square root) or SIN (sine).
- GW-BASIC also allows user-defined functions written by the programmer. See the
- DEF FN statement in the GW-BASIC User's Reference.
- 61
- Constants, Variables, Expressions and Operators
- 6.4.5 String Operators
- To compare strings, use the same relational operators used with numbers:
- Operator Meaning
- = Equal to
- <> Unequal
- < Less than
- > Greater than
- <= Less than or equal to
- >= Greater than or equal to
- The GW-BASIC Interpreter compares strings by taking one character at a time
- from each string and comparing their ASCII codes. If the ASCII codes in each
- string are the same, the strings are equal. If the ASCII codes differ, the
- lower
- code number will precede the higher code. If the interpreter reaches the end of
- one string during string comparison, the shorter string is said to be smaller,
- providing that both strings are the same up to that point. Leading and trailing
- blanks are significant.
- For example:
- "AA" < "AB"
- "X&" > "X#"
- "CL " > "CL"
- "kg" > "KG"
- B$ < "9/12/78" where B$ = "8/12/78"
- String comparisons can also be used to test string values or to alphabetize
- strings. All string constants used in comparison expressions must be enclosed
- in
- quotation marks.
- Strings can be concatenated by using the plus (+) sign. For example:
- 10 A$="FILE":B$="NAME"
- 20 PRINT A$+B$
- 30 PRINT "NEW " + A$+B$
- Appendix A
- Error Codes and Messages
- Code: Message:
- 1 NEXT without FOR
- NEXT statement does not have a corresponding FOR state-
- ment. Check variable at FOR statement for a match with the
- NEXT statement variable.
- 2 Syntax error
- A line is encountered that contains an incorrect sequence of
- characters (such as unmatched parentheses, a misspelled com-
- mand or statement, incorrect punctuation). This error causes
- GW-BASIC to display the incorrect line in edit mode.
- 3 RETURN without GOSUB
- A RETURN statement is encountered for which there is no pre-
- vious GOSUB statement.
- 4 Out of DATA
- A READ statement is executed when there are no DATA state-
- ments with unread data remaining in the program.
- 5 Illegal function call
- An out-of-range parameter is passed to a math or string func-
- tion. An illegal function call error may also occur as the result
- of
- o a negative or unreasonably large subscript
- o a negative or zero argument with LOG
- o a negative argument to SQR
- o a negative mantissa with a noninteger power
- 63
- Appendix A
- o a call to a USR function for which the starting address
- has not yet been given
- o an improper argument to MID$, LEFT$, RIGHT$, INP,
- 6 Overflow
- The result of a calculation is too large to be represented in
- GW-BASIC's number format. If underflow occurs, the result is
- zero, and execution continues without an error.
- 7 Out of memory
- A program is too large, has too many FOR loops, GOSUBs,
- variables, or expressions that are too complicated. Use the
- CLEAR statement to set aside more stack space or memory
- area.
- 8 Undefined line number
- A line reference in a GOTO, GOSUB, IF-THEN...ELSE, or
- DELETE is a nonexistent line.
- 9 Subscript out of range
- An array element is referenced either with a subscript that is
- outside the dimensions of the array, or with the wrong number
- of subscripts.
- 10 Duplicate Definition
- Two DIM statements are given for the same array, or a DIM
- statement is given for an array after the default dimension of
- 10 has been established for that array.
- 11 Division by zero
- A division by zero is encountered in an expression, or the opera-
- tion of involution results in zero being raised to a negative
- power. Machine infinity with the sign of the numerator is sup-
- plied as the result of the division, or positive machine infinity is
- supplied as the result of the involution, and execution continues.
- 64
- Error Codes and Messages
- 12 Illegal direct
- A statement that is illegal in direct mode is entered as a direct
- mode command.
- 13 Type mismatch
- A string variable name is assigned a numeric value or vice
- versa; a function that expects a numeric argument is given a
- string argument or vice versa.
- 14 Out of string space
- String variables have caused GW-BASIC to exceed the amount of
- free memory remaining. GW-BASIC allocates string space dynami-
- cally until it runs out of memory.
- 15 String too long
- An attempt is made to create a string more than 255 characters
- long.
- 16 String formula too complex
- A string expression is too long or too complex. Break the expres-
- sion into smaller expressions.
- 17 Can't continue
- An attempt is made to continue a program that
- o has halted because of an error
- o has been modified during a break in execution
- o does not exist
- 18 Undefined user function
- A USR function is called before the function definition (DEF
- statement) is given.
- 19 No RESUME
- An error-trapping routine is entered but contains no RESUME
- statement.
- 65
- Appendix A
- 20 RESUME without error
- A RESUME statement is encountered before an error-trapping
- routine is entered.
- 21 Unprintable error
- No error message is available for the existing error condition.
- This is usually caused by an error with an undefined error code.
- 22 Missing operand
- An expression contains an operator with no operand following
- it.
- 23 Line buffer overflow
- An attempt is made to input a line that has too many charac-
- ters.
- 24 Device Timeout
- GW-BASIC did not receive information from an I/O device within
- a predetermined amount of time.
- 25 Device Fault
- Indicates a hardware error in the printer or interface card.
- 26 FOR Without NEXT
- A FOR was encountered without a matching NEXT.
- 27 Out of Paper
- The printer is out of paper; or, a printer fault.
- 28 Unprintable error
- No error message is available for the existing error condition.
- This is usually caused by an error with an undefined error code.
- 29 WHILE without WEND
- A WHILE statement does not have a matching WEND.
- 66
- Error Codes and Messages
- 30 WEND without WHILE
- A WEND was encountered without a matching WHILE.
- 31-49 Unprintable error
- No error message is available for the existing error condition.
- This is usually caused by an error with an undefined error code.
- 50 FIELD overflow
- A FIELD statement is attempting to allocate more bytes than
- were specified for the record length of a random file.
- 51 Internal error
- An internal malfunction has occurred in GW-BASIC. Report to
- your dealer the conditions under which the message appeared.
- 52 Bad file number
- A statement or command references a file with a file number
- that is not open or is out of range of file numbers specified at
- initialization.
- 53 File not found
- A LOAD, KILL, NAME, FILES, or OPEN statement references
- a file that does not exist on the current diskette.
- 54 Bad file mode
- An attempt is made to use PUT, GET, or LOF with a sequen-
- tial file, to LOAD a random file, or to execute an OPEN with a
- file mode other than I, O, A, or R.
- 55 File already open
- A sequential output mode OPEN is issued for a file that is
- already open, or a KILL is given for a file that is open.
- 56 Unprintable error
- An error message is not available for the error condition which
- exists. This is usually caused by an error with an undefined
- error code.
- 67
- Appendix A
- 57 Device I/O Error
- Usually a disk I/O error, but generalized to include all I/O dev-
- ices. It is a fatal error; that is, the operating system cannot
- recover from the error.
- 58 File already exists
- The filename specified in a NAME statement is identical to a
- filename already in use on the diskette.
- 59-60 Unprintable error
- No error message is available for the existing error condition.
- This is usually caused by an error with an undefined error code.
- 61 Disk full
- All disk storage space is in use.
- 62 Input past end
- An INPUT statement is executed after all the data in the file
- has been input, or for a null (empty) file. To avoid this error,
- use the EOF function to detect the end of file.
- 63 Bad record number
- In a PUT or GET statement, the record number is either
- greater than the maximum allowed (16,777,215) or equal to
- zero.
- 64 Bad filename
- An illegal form is used for the filename with LOAD, SAVE,
- KILL, or OPEN; for example, a filename with too many charac-
- ters.
- 65 Unprintable error
- No error message is available for the existing error condition.
- This is usually caused by an error with an undefined error code.
- 66 Direct statement in file
- A direct statement is encountered while loading a ASCII-format
- file. The LOAD is terminated.
- 68
- Error Codes and Messages
- 67 Too many files
- An attempt is made to create a new file (using SAVE or OPEN)
- when all directory entries are full or the file specifications are
- invalid.
- 68 Device Unavailable
- An attempt is made to open a file to a nonexistent device. It
- may be that hardware does not exist to support the device, such
- as lpt2: or lpt3:, or is disabled by the user. This occurs if an
- OPEN "COM1: statement is executed but the user disables RS-
- 232 support with the /c: switch directive on the command line.
- 69 Communication buffer overflow
- Occurs when a communications input statement is executed, but
- the input queue is already full. Use an ON ERROR GOTO
- statement to retry the input when this condition occurs. Subse-
- quent inputs attempt to clear this fault unless characters con-
- tinue to be received faster than the program can process them.
- In this case several options are available:
- o Increase the size of the COM receive buffer with the /c:
- switch.
- o Implement a hand-shaking protocol with the
- host/satellite (such as: XON/XOFF, as demonstrated
- in the TTY programming example) to turn transmit off
- long enough to catch up.
- o Use a lower baud rate for transmit and receive.
- 70 Permission Denied
- This is one of three hard disk errors returned from the diskette
- controller.
- o An attempt has been made to write onto a diskette
- that is write protected.
- o Another process has attempted to access a file already
- in use.
- o The UNLOCK range specified does not match the
- preceding LOCK statement.
- 69
- Appendix A
- 71 Disk not Ready
- Occurs when the diskette drive door is open or a diskette is not
- in the drive. Use an ON ERROR GOTO statement to recover.
- 72 Disk media error
- Occurs when the diskette controller detects a hardware or
- media fault. This usually indicates damaged media. Copy any
- existing files to a new diskette, and reformat the damaged
- diskette. FORMAT maps the bad tracks in the file allocation
- table. The remainder of the diskette is now usable.
- 73 Advanced Feature
- An attempt was made to use a reserved word that is not avail-
- able in this version of GW-BASIC.
