- /***************************************************************f
- bwb_int.c Line Interpretation Routines
- for Bywater BASIC Interpreter
- Copyright (c) 1993, Ted A. Campbell
- Bywater Software
- email: tcamp@delphi.com
- Copyright and Permissions Information:
- All U.S. and international rights are claimed by the author,
- Ted A. Campbell.
- This software is released under the terms of the GNU General
- Public License (GPL), which is distributed with this software
- in the file "COPYING". The GPL specifies the terms under
- which users may copy and use the software in this distribution.
- A separate license is available for commercial distribution,
- for information on which you should contact the author.
- ***************************************************************/
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* NOTE: Modifications marked "JBV" were made by Jon B. Volkoff, */
- /* 11/1995 (eidetics@cerf.net). */
- /* */
- /* Those additionally marked with "DD" were at the suggestion of */
- /* Dale DePriest (daled@cadence.com). */
- /* */
- /* Version 3.00 by Howard Wulf, AF5NE */
- /* */
- /* Version 3.10 by Howard Wulf, AF5NE */
- /* */
- /* Version 3.20 by Howard Wulf, AF5NE */
- /* */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "bwbasic.h"
- static int buff_read_keyword (char *buffer, int *position, char *keyword);
- static int bwb_chartype (int C);
- static int char_is_varfirst (char C);
- static char char_is_varhead (char C);
- static int char_is_varnext (char C);
- static int char_is_vartail (char C);
- static int GetKeyword (LineType * l, char *Keyword);
- static void internal_DEF8SUB (LineType * l);
- static int is_cmd (char *name);
- static int is_let (char *buffer);
- static int line_read_keyword (LineType * line, char *keyword);
- extern void
- buff_skip_spaces (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip spaces in 'buffer'.
- 'position' is always updated.
- */
- int p;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- p = *position;
- while (buffer[p] == ' ')
- {
- p++;
- }
- *position = p;
- }
- extern void
- line_skip_spaces (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- buff_skip_spaces (line->buffer, &(line->position)); /* keep this */
- }
- extern void
- buff_skip_eol (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip to the NUL (NulChar) in 'buffer'.
- always updates 'position'.
- */
- int p;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- p = *position;
- while (buffer[p])
- {
- p++;
- }
- *position = p;
- }
- extern void
- line_skip_eol (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- buff_skip_eol (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_is_eol (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- determines whether 'position' is effectively at the NUL (NulChar) in 'buffer'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated and returns TRUE
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- */
- int p;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buffer[p] == NulChar)
- {
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_is_eol (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_is_eol (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_peek_char (char *buffer, int *position, char find)
- {
- /*
- determine whether the next non-space character in 'buffer' is 'find'.
- if successful then returns TRUE
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- 'position' is unchanged.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- if (find != NulChar && find != ' ')
- {
- int p;
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buffer[p] == find)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern int
- line_peek_char (LineType * line, char find)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_peek_char (line->buffer, &(line->position), find);
- }
- #endif
- extern int
- buff_peek_EqualChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- determine whether the next non-space character in 'buffer' is 'find'.
- if successful then returns TRUE
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- 'position' is unchanged.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_peek_char (buffer, position, '=');
- }
- extern int
- line_peek_EqualChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_peek_EqualChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_peek_QuoteChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- determine whether the next non-space character in 'buffer' is 'find'.
- if successful then returns TRUE
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- 'position' is unchanged.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_peek_char (buffer, position,
- My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar);
- }
- extern int
- line_peek_QuoteChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_peek_QuoteChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_peek_LparenChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- determine whether the next non-space character in 'buffer' is 'find'.
- if successful then returns TRUE
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- 'position' is unchanged.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_peek_char (buffer, position,
- My->CurrentVersion->OptionLparenChar);
- }
- extern int
- line_peek_LparenChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_peek_LparenChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_char (char *buffer, int *position, char find)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- 'find' is NOT an alphabetic (A-Z,a-z) character.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- if (find)
- {
- int p;
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buffer[p] == find)
- {
- p++;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_char (LineType * line, char find)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (line->buffer, &(line->position), find);
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_FilenumChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (buffer, position,
- My->CurrentVersion->OptionFilenumChar);
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_FilenumChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_FilenumChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_AtChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (buffer, position,
- My->CurrentVersion->OptionAtChar);
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_AtChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_AtChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_LparenChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (buffer, position,
- My->CurrentVersion->OptionLparenChar);
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_LparenChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_LparenChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_RparenChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (buffer, position,
- My->CurrentVersion->OptionRparenChar);
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_RparenChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_RparenChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_CommaChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (buffer, position, ',');
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_CommaChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_CommaChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_SemicolonChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (buffer, position, ';');
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_SemicolonChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_SemicolonChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_EqualChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (buffer, position, '=');
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_EqualChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_EqualChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_StarChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (buffer, position, '*');
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_StarChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_StarChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_PlusChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (buffer, position, '+');
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_PlusChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_PlusChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_skip_MinusChar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is 'find'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- return buff_skip_char (buffer, position, '-');
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_MinusChar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_MinusChar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern char
- buff_skip_seperator (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space character in 'buffer' if it is a seperator (comma, semicolon, or colon).
- if successful then 'position' is updated past the character and returns the character skipped
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns NulChar.
- */
- int p;
- char C;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- C = buffer[p];
- switch (C)
- {
- case ',': /* COMMA */
- case ';': /* SEMICOLON */
- case ':': /* COLON */
- p++;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- *position = p;
- return C;
- }
- return NulChar;
- }
- extern char
- line_skip_seperator (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_skip_seperator (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- static int
- char_is_varfirst (char C)
- {
- /*
- determine whether the character is allowed to be the first character of a BASIC variable name.
- if successful then returns TRUE
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- */
- if (C == NulChar || C == ' ')
- {
- return FALSE; /* never allowed */
- }
- if (bwb_isalpha (C))
- {
- return TRUE; /* always allowed */
- }
- /* dialect specific */
- switch (C)
- {
- case '@':
- case '#':
- case '$':
- if (My->CurrentVersion->OptionVersionValue & (S70 | I70 | I73))
- {
- /* alphabet extenders */
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return FALSE;
- }
- static int
- char_is_varnext (char C)
- {
- /*
- determine whether the character is allowed to be the second character of a BASIC variable name.
- if successful then returns TRUE
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- */
- if (C == NulChar || C == ' ')
- {
- return FALSE; /* never allowed */
- }
- if (bwb_isalnum (C))
- {
- return TRUE; /* always allowed */
- }
- /* dialect specific */
- switch (C)
- {
- case '.':
- case '_':
- if (My->CurrentVersion->OptionFlags & (OPTION_BUGS_ON)) /* varname: period and underscore are allowed */
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case '@':
- case '#':
- case '$':
- if (My->CurrentVersion->OptionVersionValue & (S70 | I70 | I73)) /* alphabet extenders */
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern char
- TypeCode_to_Char (char TypeCode)
- {
- /*
- Convert the internal TypeCode value into the dialect-specifc tail character.
- if successful then returns the dialect-specifc tail character
- otherwise returns NulChar.
- */
- switch (TypeCode)
- {
- case ByteTypeCode:
- return My->CurrentVersion->OptionByteChar;
- case IntegerTypeCode:
- return My->CurrentVersion->OptionIntegerChar;
- case LongTypeCode:
- return My->CurrentVersion->OptionLongChar;
- case CurrencyTypeCode:
- return My->CurrentVersion->OptionCurrencyChar;
- case SingleTypeCode:
- return My->CurrentVersion->OptionSingleChar;
- case DoubleTypeCode:
- return My->CurrentVersion->OptionDoubleChar;
- case StringTypeCode:
- return My->CurrentVersion->OptionStringChar;
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return NulChar;
- }
- extern char
- Char_to_TypeCode (char C)
- {
- /*
- Convert the dialect-specifc tail character into the internal TypeCode value.
- if successful then returns the internal TypeCode value
- otherwise returns NulChar.
