- ORIGINAL: http://buraphakit.sourceforge.net/ECMA-55.TXT
- ___________________________________________
- Minimal BASIC
- January 1978
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | Free copies of this ECMA standard are available from |
- | ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association |
- | 114 Rue du Rhône - 1204 Geneva (Switzerland) |
- | |
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- ___________________________________________
- Minimal BASIC
- January 1978
- _____________
- The first version of the language BASIC, acronym for _Beginner's
- _All-purpose _Symbolic _Instruction _Code, was produced in 1964 at
- the Dartmouth College in the USA. This version of the language
- was oriented towards interactive use. Subsequently, a number of
- implementations of the language were prepared, that differed in
- part from the original one.
- In 1974, the ECMA General Assembly recognized the need for a
- standardized version of the language, and in September 1974 the
- first meeting of the ECMA Committee TC 21, BASIC, took place.
- In January 1974, a corresponding committee, X3J2, had been found-
- ed in the USA.
- Through a strict co-operation it was possible to maintain full
- compatibility between the ANSI and ECMA draft standards. The ANSI
- one was distributed for public comments in January 1976, and a
- number of comments were presented by ECMA.
- A final version of the ECMA Standard was prepared at the meeting
- of June 1977 and adopted by the General Assembly of ECMA on
- Dec. 14, 1977 as Standard ECMA-55.
- _T_A_B_L_E_ _O_F_ _C_O_N_T_E_N_T_S
- _P_a_g_e
- 1. SCOPE 1
- 3.1 BASIC 1
- 3.2 Batch Mode 1
- 3.3 End-of-Line 2
- 3.4 Error 2
- 3.5 Exception 2
- 3.6 Identifier 2
- 3.7 Interactive Mode 2
- 3.8 Keyword 2
- 3.9 Line 2
- 3.10 Nesting 2
- 3.11 Print Zone 3
- 3.12 Rounding 3
- 3.13 Significant Digits 3
- 3.14 Truncation 3
- TABLE 1 - BASIC Character Set 28
- TABLE 2 - BASIC Code 29
- APPENDIX 1 - Organization of the Standard 30
- APPENDIX 2 - Method of Syntax Specification 32
- APPENDIX 3 - Conformance 34
- APPENDIX 4 - Implementation-defined Features 35
- - 1 -
- 1. _S_C_O_P_E
- This Standard ECMA-55 is designed to promote the interchangeabi-
- lity of BASIC programs among a variety of automatic data process-
- ing systems. Subsequent Standards for the same purpose will de-
- scribe extensions and enhancements to this Standards. Programs
- conforming to this Standard, as opposed to extensions or enhance-
- ments of this Standard, will be said to be written in "Minimal
- This Standard establishes:
- - the syntax of a program written in Minimal BASIC.
- - The formats of data and the precision and range of numeric re-
- presentations which are acceptable as input to an automatic
- data processing system being controlled by a program written
- in Minimal BASIC.
- - The semantic rules for interpreting the meaning of a program
- written in Minimal BASIC.
- - The errors and exceptional circumstances which shall be detect-
- ed and also the manner in which such errors and exceptional cir-
- cumstance shall be handled.
- Although the BASIC language was originally designed primarily for
- interactive use, this Standard describes a language that is not
- so restricted.
- The organization of the Standard is outlined in Appendix 1. The
- method of syntax specification used is explained in Appendix 2.
- 2. _R_E_F_E_R_E_N_C_E_S
- ECMA-6 : 7-Bit Input/Output Coded Character Set, 4th Edition
- ECMA-53 : Representation of Source Programs
- 3. _D_E_F_I_N_I_T_I_O_N_S
- For the purposes of this Standard, the following terms have the
- meanings indicated.
- 3.1 _B_A_S_I_C
- A term applied as a name to members of a special class of lan-
- guages which possess similar syntaxes and semantic meanings;
- acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
- 3.2 _B_a_t_c_h_-_m_o_d_e
- The processing of programs in an environment where no provision
- is made for user interaction.
- - 2 -
- 3.3 _E_n_d_-_o_f_-_l_i_n_e
- The character(s) or indicator which identifies the termination
- of a line. Lines of three kinds may be identified in Minimal
- BASIC: program lines, print lines and input reply lines.
- End-of-line may vary between the three cases and may also vary
- depending upon context. Thus, for example, an end of input
- line may vary on a given system depending on the terminal being
- used in interactive or batch mode.
- Typical examples of end-of-line are carriage-return, carriage-
- return line-feed, and end of record (such as end of card).
- 3.4 _E_r_r_o_r
- A flaw in the syntax of a program which causes the program to
- be incorrect.
- 3.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n
- A circumstance arising in the course of executing a program
- which results from faulty data or computations or from exceed-
- ing some resource constraint. Where indicated certain excep-
- tions (non-fatal exceptions) may be handled by the specified
- procedures; if no procedure is given (fatal exceptions) or if
- restrictions imposed by the hardware or operating environment
- make it impossible to follow the given procedure, then the ex-
- ception shall be handled by terminating the program.
- 3.6 _I_d_e_n_t_i_f_i_e_r
- A character string used to name a variable or a function.
- 3.7 _I_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e_ _m_o_d_e
- The processing of programs in an environment which permits the
- user to respond directly to the actions of individual programs
- and to control the commencement and termination of those pro-
- grams.
- 3.8 _K_e_y_w_o_r_d
- A character string, usually with the spelling of a commonly
- used or mnemonic word, which provides a distinctive identifi-
- cation of a statement or a component of a statement of a pro-
- gramming language.
- The keywords in Minimal BASIC are: BASE, DATA, DEF, DIM, END,
- and TO.
- 3.9 _L_i_n_e
- A single transmission of characters which terminates with an
- end-of-line.
- 3.10 _N_e_s_t_i_n_g
- A set of statements is nested within another set of statements
- when:
- - 3 -
- - the nested set is physically contiguous, and
- - the nesting set (divided by the nested set) is non-null.
- 3.11 _P_r_i_n_t_ _z_o_n_e
- A contiguous set of character positions in a printed output
- line which may contain an evaluated print statement element.
- 3.12 _R_o_u_n_d_i_n_g
- The process by which the representation of a value with lower
- precision is generated from a representation of higher preci-
- sion taking into account the value of that portion of the ori-
- ginal number which is to be omitted.
- 3.13 _S_i_g_n_i_f_i_c_a_n_t_ _d_i_g_it_s
- The contiguous sequence of digits between the high-order non-
- zero digit and the low-order non-zero digit, without regard
- for the location of the radix point. Commonly, in a normalized
- floating point internal representation, only the significant
- digits of a representation are maintained in the significance.
- NOTE: The Standard requires that the ability of a conforming
- implementation to accept numeric representations be
- measured in terms of significant digits rather than the
- actual number of digits (that is including leading or
- trailing zeroes) in the representation.
- 3.14 _T_r_u_n_c_a_t_i_o_n
- The process by which the representation of a value with lower
- precision is generated from a representation of higher preci-
- sion by merely deleting the unwanted low order digits of the
- original representation.
- 4. _C_H_A_R_A_C_T_E_R_S_ _A_N_D_ _S_T_R_I_N_G_S
- 4.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- The character set for BASIC is contained in the ECMA 7-bit
- coded character set. Strings are sequences of characters and
- are used in BASIC programs as comments (see 19), as string con-
- stants (see 6), or as data (see 15).