- 74 Rename across disks
- Occurs when an attempt is made to rename a file to a new
- name declared to be on a disk other than the disk specified for
- the old name. The naming operation is not performed.
- 75 Path/File Access Error
- During an OPEN, MKDIR, CHDIR, or RMDIR operation,
- MS-DOS is unable to make a correct path-to-filename connection.
- The operation is not completed.
- 76 Path not found
- During an OPEN, MKDIR, CHDIR, or RMDIR operation,
- MS-DOS is unable to find the path specified. The operation is not
- completed.
- Appendix B
- Mathematical Functions
- Mathematical functions not intrinsic to GW-BASIC can be calculated as follows:
- Function GW-BASIC Equivalent
- Secant SEC(X)=1/COS(X)
- Cosecant CSC(X)=1/SIN(X)
- Cotangent COT(X)=1/TAN(X)
- Inverse Sine ARCSIN(X)=ATN(X/SQR(-X*X+1))
- Inverse ARCCOS(X)=ATN (X/SQR(-X*X+1))+ pi/2
- Cosine
- Inverse ARCSEC(X)=ATN(X/SQR(X*X-1))+SGN(SGN(X)-1)* pi/2
- Secant
- Inverse ARCCSC(X)=ATN(X/SQR(X*X-1))+SGN(X)-1)* pi/2
- Cosecant
- Inverse ARCCOT(X)=ATN(X)+ pi/2
- Cotangent
- Hyperbolic SINH(X)=(EXP(X)-EXP(-X))/2
- Sine
- Hyperbolic COSH(X)=(EXP(X)+EXP(-X))/2
- Cosine
- Hyperbolic TANH(X)=EXP(X)-EXP(-X))/+(EXP(X)+EXP(-X))
- Tangent
- Hyperbolic SECH(X)=2/(EXP(X)+EXP(-X))
- Secant
- Hyperbolic CSCH(X)=2/(EXP(X)-EXP(-X))
- Cosecant
- Hyperbolic COTH(X)=EXP(-X)/(EXP(X)-EXP(-X))*2+1
- Cotangent
- 71
- Appendix B
- Inverse ARCSINH(X)=LOG(X/SQR(X*X+1))
- Hyperbolic
- Sine
- Inverse ARCCOSH(X)=LOG(X+SQR(X*X-1))
- Hyperbolic
- Cosine
- Inverse ARCTANH(X)=LOG((1+X)/(1-X))/2
- Hyperbolic
- Tangent
- Inverse ARCCSCH(X)=LOG(SGN(X)*SQR(X*X+1)+1)/X
- Hyperbolic
- Cosecant
- Inverse ARCSECH(X)=LOG(SQR(-X*X+1)+1)/X
- Hyperbolic
- Secant
- Inverse ARCCOTH(X)=LOG((X+1)/(X-1))/2
- Hyperbolic
- Cotangent
- 72
- Appendix C
- ASCII Character Codes
- Dec Oct Hex Chr Dec Oct Hex Chr
- 000 000 00H NUL 032 040 20H SP
- 001 001 01H SOH 033 041 21H !
- 002 002 02H STX 034 042 22H "
- 003 003 03H ETX 035 043 23H #
- 004 004 04H EOT 036 044 24H $
- 005 005 05H ENQ 037 045 25H %
- 006 006 06H ACK 038 046 26H &
- 007 007 07H BEL 039 047 27H '
- 008 010 08H BS 040 050 28H (
- 009 011 09H HT 041 051 29H )
- 010 012 0AH LF 042 052 2AH *
- 011 013 0BH VT 043 053 2BH +
- 012 014 0CH FF 044 054 2CH ,
- 013 015 0DH CR 045 055 2DH -
- 014 016 0EH SO 046 056 2EH .
- 015 017 0FH SI 047 057 2FH /
- 016 020 10H DLE 048 060 30H 0
- 017 021 11H DC1 049 061 31H 1
- 018 022 12H DC2 050 062 32H 2
- 019 023 13H DC3 051 063 33H 3
- 020 024 14H DC4 052 064 34H 4
- 021 025 15H NAK 053 065 35H 5
- 022 026 16H SYN 054 066 36H 6
- 023 027 17H ETB 055 067 37H 7
- 024 030 18H CAN 056 070 38H 8
- 025 031 19H EM 057 071 39H 9
- 026 032 1AH SUB 058 072 3AH :
- 027 033 1BH ESC 059 073 3BH ;
- 028 034 1CH FS 060 074 3CH <
- 029 035 1DH GS 061 075 3DH =
- 030 036 1EH RS 062 076 3EH >
- 031 037 1FH US 063 077 3FH ?
- Dec=Decimal, Oct=Octal, Hex=Hexadecimal(H), Chr=Character, LF=Line feed
- FF=Form feed, CR=Carriage return, DEL=Rubout
- 73
- Appendix C
- Appendix C (continued)
- Dec Oct Hex Chr Dec Oct Hex Chr
- 064 100 40H @ 096 140 60H `
- 065 101 41H A 097 141 61H a
- 066 102 42H B 098 142 62H b
- 067 103 43H C 099 143 63H c
- 068 104 44H D 100 144 64H d
- 069 105 45H E 101 145 65H e
- 070 106 46H F 102 146 66H f
- 071 107 47H G 103 147 67H g
- 072 110 48H H 104 150 68H h
- 073 111 49H I 105 151 69H i
- 074 112 4AH J 106 152 6AH j
- 075 113 4BH K 107 153 6BH k
- 076 114 4CH L 108 154 6CH l
- 077 115 4DH M 109 155 6DH m
- 078 116 4EH N 110 156 6EH n
- 079 117 4FH O 111 157 6FH o
- 080 120 50H P 112 160 70H p
- 081 121 51H Q 113 161 71H q
- 082 122 52H R 114 162 72H r
- 083 123 53H S 115 163 73H s
- 084 124 54H T 116 164 74H t
- 085 125 55H U 117 165 75H u
- 086 126 56H V 118 166 76H v
- 087 127 57H W 119 167 77H w
- 088 130 58H X 120 170 78H x
- 089 131 59H Y 121 171 79H y
- 090 132 5AH Z 122 172 7AH z
- 091 133 5BH [ 123 173 7BH {
- 092 134 5CH \ 124 174 7CH |
- 093 135 5DH ] 125 175 7DH }
- 094 136 5EH ^ 126 176 7EH ~
- 095 137 5FH - 127 177 7FH DEL
- Dec=Decimal, Oct=Octal, Hex=Hexadecimal(H), Chr=Character, LF=Line feed
- FF=Form feed, CR=Carriage return, DEL=Rubout
- 74
- Appendix D
- Assembly Language
- (Machine Code) Subroutines
- This appendix is written primarily for users experienced in assembly language
- programming.
- GW-BASIC lets you interface with assembly language subroutines by using the
- USR function and the CALL statement.
- The USR function allows assembly language subroutines to be called in the
- same way GW-BASIC intrinsic functions are called. However, the CALL statement
- is recommended for interfacing machine language programs with GW-BASIC. The
- CALL statement is compatible with more languages than the USR function call,
- produces more readable source code, and can pass multiple arguments.
- D.1 Memory Allocation
- Memory space must be set aside for an assembly language (or machine code)
- subroutine before it can be loaded. There are three recommended ways to set
- aside space for assembly language routines:
- o Specify an array and use VARPTR to locate the start of the array
- before every access.
- o Use the /m switch in the command line. Get GW-BASIC's Data segment
- (DS), and add the size of DS to reference the reserved space above the
- data segment.
- o Execute a .COM file that stays resident, and store a pointer to it in an
- unused interrupt vector location.
- There are three recommended ways to load assembly language routines:
- 75
- Appendix D
- o BLOAD the file. Use DEBUG to load in an .EXE file that is in high
- memory, run GW-BASIC, and BSAVE the .EXE file.
- o Execute a .COM file that contains the routines. Save the pointer to
- these routines in unused interrupt-vector locations, so that your appli-
- cation in GW-BASIC can get the pointer and use the routine(s).
- o Place the routine into the specified area.
- If, when an assembly language subroutine is called, more stack space is needed,
- GW-BASIC stack space can be saved, and a new stack set up for use by the
- assembly language subroutine. The GW-BASIC stack space must be restored, how-
- ever, before returning from the subroutine.
- D.2 CALL Statement
- CALL variablename[(arguments)]
- variablename contains the offset in the current segment of the subroutine being
- called.
- arguments are the variables or constants, separated by commas, that are to be
- passed to the routine.
- For each parameter in arguments, the 2-byte offset of the parameter's location
- within the data segment (DS) is pushed onto the stack.
- The GW-BASIC return address code segment (CS), and offset (IP) are pushed onto
- the stack.
- A long call to the segment address given in the last DEF SEG statement and
- the offset given in variablename transfers control to the user's routine.
- The stack segment (SS), data segment (DS), extra segment (ES), and the stack
- pointer (SP) must be preserved.
- 76
- Assembly Language (Machine Code) Subroutines
- Figure D.1 shows the state of the stack at the time of the CALL statement:
- Figure 1
- Figure D.1 Stack Layout When the CALL Statement is Activated
- not shown
- The user's routine now has control. Parameters may be referenced by moving
- the stack pointer (SP) to the base pointer (BP) and adding a positive offset to
- BP.
- Upon entry, the segment registers DS, ES, and SS all point to the address of
- the
- segment that contains the GW-BASIC interpreter code. The code segment register
- CS contains the latest value supplied by DEF SEG. If no DEF SEG has been
- specified, it then points to the same address as DS, ES, and SS (the default
- SEG).