- */
- if (C == NulChar || C == ' ')
- {
- return NulChar; /* never allowed */
- }
- /* dialect specific */
- if (C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionByteChar)
- {
- return ByteTypeCode;
- }
- if (C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionIntegerChar)
- {
- return IntegerTypeCode;
- }
- if (C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionLongChar)
- {
- return LongTypeCode;
- }
- if (C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionCurrencyChar)
- {
- return CurrencyTypeCode;
- }
- if (C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionSingleChar)
- {
- return SingleTypeCode;
- }
- if (C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionDoubleChar)
- {
- return DoubleTypeCode;
- }
- if (C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionStringChar)
- {
- return StringTypeCode;
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return NulChar;
- }
- extern char
- var_nametype (char *name)
- {
- /*
- determine the internal TypeCode associated with the vaariable name.
- if successful then returns the internal TypeCode value
- otherwise returns NulChar.
- */
- assert (name != NULL);
- if (name == NULL)
- {
- return NulChar;
- }
- /* look only at the last charactr of the variable name */
- if (*name)
- {
- while (*name)
- {
- name++;
- }
- name--;
- }
- return Char_to_TypeCode (*name);
- }
- static char
- char_is_varhead (char C)
- {
- /*
- determine whether the character is allowed at the head of a variable name.
- if successful then returns TRUE
- otherwise retuns FALSE.
- */
- if (C == NulChar || C == ' ')
- {
- return NulChar;
- } /* never allowed */
- if (char_is_varfirst (C))
- {
- return C;
- }
- if (char_is_varnext (C))
- {
- return C;
- }
- return NulChar;
- }
- static int
- char_is_vartail (char C)
- {
- /*
- determine whether the character is allowed at the tail of a variable name.
- if successful then returns TRUE
- otherwise retuns FALSE.
- */
- if (C == NulChar || C == ' ')
- {
- return FALSE; /* never allowed */
- }
- if (char_is_varnext (C))
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (Char_to_TypeCode (C))
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #if FALSE /* kepp this ... */
- extern int
- buff_peek_word (char *buffer, int *position, char *find)
- {
- /*
- determine whether the next non-space word in 'buffer' is 'find';
- the word 'find' is not allowed to be a sub-string of a bigger word.
- if successful then returns TRUE
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- 'position' is unchanged.
- */
- int p;
- int n;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (find != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_is_eol (buffer, &p))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- n = bwb_strlen (find);
- if (bwb_strnicmp (&(buffer[p]), find, n) == 0)
- {
- if (p > 0)
- {
- if (char_is_varhead (buffer[p - 1]))
- {
- /* _TO */
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (char_is_vartail (buffer[p + n]))
- {
- /* TO_ */
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #endif
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern int
- line_peek_word (LineType * line, char *find)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (find != NULL);
- return buff_peek_word (line->buffer, &(line->position), find);
- }
- #endif
- extern int
- buff_skip_word (char *buffer, int *position, char *find)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space word in 'buffer' if it is 'find';
- the word 'find' is not a sub-string of a bigger word.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'find' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- int p;
- int n;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (find != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_is_eol (buffer, &p))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- n = bwb_strlen (find);
- if (bwb_strnicmp (&(buffer[p]), find, n) == 0)
- {
- if (p > 0)
- {
- if (char_is_varhead (buffer[p - 1]))
- {
- /* _TO */
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (char_is_vartail (buffer[p + n]))
- {
- /* TO_ */
- return FALSE;
- }
- p += n;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_skip_word (LineType * line, char *find)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (find != NULL);
- return buff_skip_word (line->buffer, &(line->position), find);
- }
- extern int
- buff_read_varname (char *buffer, int *position, char *varname)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space word in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC variable name into 'varname'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'varname' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged ('varname' is truncated) and returns FALSE.
- 'varname' shall be declared "char varname[NameLengthMax + 1]".
- */
- int p;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (varname != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (char_is_varfirst (buffer[p]))
- {
- int i;
- i = 0;
- if (i > NameLengthMax)
- {
- i = NameLengthMax;
- }
- varname[i] = buffer[p];
- p++;
- i++;
- while (char_is_varnext (buffer[p]))
- {
- if (i > NameLengthMax)
- {
- i = NameLengthMax;
- }
- varname[i] = buffer[p];
- p++;
- i++;
- }
- if (Char_to_TypeCode (buffer[p]))
- {
- if (i > NameLengthMax)
- {
- i = NameLengthMax;
- }
- varname[i] = buffer[p];
- p++;
- i++;
- }
- varname[i] = NulChar;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- varname[0] = NulChar;
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_read_varname (LineType * line, char *varname)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (varname != NULL);
- return buff_read_varname (line->buffer, &(line->position), varname);
- }
- extern int
- buff_read_label (char *buffer, int *position, char *label)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space word in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC label name into 'label'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'label' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- 'label' shall be declared "char label[NameLengthMax + 1]".
- */
- int p;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (label != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (char_is_varfirst (buffer[p]))
- {
- int i;
- i = 0;
- if (i > NameLengthMax)
- {
- i = NameLengthMax;
- }
- label[i] = buffer[p];
- p++;
- i++;
- while (char_is_varnext (buffer[p]))
- {
- if (i > NameLengthMax)
- {
- i = NameLengthMax;
- }
- label[i] = buffer[p];
- p++;
- i++;
- }
- label[i] = NulChar;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_read_label (LineType * line, char *label)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (label != NULL);
- return buff_read_label (line->buffer, &(line->position), label);
- }
- static int
- buff_read_keyword (char *buffer, int *position, char *keyword)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space word in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC keyword into 'keyword'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'keyword' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- 'label' shall be declared "char keyword[NameLengthMax + 1]".
- */
- int p;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (keyword != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (char_is_varfirst (buffer[p]))
- {
- int i;
- i = 0;
- if (i > NameLengthMax)
- {
- i = NameLengthMax;
- }
- keyword[i] = buffer[p];
- p++;
- i++;
- while (char_is_varnext (buffer[p]))
- {
- if (i > NameLengthMax)
- {
- i = NameLengthMax;
- }
- keyword[i] = buffer[p];
- p++;
- i++;
- }
- if (Char_to_TypeCode (buffer[p]) == StringTypeCode)
- {
- if (i > NameLengthMax)
- {
- i = NameLengthMax;
- }
- keyword[i] = buffer[p];
- p++;
- i++;
- }
- keyword[i] = NulChar;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- keyword[0] = NulChar;
- return FALSE;
- }
- static int
- line_read_keyword (LineType * line, char *keyword)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (keyword != NULL);
- return buff_read_keyword (line->buffer, &(line->position), keyword);
- }
- extern VariableType *
- buff_read_scalar (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space word in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC variable name,
- including both scalar variables and subscripted array variables.
- if successful then 'position' is updated
- past 'varname' for scalar variables
- (past right parenthesis for subscripted array variables).
- and returns a pointer to the variable.
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns NULL.
- */
- int p;
- VariableType *v;
- char varname[NameLengthMax + 1];
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- p = *position;
- /* Read a variable name */
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_read_varname (buffer, &p, varname) == FALSE)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (buff_peek_LparenChar (buffer, &p))
- {
- /* MUST be a an array */
- int n;
- int n_params; /* number of parameters */
- int pp[MAX_DIMS];
- /* get parameters because the variable is dimensioned */
- if (buff_read_array_dimensions (buffer, &p, &n_params, pp) == FALSE)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- /* get the array variable */
- if ((v = var_find (varname, n_params, TRUE)) == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- for (n = 0; n < v->dimensions; n++)
- {
- v->VINDEX[n] = pp[n];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* simple scalar variable */
- if ((v = var_find (varname, 0, TRUE)) == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- *position = p;
- return v;
- }
- extern VariableType *
- line_read_scalar (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_read_scalar (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern VariableType *
- buff_read_matrix (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space word in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC matrix name,
- including both simple matrix variables and redimensioned matrix variables.
- if successful then 'position' is updated
- past 'varname' for matrix variables
- (past right parenthesis for redimensioned matrix variables).
