- /***************************************************************
- bwd_cmd.c Command Table
- for Bywater BASIC Interpreter
- Copyright (c) 1993, Ted A. Campbell
- Bywater Software
- email: tcamp@delphi.com
- Copyright and Permissions Information:
- All U.S. and international rights are claimed by the author,
- Ted A. Campbell.
- This software is released under the terms of the GNU General
- Public License (GPL), which is distributed with this software
- in the file "COPYING". The GPL specifies the terms under
- which users may copy and use the software in this distribution.
- A separate license is available for commercial distribution,
- for information on which you should contact the author.
- ***************************************************************/
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* NOTE: Modifications marked "JBV" were made by Jon B. Volkoff, */
- /* 11/1995 (eidetics@cerf.net). */
- /* */
- /* Those additionally marked with "DD" were at the suggestion of */
- /* Dale DePriest (daled@cadence.com). */
- /* */
- /* Version 3.00 by Howard Wulf, AF5NE */
- /* */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "bwbasic.h"
- struct bwb_command bwb_cmdtable[NUM_COMMANDS] =
- {
- {
- C_QUEST, /* UniqueID */
- "? expressions...", /* Syntax */
- "This is just a shortcut for PRINT.", /* Description */
- "?", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CALL, /* UniqueID */
- "CALL subroutine-name( [parameter [, ...] ] )", /* Syntax */
- "Calls a subroutine that was defined by SUB and END SUB.", /* Description */
- "CALL", /* Name */
- B14 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CASE, /* UniqueID */
- "CASE constant", /* Syntax */
- "Introduces an element of a SELECT CASE statement.", /* Description */
- "CASE", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CASE_ELSE, /* UniqueID */
- "CASE ELSE", /* Syntax */
- "Introduces a default SELECT CASE element.", /* Description */
- "CASE ELSE", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CASE_IF, /* UniqueID */
- "CASE IF partial-expression", /* Syntax */
- "Introduces a conditional SELECT CASE element.", /* Description */
- "CASE IF", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CASE_IS, /* UniqueID */
- "CASE IS", /* Syntax */
- "Same as CASE IF.", /* Description */
- "CASE IS", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CHAIN, /* UniqueID */
- "CHAIN filename$", /* Syntax */
- "Load and execute another BASIC program, without clearing vari"
- "ables.", /* Description */
- "CHAIN", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CHANGE, /* UniqueID */
- "CHANGE A$ TO X | CHANGE X TO A$", /* Syntax */
- "Changes a string to a numeric array or a numeric array to a s"
- "tring.", /* Description */
- "CHANGE", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CLEAR, /* UniqueID */
- "CLEAR", /* Syntax */
- "Sets all numeric variables to 0, and all string variables to "
- "empty strings.", /* Description */
- "CLEAR", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CLOAD, /* UniqueID */
- "CLOAD [file-name$]", /* Syntax */
- "Loads an ASCII BASIC program into memory.", /* Description */
- "CLOAD", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CLOAD_, /* UniqueID */
- "CLOAD* ArrayName", /* Syntax */
- "Loads a numeric array from a file saved using CSAVE*.", /* Description */
- "CLOAD*", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CMDS, /* UniqueID */
- "CMDS", /* Syntax */
- "Prints a list of all implemented BASIC commands.", /* Description */
- "CMDS", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_COMMON, /* UniqueID */
- "COMMON variable [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Designates variables to be passed to a CHAINed program.", /* Description */
- "COMMON", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CONT, /* UniqueID */
- "CONT", /* Syntax */
- "Continue a BASIC program after a STOP has been executed. Pro"
- "gram resumes at the line after the STOP.", /* Description */
- "CONT", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CSAVE, /* UniqueID */
- "CSAVE [file-name$]", /* Syntax */
- "Saves the current program into the file file-name$ in ASCII f"
- "ormat.", /* Description */
- "CSAVE", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_CSAVE_, /* UniqueID */
- "CSAVE* ArrayName", /* Syntax */
- "Saves a numeric array into a file.", /* Description */
- "CSAVE*", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DATA, /* UniqueID */
- "DATA constant [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Stores numeric and string constants to be accessed by READ.", /* Description */
- "DATA", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DEF, /* UniqueID */
- "DEF FNname(arg...)] = expression", /* Syntax */
- "Defines a single line user-written function. For multiple li"