- 77
- Appendix D
- Figure D.2 shows the condition of the stack during execution of the called sub-
- routine:
- Figure 2
- Figure D.2 Stack Layout During Execution of a CALL Statement
- not shown
- The following seven rules must be observed when coding a subroutine:
- 1. The called routine may destroy the contents of the AX, BX, CX, DX, SI,
- DI, and BP registers. They do not require restoration upon return to
- GW-BASIC. However, all segment registers and the stack pointer must be
- restored. Good programming practice dictates that interrupts enabled
- or disabled be restored to the state observed upon entry.
- 78
- Assembly Language (Machine Code) Subroutines
- 2. The called program must know the number and length of the parame-
- ters passed. References to parameters are positive offsets added to BP,
- assuming the called routine moved the current stack pointer into BP;
- that is, MOV BP,SP. When 3 parameters are passed, the location of PO
- is at BP+10, P1 is at BP+8, and P2 is at BP+6.
- 3. The called routine must do a RETURN n (n is two times the number of
- parameters in the argument list) to adjust the stack to the start of the
- calling sequence. Also, programs must be defined by a PROC FAR
- statement.
- 4. Values are returned to GW-BASIC by including in the argument list the
- variable name that receives the result.
- 5. If the argument is a string, the parameter offset points to three bytes
- called the string descriptor. Byte 0 of the string descriptor contains the
- length of the string (0 to 255). Bytes 1 and 2, respectively, are the lower
- and upper eight bits of the string starting address in string space.
- Note
- The called routine must not change the contents of any of the three
- bytes of the string descriptor.
- 6. Strings may be altered by user routines, but their length must not be
- changed. GW-BASIC cannot correctly manipulate strings if their lengths
- are modified by external routines.
- 7. If the argument is a string literal in the program, the string descriptor
- points to program text. Be careful not to alter or destroy your program
- this way. To avoid unpredictable results, add +"" to the string literal in
- the program. For example, the following line forces the string literal to
- be copied into string space allocated outside of program memory space:
- 20 A$="BASIC"+""
- The string can then be modified without affecting the program.
- Examples:
- 100 DEF SEG=&H2000
- 110 ACC=&H7FA
- 79
- Appendix D
- 120 CALL ACC(A,B$,C)
- .
- .
- .
- Line 100 sets the segment to 2000 hex. The value of variable ACC is added into
- the address as the low word after the DEF SEG value is left-shifted four bits
- (this is a function of the microprocessor, not of GW-BASIC). Here, ACC is set
- to
- &H7FA, so that the call to ACC executes the subroutine at location 2000:7FA
- hex.
- Upon entry, only 16 bytes (eight words) remain available within the allocated
- stack space. If the called program requires additional stack space, then the
- user program must reset the stack pointer to a new allocated space. Be sure to
- restore the stack pointer adjusted to the start of the calling sequence on
- return to GW-BASIC.
- The following assembly language sequence demonstrates access of the parame-
- ters passed and storage of a return result in the variable C.
- Note
- The called program must know the variable type for numeric parameters
- passed. In these examples, the following instruction copies only two bytes:
- This is adequate if variables A and C are integer. It would be necessary to
- copy four bytes if they were single precision, or copy eight bytes if they
- were
- double precision.
- MOV BP,SP Gets the current stack position in BP
- MOV BX,8[BP] Gets the address of B$ description
- MOV CL,[BX] Gets the length of B$ in CL
- MOV DX,1[BX] Gets the address of B$ string descriptor in DX
- MOV SI,10[BP] Gets the address of A in SI
- MOV DI,6[BP] Gets the pointer to C in DI
- MOVSW Stores variable A in 'C'
- RET 6 Restores stack; returns
- 80
- Assembly Language (Machine Code) Subroutines
- D.3 USR Function Calls
- Although the CALL statement is the recommended way of calling assembly
- language subroutines, the USR function call is still available for
- compatibility
- with previously-written programs.
- Syntax:
- USR[n](argument)
- n is a number from 0 to 9 which specifies the USR routine being called (see DEF
- USR statement). If n is omitted, USR0 is assumed.
- argument is any numeric or string expression.
- In GW-BASIC a DEF SEG statement should be executed prior to a USR function
- call to ensure that the code segment points to the subroutine being called. The
- segment address given in the DEF SEG statement determines the starting seg-
- ment of the subroutine.
- For each USR function call, a corresponding DEF USR statement must have
- been executed to define the USR function call offset. This offset and the
- currently active DEF SEG address determine the starting address of the subrou-
- tine.
- When the USR function call is made, register AL contains the number type flag
- (NTF), which specifies the type of argument given. The NTF value may be one
- of the following:
- NTF Value Specifies
- 2 a two-byte integer (two's complement format)
- 3 a string
- 4 a single-precision floating point number
- 8 a double-precision floating point number
- If the argument of a USR function call is a number (AL<>73), the value of the
- argument is placed in the floating-point accumulator (FAC). The FAC is 8 bytes
- long and is in the GW-BASIC data segment. Register BX will point at the fifth
- byte of the FAC. Figure D.3 shows the representation of all the GW-BASIC
- number types in the FAC:
- 81
- Appendix D
- Figure 3
- Figure D.3 Number Types in the Floating Point Accumulator
- not shown
- If the argument is a single-precision floating-point number:
- o BX+3 is the exponent, minus 128. The binary point is to the left of the most
- significant bit of the mantissa.
- o BX+2 contains the highest seven bits of mantissa with leading 1 suppressed
- (implied). Bit 7 is the sign of the number (0=positive, 1=negative).
- o BX+1 contains the middle 8 bits of the mantissa.
- o BX+0 contains the lowest 8 bits of the mantissa.
- If the argument is an integer:
- o BX+1 contains the upper eight bits of the argument.
- o BX+0 contains the lower eight bits of the argument.
- If the argument is a double-precision floating-point number:
- o BX+0 through BX+3 are the same as for single precision floating point.
- o BX-1 to BX-4 contain four more bytes of mantissa. BX-4 contains the lowest
- eight bits of the mantissa.
- 82
- Assembly Language (Machine Code) Subroutines
- If the argument is a string (indicated by the value 3 stored in the AL
- register)
- the (DX) register pair points to three bytes called the string descriptor. Byte
- 0 of the string descriptor contains the length of the string (0 to 255). Bytes
- 1 and 2, respectively, are the lower- and upper-eight bits of the string
- starting address in the GW-BASIC data segment.
- If the argument is a string literal in the program, the string descriptor
- points to program text. Be careful not to alter or destroy programs this way
- (see the
- preceding CALL statement).
- Usually, the value returned by a USR function call is the same type (integer,
- string, single precision, or double precision) as the argument that was passed
- to it. The registers that must be preserved are the same as in the CALL
- statement.
- A far return is required to exit the USR subroutine. The returned value must be
- stored in the FAC.
- D.4 Programs That Call
- Assembly Language Programs
- This section contains two sample GW-BASIC programs that
- o load an assembly language routine to add two numbers together
- o return the sum into memory
- o remain resident in memory
- The code segment and offset to the first routine is stored in interrupt vector
- at 0:100H.
- Example 1 calls an assembly language subroutine:
- Example 1
- 10 DEF SEG=0
- 100 CS=PEEK(&H102)+PEEK(&H103)*256
- 200 OFFSET=PEEK(&H100)+PEEK(&H101)*256
- 250 DEF SEG
- 83
- Appendix D
- 300 C1%=2:C2%=3:C3%=0
- 500 DEF SEG=CS
- 600 CALL TWOSUM(C1%,C2%,C3%)
- 700 PRINT C3%
- 800 END
- The assembly language subroutine called in the above program must be assem-
- bled, linked, and converted to a .COM file. The program, when executed prior
- to the running of the GW-BASIC program, will remain in memory until the system
- power is turned off, or the system is rebooted.
- 0100 org 100H
- 0100 double segment
- assume cs:double
- 0100 EB 17 90 start: jmp start1
- 0103 usrprg proc far
- 0103 55 push bp
- 0104 8B EC mov bp,sp
- 0106 8B 76 08 mov si,[bp]+8 ;get address of
- ;parameter b
- 0109 8B 04 mov ax,[si] ;get value of b
- 010B 8B 76 0A mov si,[bp]+10 ;get address of
- ;parameter a
- 010E 03 04 add ax,[si] ;add value of
- ;a to value of
- ;b
- 0110 8B 7E 06 mov di,[bp]+6 ;get address of
- ;parameter c
- 0113 89 05 mov di,ax ;store sum in
- ;parameter c
- 0115 5D pop bp
- 0116 ca 0006 ret 6
- 0119 usrprg endp
- ;
- ;Program to put procedure
- ;in memory and remain
- ;resident. The offset and
- ;segment are stored in
- ;location 100-103H.
- 0119 start1:
- 0119 B8 0000 mov ax,0
- 011C 8E D8 mov ds,ax ;data segment to 0000H
- 011E BB 0100 mov bx,0100H ;pointer to int vector 100H
- 0121 83 7F 02 0 cmp word ptr [bx],0
- 0125 75 16 jne quit ;program
- ;already run,
- ;exit
- 84
- Assembly Language (Machine Code) Subroutines
- 0127 83 3F 00 cmp word ptr2 [bx],0
- 012A 75 11 jne quit ;program
- ;already run,
- ;exit
- 012C B8 0103 R mov ax,offset usrprg
- 012F 89 07 mov [bx],ax ;program offset
- 0131 8C c8 mov ax,cs
- 0133 89 47 02 mov [bx+2],ax ;data segment
- 0136 0E push cs
- 0137 1F pop ds
- 0138 BA 0141 R mov dx,offset veryend
- 013B CD 27 int 27h
- 013D quit:
- 013D CD 20 int 20h
- 013F veryend:
- 013F double ends
- end start
- Example 2 places the assembly language subroutine in the specified area:
- Example 2
- 10 I=0:JC=0
- 100 DIM A%(23)
- 150 MEM%=VARPTR(A%(1))
- 200 FOR I=1 TO 23
- 300 READ JC
- 400 POKE MEM%,JC
- 450 MEM%=MEM%+1
- 500 NEXT
- 600 C1%=2:C2%=3:C3%=0
- 700 TWOSUM=VARPTR(A%(1))
- 800 CALL TWOSUM(C1%,C2%,C3%)
- 900 PRINT C3%
- 950 END
- 1000 DATA &H55,&H8b,&Hec &H8b,&H76,&H08,&H8b,&H04,&H8b,&H76
- 1100 DATA &H0a,&H03,&H04,&H8b,&H7e,&H06,&H89,&H05,&H5d
- 1200 DATA &Hca,&H06,&H00
- 85Appendix E
- Converting BASIC
- Programs to GW-BASIC
- Programs written in a BASIC language other than GW-BASIC may require some
- minor adjustments before they can be run. The following sections describe these
- adjustments.