- and returns a pointer to the variable.
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns NULL.
- */
- int p;
- VariableType *v;
- char varname[NameLengthMax + 1];
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- p = *position;
- /* Read a variable name */
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_read_varname (buffer, &p, varname) == FALSE)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- v = mat_find (varname);
- if (v == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (buff_peek_LparenChar (buffer, &p))
- {
- /* get requested matrix size, which is <= original matrix size */
- size_t array_units;
- int n;
- int dimensions;
- if (buff_read_array_redim (buffer, &p, &dimensions, LBOUND, UBOUND) ==
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- /* update array dimensions */
- array_units = 1;
- for (n = 0; n < dimensions; n++)
- {
- if (UBOUND[n] < LBOUND[n])
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- array_units *= UBOUND[n] - LBOUND[n] + 1;
- }
- if (array_units > v->array_units)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- v->dimensions = dimensions;
- for (n = 0; n < dimensions; n++)
- {
- v->LBOUND[n] = LBOUND[n];
- v->UBOUND[n] = UBOUND[n];
- }
- }
- *position = p;
- return v;
- }
- extern VariableType *
- line_read_matrix (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_read_matrix (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- extern int
- buff_read_line_number (char *buffer, int *position, int *linenum)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space word in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC line number.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'linenum' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- int p;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (linenum != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (bwb_isdigit (buffer[p]))
- {
- int i;
- int n;
- char label[NameLengthMax + 1];
- i = 0;
- while (bwb_isdigit (buffer[p]))
- {
- if (i > NameLengthMax)
- {
- i = NameLengthMax;
- }
- label[i] = buffer[p];
- p++;
- i++;
- }
- label[i] = NulChar;
- n = atoi (label);
- *linenum = n;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_read_line_number (LineType * line, int *linenum)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (linenum != NULL);
- return buff_read_line_number (line->buffer, &(line->position), linenum);
- }
- extern int
- buff_read_line_sequence (char *buffer, int *position, int *head, int *tail)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space words in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC line number sequnence.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past the line number sequence and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- /*
- ### head == tail
- ### - head to BMAX
- ### - ### head to tail
- - ### BMIN to tail
- */
- int p; /* position */
- int h; /* head */
- int t; /* tail */
- char c; /* line range seperator for BREAK, DELETE and LIST */
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (head != NULL);
- assert (tail != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- c = '-';
- if (My->CurrentVersion->OptionVersionValue & (D70 | H80))
- {
- c = ',';
- }
- if (buff_skip_char (buffer, &p, c) /* line sequence seperator */ )
- {
- /* - ... */
- if (buff_read_line_number (buffer, &p, &t))
- {
- /* - ### */
- *head = MINLIN;
- *tail = t;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- if (buff_read_line_number (buffer, &p, &h) /* line sequence seperator */ )
- {
- /* ### ... */
- if (buff_skip_char (buffer, &p, c))
- {
- /* ### - ... */
- if (buff_read_line_number (buffer, &p, &t))
- {
- /* ### - ### */
- *head = h;
- *tail = t;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- /* ### - */
- *head = h;
- *tail = MAXLIN;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* ### */
- *head = h;
- *tail = h;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_read_line_sequence (LineType * line, int *head, int *tail)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (head != NULL);
- assert (tail != NULL);
- return buff_read_line_sequence (line->buffer, &(line->position), head,
- tail);
- }
- extern int
- buff_read_integer_expression (char *buffer, int *position, int *Value)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space words in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC integer expression into 'Value'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'Value' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- 'Value' shall be declared "int Value".
- */
- DoubleType X;
- int p;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (Value != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_read_numeric_expression (buffer, &p, &X))
- {
- /* we want the rounded value */
- X = bwb_rint (X);
- if (INT_MIN <= X && X <= INT_MAX)
- {
- /* OK */
- *Value = (int) bwb_rint (X);
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* ERROR */
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_read_integer_expression (LineType * line, int *Value)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (Value != NULL);
- return buff_read_integer_expression (line->buffer, &(line->position),
- Value);
- }
- extern int
- buff_read_numeric_expression (char *buffer, int *position, DoubleType * Value)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space words in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC numeric expression into 'Value'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'Value' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- 'Value' shall be declared "DoubleType Value".
- */
- int p;
- VariantType x;
- VariantType *X;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (Value != NULL);
- X = &x;
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_read_expression (buffer, &p, X) == FALSE) /* buff_read_numeric_expression */
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (X->VariantTypeCode != StringTypeCode)
- {
- /* OK */
- *Value = X->Number;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_read_numeric_expression (LineType * line, DoubleType * Value)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (Value != NULL);
- return buff_read_numeric_expression (line->buffer, &(line->position),
- Value);
- }
- extern int
- buff_read_string_expression (char *buffer, int *position, char **Value)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space words in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC string expression into 'Value'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'Value' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- 'Value' shall be declared "char * Value = NULL".
- */
- int p;
- VariantType x;
- VariantType *X;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (Value != NULL);
- X = &x;
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_read_expression (buffer, &p, X) == FALSE) /* buff_read_string_expression */
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (X->VariantTypeCode == StringTypeCode)
- {
- /* OK */
- X->Buffer[X->Length] = NulChar;
- *Value = X->Buffer;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- /* the caller is responsible to free() the returned pointer */
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_read_string_expression (LineType * line, char **Value)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (Value != NULL);
- return buff_read_string_expression (line->buffer, &(line->position), Value);
- }
- extern int
- buff_read_index_item (char *buffer, int *position, int Index, int *Value)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space words in 'buffer' that conforms to a BASIC integer expression list into 'Value',
- selecting the item matching 'Index'. The first 'Index' value is one;
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'Value' and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- 'Value' shall be declared "int Value".