- "ne functions use the FUNCTION command.", /* Description */
- "DEF", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DEF_SUB, /* UniqueID */
- "DEF SUB", /* Syntax */
- "An internal command that allows the BASIC program to execute "
- "any function as though it were a command. You do not directl"
- "y call this command. If your program has a line beginning w"
- "ith a functio name, then DEF SUB is used to execute the funct"
- "ion and ignore the result.", /* Description */
- "DEF SUB", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DEFDBL, /* UniqueID */
- "DEFDBL letter[-letter] [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Declares variables with single-letter names as numeric variab"
- "les. TODO: enforce the rnage of [MINDBL,MAXDBL].", /* Description */
- "DEFDBL", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DEFINT, /* UniqueID */
- "DEFINT letter[-letter] [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Declares variables with single-letter names as numeric variab"
- "les. TODO: enforce the rnage of [MININT,MAXINT].", /* Description */
- "DEFINT", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DEFSNG, /* UniqueID */
- "DEFSNG letter[-letter] [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Declares variables with single-letter names as numeric variab"
- "les. TODO: enforce the rnage of [MINSNG,MAXSNG].", /* Description */
- "DEFSNG", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DEFSTR, /* UniqueID */
- "DEFSTR letter[-letter] [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Declares variables with single-letter names as string variabl"
- "es. TODO: enforce the range of [MINLEN,MAXLEN].", /* Description */
- "DEFSTR", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DELETE, /* UniqueID */
- "DELETE line [- line]", /* Syntax */
- "Deletes program lines indicated by the argument(s). All prog"
- "ram lines have a number, which is visible with the LIST comma"
- "nd. If line numbers are not provided, they are assigned begi"
- "nning with 1.", /* Description */
- "DELETE", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DIM, /* UniqueID */
- "DIM variable( elements [, ...]) [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Specifies the dimensions of an array variables.", /* Description */
- "DIM", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DO, /* UniqueID */
- "DO", /* Syntax */
- "Top of a DO - LOOP structure. If the loop is not terminated "
- "by EXIT DO or LOOP UNTIL or LOOP WHILE, then it will loop for"
- "ever.", /* Description */
- "DO", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DO_UNTIL, /* UniqueID */
- "DO UNTIL expression", /* Syntax */
- "Top of a DO - LOOP structure. If the expression is zero, the"
- "n the loop is terminated.", /* Description */
- "DO UNTIL", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_DO_WHILE, /* UniqueID */
- "DO WHILE expression", /* Syntax */
- "Top of a DO - LOOP structure. If the expression is non-zero,"
- " then the loop is terminated.", /* Description */
- "DO WHILE", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_EDIT, /* UniqueID */
- "EDIT", /* Syntax */
- "implementation defined.", /* Description */
- "EDIT", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_ELSE, /* UniqueID */
- "ELSE", /* Syntax */
- "Introduces a default condition in a multi-line IF statement.", /* Description */
- "ELSE", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_ELSEIF, /* UniqueID */
- "ELSEIF", /* Syntax */
- "Introduces a secondary condition in a multi-line IF statement"
- ".", /* Description */
- "ELSEIF", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_END, /* UniqueID */
- "END", /* Syntax */
- "Terminates program execution. If the BASIC program was execut"
- "ed from the operating system level, then control returns to t"
- "he operating system, oterwise control reuturns to the BASIC p"
- "rompt.", /* Description */
- "END", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_END_FUNCTION, /* UniqueID */
- "END FUNCTION", /* Syntax */
- "Specifies the last line of a multi-line FUNCTION definition.", /* Description */
- "END FUNCTION", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_END_IF, /* UniqueID */
- "END IF", /* Syntax */
- "Specifies the last line of a multi-line IF definition.", /* Description */
- "END IF", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_END_SELECT, /* UniqueID */
- "END SELECT", /* Syntax */
- "Specifies the last line of a multi-line SELECT CASE definitio"
- "n.", /* Description */
- "END SELECT", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_END_SUB, /* UniqueID */
- "END SUB", /* Syntax */
- "Specifies the last line of a multi-line SUB definition.", /* Description */
- "END SUB", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_ERASE, /* UniqueID */