- E.1 String Dimensions
- Delete all statements used to declare the length of strings. A statement such
- as
- the following:
- DIM A$(I,J)
- which dimensions a string array for J elements of length I, should be converted
- to the following statement:
- DIM A$(J)
- Some GW-BASIC languages use a comma or ampersand (&) for string concatena-
- tion. Each of these must be changed to a plus sign (+), which is the operator
- for GW-BASIC string concatenation.
- In GW-BASIC, the MID$, RIGHT$, and LEFT$ functions are used to take sub-
- strings of strings. Forms such as A$(I) to access the Ith character in A$, or
- A$(I,J) to take a substring of A$ from position I to position J, must be
- changed
- as follows:
- X$=A$(I) X$=MID$(A$,I,1)
- X$=A$(I,J) X$=MID$(A$,I,J-I+1)
- 87
- Appendix D
- If the substring reference is on the left side of an assignment, and X$ is used
- to replace characters in A$, convert as follows:
- A$(I)=X$ MID$(A$,I,1)=X$
- A$(I,J)=X$ MID$(A$,I,J-I+1)=X$
- E.2 Multiple Assignments
- Some GW-BASIC languages allow statements of the following form to set B and C
- equal to zero:
- 10 LET B=C=0
- GW-BASIC would interpret the second equal sign as a logical operator and set B
- equal to -1 if C equaled 0. Convert this statement to two assignment state-
- ments:
- 10 C=0:B=0
- E.3 Multiple Statements
- Some GW-BASIC languages use a backslash (\) to separate multiple statements on
- a line. With GW-BASIC, be sure all elements on a line are separated by a colon
- (:).
- E.4 MAT Functions
- Programs using the MAT functions available in some GW-BASIC languages must
- be rewritten using FOR-NEXT loops to execute properly.
- 88
- Converting BASIC Programs to GW-BASIC
- E.5 FOR-NEXT Loops
- Some GW-BASIC languages will always execute a FOR-NEXT loop once, regard-
- less of the limits. GW-BASIC checks the limits first and does not execute the
- loop if past limits.
- 89
- Appendix F
- Communications
- This appendix describes the GW-BASIC statements necessary to support RS-232
- asynchronous communications with other computers and peripheral devices.
- F.1 Opening Communications Files
- The OPEN COM statement allocates a buffer for input and output in the same
- manner as the OPEN statement opens disk files.
- F.2 Communications I/O
- Since the communications port is opened as a file, all I/O statements valid for
- disk files are valid for COM.
- COM sequential input statements are the same as those for disk files:
- COM sequential output statements are the same as those for diskette:
- See the GW-BASIC User's Reference for more information on these statements.
- 91
- Appendix F
- F.3 The COM I/O Functions
- The most difficult aspect of asynchronous communications is processing charac-
- ters as quickly as they are received. At rates above 2400 baud (bps), it is
- necessary to suspend character transmission from the host long enough for the
- receiver to catch up. This can be done by sending XOFF (CTRL-S) to the host to
- temporarily suspend transmission, and XON (CTRL-Q) to resume, if the applica-
- tion supports it.
- GW-BASIC provides three functions which help to determine when an overrun
- condition is imminent:
- LOC(x) Returns the number of characters in the input queue
- waiting to be read. The input queue can hold more
- than 255 characters (determined by the /c: switch). If
- there are more than 255 characters in the queue,
- LOC(x) returns 255. Since a string is limited to 255
- characters, this practical limit alleviates the need for
- the programmer to test for string size before reading
- data into it.
- LOF(x) Returns the amount of free space in the input queue;
- that is
- /c:(size)-number of characters in the input queue
- LOF may be used to detect when the input queue is
- reaching storage capacity.
- EOF(x) True (-1), indicates that the input queue is empty.
- False (0) is returned if any characters are waiting to
- be read.
- F.4 Possible Errors:
- A "Communications buffer overflow" error occurs if a read is attempted after
- the input queue is full (that is, LOC(x) returns 0).
- A "Device I/O" error occurs if any of the following line conditions are
- detected
- on receive: overrun error (OE), framing error (FE), or break interrupt (BI).
- The
- error is reset by subsequent inputs, but the character causing the error is
- lost.
- 92
- Communications
- A "Device fault" error occurs if data set ready (DSR) is lost during I/O.
- A "Parity error" occurs if the PE (parity enable) option was used in the OPEN
- COM statement and incorrect parity was received.
- F.5 The INPUT$ Function
- The INPUT$ function is preferred over the INPUT and LINE INPUT state-
- ments for reading COM files, because all ASCII characters may be significant in
- communications. INPUT is least desirable because input stops when a comma or
- an enter is seen. LINE INPUT terminates when an enter is seen.
- INPUT$ allows all characters read to be assigned to a string.
- INPUT$ returns x characters from the y file. The following statements then are
- most efficient for reading a COM file:
- 20 A$=INPUT$(LOC(1),#1)
- 30 ...
- 40 ... Process data returned in A$ ...
- 50 ...
- 60 WEND
- This sequence of statements translates: As long as something is in the input
- queue, return the number of characters in the queue and store them in A$. If
- there are more than 255 characters, only 255 are returned at a time to prevent
- string overflow. If this is the case, EOF(1) is false, and input continues
- until the input queue is empty.
- 93
- Appendix F
- GET and PUT Statements for COM Files
- Purpose:
- To allow fixed-length I/O for COM.
- Syntax:
- GET filenumber, nbytes PUT filenumber, nbytes
- Comments:
- filenumber is an integer expression returning a valid file number.
- nbytes is an integer expression returning the number of bytes to be transferred
- into or out of the file buffer. nbytes cannot exceed the value set by the /s:
- switch when GW-BASIC was invoked.
- Because of the low performance associated with telephone line communications,
- it is recommended that GET and PUT not be used in such applications.
- Example:
- The following TTY sample program is an exercise in communications I/O. It is
- designed to enable your computer to be used as a conventional terminal. Besides
- full-duplex communications with a host, the TTY program allows data to be
- downloaded to a file. Conversely, a file may be uploaded (transmitted) to
- another machine.
- In addition to demonstrating the elements of asynchronous communications, this
- program is useful for transferring GW-BASIC programs and data to and from a
- computer.
- Note
- This program is set up to communicate with a DEC (R) SYSTEM-20 especially
- in the use of XON and XOFF. It may require modification to communicate
- with other types of hardware.
- 94
- Communications
- F.6 The TTY Sample Program
- 10 SCREEN 0,0:WIDTH 80
- 25 LOCATE 25,1
- 30 PRINT STRING$(60," ")
- 50 MENU=5 'Value of MENU Key (^E)
- 60 XOFF$=CHR$(19):XON$=CHR$(17)
- 100 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "Async TTY Program";
- 110 LOCATE 1,1:LINE INPUT "Speed?";"SPEED$
- 120 COMFIL$="COM1:,+SPEED$+",E,7"
- 130 OPEN COMFIL$ AS #1
- 210 A$=INKEY$:IF A$=""THEN 230
- 220 IF ASC(A$)=MENU THEN 300 ELSE PRINT #1,A$;
- 230 IF EOF(1) THEN 210
- 250 A$=INPUT$(LOC(1),#1)
- 260 PRINT #3,A$;:IF LOC(1)>0 THEN 240
- 280 GOTO 210
- 300 LOCATE 1,1:PRINT STRING$(30,32):LOCATE 1,1
- 400 LOCATE 1,1:PRINT STRING$(30,32):LOCATE 1,1
- 410 LINE INPUT"(T)ransmit or (R)eceive?";TXRX$
- 440 PRINT #1,CHR$(13);
- 500 IF EOF(1) THEN GOSUB 600
- 520 A$=INPUT$(LOC(1),#1)
- 530 PRINT #2,A$;:IF LOC(1)>0 THEN 510
- 550 GOTO 500
- 600 FOR I=1 TO 5000
- 610 IF NOT EOF(1) THEN I=9999
- 620 NEXT I
- 630 IF I>9999 THEN RETURN
- 640 CLOSE #2;CLS:LOCATE 25,10:PRINT "* Download complete *";
- 650 RETURN 200
- 1000 WHILE NOT EOF(2)
- 1010 A$=INPUT$(1,#2)
- 1020 PRINT #1,A$;
- 1030 WEND
- 1040 PRINT #1,CHR$(28);^Z to make close file.
- 95
- Appendix F
- 1050 CLOSE #2:CLS:LOCATE 25,10:PRINT "** Upload complete **";
- 1060 GOTO 200
- F.7 Notes on the TTY Sample Program
- Note
- Asynchronous implies character I/O as opposed to line or block I/O. There-
- fore, all prints (either to the COM file or screen) are terminated with a
- semicolon (;). This retards the return line feed normally issued at the end of
- the PRINT statement.