- */
- int p;
- int i;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (Value != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_is_eol (buffer, &p))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (Index < 1)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Index >= 1 */
- i = 0;
- do
- {
- int v;
- if (buff_read_integer_expression (buffer, &p, &v))
- {
- i++;
- if (i == Index)
- {
- *Value = v;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- while (buff_skip_seperator (buffer, &p));
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- line_read_index_item (LineType * line, int Index, int *Value)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (Value != NULL);
- return buff_read_index_item (line->buffer, &(line->position), Index, Value);
- }
- extern int
- buff_read_letter_sequence (char *buffer, int *position, char *head,
- char *tail)
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space alphabetic character in 'buffer' into 'start';
- if seperated by a hyphen ('-') then read the next non-space alphabetic character into 'end'.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past 'start' (or 'end') and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- int p;
- char h;
- char t;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (head != NULL);
- assert (tail != NULL);
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (bwb_isalpha (buffer[p]) == FALSE)
- {
- /* character at this position must be a letter */
- return FALSE;
- }
- h = buffer[p];
- p++;
- /* check for hyphen, indicating sequence of more than one letter */
- if (buff_skip_MinusChar (buffer, &p))
- {
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (bwb_isalpha (buffer[p]) == FALSE)
- {
- /* character at this position must be a letter */
- return FALSE;
- }
- t = buffer[p];
- p++;
- }
- else
- {
- t = h;
- }
- *head = h;
- *tail = t;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- extern int
- line_read_letter_sequence (LineType * line, char *head, char *tail)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (head != NULL);
- assert (tail != NULL);
- return buff_read_letter_sequence (line->buffer, &(line->position), head,
- tail);
- }
- extern int
- buff_read_array_dimensions (char *buffer, int *position, int *n_params,
- int params[ /* MAX_DIMS */ ])
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space words in 'buffer' that conform to BASIC array index values;
- if successful then 'position' is updated past the right parenthesis and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- int p;
- int n;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (n_params != NULL);
- assert (params != NULL);
- p = *position;
- n = 0;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_skip_LparenChar (buffer, &p))
- {
- /* matrix */
- do
- {
- int Value;
- if (n >= MAX_DIMS)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* OK */
- if (buff_read_integer_expression (buffer, &p, &Value) == FALSE)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* OK */
- params[n] = Value;
- n++;
- }
- while (buff_skip_seperator (buffer, &p));
- if (buff_skip_RparenChar (buffer, &p) == FALSE)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* scalar */
- n = 0;
- }
- *n_params = n;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern int
- line_read_array_dimensions (LineType * line, int *n_params,
- int params[ /* MAX_DIMS */ ])
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (n_params != NULL);
- assert (params != NULL);
- return buff_read_array_dimensions (line->buffer, &(line->position),
- n_params, params);
- }
- #endif
- extern int
- buff_read_array_redim (char *buffer, int *position, int *dimensions,
- int LBOUND[ /* MAX_DIMS */ ],
- int UBOUND[ /* MAX_DIMS */ ])
- {
- /*
- read the next non-space words in 'buffer' that conform to BASIC array index values;
- if successful then 'position' is updated past the right parenthesis and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- */
- int p;
- int n;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (dimensions != NULL);
- assert (LBOUND != NULL);
- assert (UBOUND != NULL);
- p = *position;
- n = 0;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_skip_LparenChar (buffer, &p))
- {
- /* matrix */
- do
- {
- int Value;
- if (n >= MAX_DIMS)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* OK */
- if (buff_read_integer_expression (buffer, &p, &Value) == FALSE)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* OK */
- if (buff_skip_word (buffer, &p, "TO") == TRUE)
- {
- LBOUND[n] = Value; /* explicit lower bound */
- if (buff_read_integer_expression (buffer, &p, &Value) == FALSE)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* OK */
- UBOUND[n] = Value; /* explicit upper bound */
- }
- else
- {
- LBOUND[n] = My->CurrentVersion->OptionBaseInteger; /* implicit lower bound */
- UBOUND[n] = Value; /* explicit upper bound */
- }
- n++;
- }
- while (buff_skip_seperator (buffer, &p));
- if (buff_skip_RparenChar (buffer, &p) == FALSE)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* scalar */
- n = 0;
- }
- *dimensions = n;
- *position = p;
- return TRUE;
- }
- extern int
- line_read_array_redim (LineType * line, int *dimensions,
- int LBOUND[ /* MAX_DIMS */ ],
- int UBOUND[ /* MAX_DIMS */ ])
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (dimensions != NULL);
- assert (LBOUND != NULL);
- assert (UBOUND != NULL);
- return buff_read_array_redim (line->buffer, &(line->position), dimensions,
- }
- extern int
- buff_peek_array_dimensions (char *buffer, int *position, int *n_params)
- {
- /*
- peek the next non-space words in 'buffer' that conform to BASIC array index values;
- if successful then 'n_params' is updated and returns TRUE
- otherwise 'n_params' is unchanged and returns FALSE.
- 'position' is always unchanged.
- */
- int p;
- int ParenLevel;
- int NumDimensions;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- assert (n_params != NULL);
- ParenLevel = 0;
- NumDimensions = 1;
- p = *position;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- while (buffer[p])
- {
- /* check the current character */
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_skip_LparenChar (buffer, &p))
- {
- ParenLevel++;
- }
- else if (buff_skip_RparenChar (buffer, &p))
- {
- ParenLevel--;
- if (ParenLevel < 0)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (ParenLevel == 0)
- {
- *n_params = NumDimensions;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- else if (buff_skip_seperator (buffer, &p))
- {
- if (ParenLevel == 1)
- {
- NumDimensions++;
- }
- }
- else if (buffer[p] == My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- {
- /* embedded string constant */
- p++;
- while ((buffer[p] != My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- && (buffer[p] != NulChar))
- {
- p++;
- }
- if (buffer[p] == My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- {
- p++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* normal character */
- p++;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern int
- line_peek_array_dimensions (LineType * line, int *n_params)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- assert (n_params != NULL);
- return buff_peek_array_dimensions (line->buffer, &(line->position),
- n_params);
- }
- #endif
- extern char
- buff_read_type_declaration (char *buffer, int *position)
- {
- /*
- skip the next non-space words in 'buffer' if it is a BASIC type declaration.
- if successful then 'position' is updated past the BASIC type declaration and returns the TypeCode
- otherwise 'position' is unchanged and returns NulChar.
- */
- int p;
- char TypeCode;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- assert (position != NULL);
- p = *position;
- TypeCode = NulChar;
- buff_skip_spaces (buffer, &p); /* keep this */
- if (buff_is_eol (buffer, &p))
- {
- return TypeCode;
- }
- if (buff_skip_word (buffer, &p, "AS") == TRUE)
- {
- /* AS ... */
- if (buff_skip_word (buffer, &p, "BYTE"))
- {
- /* AS BYTE */
- TypeCode = ByteTypeCode;
- }
- else if (buff_skip_word (buffer, &p, "INTEGER"))
- {
- /* AS INTEGER */
- TypeCode = IntegerTypeCode;
- }
- else if (buff_skip_word (buffer, &p, "LONG"))
- {
- /* AS LONG */
- TypeCode = LongTypeCode;
- }
- else if (buff_skip_word (buffer, &p, "CURRENCY"))
- {
- TypeCode = CurrencyTypeCode;
- }
- else if (buff_skip_word (buffer, &p, "SINGLE"))
- {
- /* AS SINGLE */
- TypeCode = SingleTypeCode;
- }
- else if (buff_skip_word (buffer, &p, "DOUBLE"))
- {
- /* AS DOUBLE */
- TypeCode = DoubleTypeCode;
- }
- else if (buff_skip_word (buffer, &p, "STRING"))
- {
- /* AS STRING */
- TypeCode = StringTypeCode;
- }
- else
- {
- /* invalid type */
- }
- }
- if (TypeCode)
- {
- /* success */
- *position = p;
- }
- return TypeCode;
- }
- extern char
- line_read_type_declaration (LineType * line)
- {
- assert (line != NULL);
- return buff_read_type_declaration (line->buffer, &(line->position));
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: line_start()
- DESCRIPTION: This function reads a line buffer in
- <buffer> beginning at the position
- <pos> and attempts to determine (a)
- the position of the line number in the
- buffer (returned in <lnpos>), (b) the
- line number at this position (returned
- in <lnum>), (c) the position of the
- BASIC command in the buffer (returned
- in <cmdpos>), (d) the position of this
- BASIC command in the command table
- (returned in <cmdnum>), and (e) the
- position of the beginning of the rest
- of the line (returned in <Startpos>).
- Although <Startpos> must be returned
- as a positive integer, the other
- searches may fail, in which case FALSE
- will be returned in their positions.
- <pos> is not incremented.
- ***************************************************************/
- static void
- internal_DEF8SUB (LineType * l)
- {
- /*
- **
- ** User is executing a function as though it were a command, such as 100 COS X.
- ** This applies to both intrinsic functions and user defined functions and subroutines.