- 4.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. letter = A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K/L/M/N/O/P/Q/R/S/T/
- U/V/W/X/Y/Z
- 2. digit = 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9
- 3. string-character = quotation-mark / quoted-string-character
- 4. quoted-string- = exclamation-mark / number-sign / dollar-
- character sign / percent-sign / ampersand /
- apostrophe / left-parenthesis / right-
- parenthesis / asterisk / comma / solidus /
- colon / semi-colon / less-than-sign /
- equals-sign / greater-than-sign /
- question-mark / circumflex-accent /
- underline / unquoted-string-character
- 5. unquoted-string- = space / plain-string-character
- character
- - 4 -
- 6. plain-string- = plus-sign / minus-sign / full-stop /
- character digit / letter
- 7. remark-string = string-character*
- 8. quoted-string = quotation-mark quoted-string-character*
- quotation-mark
- 9. unquoted-string = plain-string-character /
- plain-string-character
- unquoted-string-character*
- plain-string-character
- 4.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- 4.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- The letters shall be the set of upper-case Roman letters con-
- tained in the ECMA 7-bit coded character set in positions 4/1
- to 5/10.
- The digits shall be the set of arabic digits contained in the
- ECMA 7-bit coded character set in positions 3/0 to 3/9.
- The remaining string-characters shall correspond to the remain-
- ing graphic characters in position 2/0 to 2/15, 3/10 to 3/15
- and in positions 5/14, 5/15 of the ECMA 7-bit coded character
- set.
- The names of characters are specified in Table 1.
- The coding of characters is specified in Table 2; however, this
- coding applies only when programs and/or input/output data are
- exchanged by means of coded media.
- 4.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- None.
- 4.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- Other characters from the ECMA 7-bit coded character set (in-
- cluding control characters) may be accepted by an implementation
- and may have a meaning to some other processor (such as an editor)
- but have no prescribed meaning within this Standard. Programs
- containing characters other than the string-characters described
- above are not standard-conforming programs.
- The several kinds of characters and strings described by the
- syntax correspond to the various uses of strings in a BASIC
- program. Remark-strings may be used in remark-statements (see
- 19). Quoted-strings may be used as string-constants (see 6).
- Unquoted-strings may be used in addition to quoted-strings as
- data elements (see 17) without being enclosed in quotation marks;
- unquoted-strings cannot contain leading or trailing spaces.
- - 5 -
- 5. _P_R_O_G_R_A_M_S
- 5.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- BASIC is a line-oriented language. A BASIC program is a sequence
- of lines, the last of which shall be an end-line and each of
- which contains a keyword. Each line shall contain a unique line-
- number which serves as a label for the statement contained in
- that line.
- 5.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. program = block* end-line
- 2. block = (line/for-block)*
- 3. line = line-number statement end-of-line
- 4. line-number = digit digit? digit? digit?
- 5. end-of-line = [implementation defined]
- 6. end-line = line-number end-statement end-of-line
- 7. end-statement = END
- 8. statement = data-statement / def-statement /
- dimension -statement / gosub-statement /
- goto-statement / if-then-statement /
- input-statement / let-statement /
- on-goto-statement / option-statement /
- print-statement / randomize-statement /
- read-statement / remark-statement /
- restore-statement / return-statement /
- stop statement
- 5.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- 999 END
- 5.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- A BASIC program shall be composed of a sequence of lines order-
- ed by line-numbers, the last of which contains an end-statement.
- Program lines shall be executed in sequential order, starting
- with the first line, until
- - some other action is dictated by a control statement, or
- - an exception condition occurs, which results in a termination
- of the program, or
- - a stop-statement or end-statement is executed.
- Special conventions shall be observed regarding spaces. With
- the following exceptions, spaces may occur anywhere in a BASIC
- program without affecting the execution of that program and
- may be used to improve the appearance and readability of the
- program.
- Spaces shall not appear:
- - at the beginning of a line
- - within keywords
- - within numeric constants
- - within line numbers
- - within function or variable names
- - within two-character relation symbols
- - 6 -
- All keywords in a program shall be preceded by at least one
- space and, if not at the end of a line, shall be followed by
- at least one space.
- Each line shall begin with a line-number. The values of the
- integers represented by the line-numbers shall be positive
- nonzero; leading zeroes shall have no effect. Statements shall
- occur in ascending line-number order.
- The manner in which the end of a statement line is detected is
- determined by the implementation; e.g. the end-of-line may be
- a carriage-return character, a carriage-return character follow-
- ed by a line-feed character, or the end of a physical record.
- Lines in a standard-conforming program may contain up to 72
- characters; the end-of-line indicator is not included within
- this 72 character limit.
- The end-statement serves both to mark the physical end of the
- main body of a program and to terminate the execution of the
- program when encountered.
- 5.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- None.
- 5.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- Local editing facilities may allow for the entry of statement
- lines in any order and also allow for duplicate line-numbers
- and lines containing only a line-number. Such editing facili-
- ties usually sort the program into the proper order and in the
- case of duplicate line-numbers, the last line entered with
- that line-number is retained. In many implementations, a line
- containing only a line-number (without trailing spaces) is
- usually deleted from the program.
- 6. _C_O_N_S_T_A_N_T_S
- 6.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _d_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- Constants can denote both scalar numeric values and string
- values.
- A numeric-constant is a decimal representation in positional
- notation of a number. There are four general syntactic forms
- of (optionally signed) numeric constants:
- - implicit point representation sd...d
- - explicit point unscaled representation sd..drd..d
- - explicit point scaled representation sd..drd..dEsd..d
- - implicit point scaled representation sd..dEsd..d
- where:
- d is a decimal digit,
- r is a full-stop
- s is an optional sign, and
- E is the explicit character E.
- - 7 -
- A string-constant is a character string enclosed in quotation
- marks (see 4).
- 6.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. numeric-constant = sign? numeric-rep
- 2. sign = plus-sign / minus-sign
- 3. numeric-rep = significand exrad?
- 4. significand = integer full-stop? / integer? fraction
- 5. integer = digit digit*
- 6. fraction = full-stop digit digit*
- 7. exrad = E sign? integer
- 8. string-constant = quoted-string
- 6.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- 1 500 -21. .255 1E10
- 5E-1 .4E+1
- "XYZ" "X - 3B2" "1E10"
- 6.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- The value of a numeric-constant is the number represented by
- that constant. "E" stands for "times ten to the power"; if no
- sign follows the symbol "E", then a plus sign is understood.
- Spaces shall not occur in numeric-constants.
- A program may contain numeric representations which have an
- arbitrary number of digits, though implementations may round
- the values of such representations to an implementation-defined
- precision of not less than six significant decimal digits. Numeric
- constants can also have an arbitrary number of digits in the ex-
- rad, though nonzero constants whose magnitude is outside an im-
- plementation-defined range will be treated as exceptions. The
- implementation-defined range shall be at least 1E-38 to 1E+38.
- Constants whose magnitudes are less than machine infinitesimal
- shall be replaced by zero, while constants whose magnitudes are
- larger than machine infinity shall be diagnosed as causing an
- overflow.
- A string-constant has as its value the string of all characters
- between the quotation marks; spaces shall not be ignored. The
- length of a string-constant, i.e. the number of characters con-
- tained between the quotation-marks, is limited only by the length
- of a line.
- 6.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- The evaluation of a numeric constant causes an overflow (non-
- fatal, the recommended recovery procedure is to supply machine
- infinity with the appropriate sign and continue).
- 6.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- Since this Standard does not require that strings with more
- than 18 characters be assignable to string variables (see 7),
- conforming programs can use string constants with more than
- 18 characters only as elements in a print-list.