- Line Number Comments
- 10 Sets the SCREEN to black and white alpha
- mode and sets the width to 80.
- 15 Turns off the soft key display, clears the screen,
- and makes sure that all files are closed.
- 20 Defines all numeric variables as integer, primarily
- for the benefit of the subroutine at 600-620. Any
- program looking for speed optimization should
- use integer counters in loops where possible.
- 40 Defines boolean true and false.
- 50 Defines the ASCII (ASC) value of the MENU key.
- 60 Defines the ASCII XON and XOFF characters.
- 100-130 Prints program ID and asks for baud rate
- (speed). Opens communications to file number 1,
- even parity, 7 data bits.
- 200-280 This section performs full-duplex I/O between
- the video screen and the device connected to the
- RS-232 connector as follows:
- 96
- Communications
- 1. Read a character from the keyboard into A$.
- INKEY$ returns a null string if no character
- is waiting.
- 2. If a keyboard character is available, waiting,
- then:
- If the character is the MENU key, the opera-
- tor is ready to down-load a file. Get filename.
- If the character (A$) is not the MENU key
- send it by writing to the communications file
- (PRINT #1...).
- 3. If no character is waiting, check to see if any
- characters are being received.
- 4. At 230, see if any characters are waiting in
- COM buffer. If not, go back and check the
- keyboard.
- 5. At 240, if more than 128 characters are wait-
- ing, set PAUSE flag to indicate that input is
- being suspended. Send XOFF to host, stop-
- ping further transmission.
- 6. At 250-260, read and display contents of
- COM buffer on screen until empty. Continue
- to monitor size of COM buffer (in 240).
- Suspend transmission if reception falls
- behind.
- 7. Resume host transmission by sending XON
- only if suspended by previous XOFF.
- 8. Repeat process until the MENU key is pressed.
- 300-320 Get disk filename to be down-loaded to. Open
- the file as number 2.
- 400-420 Asks if file named is to be transmitted (up-
- loaded) or received (down-loaded).
- 430 Receive routine. Sends a RETURN to the host to
- begin the down-load. This program assumes that
- the last command sent to the host was to begin
- such a transfer and was missing only the ter-
- minating return. If a DEC system is the host,
- such a command might be
- 97
- Appendix F
- if the MENU key was struck instead of RETURN.
- 500 When no more characters are being received,
- (LOC(x) returns 0), then performs a timeout rou-
- tine.
- 510 If more than 128 characters are waiting, signal a
- pause and send XOFF to the host.
- 520-530 Read all characters in COM queue (LOC(x)) and
- write them to diskette (PRINT #2...) until recep-
- tion is caught up to transmission.
- 540-550 If a pause is issued, restart host by sending XON
- and clearing the pause flag. Continue the process
- until no characters are received for a predeter-
- mined time.
- 600-650 Time-out subroutine. The FOR loop count was
- determined by experimentation. If no character is
- received from the host for 17-20 seconds,
- transmission is assumed complete. If any charac-
- ter is received during this time (line 610), then
- set n well above the FOR loop range to exit loop
- and return to caller. If host transmission is com-
- plete, close the disk file and resume regular
- activities.
- 1000-1060 Transmit routine. Until end of disk file, read one
- character into A$ with INPUT$ statement. Send
- character to COM device in 1020. Send a ^Z at
- end of file in 1040 in case receiving device needs
- one to close its file. Lines 1050 and 1060 close
- disk file, print completion message, and go back
- to conversation mode in line 200.
- 9999 Presently not executed. As an exercise, add some
- lines to the routine 400-420 to exit the program
- via line 9999. This line closes the COM file left
- open and restores the function key display.
- 98
- Appendix G
- Hexadecimal Equivalents
- Table G.1 lists decimal and binary equivalents to hexadecimal values.
- Table G.1
- Decimal and Binary Equivalents to Hexadecimal Values
- Hexadecimal Equals Equals
- Value Decimal: Binary:
- 0 0 0000
- 1 1 0001
- 2 2 0010
- 3 3 0011
- 4 4 0100
- 5 5 0101
- 6 6 0110
- 7 7 0111
- 8 8 1000
- 9 9 1001
- A 10 1010
- B 11 1011
- C 12 1100
- D 13 1101
- E 14 1110
- F 15 1111
- 99
- Appendix G
- Table G.2 lists decimal equivalents to hexadecimal values.
- Table G.2
- Decimal Equivalents to Hexadecimal Values
- Hexadecimal Equals Hexadecimal Equals
- Value Decimal: Value: Decimal:
- 0 0 80 128
- 1 1 .
- 2 2 .
- 3 3 .
- 4 4 90 144
- 5 5 .
- 6 6 .
- 7 7 .
- 8 8 A0 160
- 9 9 .
- A 10 .
- B 11 .
- C 12 B0 176
- D 13 .
- E 14 .
- F 15 .
- 10 16 C0 192
- 11 17 .
- 12 18 .
- 13 19 .
- 14 20 D0 208
- 15 21 .
- 16 22 .
- 17 23 .
- 18 24 E0 224
- 19 25 .
- 1A 26 .
- 1B 27 .
- 1C 28 F0 240
- 1D 29 100 256
- 1E 30 200 512
- 1F 31 300 768
- 20 32 400 1024
- . . 500 1280
- . . 600 1536
- . . 700 1792
- 100
- Hexadecimal Equivalents
- Table G.2 (continued)
- Hexadecimal Equals Hexadecimal Equals
- Value Decimal: Value: Decimal:
- 30 48 800 2048
- . . 900 2304
- . . A00 2560
- . . B00 2816
- 40 64 C00 3072
- . . D00 3328
- . . E00 3584
- . . F00 3840
- 50 80 1000 4096
- . . 2000 8192
- . . 3000 12288
- . . 4000 16384
- 60 96 5000 20480
- . . 6000 24576
- . . 7000 28672
- . . 8000 32768
- 70 112 9000 36864
- . . A000 40960
- . . B000 45056
- . . C000 49152
- D000 53248
- E000 57344
- F000 61440
- 101
- Appendix H
- Key Scan Codes
- Keytop Legend Scancode
- ESC 01
- 1/! 02
- 2/@ 03
- 3/# 04
- 05
- 5/% 06
- 6/^ 07
- 7/& 08
- 8/* 09
- 9/( 0A
- 0/) 0B
- -/_ 0C
- =/+ 0D
- TAB 0F
- Q 10
- W 11
- E 12
- R 13
- T 14
- Y 15
- U 16
- I 17
- O 18
- P 19
- [/{ 1A
- ]/} 1B
- A 1E
- S 1F
- D 20
- F 21
- G 22
- H 23
- J 24
- 103
- K 25
- L 26
- ;/: 27
- '/" 28
- '/~ 29
- Left SHIFT 2A
- /| 2B
- Z 2C
- X 2D
- C 2E
- V 2F
- B 30
- N 31
- M 32
- ,/< 33
- //? 35
- Right SHIFT 36
- */PRTSC 37
- ALT 38
- F1 3B
- F2 3C
- F3 3D
- F4 3E
- F5 3F
- F6 40
- F7 41
- F8 42
- F9 43
- F10 44
- 7/HOME 47
- 8/CURSOR UP 48
- 9/PGUP 49
- Key Scan Codes
- Keytop Legend Scancode
- - 4A
- 5 4C
- + 4E
- 1/END 4F
- 3/PGDN 51
- 0/INS 52
- ./DEL 53
- 10
- Appendix I
- Characters Recognized by GW-BASIC
- The GW-BASIC character set includes all characters that are legal in GW-BASIC
- commands, statements, functions, and variables. The set comprises alphabetic,
- numeric, and special characters.
- The alphabetic characters in GW-BASIC are the uppercase and lowercase letters
- of the alphabet.
- The numeric characters in GW-BASIC are the digits 0 through 9.
- The following special characters and terminal keys are recognized by GW-BASIC:
- Character Description
- Blank.
- = Equal sign or assignment symbol.
- + Plus sign or string concatenation.
- - Minus sign.
- * Asterisk or multiplication symbol.
- / Slash or division symbol.
- ^ Caret, exponentiation symbol, or CTRL key.
- ( Left parenthesis.
- ) Right parenthesis.
- % Percent or integer declaration.
- # Number sign or double-precision declaration.
- $ Dollar sign or string declaration.
- ! Exclamation point or single-precision declaration.
- 107
- [ Left bracket.
- ] Right bracket.
- , Comma.
- "" Double quotation marks or string delimiter.
- . Period, dot, or decimal point.
- ' Single quotation mark, apostrophe, or remark indica-
- tor.
- ; Semicolon or carriage return suppressor.
- : Colon or line statement delimiter.
- & Ampersand or descriptor for hexadecimal and octal
- number conversion.
- ? Question mark.
- < Less than symbol.
- > Greater than symbol.
- \ Backslash or integer division symbol.
- @ "At" sign.
- _ Underscore.
- BACKSPACE Deletes last character typed.
- ESC Erases the current logical line from the screen.
- TAB Moves print position to next tab stop. Tab stops are
- every eight columns.
- CURSOR Moves cursor to next physical line.
- RETURN Terminates input to a line and moves cursor to begin-
- ning of the next line, or executes statement in direct
- mode.
- 108
- Glossary
- abend
- An acronym for abnormal end of task. An abend is the termination of com-
- puter processing on a job or task prior to its completion because of an error
- condition that cannot be resolved by programmed recovery procedures.
- access
- The process of seeking, reading, or writing data on a storage unit.
- access methods
- Techniques and programs used to move data between main memory and
- input/output devices.
- accuracy
- The degree of freedom from error. Accuracy is often confused with precision,
- which refers to the degree of preciseness of a measurement.
