- ORIGINAL: http://antlr.org/papers/Clarke-expr-parsing-1986.pdf
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- The top-down parsing of expressions
- Keith Clarke
- Dept. of Computer Science and Statislics, Queen Mary College. London, E] 4NS. '
- ,A
- 13th June 1986 Page 1
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- _ The top-down parsing of expressions
- Summary
- Using grammar and program transformation a compact, efficient and easily used method of parsing infix
- expressions is derived. The resulting algorithm does not require the construction of precedence matrices,
- neither does it normally require transformation of the reference grammar for expressions. The method uses
- only two parsing procedures with functions which give the numerical precedence of each operator, and
- indicate which operators are left-associative and which right-associative.
- KEYWORDS Recursive-descent parsing Expression parsing Operator-precedence parsing
- Introduction `
- Infix expressions can easily be parsed by conventional recursive descent methods, but the resulting parser
- is very inefficient - even for a trivial expression a number of procedure calls equal to the number of i
- precedence levels is needed. It has been statedA that the transformations needed to make the grammar
- suitable as the basis of such a parser are tedious, and the final parser too opaque. For these reasons
- compiler writers often recourse to operator-precedence parsers for expressions, embedded in a top-down
- parser for the rest of the language.
- Richards1 gives a procedure for parsing expressions which uses recursion rather than an explicit stack
- despite being derived using the operator-precedence technique. The procedure is essentially identical to the
- one given here (performing the same number of tests of each operator symbol), but requires the
- construction of the operator-precedence matrix. We show how the procedure can be derived by grammar-
- and program-transformation from the recursive descent method, using only numerical precedences and an
- indication of left- or right~associativity. The resulting program can parse an expression using a number of
- procedure calls approximately equal to the number of nodes in its abstract syntax tree, independent of the
- number of precedence levels in the grammar. The operator symbols of any particular expression grammar
- appear only in two small functions, which frequently removes the need for grammar transformation before
- the method can be used. Hanson2 shows how the number of procedure definitions used in a recursive
- descent parser can be reduced, but does not show how the number of procedure activations can be reduced.
- For this reason, Hanson’s method is not infact equivalent to Richards’.
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- The top-down parsing of expressions
- The algorithm
- Two simple functions (Priority and RighiAssoc) are used to map character values to numbers
- (representing precedences) and booleans, respectively. Examples are given below. These encode the usual
- relative precedences and associativities of addition, multiplication and exponentiation. Non-operator
- characters are assigned a precedence of zero, so that it is not necessary to specify what characters can
- follow an expression,
- proc Priority(c) =
- case c of
- a+" => .1 D n*n => 2 D "T" => 3
- ` otherwise 0
- endcase
- endproc
- proc RightAssoc(c) =
- case c of "T" => true
- otherwise false
- endcase
- endproc
- The next two procedures complete the parser for formulae composed of these infix operators and single-
- character variable names, constructing the correct abstract syntax tree.
- ~ The notation used is similar to that of Bornat3. The keyword initialise is used for a declaration of an
- updatable location, initialised to the value of the expression given; let similarly declares a non-updatable
- variable. The two functions mkleaf and mknode construct new syntax tree nodes containing operands and
- operators respectively. Function CurrC returns the character at the current reading position, without side-
- effects. Similarly, function GeiC returns the current character, but also advances the reading position by
- one. A version of Dijkstra’s guarded commands (eg GriesS) has been used in the imperative parts of the
- program to express conditional execution and iteration.
- An expression is parsed using an initial call E(1). It is clear by inspection that the number of calls of E is
- one more than the number of operator nodes of the syntax tree constructed, while the number of calls of P
- is equal to the number of leaves of the tree. Each use of parentheses in the expression parsed leads to one
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- The top-down parsing of expressions
- The algorithm
- additional call of each procedure.
- proc E(prec) =
- initialise p:=P();
- do Priority(CurrC()) 2 prec ->
- let oper = GetC();
- let opreo = Priority(oper);
- p := mknodeUJ, oper, E(if RightAssoc(oper) then oprec else oprec+1))
- od;
- return p
- endproc
- proc P() =
- case CurrC() of
- "(" =>
- begin
- GetC();
- let p=E(1);
- it GetC() ¢ ")" »~> fall li;
- return p
- end
- otherwise
- return mkleat(GetC())
- endcase
- endproc
- The structure of the parsing routine is directly related to the ambiguous operator grammar:
- E=P{"+"E|"*“E|"T"E}
- P = "(" E ")" l letter
- where curly brackets indicate zero or more repetitions of their contents, and vertical bar indicates choice.
- The analyser uses ‘pragmatic’ information about the operators to guide a deterministic one-track parse in
- such a way that simple formulae are recognised more efficiently than with conventional one-track analysers
- based on unambiguous grammars.