- ** No special parsing is required, just insert "CALL" before the name and
- ** add parentheses around the parameters:
- ** 100 fna 1,2,3 -->> 100 CALL fna(1,2,3)
- **
- */
- const char *A = "CALL ";
- int a;
- int n;
- char *buffer;
- assert (l != NULL);
- a = bwb_strlen (A);
- n = bwb_strlen (l->buffer) + a /* "CALL " */ + 1 /* '(' */ + 1 /* ')' */ ;
- buffer = calloc (n + 1 /* NulChar */ , sizeof (char));
- if (buffer == NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
- bwb_strcpy (buffer, A);
- /* buffer == "CALL " */
- l->position = 0;
- if (line_read_varname (l, &(buffer[a])) == FALSE)
- {
- return;
- }
- /* buffer == "CALL name" */
- line_skip_spaces (l);
- if (line_is_eol (l))
- {
- /* buffer == "CALL name" */
- }
- else
- {
- /* buffer == "CALL name" */
- bwb_strcat (buffer, "(");
- /* buffer == "CALL name(" */
- bwb_strcat (buffer, &(l->buffer[l->position]));
- /* buffer == "CALL name(...parameters..." */
- bwb_strcat (buffer, ")");
- /* buffer == "CALL name(...parameters...)" */
- }
- /*
- printf("%s\n", buffer );
- */
- free (l->buffer);
- l->buffer = buffer;
- l->position = a;
- l->Startpos = a;
- l->cmdnum = C_CALL;
- }
- extern void
- line_start (LineType * l)
- {
- char tbuf[NameLengthMax + 1];
- assert (l != NULL);
- /* set initial values */
- l->cmdnum = 0; /* NOT FOUND */
- l->Startpos = 0;
- l->position = 0;
- line_skip_spaces (l); /* keep this */
- /* handle special cases */
- if (line_is_eol (l))
- {
- /* the NUL (0) char must be handled first */
- l->cmdnum = C_REM;
- return;
- }
- if (line_skip_char (l, My->CurrentVersion->OptionCommentChar))
- {
- line_skip_eol (l);
- l->Startpos = l->position;
- l->cmdnum = C_REM;
- return;
- }
- if (line_skip_char (l, My->CurrentVersion->OptionPrintChar))
- {
- line_skip_spaces (l); /* keep this */
- l->Startpos = l->position;
- l->cmdnum = C_PRINT;
- return;
- }
- if (line_skip_char (l, My->CurrentVersion->OptionInputChar))
- {
- line_skip_spaces (l); /* keep this */
- l->Startpos = l->position;
- l->cmdnum = C_INPUT;
- return;
- }
- if (line_skip_char (l, My->CurrentVersion->OptionImageChar))
- {
- line_skip_spaces (l); /* keep this */
- l->Startpos = l->position;
- l->cmdnum = C_IMAGE;
- return;
- }
- if (bwb_strnicmp (&l->buffer[l->position], "REM", 3) == 0)
- {
- line_skip_eol (l);
- l->Startpos = l->position;
- l->cmdnum = C_REM;
- return;
- }
- /* not a SPECIAL */
- /* get the first keyword */
- if (line_read_keyword (l, tbuf) == FALSE)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return;
- }
- line_skip_spaces (l); /* keep this */
- /*
- **
- ** check for COMMAND
- **
- */
- l->cmdnum = is_cmd (tbuf);
- if (l->cmdnum)
- {
- /*
- **
- ** NOTE: This is NOT a full parser, this exists only to
- ** handle STRUCTURED commands. It is true that we also handle
- ** some other easy cases, but remember that this only exists
- ** to support STRUCTURED commands. Whether any other commands
- ** get processed here is simply because it was easy to do so.
- **
- */
- int cmdnum;
- char *xbuf;
- int xlen;
- cmdnum = 0;
- xbuf = My->ConsoleInput;
- bwb_strcpy (xbuf, tbuf);
- do
- {
- cmdnum = 0;
- l->Startpos = l->position;
- if (line_read_keyword (l, tbuf))
- {
- int n;
- n = bwb_strlen (xbuf) + 1 /* SpaceChar */ + bwb_strlen (tbuf);
- if (n < xlen)
- {
- /* not too long */
- bwb_strcat (xbuf, " ");
- bwb_strcat (xbuf, tbuf);
- cmdnum = is_cmd (xbuf);
- if (cmdnum)
- {
- /* longer command is valid */
- line_skip_spaces (l); /* keep this */
- l->Startpos = l->position;
- l->cmdnum = cmdnum;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while (cmdnum);
- /*
- **
- ** process special cases here
- **
- */
- l->position = l->Startpos;
- switch (l->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_CLOAD:
- {
- if (line_skip_StarChar (l))
- {
- /*
- **
- ** CLOAD*
- **
- */
- line_skip_spaces (l); /* keep this */
- l->Startpos = l->position;
- l->cmdnum = C_CLOAD8;
- }
- }
- break;
- case C_CSAVE:
- {
- if (line_skip_StarChar (l))
- {
- /*
- **
- ** CSAVE*
- **
- */
- line_skip_spaces (l); /* keep this */
- l->Startpos = l->position;
- l->cmdnum = C_CSAVE8;
- }
- }
- break;
- case C_DEF:
- if (bwb_strchr (l->buffer, '=') == NULL)
- {
- /*
- **
- ** multi-line DEF ... FNEND
- **
- */
- l->cmdnum = C_FUNCTION;
- }
- /*
- **
- ** we look up declared USER functions as we load
- **
- */
- UserFunction_add (l);
- break;
- case C_FEND:
- /*
- **
- ** this makes bwb_scan() simpler
- **
- */
- l->cmdnum = C_END_FUNCTION;
- break;
- case C_FNEND:
- /*
- **
- ** this makes bwb_scan() simpler
- **
- */
- l->cmdnum = C_END_FUNCTION;
- break;
- case C_FUNCTION:
- /*
- **
- ** we look up declared USER functions as we load
- **
- */
- UserFunction_add (l);
- break;
- case C_IF:
- /*
- **
- **
- */
- if (IsLastKeyword (l, " THEN"))
- {
- /*
- **
- **
- */
- l->cmdnum = C_IF8THEN;
- }
- break;
- case C_OPEN:
- /*
- **
- **
- */
- if (My->CurrentVersion->OptionVersionValue & (S70 | I70 | I73 | D71))
- {
- /*
- **
- **
- */
- /* OPEN filenum, filename$, INPUT | OUTPUT */
- }
- else if (GetKeyword (l, " AS "))
- {
- /*
- **
- **
- */
- /* OPEN ... AS ... */
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- **
- **
- */
- /*
- l->cmdnum = C_DEF8SUB;
- l->Startpos = 0;
- */
- internal_DEF8SUB (l);
- }
- break;
- case C_SUB:
- /*
- **
- ** we look up declared USER functions as we load
- **
- */
- UserFunction_add (l);
- break;
- case C_SUBEND:
- case C_SUB_END:
- /*
- **
- ** this makes bwb_scan() simpler
- **
- */
- l->cmdnum = C_END_SUB;
- break;
- case C_SUBEXIT:
- case C_SUB_EXIT:
- /*
- **
- ** this makes bwb_scan() simpler
- **
- */
- l->cmdnum = C_EXIT_SUB;
- break;
- case C_DEF8LBL:
- /*
- **
- ** we look up declared USER functions as we load
- **
- */
- UserFunction_add (l);
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* not a COMMAND */
- /*
- **
- ** check for implied LET
- **
- */
- if (is_let (l->buffer))
- {
- /*
- **
- ** this is an implied LET, such as:
- ** 100 A = 123
- **
- */
- l->Startpos = 0;
- l->cmdnum = C_LET;
- return;
- }
- /* not an implied LET */
- /*
- **
- ** check for FUNCTION called as a SUBROUTINE
- **
- */
- if (UserFunction_name (tbuf) || IntrinsicFunction_name (tbuf))
- {
- /*
- **
- ** check for a bogus assignment to a FUNCTION called as a SUBROUTINE, such as:
- ** 100 COS = X
- **
- */
- if (line_peek_EqualChar (l))
- {
- l->cmdnum = 0;
- return;
- }
- /*
- **
- ** FUNCTION called as a SUBROUTINE, such as:
- ** 100 OUT X, Y
- **
- */
- /*
- l->Startpos = 0;
- l->cmdnum = C_DEF8SUB;
- */
- internal_DEF8SUB (l);
- return;
- }
- /* not a FUNCTION */
- /*
- **
- ** check for LABEL
- **
- */
- if (My->CurrentVersion->OptionFlags & OPTION_LABELS_ON) /* labels are enabled */
- if (My->CurrentVersion->OptionStatementChar) /* a Statement seperator exists */
- if (line_skip_char (l, My->CurrentVersion->OptionStatementChar)) /* this is a label */
- if (line_is_eol (l)) /* we finish the line */
- {
- /*
- **
- ** LABEL, such as:
- ** 100 MyLabel:
- **
- */
- l->Startpos = l->position;
- l->cmdnum = C_DEF8LBL;
- return;
- }
- /* not a LABEL */
- l->cmdnum = 0;
- return;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: is_cmd()
- DESCRIPTION: This function determines whether the
- string in 'buffer' is a BASIC command
- statement, returning 'id' or 0.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- is_cmd (char *name)
- {
- int i;
- assert (name != NULL);
- /* start with the closest command, without going over */
- i = VarTypeIndex (name[0]);
- if (i < 0)
- {
- /* non-alpha, all commands start with an alpha character */
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return 0;
- }
- i = My->CommandStart[i]; /* first command starting with this letter */
- if (i < 0)
- {
- /* no command starts with that letter */
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return 0;
- }
- #else /* THE_PRICE_IS_RIGHT */
- i = 0;
- #endif /* THE_PRICE_IS_RIGHT */
- for (; i < NUM_COMMANDS; i++)
- {
- if (My->CurrentVersion->OptionVersionValue & IntrinsicCommandTable[i].