- acronym
- A word formed by the initial letters of words or by initial letters plus parts
- of several words. Acronyms are widely used in computer technology. For
- example, COBOL is an acronym for COmmon Business Oriented Language.
- active partition
- A section of the computer's memory that houses the operating system being
- used.
- address
- A name, label, or number identifying a register, location or unit where infor-
- mation is stored.
- algebraic language
- A language whose statements are structured to resemble the structure of
- algebraic expression. Fortran is a good example of an algebraic language.
- 109
- Glossary
- algorithm
- A set of well-defined rules or procedures to be followed in order to obtain
- the solution of a problem in a finite number of steps. An algorithm can
- involve arithmetic, algebraic, logical and other types of procedures and
- instructions. An algorithm can be simple or complex. However, all algo-
- rithms must produce a solution within a finite number of steps. Algorithms
- are fundamental when using a computer to solve problems, because the
- computer must be supplied with a specific set of instructions that yields a
- solution in a reasonable length of time.
- alphabetic
- Data representation by alphabetical characters in contrast to numerical;
- the letters of the alphabet.
- alphanumeric
- A contraction of the words alphabetic and numeric; a set of characters
- including letters, numerals, and special symbols.
- application
- The system or problem to which a computer is applied. Reference is often
- made to an application as being either of the computational type, in which
- arithmetic computations predominate, or of the data processing type, in
- which data handling operations predominate.
- application program
- A computer program designed to meet specific user needs.
- argument
- 1. A type of variable whose value is not a direct function of another
- variable. It can represent the location of a number in a mathemati-
- cal operation, or the number with which a function works to pro-
- duce its results.
- 2. A known reference factor that is required to find a desired item
- (function) in a table. For example, in the square root function
- SQRT(X), X is the argument. The value of X determines the square
- root value returned by this function.
- 110
- Algorithm-Asynchronous Communication
- array
- 1. An organized collection of data in which the argument is positioned
- before the function.
- 2. A group of items or elements in which the position of each item or
- element is significant. A multiplication table is a good example of
- an array.
- Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII is
- a standardized 8-bit code used by most computers for interfacing.
- ASCII was developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It
- uses 7 binary bits for information and the 8th bit for parity purposes.
- assembler
- A computer program that produces a machine-language program which may
- then be directly executed by the computer.
- assembly language
- A symbolic language that is machine-oriented rather than problem-oriented.
- A program in an assembly language is converted by an assembler to a
- machine-language program. Symbols representing storage locations are con-
- verted to numerical storage locations; symbolic operation codes are con-
- verted to numeric operation codes.
- asynchronous
- 1. Not having a regular time or clocked relationship. See synchronous.
- 2. A type of computer operation in which a new instruction is initiated
- when the former instruction is completed. Thus, there is no regular
- time schedule, or clock, with respect to instruction sequence. The
- current instruction must be complete before the next is begun,
- regardless of the length of time the current instruction takes.
- asynchronous communication
- A way of transmitting data serially from one device to another, in which
- each transmitted character is preceded by a start bit and followed by a
- stop bit. This is also called start/stop transmission.
- 111
- Glossary
- back-up
- 1. A second copy of data on a diskette or other medium, ensuring
- recovery from loss or destruction of the original media.
- 2. On-site or remote equipment available to complete an operation in
- the event of primary equipment failure.
- Acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. BASIC is a
- computer programming language developed at Dartmouth College as an
- instructional tool in teaching fundamental programming concepts. This
- language has since gained wide acceptance as a time-sharing language and
- is considered one of the easiest programming languages to learn.
- batch processing
- A method of operating a computer so that a single program or set of related
- programs must be completed before the next type of program is begun.
- baud
- A unit of measurement of data processing speed. The speed in bauds is the
- number of signal elements per second. Since a signal element can represent
- more than one bit, baud is not synonymous with bits-per-second. Typical
- baud rates are 110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600.
- binary
- 1. A characteristic or property involving a choice or condition in which
- there are two possibilities.
- 2. A numbering system which uses 2 as its base instead of 10 as in the
- decimal system. The binary system uses only two digits, 0 and 1, in
- its written form.
- 3. A device whose design uses only two possible states or levels to per-
- form its functions. A computer executes programs in binary form.
- binary digit
- A quantity which is expressed in the binary digits of 0 and 1.
- 112
- Back up-Byte
- bit
- A contraction of "binary digit". A bit can either be 0 or 1, and is the smal-
- lest unit of information recognizable by a computer.
- block
- An amount of storage space or data, of arbitrary length, usually contiguous,
- and often composed of several similar records, all of which are handled as a
- unit.
- boolean logic
- A field of mathematical analysis in which comparisons are made. A pro-
- grammed instruction can cause a comparison of two fields of data, and
- modify one of those fields or another field as a result of comparison. This
- system was formulated by British mathematician George Boole (1815-1864).
- Some boolean operators are OR, AND, NOT, XOR, EQV, and IMP.
- boot
- A machine procedure that allows a system to begin operations at the
- desired level by means of its own initiation. The first few instructions are
- loaded into a computer from an input device. These instructions allow the
- rest of the system to be loaded. The word boot is abbreviated from the word
- bootstrap.
- bps
- Bits per second.
- buffer
- A temporary storage area from which data is transferred to or from various
- devices.
- built-in clock
- A real-time clock that lets your programs use the time of day and date.
- Built into MS-DOS, it lets you set the timing of a program. It can be used to
- keep a personal calendar, and it automatically measures elapsed time.
- byte
- An element of data which is composed of eight data bits plus a parity
- bit, and represents either one alphabetic or special character, two
- decimal digits, or eight binary bits. Byte is also used to refer to a
- 113
- Glossary
- sequence of eight binary digits handled as a unit. It is usually
- encoded in the ASCII format.
- calculation
- A series of numbers and mathematical signs that, when entered into a com-
- puter, is executed according to a series of instructions.
- central processor (CPU)
- The heart of the computer system, where data is manipulated and calcula-
- tions are performed. The CPU contains a control unit to interpret and exe-
- cute the program and an arithmetic-logic unit to perform computations and
- logical processes. It also routes information, controls input and output, and
- temporarily stores data.
- chaining
- The use of a pointer in a record to indicate the address of another record
- logically related to the first.
- character
- Any single letter of the alphabet, numeral, punctuation mark, or other sym-
- bol that a computer can read, write, and store. Character is synonymous
- with the term byte.
- Acronym for COmmon Business-Oriented Language, a computer language
- suitable for writing complicated business applications programs. It was
- developed by CODASYL, a committee representing the U. S. Department of
- Defense, certain computer manufacturers, and major users of data process-
- ing equipment. COBOL is designed to express data manipulations and pro-
- cessing problems in English narrative form, in a precise and standard
- manner.
- code
- 1. To write instructions for a computer system
- 2. To classify data according to arbitrary tables
- 3. To use a machine language
- 4. To program
- 114
- Calculation-Coprocessor
- command
- A pulse, signal, word, or series of letters that tells a computer to start,
- stop, or continue an operation in an instruction. Command is often used
- incorrectly as a synonym for instruction.
- compatible
- A description of data, programs or equipment that can be used between
- different kinds of computers or equipment.
- compiler
- A computer program that translates a program written in a problem-
- oriented language into a program of instructions similar to, or in, the
- language of the computer.
- computer network
- A geographically dispersed configuration of computer equipment connected
- by communication lines and capable of load sharing, distributive processing,
- and automatic communication between the computers within the network.
- concatenate
- To join together data sets, such as files, in a series to form one data set,
- such as one new file. The term concatenate literally means "to link
- together." A concatenated data set is a collection of logically connected
- data sets.
- configuration
- In hardware, a group of interrelated devices that constitute a system. In
- software, the total of the software modules and their interrelationships.
- constant
- A never-changing value or data item.
- coprocessor
- A microprocessor device connected to a central microprocessor that per-
- forms specialized computations (such as floating-point arithmetic) much
- more efficiently than the CPU alone.
- 115
- Glossary
- cursor
- A blinking line or box on a computer screen that indicates the next location
- for data entry.
- data
- A general term used to signify all the basic information elements that can
- be produced or processed by a computer. See information.
- data element
- The smallest named physical data unit.
- data file
- A collection of related data records organized in a specific manner. Data
- files contain computer records which contain information, as opposed to
- containing data handling information or a program.
- debug
- The process of checking the logic of a computer program to isolate and
- remove mistakes from the program or other software.
- default
- An action or value that the computer automatically assumes, unless a
- different instruction or value is given.
- delimit
- To establish parameters; to set a minimum and a maximum.
- delimiter
- A character that marks the beginning or end of a unit of data on a storage
- medium. Commas, semi-colons, periods, and spaces are used as delimiters to
- separate and organize items of data.
- detail file
- A data file composed of records having similar characteristics, but contain-
- ing data which is relatively changeable by nature, such as employee weekly
- payroll data. Compare to master file.
- device
- A piece of hardware that can perform a specific function. A printer is an
- example of a device.
- 116
- Cursor-End-of-File Mark (EOF)
- diagnostic programs
- Special programs used to align equipment or isolate equipment malfunc-
- tions.
- directory
- A table that gives the name, location, size, and the creation or last revision
- date for each file on the storage media.
- diskette
- A flat, flexible platter coated with magnetic material, enclosed in a protec-
- tive envelope, and used for storage of software and data.
- Disk Operating System
- A collection of procedures and techniques that enable the computer to
- operate using a disk drive system for data entry and storage. Disk
- Operating System is usually abbreviated to DOS.
- The acronym for Disk Operating System. DOS rhymes with "boss."
- double-density
- A type of diskette that has twice the storage capacity of standard single-
- density diskettes.