- Conventional top-down parsing `
- There is a standard technique (eg. Aho4) for constructing a top-down parser for infix expressions, given
- an ambiguous grammar and precedence/associativity information. A grammar rule is introduced for each
- level of precedence. For each level, either all the operators are left associative or else they are right
- associative. In the former case the rule takes the form:
- En z En+1{0n En+1}
- where n is the precedence of the operators On introduced in this rule. For right associative operators a
- 13th June 1986 Page 4
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- The top-down parsing of expressions
- Conventional top-down parsing
- right~recursive rule is used:
- En = En+1 [ On En]
- Square brackets indicate an optional element The rule for the highest precedence level uses the rule for
- expression primaries, which we have already seen, in place of the reference to a greater precedence level.
- eg. for the operators as used in the program above:
- E1: E2 { "+" E2}
- E2 = E3 {"*" E3}
- E3 = Pt "T" E3]
- P = ..(.. E1 ..).. I id
- Derivation ofthe parser
- This is shown using the example grammar already introduced, The reader is invited to confirm that at no
- step is a particular property of the grammar used in any way that would reduce the generality of the result.
- We proceed by substituting, in each of the rules for expressions, for the leading non-terminal symbol,
- giving:
- E1= PI "T" E3] {“*" E3 } { "+" E2 }
- -Ez =P[ "T"1~:3] { "*" E3 }
- E3=P["T"E3] r
- P = ,.(n E ..),. Hd
- In the programs below the construction of the parse tree is not shown and as the definitions of P, Priority
- and RighiASSOC are the same in each example they are not repeated.
- The analyser produced from these rules is even larger than that produced directly, but is amenable to
- optimisation, Consider for example the procedure for rule E1:
- proc E1() =
- PO;
- if Curre()="i" -> Geico; Es() fi;
- do CurrC()="*" _) GetC(); E3() od;
- do CurrC()="+" -> GeiC(); E2() od
- endproc ,
- This would be the procedure called, say, to parse the right hand side of an expressionY For example input
- such as "x:=0" the symbol following the zero would be tested three times before the procedure returned.
- However, it is possible to collapse the succession of tests into one.
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- The top-down parsing of expressions
- Derivation of the parser
- Clearly the final loop can only be executed in an initial state such that the current input character is not
- "*". This is an invariant of the loop, since the procedure E2 finishes with another loop that also establishes
- this state. There is a general result for loop-transformations that is useful here: provided it is not possible
- for B and C to be true at the same time, and noi B is an invariant of instruction T, the following two
- programs are equivalent.
- I: do B-iS od; do C->T od
- and
- J:do B->S EI C->T Od
- Assuming termination, program I executes statement S a finite number of times, then executes statement T
- a finite number of times In general, program J produces an interleaving of executions of S and T` But the
- invariance of noi B means that no further executions of S are possible after the first execution of T. The
- requirement that B and C cannot be true at the same time ensures that program J is deterministic. Both
- programs produce the state not B solely by repeated execution of S, so the number of executions must be
- the same, Similarly given the same initial state the number of executions of T must be the same.
- Another useful, standard result3 is that:
- do B->S EJ C->T od
- is equivalent to
- doBorC -eifB->S D Caniod
- Using these results the two loops of procedure E1 can be transformed, eventually giving the following: .
- proc E1 () =
- pi);
- if currc()="i" -> GeiCt); Es() fi;
- do CurrC() e {"=r", "+") ->
- case GetC() of "r" => E3() El "+" => E2() endcase
- od
- endproc
- The if statement is replaced by a loop since the call E3() ensures that such a loop can never iterate more
- than once. Then a similar argument to the above allows us to merge the resulting loop with the final one,
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- The top-down parsing of expressions
- Derivation of the 'parser
- giving:
- proc E1() =
- PO;
- do CurrC() e {"T", "ir", "+"} _)
- case GetC() of "T" => E3() [J "*" => E3() El "+" => E2() endcase
- od
- endproc
- The two other procedures E2 and E3 are readily transformed to:
- proc E2() =
- PO;
- do CurrC() e {"T", "*"} ->
- case GetC() 01"?" => E3() El "*" => ES() endcase
- od
- endproc
- proc E3() =
- PO;
- do CurrC() e ("T"} ->
- case GetC() of "T" => E3() endcase
- od
- endproc
- Obviously the most general version of the case statement could be used in all three procedures. The
- condition~parts of the loops are encoded using tests of numerical precedences. In E1, E2 and E3 the
- substitution is Priority(CurrC()) 2 1, Priority(CurrC()) 2 2 and Priority(CurrC()) 2 3, respectively.