- OptionVersionBitmask)
- {
- int result;
- result = bwb_stricmp (IntrinsicCommandTable[i].name, name);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- /* FOUND */
- return IntrinsicCommandTable[i].CommandID;
- }
- if (result > 0 /* found > searched */ )
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return 0;
- }
- /* result < 0 : found < searched */
- }
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- is_let (char *buffer)
- {
- /*
- **
- ** returns TRUE if 'buffer' contains an implied LET statement,
- ** which is detected by an unquoted '='
- **
- */
- int n;
- assert (buffer != NULL);
- /* Go through the expression and search for an unquoted assignment operator. */
- for (n = 0; buffer[n]; n++)
- {
- if (buffer[n] == '=')
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (buffer[n] == My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- {
- /* string constant */
- n++;
- while (buffer[n] != My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- {
- n++;
- if (buffer[n] == NulChar)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- n++;
- }
- }
- /* No command name was found */
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- bwb_freeline (LineType * l)
- {
- /*
- **
- ** free memory associated with a program line
- **
- */
- if (l != NULL)
- {
- /* free arguments if there are any */
- if (l->buffer != NULL)
- {
- free (l->buffer);
- l->buffer = NULL;
- }
- free (l);
- /* l = NULL; */
- My->IsScanRequired = TRUE; /* program needs to be scanned again */
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- static int
- GetKeyword (LineType * l, char *Keyword)
- {
- /*
- *
- * Returns TRUE if Keyword is found unquoted
- *
- */
- char *S;
- char *C;
- int n;
- assert (l != NULL);
- assert (Keyword != NULL);
- S = l->buffer;
- S += l->position;
- C = S;
- n = bwb_strlen (Keyword);
- while (*C)
- {
- if (bwb_strnicmp (C, Keyword, n) == 0)
- {
- /* FOUND */
- return TRUE;
- }
- else if (*C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- {
- /* skip string constant */
- C++;
- while (*C != NulChar && *C != My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- {
- C++;
- }
- if (*C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- {
- C++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* skip normal character */
- C++;
- }
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- IsLastKeyword (LineType * l, char *Keyword)
- {
- /* find the end of the line */
- /* backup thru spaces */
- int n;
- char *S;
- char *C;
- assert (l != NULL);
- assert (Keyword != NULL);
- S = l->buffer;
- S += l->position;
- C = S;
- n = bwb_strlen (Keyword);
- S += n;
- /*
- ** IF x THEN 0
- ** IF x THEN
- */
- while (*C)
- {
- /* skip string constants */
- if (*C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- {
- /* skip leading quote */
- C++;
- while (*C != NulChar && *C != My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- {
- C++;
- }
- /* skip trailing quote */
- if (*C == My->CurrentVersion->OptionQuoteChar)
- {
- C++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- C++;
- }
- }
- if (C > S)
- {
- C--;
- while (C > S && *C == ' ')
- {
- C--;
- }
- C++;
- if (C > S)
- {
- C -= n;
- if (bwb_strnicmp (C, Keyword, n) == 0)
- {
- /* FOUND */
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* bitmask values returned by bwb_chartype() */
- #define CHAR_IS_CNTRL 0x01
- #define CHAR_IS_SPACE 0x02
- #define CHAR_IS_PRINT 0x04
- #define CHAR_IS_PUNCT 0x08
- #define CHAR_IS_DIGIT 0x10
- #define CHAR_IS_XDIGIT 0x20
- #define CHAR_IS_UPPER 0x40
- #define CHAR_IS_LOWER 0x80
- static int
- bwb_chartype (int C)
- {
- /* returns the the character type bitmask */
- switch (C)
- {
- case EOF:
- return 0; /* Special Case */
- case '\t':
- case '\n':
- case '\v':
- case '\f':
- case '\r':
- case ' ':
- case '!':
- case '"':
- case '#':
- case '$':
- case '%':
- case '&':
- case '\'':
- case '(':
- case ')':
- case '*':
- case '+':
- case ',':
- case '-':
- case '.':
- case '/':
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- case ':':
- case ';':
- case '<':
- case '=':
- case '>':
- case '?':
- case '@':
- case 'A':
- case 'B':
- case 'C':
- case 'D':
- case 'E':
- case 'F':
- case 'G':
- case 'H':
- case 'I':
- case 'J':
- case 'K':
- case 'L':
- case 'M':
- case 'N':
- case 'O':
- case 'P':
- case 'Q':
- case 'R':
- case 'S':
- case 'T':
- case 'U':
- case 'V':
- case 'W':
- case 'X':
- case 'Y':
- case 'Z':
- case '[':
- case '\\':
- case ']':
- case '^':
- case '_':
- case '`':
- case 'a':
- case 'b':
- case 'c':
- case 'd':
- case 'e':
- case 'f':
- case 'g':
- case 'h':
- case 'i':
- case 'j':
- case 'k':
- case 'l':
- case 'm':
- case 'n':
- case 'o':
- case 'p':
- case 'q':
- case 'r':
- case 's':
- case 't':
- case 'u':
- case 'v':
- case 'w':
- case 'x':
- case 'y':
- case 'z':
- case '{':
- case '|':
- case '}':
- case '~':
- }
- return CHAR_IS_CNTRL;
- }
- extern int
- bwb_isalnum (int C)
- {
- /*
- The isalnum function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int isalnum(int c);
- Description
- The isalnum function tests for any character for which isalpha or
- isdigit is true.
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_ALNUM)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- int
- bwb_isalpha (int C)
- {
- /*
- The isalpha function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int isalpha(int c);
- Description
- The isalpha function tests for any character for which isupper or
- islower is true, or any of an implementation-defined set of characters
- for which none of iscntrl , isdigit , ispunct , or isspace is true.
- In the C locale, isalpha returns true only for the characters for
- which isupper or islower is true.
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_ALPHA)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern int
- bwb_iscntrl (int C)
- {
- /*
- The iscntrl function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int iscntrl(int c);
- Description
- The iscntrl function tests for any control character.
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_CNTRL)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #endif
- extern int
- bwb_isdigit (int C)
- {
- /*
- The isdigit function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int isdigit(int c);
- Description
- The isdigit function tests for any decimal-digit character (as
- defined in $2.2.1).
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_DIGIT)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- bwb_isgraph (int C)
- {
- /*
- The isgraph function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int isgraph(int c);
- Description
- The isgraph function tests for any printing character except space (' ').
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_GRAPH)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern int
- bwb_islower (int C)
- {
- /*
- The islower function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int islower(int c);
- Description
- The islower function tests for any lower-case letter or any of an
- implementation-defined set of characters for which none of iscntrl ,
- isdigit , ispunct , or isspace is true. In the C locale, islower
- returns true only for the characters defined as lower-case letters (as
- defined in $2.2.1).
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_LOWER)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #endif
- extern int
- bwb_isprint (int C)
- {
- /*
- The isprint function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int isprint(int c);
- Description
- The isprint function tests for any printing character including
- space (' ').
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_PRINT)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- bwb_ispunct (int C)
- {
- /*
- The ispunct function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int ispunct(int c);
- Description
- The ispunct function tests for any printing character except space
- (' ') or a character for which isalnum is true.
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_PUNCT)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern int
- bwb_isspace (int C)
- {
- /*
- The isspace function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int isspace(int c);
- Description
- The isspace function tests for the standard white-space characters
- or for any of an implementation-defined set of characters for which
- isalnum is false. The standard white-space characters are the
- following: space (' '), form feed ('\f'), new-line ('\n'), carriage
- return ('\r'), horizontal tab ('\t'), and vertical tab ('\v'). In the
- C locale, isspace returns true only for the standard white-space
- characters.