- - 8 -
- It is recommended that implementations report constants whose
- magnitudes are less than machine infinitesimal as underflows
- and continue.
- 7. _V_A_R_I_A_B_L_E_S
- 7.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- Variables in BASIC are associated with either numeric or
- string values and, in the case of numeric variables, may be
- either simple variables or references to elements of one or
- two dimensional arrays; such references are called subscript-
- ed variables.
- Simple numeric variables shall be named by a letter followed
- by an optional digit.
- Subscripted numeric variables shall be named by a letter fol-
- lowed by one or two numeric expressions enclosed within pa-
- rentheses.
- String variables shall be named by a letter followed by a
- dollar sign.
- Explicit declarations of variable types are not required; a
- dollar-sign serves to distinguish string from numeric variab-
- les, and the presence of a subscript distinguishes a sub-
- scripted variable from a simple one.
- 7.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. variable = numeric-variable / string-variable
- 2. numeric-variable = simple-numeric-variable /
- numeric-array-element
- 3. simple-numeric- = letter digit?
- variable
- 4. numeric-array-element = numeric-array-name subscript
- 5. numeric-array-name = letter
- 6. subscript = left-parenthesis numeric-expression
- (comma numeric-expression)? right-
- parenthesis
- 7. string-variable = letter dollar-sign
- 7.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- X A5 V(3) W(X,X+Y/2)
- S$ C$
- 7.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- At any instant in the execution of a program, a numeric-
- variable is associated with a single numeric value and a
- string-variable is associated with a single string value.
- The value associated with a variable may be changed by the
- execution of statements in the program.
- - 9 -
- The length of the character string associated with a string-
- variable can vary during the execution of a program from a
- length of zero characters (signifying the null or empty string)
- to 18 characters.
- Simple-numeric-variables and string-variables are declared im-
- plicitly through their appearance in a program.
- A subscripted variable refers to the element in the one or two
- dimensional array selected by the value(s) of the subscript(s).
- The value of each subscript is rounded to the nearest integer.
- Unless explicitly declared in a dimension statement, subscript-
- ed variables are implicitly declared by their first appearance
- in a program. In this case the range of each subscript is from
- zero to ten inclusive, unless the presence of an option-state-
- ment indicates that the range is from one to ten inclusive. Sub-
- script expressions shall have values within the appropriate range
- (see 18).
- The same letter shall not be the name of both a simple variable
- and an array, nor the name of both a one-dimensional and a two-
- dimensional array.
- There is no relationship between a numeric-variable and a string-
- variable whose names agree except for the dollar-sign.
- At the initiation of execution the values associated with all
- variables shall be implementation-defined.
- 7.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- A subscript is not in the range of the explicit or implicit
- dimensioning bounds (fatal).
- 7.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- Since initialization of variables is not specified, and hence
- may vary from implementation to implementation, programs that
- are intended to be transportable should explicitly assign a
- value to each variable before any expression involving that
- variable is evaluated.
- There are many commonly used alternatives for associating im-
- plementation-defined initial values with variables; it is re-
- commended that all variables are recognizably undefined in the
- sense that an exception will result from any attempt to access
- the value of any variable before that variable is explicitly
- assigned a value.
- 8. _E_X_P_R_E_S_S_I_O_N_S
- 8.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- Expressions shall be either numeric-expressions or string-
- expressions.
- Numeric-expressions may be constructed from variables, constants,
- and function references using the operations of addition, sub-
- traction, multiplication, division and involution.
- - 10 -
- String-expressions are composed of either a string-variable or
- a string-constant.
- 8.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. expression = numeric-expression / string-expression
- 2. numeric-expression = sign? term (sign term)*
- 3. term = factor (multiplier factor)*
- 4. factor = primary (circumflex-accent primary)*
- 5. multiplier = asterisk / solidus
- 6. primary = numeric-variable / numeric-rep / numeric-
- function-ref / left-parenthesis numeric-
- expression
- right-parenthesis
- 7. numeric-function- = numeric-function-name
- ref argument-list?
- 8. numeric-function- = numeric-defined-function /
- name numeric-supplied-function
- 9. argument-list = left-parenthesis argument
- right-parenthesis
- 10. argument = string-expression
- 11. string-expression = string-variable / string-constant
- 8.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- 3*X - Y^2 A(1)+A(2)+A(3) 2^(-X)
- -X/Y SQR(X^2+Y^2)
- 8.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- The formation and evaluation of numeric-expressions follows the
- normal algebraic rules. The symbols circumflex-accent, asterisk,
- solidus, plus-sign and minus-sign represent the operations of
- involution, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction,
- respectively. Unless parentheses dictate otherwise, involutions
- are performed first, then multiplications and divisions, and
- finally additions and subtractions. In the absence of parenthe-
- ses, operations of the same precedence are associated to the
- left.
- A-B-C is interpreted as (A-B)-C, A^B^C as (A^B)^C, A/B/C as
- (A/B)/C and -A^B as -(A^B).
- If an underflow occurs in the evaluation of a numeric expression
- then the value generated by the operation which resulted in the
- underflow shall be replaced by zero.
- 0^0 is defined to be 1, as in ordinary mathematical usage.
- When the order of evaluation of an expression is not constrained
- by the use of parentheses, and if the mathematical use of opera-
- tors is associative, commutative, or both, then full use of these
- properties may be made in order to revise the order of evalua-
- tion of the expression.
- In a function reference, the number of arguments supplied shall
- be equal to the number of parameters required by the definition
- of the function.
- - 11 -
- A function reference is a notation for the invocation of a pre-
- defined algorithm, into which the argument value, if any, is
- substituted for the parameter (see 9 and 10) which is used in
- the function definition. All functions referenced in an express-
- ion shall either be implementation-supplied or be defined in a
- def-statement. The result of the evaluation of the function,
- achieved by the execution of the defining algorithm, is a scalar
- numeric value which replaces the function reference in the ex-
- pression.
- 8.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- - Evaluation of an expression results in division by zero
- (nonfatal, the recommended recovery procedure is to supply
- machine infinity with the sign of the numerator and continue)
- - Evaluation of an expression results in an overflow (nonfatal,
- the recommended recovery procedure is to supply machine in-
- finity with the algebraically correct sign and continue).
- - Evaluation of the operation of involution results in a nega-
- tive number being raised to a non-integral power (fatal).
- - Evaluation of the operation of involution results in a zero be-
- ing raised to a negative value (nonfatal, the recommended re-
- covery procedure is to supply positive machine infinity and
- continue).
- 8.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- The accuracy with which the evaluation of an expression takes
- place will vary from implementation to implementation. While no
- minimum accuracy is specified for the evaluation of numeric-
- expressions, it is recommended that implementations maintain at
- least six significant decimal digits of precision.
- The method of evaluation of the operation of involution may
- depend upon whether or not the exponent is an integer. If it
- is, then the indicated number of multiplications may be per-
- formed; if it is not, then the expression may be evaluated
- using the LOG and EXP functions (see 9).
- It is recommended that implementations report underflow as an
- exception and continue.
- 9. _I_M_P_L_E_M_E_N_A_T_A_T_I_ON_ _S_U_P_P_L_I_E_D_ _F_U_N_C_T_I_O_N_S
- 9.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- Predefined algorithms are supplied by the implementation for
- the evaluation of commonly used numeric functions.
- 9.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. numeric-supplied-function = ABS / ATN / COS / EXP / INT /
- 9.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- None.
- - 12 -
- 9.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- The values of the implementation-supplied functions, as well as
- the number of arguments required for each function, are described
- below. In all cases, X stands for a numeric expression.