- "ERASE variable [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Eliminates arrayed variables from a program.", /* Description */
- "ERASE", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_EXIT, /* UniqueID */
- "EXIT", /* Syntax */
- "EXIT by itself is a syntax error. Use EXIT DO, EXIT FOR, EXI"
- "T FUNCTION, EXIT SUB, EXIT UNTIL, or EXIT WHILE.", /* Description */
- "EXIT", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_EXIT_DO, /* UniqueID */
- "EXIT DO", /* Syntax */
- "Immediately exits the inner-most DO-LOOP strucure.", /* Description */
- "EXIT DO", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_EXIT_FOR, /* UniqueID */
- "EXIT FOR", /* Syntax */
- "Immediately exits the inner-most FOR-NEXT strucure.", /* Description */
- "EXIT FOR", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_EXIT_FUNCTION, /* UniqueID */
- "EXIT FUNCTION", /* Syntax */
- "Immediately exits the inner-most multi-line FUNCTION strucure"
- ".", /* Description */
- "EXIT FUNCTION", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_EXIT_SUB, /* UniqueID */
- "EXIT SUB", /* Syntax */
- "Immediately exits the inner-most multi-line SUB strucure.", /* Description */
- "EXIT SUB", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_EXIT_UNTIL, /* UniqueID */
- "EXIT UNTIL", /* Syntax */
- "Immediately exits the inner-most UNTIL-UEND strucure.", /* Description */
- "EXIT UNTIL", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_EXIT_WHILE, /* UniqueID */
- "EXIT WHILE", /* Syntax */
- "Immediately exits the inner-most WHILE-END strucure.", /* Description */
- "EXIT WHILE", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_FIELD, /* UniqueID */
- "FIELD [#] device-number, number AS string-variable$ [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Assigns 'number' bytes in the buffer of random file 'device-n"
- "umber' to the variable 'string-variable$'. GET will automati"
- "cally update the variable, and PUT will automatically use the"
- " variable.", /* Description */
- "FIELD", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_FNCS, /* UniqueID */
- "FNCS", /* Syntax */
- "Prints a list of all pre-defined BASIC functions.", /* Description */
- "FNCS", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_FOR, /* UniqueID */
- "FOR variable = start TO finish [STEP increment]", /* Syntax */
- "Top of a FOR - NEXT structure. The loop will continue a fixe"
- "d number of times, which is determined by the values of start"
- ", finish, and increment.", /* Description */
- "FOR", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_FUNCTION, /* UniqueID */
- "FUNCTION [ ( parameter [, ... ] ) ]", /* Syntax */
- "Top line of a multi-line FUNCTION definition. The variable n"
- "ames specified are local to the FUNCTION definition, and are "
- "initialized BYVAL when the function is invoked by another rou"
- "tine.", /* Description */
- "FUNCTION", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_GO, /* UniqueID */
- "GO", /* Syntax */
- "GO by itself is a syntax error. Use GOTO or GOSUB instead.", /* Description */
- "GO", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_GOSUB, /* UniqueID */
- "GOSUB line", /* Syntax */
- "Initiates a subroutine call to the line specified. The subro"
- "utine must end with RETURN. The 'line' may be a number or a "
- "label.", /* Description */
- "GOSUB", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_GOTO, /* UniqueID */
- "GOTO line", /* Syntax */
- "Branches program execution to the specified line. The 'line'"
- " may be a number or a label.", /* Description */
- "GOTO", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_HELP, /* UniqueID */
- "HELP name", /* Syntax */
- "Provides help on the specified 'name' which is a command name"
- " or function name.", /* Description */
- "HELP", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_IF, /* UniqueID */
- "IF expression THEN line1 [ELSE line2]", /* Syntax */
- "Single line standard IF command. If the value of expression "
- "is non-zero, then branh to line1. If the value of expression"
- " is zero and ELSE is provided, then branch to line2. If the "
- "value of expression is zero and ELSE is not provided, continu"
- "e to the next line. LABELS are not allowed.", /* Description */
- "IF", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_IF_THEN, /* UniqueID */
- "IF expression THEN", /* Syntax */
- "Top of a multi-line IF - END IF structure. If the value of e"
- "xpression is non-zero, then the program lines upto the next E"
- "LSE or ELSE IF command are executed, otherwise the program br"
- "anches to the next ELSE or ELSE IF command.", /* Description */
- "IF THEN", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_INPUT, /* UniqueID */
- "INPUT [# device-number]|[;][\"prompt string\";] variable [, ...]"