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_SPACE)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #endif
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern int
- bwb_isupper (int C)
- {
- /*
- The isupper function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int isupper(int c);
- Description
- The isupper function tests for any upper-case letter or any of an
- implementation-defined set of characters for which none of iscntrl ,
- isdigit , ispunct , or isspace is true. In the C locale, isupper
- returns true only for the characters defined as upper-case letters (as
- defined in $2.2.1).
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_UPPER)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #endif
- extern int
- bwb_isxdigit (int C)
- {
- /*
- The isxdigit function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int isxdigit(int c);
- Description
- The isxdigit function tests for any hexadecimal-digit character (as
- defined in $
- */
- if (bwb_chartype (C) & CHAR_IS_XDIGIT)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- extern int
- bwb_tolower (int C)
- {
- /*
- The tolower function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int tolower(int c);
- Description
- The tolower function converts an upper-case letter to the
- corresponding lower-case letter.
- Returns
- If the argument is an upper-case letter, the tolower function
- returns the corresponding lower-case letter if there is one; otherwise
- the argument is returned unchanged. In the C locale, tolower maps
- only the characters for which isupper is true to the corresponding
- characters for which islower is true.
- */
- switch (C)
- {
- case 'A':
- return 'a';
- case 'B':
- return 'b';
- case 'C':
- return 'c';
- case 'D':
- return 'd';
- case 'E':
- return 'e';
- case 'F':
- return 'f';
- case 'G':
- return 'g';
- case 'H':
- return 'h';
- case 'I':
- return 'i';
- case 'J':
- return 'j';
- case 'K':
- return 'k';
- case 'L':
- return 'l';
- case 'M':
- return 'm';
- case 'N':
- return 'n';
- case 'O':
- return 'o';
- case 'P':
- return 'p';
- case 'Q':
- return 'q';
- case 'R':
- return 'r';
- case 'S':
- return 's';
- case 'T':
- return 't';
- case 'U':
- return 'u';
- case 'V':
- return 'v';
- case 'W':
- return 'w';
- case 'X':
- return 'x';
- case 'Y':
- return 'y';
- case 'Z':
- return 'z';
- }
- return C;
- }
- extern int
- bwb_toupper (int C)
- {
- /*
- The toupper function
- Synopsis
- #include <ctype.h>
- int toupper(int c);
- Description
- The toupper function converts a lower-case letter to the corresponding upper-case letter.
- Returns
- If the argument is a lower-case letter, the toupper function
- returns the corresponding upper-case letter if there is one; otherwise
- the argument is returned unchanged. In the C locale, toupper maps
- only the characters for which islower is true to the corresponding
- characters for which isupper is true.
- */
- switch (C)
- {
- case 'a':
- return 'A';
- case 'b':
- return 'B';
- case 'c':
- return 'C';
- case 'd':
- return 'D';
- case 'e':
- return 'E';
- case 'f':
- return 'F';
- case 'g':
- return 'G';
- case 'h':
- return 'H';
- case 'i':
- return 'I';
- case 'j':
- return 'J';
- case 'k':
- return 'K';
- case 'l':
- return 'L';
- case 'm':
- return 'M';
- case 'n':
- return 'N';
- case 'o':
- return 'O';
- case 'p':
- return 'P';
- case 'q':
- return 'Q';
- case 'r':
- return 'R';
- case 's':
- return 'S';
- case 't':
- return 'T';
- case 'u':
- return 'U';
- case 'v':
- return 'V';
- case 'w':
- return 'W';
- case 'x':
- return 'X';
- case 'y':
- return 'Y';
- case 'z':
- return 'Z';
- }
- return C;
- }
- extern void *
- bwb_memcpy (void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)
- {
- /*
- The memcpy function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- void *memcpy(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
- Description
- The memcpy function copies n characters from the object pointed to
- by s2 into the object pointed to by s1 . If copying takes place
- between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined.
- Returns
- The memcpy function returns the value of s1 .
- */
- if (n > 0)
- {
- char *Target;
- char *Source;
- int p;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- Target = (char *) s1;
- Source = (char *) s2;
- p = 0;
- while (p < n)
- {
- Target[p] = Source[p];
- p++;
- }
- }
- return s1;
- }
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern void *
- bwb_memmove (void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)
- {
- /*
- The memmove function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- void *memmove(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
- Description
- The memmove function copies n characters from the object pointed to
- by s2 into the object pointed to by s1 . Copying takes place as if
- the n characters from the object pointed to by s2 are first copied
- into a temporary array of n characters that does not overlap the
- objects pointed to by s1 and s2 , and then the n characters from the
- temporary array are copied into the object pointed to by s1 .
- Returns
- The memmove function returns the value of s1 .
- */
- if (n > 0)
- {
- char *Target;
- char *Source;
- char *Temp;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- Target = (char *) s1;
- Source = (char *) s2;
- Temp = (char *) malloc (n);
- if (Temp != NULL)
- {
- int p;
- p = 0;
- while (p < n)
- {
- Temp[p] = Source[p];
- p++;
- }
- p = 0;
- while (p < n)
- {
- Target[p] = Temp[p];
- p++;
- }
- free (Temp);
- Temp = NULL;
- }
- }
- return s1;
- }
- #endif
- extern char *
- bwb_strcpy (char *s1, const char *s2)
- {
- /*
- The strcpy function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2);
- Description
- The strcpy function copies the string pointed to by s2 (including
- the terminating null character) into the array pointed to by s1 . If
- copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is
- undefined.
- Returns
- The strcpy function returns the value of s1 .
- */
- char C;
- int p;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- p = 0;
- do
- {
- C = s2[p];
- s1[p] = C;
- p++;
- }
- while (C);
- return s1;
- }
- extern char *
- bwb_strncpy (char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
- {
- /*
- The strncpy function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- char *strncpy(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
- Description
- The strncpy function copies not more than n characters (characters
- that follow a null character are not copied) from the array pointed to
- by s2 to the array pointed to by s1 ./120/ If copying takes place
- between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined.
- If the array pointed to by s2 is a string that is shorter than n
- characters, null characters are appended to the copy in the array
- pointed to by s1 , until n characters in all have been written.
- Returns
- The strncpy function returns the value of s1 .
- */
- if (n > 0)
- {
- char C;
- int p;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- p = 0;
- do
- {
- C = s2[p];
- s1[p] = C;
- p++;
- }
- while (C != NulChar && p < n);
- while (p < n)
- {
- s1[p] = NulChar;
- p++;
- }
- }
- return s1;
- }
- extern char *
- bwb_strcat (char *s1, const char *s2)
- {
- /*
- The strcat function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- char *strcat(char *s1, const char *s2);
- Description
- The strcat function appends a copy of the string pointed to by s2
- (including the terminating null character) to the end of the string
- pointed to by s1 . The initial character of s2 overwrites the null
- character at the end of s1 . If copying takes place between objects
- that overlap, the behavior is undefined.
- Returns
- The strcat function returns the value of s1 .
- */
- char *Temp;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- Temp = bwb_strchr (s1, NulChar);
- bwb_strcpy (Temp, s2);
- return s1;
- }
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern char *
- bwb_strncat (char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
- {
- /*
- The strncat function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- char *strncat(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
- Description
- The strncat function appends not more than n characters (a null
- character and characters that follow it are not appended) from the
- array pointed to by s2 to the end of the string pointed to by s1 .
- The initial character of s2 overwrites the null character at the end
- of s1 . A terminating null character is always appended to the
- result./121/ If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the
- behavior is undefined.
- Returns
- The strncat function returns the value of s1 .
- */
- char *Temp;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- Temp = bwb_strchr (s1, NulChar);
- bwb_strncpy (Temp, s2, n);
- return s1;
- }
- #endif
- extern int
- bwb_memcmp (const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)
- {
- /*
- The memcmp function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
- Description
- The memcmp function compares the first n characters of the object
- pointed to by s1 to the first n characters of the object pointed to by
- s2 ./122/
- Returns
- The memcmp function returns an integer greater than, equal to, or
- less than zero, according as the object pointed to by s1 is greater
- than, equal to, or less than the object pointed to by s2 .