- _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_ _v_a_l_u_e
- ABS(X) The absolute value of X.
- ATN(X) The arctangent of X in radians, i.e. the angle
- whose tangent is X. The range of the function
- is
- -(pi/2) < ATN(X) < (pi/2)
- where pi is the ratio of the circumference of
- a circle to its diameter.
- COS(X) The cosine of X, where X is in radians.
- EXP(X) The exponential of X, i.e. the value of the
- base of natural logarithms (e = 2,71828...)
- raised to the power X; if EXP(X) is less than
- machine infinitesimal, then its value shall
- be replaced by zero.
- INT(X) The largest integer not greater than X; e.g.
- INT(1.3) = 1 and INT(-1.3) = -2.
- LOG(X) The natural logarithm of X; X must be greater
- than zero.
- RND The next pseudo-random number in an implemen-
- tation-supplied sequence of pseudo-random num-
- bers uniformly distributed in the range 0 <=
- RND < 1 (see also 20).
- SGN(X) The sign of X: -1 if X < 0, 0 if X = 0 and
- +1 if X > 0.
- SIN(X) The sine of X, where X is in radians.
- SQR(X) The nonnegative square root of X; X must be
- nonnegative.
- TAN(X) The tangent of X, where X is in radians.
- 9.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- - The value of the argument of the LOG function is zero or ne-
- gative (fatal).
- - The value of the argument of the SQR function is negative
- (fatal).
- - The magnitude of the value of the exponential or tangent
- function is larger than machine infinity (nonfatal, the re-
- commended recovery procedure is to supply machine infinity
- with the appropriate sign and continue).
- - 13 -
- 9.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- The RND function in the absence of a randomize-statement (see
- 20) will generate the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers
- each time a program is run. This convention is chosen so that
- programs employing pseudo-random numbers can be executed se-
- veral times with the same result.
- It is recommended that, if the value of the exponential function
- is less than machine infinitesimal, implementations report this
- as an underflow and continue.
- 10. _U_S_E_R_ _D_E_F_I_N_E_D_ _F_U_N_C_T_I_O_N_S
- 10.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- In addition to the implementation supplied functions provided
- for the convenience of the programmer (see 9), BASIC allows
- the programmer to define new functions within a program.
- The general form of statements for defining functions is
- DEF FNx = expression
- or DEF FNx (parameter) = expression
- where x is a single letter and a parameter is a simple numeric-
- variable.
- 10.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. def-statement = DEF numeric-defined-function
- parameter-list? equals-sign
- numeric-expression
- 2. numeric-defined-
- function = FN letter
- 3. parameter-list = left-parenthesis parameter
- right-parenthesis
- 4. parameter = simple-numeric-variable
- 10.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- DEF FNF(X) = X^4 - 1 DEF FNP = 3.14159
- DEF FNA(X) = A*X + B
- 10.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- A function definition specifies the means of evaluation the
- function in terms of the value of an expression involving the
- parameter appearing in the parameter-list and possibly other
- variables or constants. When the function is referenced, i.e.
- when an expression involving the function is evaluated, then
- the expression in the argument list for the function reference,
- if any, is evaluated and its value is assigned to the parameter
- in the parameter-list for the function definition (the number
- of arguments shall correspond exactly to the number of para-
- meters). The expression in the function definition is then eva-
- luated, and this value is assigned as the value of the function.
- - 14 -
- The parameter appearing in the parameter-list of a function
- definition is local to that definition, i.e. it is distinct
- from any variable with the same name outside of the function
- definition. Variables which do not appear in the parameter-
- list are the variables of the same name outside the function
- definition.
- A function definition shall occur in a lower numbered line
- than that of the first reference to the function. The expres-
- sion in a def-statement is not evaluated unless the defined
- function is referenced.
- If the execution of a program reaches a line containing a
- def-statement, then it shall proceed to the next line with no
- other effect.
- A function definition may refer to other defined functions,
- but not to the function being defined. A function shall be de-
- fined at most once in a program.
- 10.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- None.
- 11. _L_E_T_ _S_T_A_T_E_M_E_N_T
- 11.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- A let-statement provides for the assignment of the value of
- an expression to a variable. The general syntactic form of
- the let-statement shall be
- LET variable = expression
- 11.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. let-statement = numeric-let-statement /
- string-let-statement
- 2. numeric-let-statement = LET numeric-variable equals-sign
- numeric-expression
- 3. string-let-statement = LET string-variable equals-sign
- string-expression
- 11.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- LET P = 3.14159
- LET A(X,3) = SIN(X)*Y + 1
- LET A$ = "ABC"
- LET A$ = B$
- 11.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- The expression is evaluated (see 8) and its value is assigned
- to the variable to the left of the equals sign.
- 11.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- A string datum contains too many characters (fatal).
- - 15 -
- 12. _C_O_N_T_R_O_L_ _S_T_A_T_E_M_E_N_T_S
- 12.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- Control statements allow for the interruption of the normal
- sequence of execution of statements by causing execution to
- continue at a specified line, rather than at the one with the
- next higher line number.
- The goto-statement
- GO TO line-number
- allows for an unconditional transfer.
- The if-then-statement
- IF exp1 rel exp2 THEN line-number
- where "exp1" and "exp2" are expressions and "rel" is a relation-
- al operator, allows for a conditional transfer.
- The gosub and return statements
- GO SUB line-number
- allow for subroutine calls.
- The on-goto-statement
- ON expression GO TO line-number, ..., line-number
- allows control to be transferred to a selected line.
- The stop-statement
- allows for program termination.
- 12.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. goto-statement = GO space* TO line-number
- 2. if-then-statement = IF relational-expression THEN
- line-number
- 3. relational-expression = numeric-expression relation
- numeric-expression / string-
- expression equality-relation
- string-expression
- 4. relation = equality-relation / less-than-
- sign / greater-than-sign / not-
- less / not-greater
- 5. equality-relation = equals-sign / not-equals
- 6. not-less = greater-than-sign equals-sign
- 7. not-greater = less-than-sign equals-sign
- 8. not-equals = less-than-sign greater-than-sign
- 9. gosub-statement = GO space* SUB line-number
- 10. return-statement = RETURN
- 11. on-goto-statement = ON numeric-expression GO space*
- TO line-number (comma line-number)*
- - 16 -
- 12. stop-statement = STOP
- 12.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- GO TO 999 IF X > Y+83 then 200
- IF A$ <> B$ THEN 550 ON L+1 GO TO 300,400,500
- 12.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- A goto-statement indicates that execution of the program is to
- be continued at the specified line-number.
- If the value of the relational-expression in an if-then-state-
- ment is true, then execution of the program shall continue from
- the specified line-number; if the value of the relational-ex-
- pression is false, then execution shall be continued in sequence,
- i.e. with the statement on the line following that containing
- the if-then-statement.
- The relation "less than or equal to" shall be denoted by <=.
- Similarly, "greater than or equal to" shall be denoted by >=,
- while "not equal to" shall be denoted by <>.
- The relation of equality holds between two strings if and only
- if the two strings have the same length and contain identical
- sequences of characters.
- The execution of the gosub-statement and the return-statement
- can be described in terms of a stack of line-numbers (but may
- be implemented in some other fashion). Prior to execution of
- the first gosub-statement by the program, this stack is empty.
- Each time a gosub-statement is executed, the line-number of
- the gosub-statement is placed on top of the stack and execution
- of the program is continued at the line specified in the gosub-
- statement. Each time a return-statement is executed, the line-
- number on top of the stack is removed from the stack and exe-
- cution of the program is continued at the line following the
- one with that line-number.