- "s", /* Syntax */
- "Reads input from the terminal or athe file specified by devic"
- "e-number.", /* Description */
- "INPUT", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_LET, /* UniqueID */
- "[LET] variable = expression",/* Syntax */
- "Assigns the value of expression to variable. The 'LET' keywo"
- "rd is optional.", /* Description */
- "LET", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_LINE, /* UniqueID */
- "LINE INPUT [[#] device-number,][\"prompt string\";] string-vari"
- "able$", /* Syntax */
- "Reads entire line from the keyboard or a file into string-var"
- "iable$.", /* Description */
- "LINE", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_LIST, /* UniqueID */
- "LIST line1 [- line2]", /* Syntax */
- "Lists BASIC program lines from 'line1' to 'line2'", /* Description */
- "LIST", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_LOAD, /* UniqueID */
- "LOAD [file-name$]", /* Syntax */
- "Loads an ASCII BASIC program into memory.", /* Description */
- "LOAD", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_LOOP, /* UniqueID */
- "LOOP", /* Syntax */
- "Bottom of a DO - LOOP structure. IF the loop is not terminat"
- "ed by EXIT DO or DO UNTIL or DO WHILE, then it will loop fore"
- "ver.", /* Description */
- "LOOP", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_LOOP_UNTIL, /* UniqueID */
- "LOOP UNTIL", /* Syntax */
- "Bottom of a DO - LOOP structure. If the expression is zero, "
- "then the loop is terminated.", /* Description */
- "LOOP UNTIL", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_LOOP_WHILE, /* UniqueID */
- "LOOP WHILE", /* Syntax */
- "Bottom of a DO - LOOP structure. If the expression is non-ze"
- "ro, then the loop is terminated.", /* Description */
- "LOOP WHILE", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_LPRINT, /* UniqueID */
- "LPRINT [USING format-string$;] expressions...", /* Syntax */
- "Send output to the default printer which is implementation de"
- "fined.", /* Description */
- "LPRINT", /* Name */
- B14 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_LSET, /* UniqueID */
- "LSET string-variable$ = expression", /* Syntax */
- "Left-aligns the value of expression into string-variable$. I"
- "f the length of the value is too short, then it is padded on "
- "the right with spaces. If the length of the value is too lon"
- "g, then it is truncated on the right. This is only for use w"
- "ith variables assigned to a random access buffer with FIELD c"
- "ommand.", /* Description */
- "LSET", /* Name */
- B14 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_MAINTAINER, /* UniqueID */
- "MAINTAINER", /* Syntax */
- "This command is reserved for use by the Bywater BASIC maintai"
- "ner and does whatever the maintainer wants it to do. It is n"
- "ot for the BASIC programmer.", /* Description */
- "MAINTAINER", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_MERGE, /* UniqueID */
- "MERGE file-name", /* Syntax */
- "Merges the BASIC program in file-name into the current BASIC "
- "program. Lines in file-name replace any matching lines in th"
- "e current program.", /* Description */
- "MERGE", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_MID_, /* UniqueID */
- "MID$( variable$, start [, count ] ) = expression", /* Syntax */
- "Replaces a subtring of variable$ with expression.", /* Description */
- "MID$", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_NAME, /* UniqueID */
- "NAME old-file-name AS new-file-name", /* Syntax */
- "Changes the name of an existing file.", /* Description */
- "NAME", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_NEW, /* UniqueID */
- "NEW", /* Syntax */
- "Deletes the program in memory and clears all variables.", /* Description */
- "NEW", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_NEXT, /* UniqueID */
- "NEXT [variable]", /* Syntax */
- "The bottom line of a FOR - NEXT structure.", /* Description */
- "NEXT", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_ON, /* UniqueID */
- "ON expression GOTO | GOSUB line [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Branches (GOTO) or calls (GOSUB) based on the rounded value o"
- "f variable.", /* Description */
- "ON", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_ON_ERROR_GOTO, /* UniqueID */
- "ON ERROR GOTO errline", /* Syntax */
- "When a trappable error occurs, execute 'GOTO errline'. "
- "The error handler must terminate with a RESUME command. "
- "If the line number is 0 (zerp), then use the default error handler. "
- "Valid when OPTION ERROR GOTO.", /* Description */
- "ON ERROR GOTO", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_ON_ERROR_GOSUB, /* UniqueID */
- "ON ERROR GOSUB errline", /* Syntax */
- "When a trappable error occurs, execute 'GOSUB errline'. "
- "The error handler must terminate with a RETURN command. "
- "If the line number is 0 (zerp), then use the default error handler. "
- "Valid when OPTION ERROR GOSUB.", /* Description */
- "ON ERROR GOSUB", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "ON ERROR RESUME NEXT", /* Syntax */
- "When a trappable error occurs, execution continues with the next line. "
- "Valid when OPTION ERROR GOTO.", /* Description */
- "ON ERROR RESUME NEXT", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "ON ERROR RETURN NEXT", /* Syntax */
- "When a trappable error occurs, execution continues with the next line. "
- "Valid when OPTION ERROR GOSUB.", /* Description */
