- 10 REM LOOKBACK.BAS - Lookback Time
- 20 REM by Thomas A. Weil
- 30 RM = 3700 / 2.7-1
- 40 INPUT "Will you enter the (A)ge of the universe or the (H)ubble parameter"; AH$
- 50 IF AH$ = "H" OR AH$ = "h" GOTO 90
- 60 IF AH$ <> "A" AND AH$ <> "a" GOTO 40
- 70 INPUT "Enter age of the universe NOW in billions of years"; TN
- 80 TN = TN * 1E+09: GOTO 110
- 90 INPUT "Enter Hubble parameter in km/sec/Mpc"; HN
- 100 TN = (2 / 3) / (HN / 9.7781E+11)
- 110 INPUT "Enter (T)ime THEN or (R)edshift of the light we see NOW"; TR$
- 120 IF TR$ = "R" OR TR$ = "r" GOTO 190
- 130 IF TR$ <> "T" AND TR$ <> "t" GOTO 110
- 140 INPUT "Enter age of the universe THEN in billions of years"; TT
- 150 TT = TT * 1E+09: SC = (TN / TT) ^ (2 / 3): RS = SC - 1: IF RS < RM GOTO 230
- 160 SM = RM + 1: TM = TN / (SM ^ 1.5)
- 170 PRINT : PRINT USING "You can't look back to a time earlier than ####### years"; TM
- 180 PRINT : GOTO 110
- 190 INPUT "Enter redshift value for the light we see NOW"; RS
- 200 SC = RS + 1: TT = TN / (SC ^ 1.5): IF RS < RM GOTO 230
- 210 PRINT : PRINT USING "Redshift value too large; nothing at redshift beyond ##### can be seen"; RM
- 220 GOTO 160
- 230 PRINT : PRINT USING "Age of the universe NOW = ###.#### billion years"; TN / 1E+09
- 240 PRINT USING "Age of the universe THEN = ###.#### billion years"; TT / 1E+09
- 250 TV = TN - TT
- 260 PRINT USING "Light travel time = ###.#### billion years"; TV / 1E+09
- 270 SC = (TN / TT) ^ (2 / 3)
- 280 PRINT USING "Scale of the universe NOW versus THEN = ####.###"; SC
- 290 RS = SC - 1
- 300 PRINT USING "Redshift of the light we see NOW = ####.###"; RS
- 310 DT = 3 * TT * ((TN / TT) ^ (1 / 3) - 1)
- 320 PRINT USING "Distance of object THEN = ##.### billion light-years"; DT / 1E+09
- 330 DN = DT * SC
- 340 PRINT USING "Distance of object NOW = ##.### billion light-years"; DN / 1E+09
- 350 ST = 2 * ((TN / TT) ^ (1 / 3) - 1)
- 360 PRINT USING "Speed away from us THEN = ##.### x speed of light"; ST
- 370 SN = 2 * ((TN / TT) ^ (1 / 3) - 1) / (TN / TT) ^ (1 / 3)
- 380 PRINT USING "Speed away from us NOW = ##.### x speed of light"; SN
- 390 HT = (2 / 3) / TT * 9.7781E+11
- 400 PRINT USING "Hubble parameter THEN = #######.# km/sec/megaparsec"; HT
- 410 HN = (2 / 3) / TN * 9.7781E+11
- 420 PRINT USING "Hubble parameter NOW = #######.# km/sec/megaparsec"; HN
- 500 REM ========================
- 540 REM ========================
- 550 END