- double-precision
- The use of two computer words to represent each number. This technique
- allows the use of twice as many digits as are normally available and is used
- when extra precision is needed in calculations.
- double-sided
- A term that refers to a diskette that can contain data on both surfaces of
- the diskette.
- drive
- A device that holds and manipulates magnetic media so that the CPU can
- read data from or write data to them.
- end-of-file mark (EOF)
- A symbol or machine equivalent that indicates that the last record of a file
- has been read.
- 117
- Glossary
- erase
- To remove or replace magnetized spots from a storage medium.
- error message
- An audible or visual indication of hardware or software malfunction or of
- an illegal data-entry attempt.
- execute
- To carry out an instruction or perform a routine.
- exponent
- A symbol written above a factor and on the right, telling how many times
- the factor is repeated. In the example of A 2 , A is the factor and 2 is the
- exponent. A 2 means A times A (A x A).
- extension
- A one-to-three-character set that follows a filename. The extension further
- defines or clarifies the filename. It is separated from the filename by a
- period(.).
- field
- An area of a record that is allocated for a specific category of data.
- file
- A collection of related data or programs that is treated as a unit by the
- computer.
- file protection
- The devices or procedures that prevent unintentional erasure of data on a
- storage device, such as a diskette.
- file structure
- A conceptual representation of how data values, records, and files are
- related to each other. The structure usually implies how the data is stored
- and how the data must be processed.
- filename
- The unique name, usually assigned by a user, which is used to identify one
- file for all subsequent operations that use that file.
- 118
- Erase-Global Search
- fixed disk
- A hard disk enclosed in a permanently-sealed housing that protects it from
- environmental interference. Used for storage of data.
- floating-point arithmetic
- A method of calculation in which the computer or program automatically
- records, and accounts for, the location of the radix point. The programmer
- need not consider the radix location.
- floating-point routine
- A set of program instructions that permits a floating-point mathematics
- operation in a computer which lacks the feature of automatically account-
- ing for the radix point.
- format
- A predetermined arrangement of data that structures the storage of infor-
- mation on an external storage device.
- function
- A computer action, as defined by a specific instruction. Some GW-BASIC func-
- tions are COS, EOF, INSTR, LEFT$, and TAN.
- function keys
- Specific keys on the keyboard that, when pressed, instruct the computer to
- perform a particular operation. The function of the keys is determined by
- the applications program being used.
- An informal term that indicates sloppy data processing; an acronym for
- Garbage In Garbage Out. The term GIGO is normally used to make the
- point that if the input data is bad (garbage in) then the output data will
- also be bad (garbage out).
- global search
- Used in reference to a variable (character or command), a global search
- causes the computer to locate all occurrences of that variable.
- 119
- Glossary
- graphics
- A hardware/software capability to display objects in pictures, rather than
- words, usually on a graphic (CRT) display terminal with line-drawing capa-
- bility and permitting interaction, such as the use of a light pen.
- hard copy
- A printed copy of computer output in a readable form, such as reports,
- checks, or plotted graphs.
- hardware
- The physical equipment that comprises a system.
- hexadecimal
- A number system with a base, or radix, of 16. The symbols used in this sys-
- tem are the decimal digits 0 through 9 and six additional digits which are
- generally represented as A, B, C, D, E, and F.
- hidden files
- Files that cannot be seen during normal directory searches.
- hierarchical directories
- See tree-structured directories.
- housekeeping functions
- Routine operations that must be performed before the actual processing
- begins or after it is complete.
- information
- Facts and knowledge derived from data. The computer operates on and gen-
- erates data. The meaning derived from the data is information. That is,
- information results from data; the two words are not synonymous, although
- they are often used interchangeably.
- interpreter
- A program that reads, translates and executes a user's program, such as one
- written in the BASIC language, one line at a time. A compiler, on the other
- hand, reads and translates the entire user's program before executing it.
- 120
- Graphics-Logarithm
- input
- 1. The process or device concerning the entry of data into a computer.
- 2. Actual data being entered into a computer.
- input/output
- A general term for devices that communicate with a computer.
- Input/output is usually abbreviated as I/O.
- instruction
- A program step that tells the computer what to do next. Instruction is often
- used incorrectly as a synonym for command.
- integer
- A complete entity, having no fractional part. The whole or natural number.
- For example, 65 is an integer; 65.1 is not.
- integrated circuit
- A complete electronic circuit contained in a small semiconductor com-
- ponent.
- interface
- An information interchange path that allows parts of a computer, comput-
- ers, and external equipment (such as printers, monitors, or modems), or two
- or more computers to communicate or interact.
- I/O
- The acronym for input/output.
- job
- A collection of tasks viewed by the computer as a unit.
- K
- The symbol signifying the quantity 2 10, which is equal to 1024. K is some-
- times confused with the symbol k, (kilo) which is equal to 1000.
- logarithm
- A logarithm of a given number is the value of the exponent indicating
- the power required to raise a specified constant, known as the base, to
- 121
- Glossary
- produce that given number. That is, if B is the base, N is the given
- number and L is the logarithm, then BL = N. Since 10 3 = 1000, the
- logarithm to the base 10 of 1000 is 3.
- loop
- A series of computer instructions that are executed repeatedly until a
- desired result is obtained or a predetermined condition is met. The ability
- to loop and reuse instructions eliminates countless repetitious instructions
- and is one of the most important attributes of stored programs.
- M
- The symbol signifying the quantity 1,000,000 (10 6). When used to denote
- storage, it more precisely refers to 1,048,576 (2 20).
- mantissa
- The fractional or decimal part of a logarithm of a number. For example,
- the logarithm of 163 is 2.212. The mantissa is 0.212, and the characteristic
- is 2.0.
- In floating-point numbers, the mantissa is the number part. For example,
- the number 24 can be written as 24,2 where 24 is the mantissa and 2 is the
- exponent. The floating-point number is read as .24 X 10 2, or 2 4.
- master file
- A data file composed of records having similar characteristics that rarely
- change. A good example of a master file would be an employee name and
- address file that also contains social security numbers and hiring dates.
- media
- The plural of medium.
- medium
- The physical material on which data is recorded and stored. Magnetic tape,
- punched cards, and diskettes are examples of media.
- memory
- The high-speed work area in the computer where data can be held, copied,
- and retrieved.
- 122
- Loop-Operand
- menu
- A list of choices from which an operator can select a task or operation to be
- performed by the computer.
- microprocessor
- A semiconductor central processing unit (CPU) in a computer.
- modem
- Acronym for modulator demodulator. A modem converts data from a com-
- puter to analog signals that can be transmitted through telephone lines, or
- converts the signals from telephone lines into a form the computer can use.
- Acronym for Microsoft Disk Operating System.
- nested programs or subroutines
- A program or subroutine that is incorporated into a larger routine to per-
- mit ready execution or access of each level of the routine. For example,
- nesting loops involves incorporating one loop of instructions into another
- loop.
- null
- Empty or having no members. This is in contrast to a blank or zero, which
- indicates the presence of no information. For example, in the number 540,
- zero contains needed information.
- numeric
- A reference to numerals as opposed to letters or other symbols.
- octal number system
- A representation of values or quantities with octal numbers. The octal
- number system uses eight digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, with each
- position
- in an octal numeral representing a power of 8. The octal system is used in
- computing as a simple means of expressing binary quantities.
- operand
- A quantity or data item involved in an operation. An operand is usually
- designated by the address portion of an instruction, but it may also be a
- result, a parameter, or an indication of the name or location of the next
- instruction to be executed.
- 123
- Glossary
- operating system
- An organized group of computer instructions that manage the overall opera-
- tion of the computer.
- operator
- A symbol indicating an operation and itself the subject of the operation. It
- indicates the process that is being performed. For example, + is addition, -
- is subtraction, X is multiplication, and / is division.
- option
- An add-on device that expands a system's capabilities.
- output
- Computer results, or data that has been processed.
- parallel output
- The method by which all bits of a binary word are transmitted simultane-
- ously.
- parameter
- A variable that is given a value for a specific program or run. A definable
- characteristic of an item, device, or system.
- parity
- An extra-bit of code that is used to detect data errors in memory by mak-
- ing the sum of the active bit in a data word either an odd or an even
- number.
- partition
- An area on a fixed disk set aside for a specific purpose, such as a location
- for an operating system.
- peripheral
- An external input/output, or storage device.
- pixel
- The acronym for picture element. A pixel is a single dot on a monitor that
- can be addressed by a single bit.
- 124
- Operating System-Random-Access Memory
- port
- The entry channel to and from the central computer for connection of a
- communications line or other peripheral device.
- power
- The functional area of a system that transforms an external power source
- into internal DC supply voltage.
- program
- A series of instructions or statements in a form acceptable to a computer,
- designed to cause the computer to execute a series of operations. Computer
- programs include software such as operating systems, assemblers, compilers,
- interpreters, data management systems, utility programs, sort-merge pro-
- grams, and maintenance/diagnostic programs, as well as application pro-
- grams such as payroll, inventory control, and engineering analysis programs.
- prompt
- A character or series of characters that appear on the screen to request
- input from the user.
- Acronym for random-access memory.
- radian
- The natural unit of measure of the angle between two intersecting half-lines
- on the angles from one half-line to another intersecting half-line. It is the
- angle subtended by an arc of a circle equal in length to the radius of the
- circle. As the circumference of a circle is equal to 2 pi times its radius,
- the
- number of radians in an angle of 360 o or in a complete turn is 2 pi.
- radix
- A number that is arbitrarily made the fundamental number of a system of
- numbers; a base. Thus, 10 is the radix, or base, of the common system of
- logarithms, and also of the decimal system of enumeration.