- "ON ERROR RETURN NEXT", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_ON_TIMER, /* UniqueID */
- "ON TIMER count GOSUB line", /* Syntax */
- "Specifies a line (or label) to gosub when count seconds have "
- "elaspsed after TIMER ON is executed. The interrupt routine s"
- "hould end with a RETURN command. Timer events only occur in "
- "running BASIC programs. The resolution of the clock is imple"
- "mentation defined.", /* Description */
- "ON TIMER", /* Name */
- B14 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPEN, /* UniqueID */
- "device-number [LEN = record-length]", /* Syntax */
- "Opens a file for use. INPUT, OUTPUT, and APPEND are for text"
- " files. BINARY is for binary files. RANDOM is for structure"
- "d binary files and requires LEN. Files opened for RANDOM use"
- " GET and PUT.", /* Description */
- "OPEN", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION ...", /* Syntax */
- "OPTION by itself is a syntax error.", /* Description */
- "OPTION", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION ANGLE DEGREES", /* Syntax */
- "Configures the math functions to accept and return angles in "
- "degrees.", /* Description */
- B14 | E86 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION ANGLE RADIANS", /* Syntax */
- "Configures the math functions to accept and return angles in "
- "radians.", /* Description */
- B14 | E86 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "Currently has no effect.", /* Description */
- B14 | E86 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "Currently has no effect.", /* Description */
- B14 | E86 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "Currently has no effect.", /* Description */
- B14 | E86 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_BASE_0, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION BASE 0", /* Syntax */
- "Sets the lowest array subscript to 0.", /* Description */
- "OPTION BASE 0", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_BASE_1, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION BASE 1", /* Syntax */
- "Sets the lowest array subscript to 1.", /* Description */
- "OPTION BASE 1", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_BUGS_OFF, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION BUGS OFF", /* Syntax */
- "Disables bugs commonly found in BASIC-80 derivatives and clon"
- "es.", /* Description */
- "OPTION BUGS OFF", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_BUGS_ON, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION BUGS ON", /* Syntax */
- "Enables bugs commonly found in BASIC-80 derivatives and clone"
- "s.", /* Description */
- "OPTION BUGS ON", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_COMMENT, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION COMMENT char", /* Syntax */
- "Sets the comment character.", /* Description */
- "OPTION COMMENT", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "Causes string comparisons to be case-sensitive.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "Causes string comparisons to be case-insensitive.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION COMPARE TEXT", /* Syntax */
- "Causes string comparisons to be case-insensitive.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION COVERAGE OFF", /* Syntax */
- "Disables BASIC code coverage recording, displayed using the L"
- "IST command.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION COVERAGE ON", /* Syntax */
- "Enables BASIC code coverage recording, displayed using the LI"
- "ST command.", /* Description */
- "OPTION COVERAGE ON", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_DATE, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION DATE format", /* Syntax */
- "Sets the date format string used by C strftime() for DATE$.", /* Description */
- "OPTION DATE", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION DISABLE COMMAND name", /* Syntax */
- "Disables the specified BASIC command.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION DISABLE FUNCTION name", /* Syntax */
- "Disables the specified BASIC function.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION DISABLE OPERATOR name", /* Syntax */
- "Disables the specified BASIC operator.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION ENABLE COMMAND name", /* Syntax */
- "Enables the specified BASIC command.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION ENABLE FUNCTION name", /* Syntax */
- "Enables the specified BASIC function.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION ENABLE OPERATOR name", /* Syntax */
- "Enables the specified BASIC operator.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION ERROR GOSUB", /* Syntax */
- "When an error occurs, GOSUB to the error handler. "
- "The error handler exits with RETURN.", /* Description */
- "OPTION ERROR GOSUB", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION ERROR GOTO", /* Syntax */
- "When an error occurs, GOTO to the error handler. "
- "The error handler exits with RESUME.", /* Description */
- "OPTION ERROR GOTO", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_INDENT, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION INDENT number", /* Syntax */
- "Sets indention level for LIST. Zero means no indention. Def"
- "ault is 2.", /* Description */
- "OPTION INDENT", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION LABELS OFF", /* Syntax */
- "Disables text labels.", /* Description */