- It is not necessary that equal numbers of gosub-statements and
- return-statements be executed before termination of the program.
- The expression in an on-goto-statement shall be evaluated and
- rounded to obtain an integer, whose value is then used to select
- a line-number from the list following the GOTO (the line-numbers
- in the list are indexed from left to right, starting with 1).
- Execution of the program shall continue at the statement with
- the selected line-number.
- All line-numbers in control-statements shall refer to lines in
- the program.
- The stop-statement causes termination of the program.
- 12.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- - An attempt is made to execute a return-statement without
- having executed a corresponding gosub-statement (fatal).
- - 17 -
- - The integer obtained as the value of an expression in an
- on-goto-statement is less than one or greater than the
- number of line-numbers in the list (fatal).
- 13. _F_O_R_ _A_N_D_ _N_E_X_T_ _S_T_A_T_E_M_E_N_T_S
- 13.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- The for-statement and next-statement provide for the contruct-
- ion of loops. The general syntactic form of the for-statement
- and next-statement is
- FOR v = initial-value TO limit STEP increment
- NEXT v
- where "v" is a simple numeric variable and the "initial-value",
- "limit" and "increment" are numeric expressions; the clause
- "STEP increment" is optional.
- 13.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. for-block = for-line for-body
- 2. for-body = block next-line
- 3. for-line = line-number for-statement end-of-
- line
- 4. next-line = line-number next-statement end-
- of-line
- 5. for-statement = FOR control-variable equals-sign
- initial-value TO limit (STEP
- increment)?
- 6. control-variable = simple-numeric-variable
- 7. initial-value = numeric-expression
- 8. limit = numeric-expression
- 9. increment = numeric-expression
- 10. next-statement = NEXT control-variable
- 13.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- FOR I = 1 TO 10 FOR I = A TO B STEP -1
- 13.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- The for-statement and the next-statement are defined in con-
- junction with each other. The physical sequence of statements
- beginning with a for-statement and continuing up to and in-
- cluding the first next-statement with the same control variable
- is termed a "for-block". For-blocks can be physically nested,
- i.e. one can contain another, but they shall not be interleaved,
- i.e. a for-block which contains a for-statement or a next-
- statement shall contain the entire for-block begun or ended by
- that statement.
- Furthermore, physically nested for-blocks shall not use the
- same control variable.
- - 18 -
- In the absence of a STEP clause in a for-statement, the incre-
- ment is assumed to be +1.
- The action of the for-statement and the next-statement is de-
- fined in terms of other statements, as follows:
- FOR v = initial-value TO limit STEP increment
- (block)
- NEXT v
- is equivalent to:
- LET own1 = limit
- LET own2 = increment
- LET v = initial-value
- line1 IF (v-own1) * SGN (own2) > 0 THEN line2
- (block)
- LET v = v + own2
- GOTO line1
- line2 REM continued in sequence
- Here v is any simple-numeric-variable, own1 and own2 are va-
- riables associated with the particular for-block and not ac-
- cessible to the programmer, and line1 and line2 are line-numbers
- associated with the particular for-block and not accessible to
- the programmer. The variables own1 and own2 are distinct from
- similar variables associated with other for-blocks. A program
- shall not transfer control into a for-body by any statement
- other than a return statement (see 12).
- 13.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- None.
- 13.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- Where arithmetic is approximate (as with decimal fractions in a
- binary machine), the loop will be executed within the limits of
- machine arithmetic. No presumptions about approximate achieve-
- ment of the end test are made. It is noted that in most ordinary
- situations where machine arithmetic is truncated (rather than
- rounded), such constructions as
- FOR X = 0 TO 1 STEP 0.1
- will work as the user expects, even though 0.1 is not represent-
- able exactly in a binary machine. If this is indeed the case,
- then the construction
- FOR X = 1 TO 0 STEP -0.1
- will probably not work as expected.
- As specified above, the value of the control-variable upon
- exit from a for-block via its next-statement is the first va-
- lue not used; if exit is via a control-statement, the control-
- variable retains the value it has when the control-statement
- is executed.
- The variables "own1" and "own2" associated with a for-block are
- assigned values only upon entry to the for-block through its
- for-statement.
- - 19 -
- 14. _P_R_I_N_T_ _S_T_A_T_E_M_E_N_T
- 14.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- The print-statement is designed for generation of tabular out-
- put in a consistent format.
- The general syntactic form of the print-statement is
- PRINT item p item p ... p item
- where each item is an expression, a tab-call, or null, and
- each punctuation mark p is either a comma or a semi-colon.
- 14.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. print-statement = PRINT print-list?
- 2. print-list = (print-item? print-separator)*
- print_item?
- 3. print-item = expression / tab-call
- 4. tab-call = TAB left-parenthesis numeric-expres-
- sion right-parenthesis
- 5. print-separator = comma / semicolon
- 14.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- PRINT TAB(10); A$; "IS DONE."
- 14.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- The execution of a print-statement generates a string of char-
- acters for transmission to an external device. This string of
- characters is determined by the successive evaluation of each
- print-item and print-separator in the print-list.
- Numeric-expressions shall be evaluated to produce a string of
- characters consisting of a leading space if the number is po-
- sitive or a leading minus-sign if the number is negative fol-
- lowed by the decimal representation of the absolute value of
- the number and a trailing space. The possible formats for the
- decimal representation of a number are the same as those des-
- cribed for numeric-constants in 6 and are used as follows.
- Each implementation shall define two quantities, a significance-
- width d to control the number of significant decimal digits
- printed in numeric representations, and an exrad-width e to con-
- trol the number of digits printed in the exrad component of a
- numeric representation. The value of d shall be at least six
- and the value of e shall be at least two.
- Each number that can be represented exactly as an integer with
- d or fewer decimal digits is output using the implicit point
- unscaled representation.
- All other numbers shall be output using either explicit point
- unscaled notation or explicit point scaled notation. Numbers
- which can be represented with d or fewer digits in the unscaled
- format no less accurately than they can be represented in the
- scaled format shall be output using the unscaled format. For
- example, if d = 6, then 10^(-6) is output as .000001 and
- - 20 -
- 10^(-7) is output as 1.E-7.
- Numbers represented in the explicit point unscaled notation shall
- be output with up to d significant decimal digits and a full-
- stop; trailing zeroes in the fractional part may be omitted.
- A number with magnitude less than 1 shall be represented with
- no digits to the left of the full-stop. This form requires up
- to d+3 characters counting the sign, the full-stop and the
- trailing space.
- Numbers represented in the explicit point scaled notation shall
- be output in the format
- significand E sign integer
- where the value x of the significand is in the range 1 <= x < 10
- and is to be represented with exactly d digits of precision, and
- where the exrad component has one to e digits. Trailing zeroes
- may be omitted in the fractional part of the significand and
- leading zeroes may be omitted from the exrad. This form re-
- quires up to d+e+5 characters counting the two signs, the full-
- stop, the "E" and a trailing space.
- String-expressions shall be evaluated to generate a string of
- characters.
- The evaluation of the semicolon separator shall generate the
- null string, i.e. a string of zero length.
- The evaluation of a tab-call or a comma separator depends upon
- the string of characters already generated by the current or
- previous print-statements. The "current line" is the (possibly
- empty) string of characters generated since the last end-of-
- line was generated. The "margin" is the number of characters,
- excluding the end-of-line character, that can be output on one
- line and is defined by the implementation. The "columnar posi-
- tion" of the current line is the print position that will be
- occupied by the next character output to that line; print posi-
- tions are numbered consecutively from the left, starting with
- position one.
