ChipMaster's bwBASIC This also includes history going back to v2.10. *WARN* some binary files might have been corrupted by CRLF.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
1.1 KiB

  1. ABS(-2.2): 2.2
  2. DATE$: <05/09/2015>
  3. TIME$: <20:53:42>
  4. ATN(-2.2): -1.14417
  5. COS(-2.2): -.588501
  6. LOG(2.2): .788457
  7. SIN(-2.2): -.808496
  8. SQR(2.2): 1.48324
  9. TAN(-2.2): 1.37382
  10. SGN(-2.2): -1
  11. INT(-2.2): -3
  12. Paused? c
  13. RND(-2.2): .396465
  14. CHR$(&h60): `
  15. TAB(52): < >
  16. SPC(5): < >
  17. SPACE$(5): < >
  18. STRING$(5,X): <XXXXX>
  19. MID$(0123456789, 5, 4): <4567>
  20. LEFT$(0123456789, 5): <01234>
  21. RIGHT$(0123456789, 5): <56789>
  22. TIMER: 75222
  23. Paused? A
  24. VAL(X): 0
  25. ERR: 0
  26. ERL: 0
  27. LEN(0123456789): 10
  28. CSNG(-2.2): -2.2
  29. EXP(-2.2): .110803
  30. INSTR(0123456789, 234): 3
  31. STR$(-2.2): <-2.2>
  32. HEX$(27): <1B>
  33. Paused? B
  34. OCT$(27): <33>
  35. CINT(-2.2): -2
  36. ASC(0123456789): 48
  37. ENVIRON$(PATH): <
  38. /data/data/com.pdaxrom.cctools/root/cctools/sbin:/data/data/com.pdaxrom.cctools/
  39. root/cctools/bin:/system/xbin:/system/bin:/data/data/com.pdaxrom.cctools/root/cc
  40. tools/bin:/data/data/com.pdaxrom.cctools/root/cctools/sbin:/sbin:/vendor/bin:/sy
  41. stem/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin>
  42. MKD$(17): <>
  43. MKI$(17): <>
  44. MKS$(17): <>
  45. CVD(MKD$(17)): 17
  46. CVS(MKS$(17)): 17
  47. CVI(MKI$(17)): 17