- "OPTION LABELS OFF", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_LABELS_ON, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION LABELS ON", /* Syntax */
- "Enables text labels.", /* Description */
- "OPTION LABELS ON", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION STATEMENT char", /* Syntax */
- "Sets the statement seperator character.", /* Description */
- "OPTION STATEMENT", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION STRICT OFF", /* Syntax */
- "Disables checking for implicit array creation without using t"
- "he DIM command.", /* Description */
- "OPTION STRICT OFF", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_STRICT_ON, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION STRICT ON", /* Syntax */
- "Enables checking for implicit array creation without using th"
- "e DIM command.", /* Description */
- "OPTION STRICT ON", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION TERMINAL ADM-3A", /* Syntax */
- "Enables ADM-3A terminal control codes for CLS, COLOR, and LOC"
- "ATE.", /* Description */
- "OPTION TERMINAL ADM-3A", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION TERMINAL ANSI", /* Syntax */
- "Enables ANSI terminal control codes for CLS, COLOR, and LOCAT"
- "E.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- "OPTION TERMINAL NONE", /* Syntax */
- "Disables terminal control codes for CLS, COLOR, and LOCATE.", /* Description */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_TIME, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION TIME format", /* Syntax */
- "Sets the time format string used by C strftime() for TIME$.", /* Description */
- "OPTION TIME", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_TRACE_OFF, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION TRACE OFF", /* Syntax */
- "Disables displaying a stack trace when an ERROR occurs.", /* Description */
- "OPTION TRACE OFF", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_TRACE_ON, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION TRACE ON", /* Syntax */
- "Enables displaying a stack trace when an ERROR occurs.", /* Description */
- "OPTION TRACE ON", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_OPTION_VERSION, /* UniqueID */
- "OPTION VERSION [version] ", /* Syntax */
- "Selects a combination of OPTION settings and enables certain "
- "commands and functions. If no version is specified, displays"
- " a list of the available versions.", /* Description */
- "OPTION VERSION", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_PRINT, /* UniqueID */
- "PRINT [# device-number,][USING format-string$;] expressions.."
- ".", /* Syntax */
- "Sends output to the console or a file.", /* Description */
- "PRINT", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_QUIT, /* UniqueID */
- "QUIT", /* Syntax */
- "Exits to the operating system.", /* Description */
- "QUIT", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | E86 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_READ, /* UniqueID */
- "READ variable [, ...]", /* Syntax */
- "Reads values from DATA statements.", /* Description */
- "READ", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_REM, /* UniqueID */
- "REM ...", /* Syntax */
- "Remark.", /* Description */
- "REM", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_RENUM, /* UniqueID */
- "RENUM", /* Syntax */
- "Implementation defined.", /* Description */
- "RENUM", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_RESTORE, /* UniqueID */
- "RESTORE [line]", /* Syntax */
- "Resets the line used for the next READ statement. 'line' may"
- " be either a number or a label.", /* Description */
- "RESTORE", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_RESUME, /* UniqueID */
- "RESUME [ 0 | line | NEXT ]", /* Syntax */
- "Used in an error handler to specify the next line to execute."
- " RESUME and RESUME 0 branch to ERL. RESUME NEXT branches to"
- " the line after ERL. RESUME line branches to the specified l"
- "ine. 'line' may be either a number or a label.", /* Description */
- "RESUME", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_RETURN, /* UniqueID */
- "RETURN", /* Syntax */
- "Concludes a subroutine called by GOSUB.", /* Description */
- "RETURN", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_RSET, /* UniqueID */
- "RSET string-variable$ = expression", /* Syntax */
- "Right-aligns the value of expression into string-variable$. "
- "If the length of the value is too short, then it is padded on"
- " the left with spaces. If the length of the value is too lon"
- "g, then it is truncated on the right. This is only for use w"
- "ith variables assigned to a random access buffer with FIELD c"
- "ommand.", /* Description */
- "RSET", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_RUN, /* UniqueID */
- "RUN [line | file-name$]", /* Syntax */
- "RUN executes the program in memory from the start. RUN line "
- "exexecutes the program in memory beginning at 'line'. RUN fi"
- "le-name$ loads a new BAASIC program and executes the program "
- "from the start.", /* Description */
- "RUN", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_SAVE, /* UniqueID */
- "SAVE [file-name$]", /* Syntax */
- "Saves the current program into the file file-name$ in ASCII f"
- "ormat.", /* Description */
- "SAVE", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_SELECT, /* UniqueID */
- "SELECT", /* Syntax */
- "SELECT by itself is a syntax error. Use SELECT CASE instead."