- Each print-line is divided into a fixed number of print zones,
- where the number of zones and the length of each zone is im-
- plementation defined. All print zones, except possibly the last
- one on a line, shall have the same length. This length shall
- be at least d+e+6 characters in order to accommodate the print-
- ing of numbers in explicit point scaled notation as des-
- cribed above and to allow the comma separator to move the print-
- ing mechanism to the next zone as described below.
- The purpose of the tab-call is to set the columnar position of
- the current line to the specified value prior to printing the
- next print-item. More precisely, the argument of the tab-call
- is evaluated and rounded to the nearing integer n. IF n is less
- than one, an exception occurs. If n is greater than the margin
- m, then n is reduced by an integral multiple of m so that it
- is in the range 1 <= n <= m; i.e. n is set equal to
- - 21 -
- n - m * INT ((n-1)/m).
- If the columnar position of the current line is less than or
- equal to n, then spaces are generated, if necessary, to set the
- columnar position to n; if the columnar position of the current
- line is greater than n, then an end-of-line is generated follow-
- ed by enough spaces to set the columnar position of the new cur-
- rent line to n.
- The evaluation of the comma-separator generates one or more
- spaces to set the columnar position to the beginning of the
- next print zone, unless the current print zone is the last on
- the line, in which case an end-of-line is generated.
- If the print list does not end in a print-separator, then an
- end-of-line is generated and added to the characters generated
- by the evaluation of the print-list.
- If the evaluation of any print-item in a print-list would cause
- the length of a nonempty line to exceed the margin, then an
- end-of-line is generated prior to the characters generated by
- that print-item. Subsequently, if the evaluation of a print-
- item generates a string whose length is greater than the mar-
- gin, then end-of-lines are inserted after every m characters
- in the string, where m is the margin value.
- 14.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- The evaluation of a tab-call argument generates a value less
- then one (nonfatal; the recommended recovery procedure is to
- supply one and continue).
- 14.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- The comma-separator allows the programmer to tabulate the print-
- ing mechanism to fixed tab settings at the end of each print
- zone.
- A completely empty print-list will generate an end-of-line,
- thereby completing the current line of output. If this line
- contained no characters, then a blank line results.
- A print line on a typical terminal might be divided into five
- print zones of fifteen print positions each.
- 15. _I_N_P_U_T_ _S_T_A_T_E_M_E_N_T
- 15.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- Input-statements provide for user interaction with a running
- program by allowing variables to be assigned values that are
- supplied by a user. The input-statement enables the entry of
- mixed string and numeric data, with data items being separat-
- ed by commas. The general syntactic form of the input-state-
- ment is
- INPUT variable, ..., variable
- - 22 -
- 15.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. input-statement = INPUT variable-list
- 2. variable-list = variable (comma variable)*
- 3. input-prompt = [implementation defined]
- 4. input-reply = input-list end-of-line
- 5. input-list = padded-datum (comma padded-datum)*
- 6. padded-datum = space* datum space*
- 7. datum = quoted-string / unquoted-string
- 15.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- 3.14159 2,SMITH,-3 25,0,-15
- 15.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- An input-statement causes the variables in the variable-list
- to be assigned, in order, values from the input-reply. In the
- interactive mode, the user of the program is informed of the
- need to supply data by the output of an input-prompt. In batch
- mode, the input-reply is requested from the external source
- by an implementation-defined means. Execution of the program
- is suspended until a valid input-reply has been supplied.
- The type of each datum in the input-reply shall correspond to
- the type of the variable to which it is to be assigned; i.e.,
- numeric-constants shall be supplied as input for numeric-
- variables, and either quoted-strings or unquoted-strings shall
- be supplied as input for string-variables. If the response to
- input for a string-variable is an unquoted-string, leading
- and trailing spaces shall be ignored (see 4).
- If the evaluation of a numeric datum causes an underflow, then
- its value shall be replaced by zero.
- Subscript expressions in the variable-list are evaluated after
- value have been assigned to the variables preceding them
- (i.e. to the left of them) in the variable-list.
- No assignment of values in the input-reply shall take place un-
- til the input-reply has been validated with respect to the type
- of each datum, the number of input items, and the allowable
- range for each datum.
- 15.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- - The type of datum does not match the type of the variable to
- which it is to be assigned (nonfatal, the recommended recov-
- ery procedure is to request that the input-reply be re-sup-
- plied).
- - There is insufficient data in the input-list (nonfatal, the
- recommended recovery procedure is to request that the input-
- reply be resupplied).
- - There is too much data in the input-list (nonfatal, the re-
- commended recovery procedure is to request that the input-
- reply be resupplied).
- - 23 -
- - The evaluation of a numeric datum causes an overflow (non-
- fatal, the recommended recovery procedure is to request that
- the input-reply be resupplied).
- - A string datum contains too many characters (nonfatal, the
- recommended recovery procedure is to request that the input-
- reply be resupplied).
- 15.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- This Standard does not require an implementation to perform
- any editing of the input-reply, though such editing may be per-
- formed by the operating environment.
- It is recommended that the input-prompt consists of a question-
- mark followed by a single space.
- This Standard does not require an implementation to output the
- input-reply.
- It is recommended that implementations report an underflow as
- an exception and allow the input-reply to be resupplied.
- 16. _R_E_A_D_ _A_N_D_ _R_E_S_T_O_R_E_ _S_T_A_T_E_M_E_N_T_S
- 16.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- The read-statement provides for the assignment of values to
- variables from a sequence of data created from data-statements
- (see 17). The restore-statement allows the data in the program
- to be reread. The general syntactic forms of the read and re-
- store statements are
- READ variable, ..., variable
- 16.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. read-statement = READ variable-list
- 2. restore-statement = RESTORE
- 16.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- READ X, Y, Z READ X(1), A$, C
- 16.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- The read-statement causes variables in the variable-list to be
- assigned values, in order, from the sequence of data (see 17).
- A conceptual pointer is associated with the data sequence. At
- the initiation of execution of a program, this pointer points
- to the first datum in the data sequence. Each time a read-state-
- ment is executed, each variable in the variable-list in se-
- quence is assigned the value of the datum indicated by the point-
- er and the pointer is advanced to point beyond that datum.
- The restore-statement resets the pointer for the data sequence
- to the beginning of the sequence, so that the next read-state-
- ment executed will read data from the beginning of the sequence
- once again.
- - 24 -
- The type of a datum in the data sequence shall correspond to
- the type of the variable to which it is to be assigned; i.e.,
- numeric-variables require unquoted-strings which are numeric-
- constants as data and string-variables require quoted-strings
- or unquoted-strings as data. An unquoted-string which is a
- valid numeric representation may be assigned to either a string-
- variable or a numeric-variable by a read-statement.
- If the evaluation of a numeric datum causes an underflow, then
- its value shall be replaced by zero.
- Subscript expressions in the variable-list are evaluated after
- values have been assigned to the variables preceding them (i.e.
- to the left of them) in the list.
- 16.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- - The variable-list in a read-statement requires more data than
- are present in the remainder of the data-sequence (fatal).
- - An attempt is made to assign a string datum to a numeric
- variable (fatal).
- - The evaluation of a numeric datum causes an overflow (non-
- fatal, the recommended recovery procedure is to supply ma-
- chine infinity with the appropriate sign and continue).
- - A string datum contains too many characters (fatal).
- 16.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- It is recommended that implementations report an underflow as
- exception and continue.