- The three procedures are now identical, except in the use of the constants 1, 2 and 3 respectively in
- procedures E1 , E2 and E3. We therefore parameterize on this number, collapsing the procedures into one:
- proc E(n) =
- P0; '
- do Priority(CurrC()) 2 n -> -
- case GetC() of "T"=> E(3) El 'W' => E(3) D "+"=> E(2) endcase
- od
- endproc
- This version is further simplified and generalised on the basis of two observations. First, the call following
- each left associative operator is to the procedure for the next higher precedence Second, the call after a
- right associative operator is found is to the procedure for the same precedence. This is a direct consequence
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- The top-down parsing of expressions
- Derivation of the parser
- of the way the unambiguous grammar was constructed. Thus,
- proc E(n) =
- PO;
- do Priority(CurrC()) 2 n ->
- let oper = GetC();
- let oprec = Priority(oper);
- E(if RightAssoo(oper) then oprec else oprec+1)
- od
- endproc
- This procedure no longer depends directly on the operator symbols or the number of precedence levels.
- User-declared infix operators
- In many applications the precedence and associativity functions could, for efficiency, be encoded as
- tables indexed on characters or lexical items. Alternatively, the syntactic properties of each operator could
- be stored in the symbol table. This facilitates the provision of usendeiined infix operators. Precedence and
- infix status ‘deem-ations’ are properly regarded as compiler directives, and need to be recognised by the
- parser. If it is required to make such directives follow the usual scope rules, the parser will also have to
- undo the effects of the directives on block exit.
- Unary prefix operators
- These are conveniently recognised by the procedure P ~ this is simplest if such operators bind more
- tightly than any infix operator (as in Algol 68, but not in Pascal), The extra grammar productions required
- appear as new alternatives in the rule for primaries (ie. P), and hence each prefix operator is recognised by
- its own guard in the case-statement in procedure P. If it is required that Ӣ - 3" be interpreted as "-(-3)", the
- following production may be used:
- P :.._..P;id|,.(..E1..),.
- It is possible to arrange that "-3T4" be interpreted as "~(3T4)", but "-3+4" as "(-3)+4", using a procedure for
- primaries derived from:
- P :,._.,E2|id|n(.,E1.,>..
- Thus one may define a language in which "-maxint+maxint" evaluates to zero without overflow, and also
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- The top~down parsing of expressions
- Unary prefix operators
- "-3T2" evaluates to minus nine. The Pascal productions6 that exclude "4*-3" from the language are
- difficult to enforce efficiently using the present method. It is not unknown for compilers to accept such
- ‘superlanguage’ features, perhaps because it is hard to imagine a useful error report.
- Operator precedence
- The method described here requires that all the operators for a particular precedence level have the same
- associativity. The operator precedence method does not have this restriction; see for example the rules for
- the shift operators in BCPLI. However, although production of the operator precedence matrix is usually
- considered trivial, there is no obvious relationship between the grammar and the final parser, Previously4 I
- there has often been some doubt as whether or not an operator precedence parser ‘accepts exactly the
- desired language’. Bomat7 gives a useful discussion of the use of recursion in operator precedence parsing,
- together with a readily accessible, simplified version of Richards’ algorithml.
- Conclusion
- The recursive descent technique makes possible the construction of a compact and easily comprehended
- parser directly from the usual informal description of the expression part of a programming language. No
- construction of precedence matrices is necessary. It is gratifying that the resulting parser is more efhcient
- than one directly constructed from an unambiguous grammar, although the gain is in practice small. On
- favourable input (expressions involving only two levels of precedence out of a possible eight), using Pascal
- for the implementation, an improvement of about 25% in the execution time of a simple calculator was
- obtained. Simple exprwsions, on which the algorithm does well, are of course more commonly
- encountered than complex ones.
- Since the operator symbols are recognised as such solely by their precedence, user~declaration of intix
- operators is trivial, and carries no executional overhead.
- In contrast with other top'down techniques, additional levels of precedence can be added without
- changing the cost of parsing simple or complex expressions. t
- 13th June 1986 Page 9
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- The top-down parsing of expressions
- Conclusion
- Many language definitions use ambiguous expression grammars, disambiguated by ‘informar remarks
- about the precedences and associativities of the various operators. The algorithm shown can be used in
- these cases without modification, by encoding the informal remarks into two simple functions.
- References
- 1. M. Richards, and C. Whitby-Strevens, BCPL - the language and its compiler,
- Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1979.
- 2. DR, Hanson, ‘Compact Recursive-descent Parsing of Expressions’,
- Software Practice and Experience, vol 15(12), 1205-1212 (1985).
- 3, R, Bornat, Programming from First Principles, Prentice-Hall, London, 1986. (to appear)
- 4. A.V. Aho, R. Sethi and J.D.Ullman, Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools
- Addison-Wesley, 1985.
- 5. D. Gries, The Science afProgramming, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981,
- 6. K. Jensen and N. Wirth, Pascal: User Manual and Report, Springer»Verlag, New York, 1978. I
- 7. R. Bornat, Understanding and Writing Compilers Macmillan, London, 1979.
- 13th J une 1986 Page 10