- random-access memory
- The system's high-speed work area that provides access to memory
- storage locations by using a system of vertical and horizontal coordi-
- nates. The computer can write information into or read information
- 125
- Glossary
- from the random access memory. Random-access memory is often
- called RAM.
- raster unit
- On a graphic display screen, a raster unit is the horizontal or vertical dis-
- tance between two adjacent addressable points on the screen.
- read-only memory
- A type of memory that contains permanent data or instructions. The com-
- puter can read from but not write to the read-only memory. Read-only
- memory is often called ROM.
- real number
- An ordinary number, either rational or irrational; a number in which there
- is no imaginary part, a number generated from the single unit, 1; any point
- in a continuum of natural numbers filled in with all rationals and all irra-
- tionals and extended indefinitely, both positive and negative.
- real time
- 1. The actual time required to solve a problem.
- 2. The process of solving a problem during the actual time that a
- related physical process takes place so that results can be used to
- guide the physical process.
- remote
- A term used to refer to devices that are located at sites away from the cen-
- tral computer.
- reverse video
- A display of characters on a background, opposite of the usual display.
- Acronym for read-only memory.
- RS-232
- A standard communications interface between a modem and terminal dev-
- ices that complies with EIA Standard RS-232.
- 126
- Raster Unit-Statement
- serial output
- Sending only one bit at a time to and from interconnected devices.
- single-density
- The standard recording density of a diskette. Single-density diskettes can
- store approximately 3400 bits per inch (bpi).
- single-precision value
- The number of words or storage positions used to denote a number in a
- computer. Single-precision arithmetic is the use of one word per number,
- double-precision arithmetic is the use of two words per number, and so on.
- For variable word-length computers, precision is the number of digits used
- to denote a number. The higher the precision, the greater the number of
- decimal places that can be carried.
- single-sided
- A term used to describe a diskette that contains data on one side only.
- software
- A string of instructions that, when executed, direct the computer to perform
- certain functions.
- stack architecture
- An architecture wherein any portion of the external memory can be used as
- a last-in, first-out stack to store/retrieve the contents of the accumulator,
- the flags, or any of the data registers. Many units contain a 16-bit stack
- pointer to control the addressing of this external stack. One of the major
- advantages of the stack is that multiple-level interrupts can be handled
- easily, since complete system status can be saved when an interrupt occurs
- and then be restored after the interrupt. Another major advantage is that
- almost unlimited subroutine nesting is possible.
- statement
- A high-level language instruction to the computer to perform some sequence
- of operations.
- 127
- Glossary
- synchronous
- A type of computer operation in which the execution of each instruction or
- each event is controlled by a clock signal: evenly spaced pulses that enable
- the logic gates for the execution of each logic step. A synchronous operation
- can cause time delays by causing waiting for clock signals although all
- other signals at a particular logic gate were available. See asynchronous.
- switch
- An instruction, added to a command, that designates a course of action,
- other than default, for the command process to follow.
- syntax
- Rules of statement structure in a programming language.
- system
- A collection of hardware, software, and firmware that is interconnected to
- operate as a unit.
- task
- A machine run; a program in execution.
- toggle
- Alternation of function between two stable states.
- track
- A specific area on a moving-storage medium, such as a diskette, disk, or
- tape cartridge, that can be accessed by the drive heads.
- tree-structured directory
- A file-organization structure, consisting of directories and subdirectories
- that, when diagrammed, resembles a tree.
- truncation
- To end a computation according to a specified rule; for example, to drop
- numbers at the end of a line instead of rounding them off, or to drop char-
- acters at the end of a line when a file is copied.
- 128
- Synchronous-Upgrade
- upgrade
- To expand a system by installing options or using revised software.
- utility function
- Computer programs, dedicated to one particular task, that are helpful in
- using the computer. For example, FDISK, for setting up partitions on the
- fixed disk.
- variable
- A quantity that can assume any of a set of values as a result of processing
- data.
- volume label
- The name for the contents of a diskette or a partition on a fixed disk.
- word
- The set of bits comprising the largest unit that the computer can handle in
- a single operation.
- write-protect notch
- A cut-out opening in the sealed envelope of a diskette that, when covered,
- prevents writing or adding text to the diskette, but allows information to be
- read from the diskette.
- 12Index
- Array
- defined, 52
- size limits, 53
- ASCII character codes, 73
- Asynchronous, 111
- Bad file mode, 67
- Bad file number, 67
- Bad filename, 68
- Bad record number, 68
- /c switch, 11
- CALL statement
- assembly language interface, 75
- syntax, 76
- Can't continue, 65
- Command
- defined, 15
- kill, 37
- load, 37
- merge, 37
- name, 37
- run, 37
- save, 37
- Communication
- asynchronous
- defined, 111
- support, 91
- GET statement, 94
- I/O functions, 92
- I/O statements, 91
- INPUT$ function, 93
- opening files, 91
- possible errors, 92
- PUT statement, 94
- Communication buffer overflow, 69
- Constants, numeric
- defined, 49
- double-precision defined, 50
- examples of double-precision, 51
- example of single-precision, 51
- single-precision defined, 50
- Constants, numeric
- types of, 49
- CTRL-6, 31
- CTRL-B, 31
- CTRL-BREAK, 13, 31
- CTRL-C, 31
- CTRL-E, 32
- CTRL-END, 32
- CTRL-F, 31
- CTRL-G, 32
- CTRL-H, 31
- CTRL-I, 33
- CTRL-J, 32
- CTRL-K, 32
- CTRL-L, 32
- CTRL-l, 31
- CTRL-M, 32
- CTRL-N, 32
- CTRL-R, 32
- CTRL-S, 33
- CTRL-Z, 13
- CTRL-[, 32
- CTRL-], 31
- CTRL-\, 31
- /d switch, 12
- Delete a line, 24
- Device Fault, 66
- Device I/O Error, 68
- Device Timeout, 66
- Device Unavailable, 69
- Direct statement in file, 68
- Disk full, 68
- Disk media error, 70
- Disk not Ready, 70
- Division by zero, 64
- Duplicate Definition, 64
- 131
- Index
- EDIT command
- keys used with, 25
- EDLIN command
- example, 24
- ESC key, 32
- Expression, 56
- /f switch, 11
- F1 key, 24
- F2 key, 24
- F3 key, 26
- F4 key, 25
- FIELD overflow, 67
- File already exists, 68
- File already open, 67
- File not found, 67
- FOR Without NEXT, 66
- Function
- used with random access file, 42
- used with sequential files, 38
- Function keys
- assignments, 34
- defined, 34
- reassigned, 34
- shown on screen, 9
- Function, numeric, 15
- Function, string, 16
- assembly language interface, 75
- loading, 9
- memory available, 9
- special characters recognized, 107
- GW-BASIC command
- examples, 12
- parameters described, 10
- redirected, 11, 14
- syntax, 10
- GW-BASIC, converting to
- FOR-NEXT loops, 89
- MAT functions, 88
- multiple assignments, 88
- multiple statements, 88
- string dimensions, 87
- Illegal function call, 63
- Input past end, 68
- Insert mode, 32
- Internal error, 67
- Keyword, 14
- KILL command, 37
- Line, 24
- Line buffer overflow, 66
- LIST command, 23
- LOAD command, 37
- /m switch, 12
- Memory
- allocation for assembly language, 75
- needed for storage, 54
- MERGE command, 37
- Missing operand, 66
- Modes
- direct
- examples, 21
- uses of, 10
- indirect
- examples, 22
- uses of, 10
- insert, 32
- NAME command, 37
- No RESUME, 65
- OPEN COM statement, 91
- Operator
- defined, 124
- Operators
- arithmetic, 56
- defined, 56
- four categories, 56
- functional, 62
- logical, 59
- relational, 59
- string, 63
- Out of DATA, 63
- Out of memory, 64
- Out of paper, 66
- Out of string space, 65
- Overflow, 64
- 132
- Index
- Path not found, 70
- Path/File Access Error, 70
- Permission Denied, 69
- Program
- distinguished from calculation, 23
- Program line
- format, 16
- format requirements, 17
- Quitting GW-BASIC, 18
- Random access file
- accessing, 43
- defined, 38
- example, 43, 44, 45
- functions used with, 42
- program steps required, 42
- statements used with, 42
- Recall a program file, 26
- Redirection, 14
- Rename across disks, 70
- Reserved word. See Keyword
- RESUME without error, 66
- RETURN without GOSUB, 63
- RUN command, 37
- used in indirect mode, 10
- /s switch, 11
- Save a program file, 25
- SAVE command, 37
- Sequential file
- accessing, 40
- adding data, 41
- defined, 38
- example, 39, 40, 41
- functions used with, 38
- program steps required, 38
- statements used with, 38
- prints screen, 33
- Statement, 127
- CALL, 76
- defined, 15, 16
- OPEN COM, 91
- used with random access file, 42
- used with sequential files, 38
- String constant
- defined, 49
- String formula too complex, 65
- String too long, 65
- Subscript out of range, 64
- Switch
- /c, 11
- /d, 12
- /f, 11
- /m, 12
- /s, 11
- specifying numbers for, 12
- Syntax error, 63
- TAB key, 33
- Too many files, 69
- TTY sample program, 95
- notes on, 96
- Type mismatch, 65
- Undefined line number, 64
- Undefined user function, 65
- Unprintable error, 66, 67 ,68
- USR function call, 75
- syntax, 81
- Variable
- array defined, 52
- conversion done by GW-BASIC, 54
- declaration symbols, 52
- four types of, 52
- memory storage requirements, 54
- samples, 52
- Variable, fielded string
- not used in INPUT or LET
- statements, 43
- Variables
- defined, 16
- WEND without WHILE, 67
- WHILE without WEND, 66
- 13