- 17. _D_A_T_A_ _S_T_A_T_E_M_E_N_T
- 17.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- The data-statement provides for the creation of a sequence of
- representations for data elements for use by the read-statement.
- The general syntactic form of the data-statement is
- DATA datum, ..., datum
- where each datum is either a numeric constant, a string-constant
- or an unquoted string.
- 17.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. data-statement = DATA data-list
- 2. data-list = datum (comma datum)*
- 17.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- DATA 3.14159, PI, 5E-10, ","
- 17.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- Data from the totality of data-statements in the program are
- collected into a single data sequence. The order in which data
- appear textually in the totality of all data-statements deter-
- mines the order of the data in the data sequence.
- - 25 -
- If the execution of a program reaches a line containing a
- data-statement, then it shall proceed to the next line with
- no other effect.
- 17.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- None.
- 18. _A_R_R_A_Y_ _D_E_C_L_A_R_A_T_I_O_N_S
- 18.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- The dimension-statement is used to reserve space for arrays.
- Unless declared otherwise, all array subscripts shall have a
- lower bound of zero and an upper bound of ten. Thus the default
- space allocation reserves space for 11 elements in one-dimen-
- sional arrays and 121 elements in two-dimensional arrays. By
- use of a dimension-statement, the subscript(s) of an array may
- be declared to have an upper bound other than ten. By use of
- an option-statement, the subscripts of all arrays may be de-
- clared to have a lower bound of one.
- The general syntactic form of the dimension-statement is
- DIM declaration, ..., declaration
- where each declaration has the form
- letter (integer)
- or letter (integer , integer)
- The general syntactic form of the option-statement is
- where n is either 0 or 1.
- 18.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. dimension-statement = DIM array declaration
- (comma array-declaration)*
- 2. array-declaration = numeric-array-name left-parenthesis
- bounds right-parenthesis
- 3. bounds = integer (comma integer)?
- 4. option-statement = OPTION BASE (0/1)
- 18.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- DIM A (6), B(10,10)
- 18.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- Each array-declaration occurring in a dimension-statement de-
- clares the array named to be either one or two dimensional ac-
- cording to whether one or two bounds are listed for the array.
- In addition, the bounds specify the maximum values that sub-
- script expressions for the array can have.
- The declaration for an array, if present at all, shall occur in
- a lower numbered line than any reference to an element of that
- - 26 -
- array. Arrays that are not declared in any dimension-statement
- are declared implicitly to be one or two dimensional according
- to their use in the program, and to have subscripts with a
- maximum value of ten (see 7).
- The option-statement declares the minimum value for all array
- subscripts; if no option-statement occurs in a program, this
- minimum is zero. An option-statement, if present at all, must
- occur in a lower numbered line than any dimension-statement or
- any reference to an element of an array. If an option-statement
- specifies that the lower bound for array subscripts is one, then
- no dimension-statement in the program may specify an upper bound
- of zero. A program may contain at most one option-statement.
- If the execution of a program reaches a line containing a di-
- mension-statement or an option-statement, then it shall pro-
- ceed to the next line with no other effect.
- An array can be explicitly dimensioned only once.
- 18.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- None.
- 19. _R_E_M_A_R_K_ _S_T_A_T_E_M_E_N_T
- 19.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- The remark-statement allows program annotation.
- 19.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. remark-statement = rem remark-string
- 19.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- 19.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- If the execution of a program reaches a line containing a
- remark-statement, then it shall proceed to the next line with
- no other effect.
- 19.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- None.
- 20. _R_A_N_D_O_M_I_Z_E_ _S_T_A_T_E_M_E_N_T
- 20.1 _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_ _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- The randomize-statement overrides the implementation-predefined
- sequence of pseudo-random numbers as values for the RND func-
- tion, allowing different (and unpredictable) sequences each
- time a given program is executed.
- 20.2 _S_y_n_t_a_x
- 1. randomize-statement = RANDOMIZE
- 20.3 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
- - 27 -
- 20.4 _S_e_m_a_n_t_i_c_s
- Execution of the randomize-statement shall generate a new un-
- predictable starting point for the list of pseudo-random num-
- bers used by the RND function (see 9).
- 20.5 _E_x_c_e_p_t_i_o_n_s
- None.
- 20.6 _R_e_m_a_r_k_s
- In the case of implementations which do not have access to a
- randomizing device such as a real-time clock, the randomize-
- statement may be implemented by means of an interaction with
- the user.
- - 28 -
- +---------------------------------------+---------------+
- +---------------------------------------+---------------+
- | | |
- | Space | |
- | Exclamation-mark | ! |
- | Quotation-mark | " |
- | Number-sign | # |
- | Dollar-sign | $ |
- | Percent-sign | % |
- | Ampersand | & |
- | Apostrophe | ' |
- | Left-parenthesis | ( |
- | Right-parenthesis | ) |
- | Asterisk | * |
- | Plus-sign | + |
- | Comma | , |
- | Minus-sign | - |
- | Full-stop | . |
- | Solidus | / |
- | Digits | 0 - 9 |
- | Colon | : |
- | Semi-colon | ; |
- | Less-than-sign | < |
- | Equals-sign | = |
- | Greater-than-sign | > |
- | Question-mark | ? |
- | Letters | A - Z |
- | Circumflex-accent | ^ |
- | Underline | _ |
- +---------------------------------------+---------------+
- - 29 -
- +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- b|0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |
- +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- b| 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
- +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- b b b b b| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0| 1|
- +-+-+-+-+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |0|0|0|0| | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
- +=+=+=+=+====+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+
- |0|0|0|0| 0 |NUL|DLE| SP| 0 | @ | P | ` | p |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |0|0|0|1| 1 |SOH|DC1| ! | 1 | A | Q | a | q |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |0|0|1|0| 2 |STX|DC2| " | 2 | B | R | b | r |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |0|0|1|1| 3 |ETX|DC3| # | 3 | C | S | c | s |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |0|1|0|0| 4 |EDT|DC4| $ | 4 | D | T | d | t |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |0|1|0|1| 5 |ENQ|NAK| % | 5 | E | U | e | u |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |0|1|1|0| 6 |ACK|SYN| & | 6 | F | V | f | v |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |0|1|1|1| 7 |BEL|ETB| ' | 7 | G | W | g | w |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |1|0|0|0| 8 | BS|CAN| ( | 8 | H | X | h | x |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |1|0|0|1| 9 | HT| EM| ) | 9 | I | Y | i | y |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |1|0|1|0| 10 | LF|SUB| * | : | J | Z | j | z |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |1|0|1|1| 11 | VT|ESC| + | ; | K | [ | k | { |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |1|1|0|0| 12 | FF| FS| , | < | L | \ | l | | |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |1|1|0|1| 13 | CR| GS| - | = | M | ] | m | } |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |1|1|1|0| 14 | SO| RS| . | > | N | ^ | n | ~ |
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- |1|1|1|1| 15 | SI| US| / | ? | O | _ | o |DEL|
- +-+-+-+-+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- NOTE: In the 7-bit and in the 8-bit code tables two characters
- are allocated to pos. 2/4, namely $ and box. In any version
- of the codes a single character is to be allocated to this
- position. The character of the 7-bit or of the 8-bit coded
- character set, which corresponds to the character $ of the
- Minimal BASIC character set is either $ or box (box in the
- International Reference Version).
- The same applies to pos. 2/3 for the characters £ and #,
- the latter being the character of the International Refer-
- ence version.