- */
- if (n > 0)
- {
- int p;
- char *L;
- char *R;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- p = 0;
- L = (char *) s1;
- R = (char *) s2;
- while (p < n)
- {
- if (L[p] > R[p])
- {
- return 1;
- }
- if (L[p] < R[p])
- {
- return -1;
- }
- /* L[ p ] == R[ p ] */
- p++;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- extern int
- bwb_strcmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
- {
- /*
- The strcmp function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
- Description
- The strcmp function compares the string pointed to by s1 to the
- string pointed to by s2 .
- Returns
- The strcmp function returns an integer greater than, equal to, or
- less than zero, according as the string pointed to by s1 is greater
- than, equal to, or less than the string pointed to by s2 .
- */
- char C;
- int p;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- p = 0;
- do
- {
- if (s1[p] > s2[p])
- {
- return 1;
- }
- if (s1[p] < s2[p])
- {
- return -1;
- }
- /* s1[ p ] == s2[ p ] */
- C = s1[p];
- p++;
- }
- while (C);
- return 0;
- }
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern int
- bwb_strncmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
- {
- /*
- The strncmp function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
- Description
- The strncmp function compares not more than n characters
- (characters that follow a null character are not compared) from the
- array pointed to by s1 to the array pointed to by s2 .
- Returns
- The strncmp function returns an integer greater than, equal to, or
- less than zero, according as the possibly null-terminated array
- pointed to by s1 is greater than, equal to, or less than the possibly
- null-terminated array pointed to by s2 .
- */
- if (n > 0)
- {
- char C;
- int p;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- p = 0;
- do
- {
- if (s1[p] > s2[p])
- {
- return 1;
- }
- if (s1[p] < s2[p])
- {
- return -1;
- }
- /* s1[ p ] == s2[ p ] */
- C = s1[p];
- p++;
- }
- while (C != NulChar && p < n);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- #if FALSE /* keep this ... */
- extern void *
- bwb_memchr (const void *s, int c, size_t n)
- {
- /*
- The memchr function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- void *memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n);
- Description
- The memchr function locates the first occurrence of c (converted to
- an unsigned char ) in the initial n characters (each interpreted as
- unsigned char ) of the object pointed to by s .
- Returns
- The memchr function returns a pointer to the located character, or
- a null pointer if the character does not occur in the object.
- */
- if (n > 0)
- {
- int p;
- unsigned char *Check;
- unsigned char Find;
- assert (s != NULL);
- p = 0;
- Check = (unsigned char *) s;
- Find = (unsigned char) c;
- do
- {
- if (Check[p] == Find)
- {
- return (void *) &(Check[p]);
- }
- p++;
- }
- while (p < n);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- #endif
- extern char *
- bwb_strchr (const char *s, int c)
- {
- /*
- The strchr function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- char *strchr(const char *s, int c);
- Description
- The strchr function locates the first occurrence of c (converted to
- a char ) in the string pointed to by s . The terminating null
- character is considered to be part of the string.
- Returns
- The strchr function returns a pointer to the located character, or
- a null pointer if the character does not occur in the string.
- */
- int p;
- char Find;
- char C;
- assert (s != NULL);
- p = 0;
- Find = (char) c;
- do
- {
- C = s[p];
- if (C == Find)
- {
- return (char *) &(s[p]);
- }
- p++;
- }
- while (C);
- return NULL;
- }
- extern char *
- bwb_strrchr (const char *s, int c)
- {
- /*
- The strrchr function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- char *strrchr(const char *s, int c);
- Description
- The strrchr function locates the last occurrence of c (converted to
- a char ) in the string pointed to by s . The terminating null
- character is considered to be part of the string.
- Returns
- The strrchr function returns a pointer to the character, or a null
- pointer if c does not occur in the string.
- */
- int p;
- char Find;
- char *Found;
- char C;
- assert (s != NULL);
- p = 0;
- Find = (char) c;
- Found = NULL;
- do
- {
- C = s[p];
- if (C == Find)
- {
- Found = (char *) &(s[p]);
- }
- p++;
- }
- while (C);
- return Found;
- }
- extern void *
- bwb_memset (void *s, int c, size_t n)
- {
- /*
- The memset function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
- Description
- The memset function copies the value of c (converted to an unsigned
- char ) into each of the first n characters of the object pointed to by
- s .
- Returns
- The memset function returns the value of s .
- */
- if (n > 0)
- {
- int p;
- unsigned char *Target;
- unsigned char Value;
- assert (s != NULL);
- p = 0;
- Target = (unsigned char *) s;
- Value = (unsigned char) c;
- do
- {
- Target[p] = Value;
- p++;
- }
- while (p < n);
- }
- return s;
- }
- extern size_t
- bwb_strlen (const char *s)
- {
- /*
- The strlen function
- Synopsis
- #include <string.h>
- size_t strlen(const char *s);
- Description
- The strlen function computes the length of the string pointed to by s .
- Returns
- The strlen function returns the number of characters that precede
- the terminating null character.
- */
- size_t p;
- assert (s != NULL);
- p = 0;
- while (s[p])
- {
- p++;
- }
- return p;
- }
- extern char *
- bwb_strdup (char *s)
- {
- size_t n;
- char *r;
- assert (s != NULL);
- /* r = NULL; */
- n = bwb_strlen (s);
- r = calloc (n + 1 /* NulChar */ , sizeof (char));
- if (r != NULL)
- {
- bwb_strcpy (r, s);
- }
- return r;
- }
- extern char *
- bwb_strdup2 (char *s, char *t)
- {
- size_t n;
- char *r;
- assert (s != NULL);
- assert (t != NULL);
- /* r = NULL; */
- n = bwb_strlen (s) + bwb_strlen (t);
- r = calloc (n + 1 /* NulChar */ , sizeof (char));
- if (r != NULL)
- {
- bwb_strcpy (r, s);
- bwb_strcat (r, t);
- }
- return r;
- }
- /* these are intrinsic C functions in my environment using -ansi */
- #else /* ! HAVE_UNIX_GCC */
- extern unsigned int
- sleep (unsigned int X)
- {
- /* do nothing */
- return X;
- }
- #endif /* ! HAVE_UNIX_GCC */
- extern double
- bwb_rint (double x)
- {
- /* BASIC dialects have different rounding rules */
- double Result;
- if (x < 0)
- {
- return -bwb_rint (-x);
- }
- /* x >= 0 */
- switch (My->OptionRoundType)
- {
- /* normal financial rounding */
- Result = floor (x + 0.5);
- if (x - floor (x) == 0.5)
- {
- /* midway */
- double Half;
- Half = Result / 2.0;
- if (Half != floor (Half))
- {
- /* odd -> even */
- Result--;
- }
- }
- break;
- /* normal mathematical rounding */
- Result = floor (x + 0.5);
- break;
- /* simple truncation */
- Result = floor (x);
- break;
- }
- return Result;
- }
- extern int
- bwb_stricmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
- {
- const unsigned char *p1;
- const unsigned char *p2;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- p1 = (const unsigned char *) s1;
- p2 = (const unsigned char *) s2;
- while (*p1)
- {
- char c1;
- char c2;
- c1 = bwb_toupper (*p1);
- c2 = bwb_toupper (*p2);
- if (c1 < c2)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if (c1 > c2)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- p1++;
- p2++;
- }
- if (*p2 == NulChar)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- extern int
- bwb_strnicmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
- {
- const unsigned char *p1;
- const unsigned char *p2;
- size_t x = 0;
- assert (s1 != NULL);
- assert (s2 != NULL);
- p1 = (const unsigned char *) s1;
- p2 = (const unsigned char *) s2;
- while (x < n)
- {
- char c1;
- char c2;
- c1 = bwb_toupper (p1[x]);
- c2 = bwb_toupper (p2[x]);
- if (c1 < c2)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if (c1 > c2)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- if (c1 == NulChar)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- x++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* EOF */