- "", /* Description */
- "SELECT", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_SELECT_CASE, /* UniqueID */
- "SELECT CASE expression", /* Syntax */
- "Introduces a multi-line conditional selection statement.", /* Description */
- "SELECT CASE", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_STOP, /* UniqueID */
- "STOP", /* Syntax */
- "Interrupts program execution and displays the line number of "
- "the STOP command. For use when debugging BASIC programs. Wh"
- "ether STOP issues a SIGINT signal is implementation defined.", /* Description */
- "STOP", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_SUB, /* UniqueID */
- "SUB name [ ( parameter [,...] ) ]", /* Syntax */
- "Top line of a multi-line SUB definition. The variable names "
- "specified are local to the SUB definition, and are initialize"
- "d BYVAL when the subroutine is invoked by another routine.", /* Description */
- "SUB", /* Name */
- B14 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_SWAP, /* UniqueID */
- "SWAP variable, variable", /* Syntax */
- "Swaps the values of two variables. Both variables must be of "
- "the same type.", /* Description */
- "SWAP", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_SYSTEM, /* UniqueID */
- "SYSTEM", /* Syntax */
- "Exits to the operating system.", /* Description */
- "SYSTEM", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_TIMER, /* UniqueID */
- "TIMER", /* Syntax */
- "TIMER by itself is a syntax error. "
- "Use TIMER OFF, TIMER ON, or TIMER STOP instead.", /* Description */
- "TIMER", /* Name */
- B14 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_TIMER_OFF, /* UniqueID */
- "TIMER OFF", /* Syntax */
- "TIMER OFF terminates the timer interrupt.", /* Description */
- "TIMER OFF", /* Name */
- B14 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_TIMER_ON, /* UniqueID */
- "TIMER ON", /* Syntax */
- "TIMER ON enables the timer interrupt. When the specified seconds have elapsed, TIMER STOP "
- "is internaly executed before the interrupt is taken. TIMER ON"
- " should be executed just before the RETURN command if you wan"
- "t the interrupt to occur again.", /* Description */
- "TIMER ON", /* Name */
- B14 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_TIMER_STOP, /* UniqueID */
- "TIMER STOP", /* Syntax */
- "TIMER STOP disables the interrupt, but the count continues.", /* Description */
- "TIMER STOP", /* Name */
- B14 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_UEND, /* UniqueID */
- "UEND", /* Syntax */
- "Bottom of a UNTIL - UEND structure.", /* Description */
- "UEND", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_UNTIL, /* UniqueID */
- "UNTIL expression", /* Syntax */
- "Top of a UNTIL - UEND structure. If the expression is zero, "
- "then the loop is terminated.", /* Description */
- "UNTIL", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_USER_LBL, /* UniqueID */
- "USER LBL", /* Syntax */
- "An internal command that allows the BASIC program to find a u"
- "ser label. You do not directly call this command. If your p"
- "rogram has a line with a label, then USER LBL is used to mark"
- " the line.", /* Description */
- "USER LBL", /* Name */
- B14 | D64 | E78 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | E86 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_VARS, /* UniqueID */
- "VARS", /* Syntax */
- "Prints a list of all global variables.", /* Description */
- "VARS", /* Name */
- B14 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_WEND, /* UniqueID */
- "WEND", /* Syntax */
- "Bottom of a WHILE - WEND structure.", /* Description */
- "WEND", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_WHILE, /* UniqueID */
- "WHILE", /* Syntax */
- "Top of a WHILE - WEND structure. If the expression is non-ze"
- "ro, then the loop is terminated.", /* Description */
- "WHILE", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- {
- C_WRITE, /* UniqueID */
- "WRITE [# device-number,] element [, .... ]", /* Syntax */
- "Outputs variables to the screen or to a file.", /* Description */
- "WRITE", /* Name */
- B14 | M80 | T83 | T84 | M85 | M88 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M95 | M97 | M98 /* OptionVersionBitmask */
- },
- };
- /* EOF */