- - 30 -
- _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X_ _1
- Organization of the Standard
- ----------------------------
- This Standard is organized into a number of sections, each of which
- covers a particular feature of BASIC. Sections 4 to 20 are divided
- into sub-sections, as follows.
- Sub-section 1. General Description
- This sub-section briefly describes the features of BASIC to be treat-
- ed and indicates the general syntactic form of these features.
- Sub-section 2. Syntax
- The exact syntax of features of the language is described in a modi-
- fied context-free grammar or Backus-Naur Form. The details of this
- method of syntax specification are described in Appendix 2.
- In order to keep the syntax reasonably simple the syntax specifica-
- tion will allow it to describe some constructions which, strictly
- speaking, are not legal according to this Standard, e.g. it will
- allow the generation of the statement
- 100 LET X = A(1) + A(1,2)
- in which the array A occurs with differing numbers of subscripts.
- Rather than ruling such constructions out by a more complicated syn-
- tax, this Standard shall instead rule them out in the semantics.
- Sub-section 3. Examples
- A short list of valid examples that can be generated by certain of
- the syntax equations in sub-section 2 is given.
- Sub-section 4. Semantics
- The semantic rules in this Standard serve two purposes. First, they
- rule out certain constructions which are permitted by the syntax,
- but which have no valid meaning according to this Standard. Second,
- they assign a meaning to the remaining constructions.
- Sub-section 5. Exceptions
- An exception occurs when an implementation recognizes that a program
- may not perform or is not performing in accordance with this Standard.
- All exceptions described in this section shall be reported unless
- some mechanism is provided in an enhancement to this Standard that
- has been invoked by the user to handle exceptions.
- Where indicated, certain exceptions may be handled by the specified
- procedures; if no procedure is given, or if restrictions imposed by
- - 31 -
- the hardware or the operating environment make it impossible to
- follow the given procedures, then the exception must be handled by
- terminating the program. Enhancements to this Standard may describe
- mechanisms for controlling the manner in which exceptions are re-
- ported and handled, but no such mechanisms are specified in this
- Standard.
- This Standard does not specify an order in which exceptions shall
- be detected or processed.
- Sub-section 6. Remarks
- This sub-section contains remarks which point out certain features
- of this Standard as well as remarks which make recommendations con-
- cerning the implementation of a BASIC language processor in an oper-
- ating environment.
- - 32 -
- _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X_ _2
- Method of Syntax Specification
- ------------------------------
- The syntax, through a series of rewriting rules known as "product-
- ions", defines syntactic objects of various types, such as "program"
- or "expression", and describes which strings of symbols are objects
- of these types.
- In the syntax, upper-case letters, digits, and (possibly hyphenated)
- lower-case words are used as "metanames", i.e. as names of syntactic
- objects. Most of these metanames are defined by rewriting rules in
- terms of other metanames. In order that this process terminate, cer-
- tain metanames are designated as "terminal" metanames, and rewriting
- rules for them are not included in the syntax. All terminal metanames
- occur for the first time and are defined in Section 4. It should be
- noted in particular that all upper-case letters are terminal meta-
- names which denote themselves.
- We illustrate further details of the syntax by considering some ex-
- amples. In Section 12 we find the production
- gosub-statement = GO space* SUB line-number
- which indicates that a "gosub-statement" consists of the letters G,
- O, any number of spaces, S, U, and B followed by a line number.
- What is a "line-number"? In Section 5, the production
- line-number = digit digit? digit? digit?
- indicates that a "line-number" is a "digit" followed by up to three
- other "digits" (the question mark is a syntactic operator indicating
- that the object it follows may or may not be present).
- What is a "digit"? In Section 4, the production
- digit = 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
- indicates that a "digit" is either a "0", a "1", ... or a "9" (the
- solidus is a syntactic operator meaning "or" and is used to indicate
- that a metaname can be rewritten in one of several ways). Since the
- digits are terminal metanames (i.e. they do not occur on the left-
- hand side of any production), our decipherment of the syntax for the
- "gosub-statement" comes to an end. The semantics in Section 4 iden-
- tify the digits in terms of the characters they represent.
- An asterisk is a syntactic operator like the question-mark, and it
- indicates that the object it follows may occur any number of times,
- including zero times, in the production.
- For example
- integer = digit digit*
- indicates than an "integer" is a "digit" followed by an arbitrary
- - 33 -
- number of other "digits".
- Parentheses may be used to group sequences of metanames together.
- For example
- variable-list = variable (comma variable)*
- defines a "variable-list" to consist of a "variable" followed by an
- arbitrary number of other "variables" separated by "commas".
- When several syntactic operators occur in the same production, the
- operators "?" and "*" take precedence over the operator "/".
- Spaces in the syntax are used to separate hyphenated lower-case words
- from each other. Special conventions are observed regarding spaces
- in BASIC programs (see Section 5). The syntax as described generates
- programs which contain no spaces other than those occurring in re-
- marks, in certain string constants, or where the presence of a space
- is explicitly indicated by the metaname "space".
- Additional spaces may be inserted to improve readability provided
- that the restrictions imposed in Section 5 are observed.
- - 34 -
- _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X_ _3
- _C_o_n_f_o_r_m_a_n_c_e
- There are two aspects of conformance to this language Standard :
- conformance by a program written in the language, and conformance
- by an implementation which processes such programs.
- A program is said to conform to this Standard only when
- - each statement contained therein is a syntactically valid instance
- of a statement specified in this Standard,
- - each statement has an explicitly valid meaning specified herein,
- and
- - the totality of statements compose an instance of a valid program
- which has an explicitly valid meaning specified herein.
- An implementation is said to conform to this Standard only when
- - it accepts and processes programs conforming to this Standard,
- - it reports reasons for rejecting any program which does not conform
- to this Standard,
- - it interprets errors and exceptional circumstances according to the
- specifications of this Standard,
- - its interpretation of the semantics of each statement of a stand-
- ard-conforming program conforms to the specification in this
- Standard.
- - its interpretation of the semantics of a standard-conforming pro-
- gram as a whole conforms to the specifications in this Standard,
- - it accepts as input, manipulates, and can generate as output numbers
- of at least the precision and range specified in this Standard, and
- - it is accompanied by a reference manual which clearly defines the
- actions taken in regard to features which are called "undefined"
- or "implementation-defined" in this Standard.
- This Standard does not include requirements for reporting specific
- syntactic errors in the text of a program. Implementations conforming
- to this Standard my accept programs written in an enhanced language
- without having to report all constructs not conforming to this Stand-
- ard. However, whenever a statement or other program element does not
- conform to the syntactic rules given herein, either an error shall
- be reported or the statement or other program element shall have an
- implementation-defined meaning.
- - 35 -
- _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X_ _4
- Implementation-defined Features
- -------------------------------
- A number of the features defined in this Standard have been left
- for definition by the implementor. However, this will not affect
- portability, provided that the limits recommended in the various
- sections are respected. The way these features are implemented
- shall be defined in the user- or system-manual of the specific
- implementation.
- The following is a list of implementation-defined features:
- - accuracy of evaluation of numeric expressions (see 8)
- - end-of-line (see 5, 14 and 15)
- - exrad-width for printing numeric representations (see 14)
- - initial value of variables (see 7)
- - input-prompt (see 15)
- - longest string that can be retained (see 11)
- - value of machine infinitesimal (see 6)
- - value of machine infinity (see 6)
- - margin for output lines (see 14)
- - precision for numeric values (see 6)
- - print-zone length (see 14)
- - pseudo-random number sequence (see 9 and 20)
- - significance width for printing numeric representations (see 15)
- - means of requesting the input-reply in batch mode (see 15)