ChipMaster's bwBASIC This also includes history going back to v2.10. *WARN* some binary files might have been corrupted by CRLF.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
1.1 KiB

  1. 10 'Banner Title Program
  2. 20 'Glenn Wilson
  3. 30 'May 2, 1986
  4. 40 'Modified for Microsoft(c) Basic
  5. 50 'from Nhan Khai Hoang's WP-TITLE.INC
  6. 60 'of Word Pro for Turbo Pascal(c)...
  7. 70 CLR$=CHR$(26) 'clear screen code
  8. 80 PRINT CLR$
  9. 90 DEF FNC$(X,Y)=CHR$(27)+CHR$(61)+CHR$(X+32)+CHR$(Y+32)
  10. 100 '^^^^^^cursor addressing for Xerox 820-II
  11. 110 PRINT FNC$(8,25);"-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-"
  12. 120 PRINT FNC$(9,25);"-/ /-"
  13. 130 PRINT FNC$(10,25);"-/ /-"
  14. 140 PRINT FNC$(11,25);"-/ /-"
  15. 150 PRINT FNC$(12,25);"-/ /-"
  16. 160 PRINT FNC$(13,25);"-/ /-"
  17. 170 PRINT FNC$(14,25);"-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-
  18. 180 M$="Banner Title Program...By Glenn Wilson...May 2, 1986...Modified from"
  19. 190 M$=M$+" WP-TITLE of Word Pro, v 1.0, by Nhan Khai Hoang..."
  20. 200 '^^^^^^messgage of choice goes here
  21. 210 MSG$=MID$(M$,1,25)
  22. 220 CDR$=MID$(M$,2,(LEN(M$)-1))
  23. 230 CAR$=MID$(M$,1,1)
  24. 240 M$=CDR$+CAR$
  25. 250 PRINT FNC$(11,28);MSG$
  26. 260 GOSUB 280 'gosub for delay
  27. 270 GOTO 210 'do again
  28. 280 FOR X=1 TO 40 'delay loop
  29. 290 NEXT X
  30. 300 RETURN