- rem ----------------------------------------------------
- rem CallSub.BAS
- rem ----------------------------------------------------
- Print "CallSub.BAS -- Test BASIC Call and Sub Statements"
- Print "The next printed line should be from the Subroutine."
- Print
- testvar = 17
- Call TestSub 5, "Hello", testvar
- Print
- Print "This is back at the main program. "
- Print "The value of variable <testvar> is now "; testvar
- Print "Did it work?"
- End
- rem ----------------------------------------------------
- rem Subroutine TestSub
- rem ----------------------------------------------------
- Sub TestSub( xarg, yarg$, tvar )
- Print "This is written from the Subroutine."
- Print "The value of variable <xarg> is"; xarg
- Print "The value of variable <yarg$> is "; yarg$
- Print "The value of variable <tvar> is "; tvar
- tvar = 99
- Print "The value of variable <tvar> is reset to "; tvar
- End Sub