- /****************************************************************
- bwb_ops.c Expression Parsing Operations
- for Bywater BASIC Interpreter
- Copyright (c) 1993, Ted A. Campbell
- Bywater Software
- email: tcamp@delphi.com
- Copyright and Permissions Information:
- All U.S. and international rights are claimed by the author,
- Ted A. Campbell.
- This software is released under the terms of the GNU General
- Public License (GPL), which is distributed with this software
- in the file "COPYING". The GPL specifies the terms under
- which users may copy and use the software in this distribution.
- A separate license is available for commercial distribution,
- for information on which you should contact the author.
- ***************************************************************/
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* NOTE: Modifications marked "JBV" were made by Jon B. Volkoff, */
- /* 11/1995 (eidetics@cerf.net). */
- /* */
- /* Those additionally marked with "DD" were at the suggestion of */
- /* Dale DePriest (daled@cadence.com). */
- /* */
- /* Version 3.00 by Howard Wulf, AF5NE */
- /* */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "bwbasic.h"
- /* declarations for functions visible in this file only */
- static int
- op_oplevel(int level);
- static int
- op_add(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_subtract(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_multiply(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_divide(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_assign(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_equals(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_lessthan(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_greaterthan(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_lteq(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_gteq(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_notequal(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_modulus(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_exponent(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_intdiv(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_or(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_and(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_not(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_xor(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_imp(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_eqv(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_negation(int level, int precision); /* JBV */
- static int
- op_posation(int level, int precision);
- static int
- op_islevelstr(int level);
- static int
- op_getprecision(int level);
- static int
- op_isoperator(int operation);
- static int
- op_pulldown(int how_far);
- static int op_level;
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: exp_operation()
- DESCRIPTION: This function performs whatever operations
- are necessary at the end of function bwb_exp()
- (i.e., the end of the parsing of an expression;
- see file bwb_exp.c).
- ***************************************************************/
- int
- exp_operation(int entry_level)
- {
- register int precedence;
- int operator;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* cycle through all levels of precedence and perform required
- * operations */
- for (precedence = 0; precedence <= MAX_PRECEDENCE; ++precedence)
- {
- /* Operation loop: cycle through every level above entry
- * level and perform required operations as needed */
- op_level = entry_level + 1;
- while ((op_level < CURTASK expsc)
- && (op_isoperator(CURTASK exps[op_level].operation) == FALSE))
- {
- ++op_level;
- }
- while ((op_level > entry_level) && (op_level < CURTASK expsc))
- {
- /* see if the operation at this level is an operator
- * with the appropriate precedence level by running
- * through the table of operators */
- for (operator = 0; operator < NUM_OPERATORS; ++operator)
- {
- if (exp_ops[operator].operation == CURTASK exps[op_level].operation)
- {
- /* check for appropriate level of
- * precedence */
- if (exp_ops[operator].precedence == precedence)
- {
- op_oplevel(op_level); /* perform the operation */
- }
- }
- }
- /* advance level if appropriate; one must check,
- * however, since the op_oplevel() function may have
- * decremented CURTASK expsc */
- if (op_level < CURTASK expsc)
- {
- ++op_level;
- while ((op_isoperator(CURTASK exps[op_level].operation) == FALSE)
- && (op_level < CURTASK expsc))
- {
- ++op_level;
- }
- } /* end of increment of op_level */
- } /* end of for loop for stack levels */
- } /* end of for loop for precedence levels */
- return TRUE;
- } /* end of function exp_operation() */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_oplevel()
- DESCRIPTION: This function performs a specific operation
- at a specific level as the expression parser
- resolves its arguments.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_oplevel(int level)
- {
- int precision;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* set the precision */
- if ((precision = op_getprecision(level)) == OP_ERROR)
- {
- op_pulldown(2);
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "exp_operation(): failed to set precision.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* precision is set correctly */
- else
- {
- switch (CURTASK exps[level].operation)
- {
- case OP_ADD:
- op_add(level, precision);
- break;
- op_subtract(level, precision);
- break;
- op_multiply(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_DIVIDE:
- op_divide(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_ASSIGN:
- op_assign(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_EQUALS:
- op_equals(level, precision);
- break;
- op_lessthan(level, precision);
- break;
- op_greaterthan(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_LTEQ:
- op_lteq(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_GTEQ:
- op_gteq(level, precision);
- break;
- op_notequal(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_MODULUS:
- op_modulus(level, precision);
- break;
- op_intdiv(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_OR:
- op_or(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_AND:
- op_and(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_NOT:
- op_not(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_XOR:
- op_xor(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_IMPLIES:
- op_imp(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_EQUIV:
- op_eqv(level, precision);
- break;
- op_exponent(level, precision);
- break;
- case OP_NEGATION: /* JBV */
- op_negation(level, precision);
- break;
- op_posation(level, precision);
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "PROGRAMMING ERROR: operator <%d> not (yet) supported.", CURTASK exps[level].operation);
- op_pulldown(2);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- } /* end of case statement for operators */
- } /* end of else statement, precision set */
- return TRUE;
- } /* end of function op_oplevel() */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_isoperator()
- DESCRIPTION: This function detects whether its argument
- is an operator.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_isoperator(int operation)
- {
- register int c;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- for (c = 0; c < NUM_OPERATORS; ++c)
- {
- if (operation == exp_ops[c].operation)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* test failed; return FALSE */
- return FALSE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_add()
- DESCRIPTION: This function adds two numbers or
- concatenates two strings.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_add(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be strings for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- if ((op_islevelstr(level - 1) != TRUE)
- || (op_islevelstr(level + 1) != TRUE))
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in op_add(): Type mismatch in string addition.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* concatenate the two strings */
- {
- static bstring b; /* JBV */
- b.rab = FALSE; /* JBV */
- str_btob(&b, exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1])));
- str_cat(&b, exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1])));
- str_btob(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1].sval), &b);
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = CONST_STRING;
- }
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval
- = exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- + exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to requested precision */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = (char) precision;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_subtract()
- DESCRIPTION: This function subtracts the number on
- the left from the number on the right.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_subtract(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be subtracted.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval
- = exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- - exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to requested precision */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = (char) precision;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_multiply()
- DESCRIPTION: This function multiplies the number on
- the left by the number on the right.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_multiply(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be multiplied.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval
- = exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- * exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to requested precision */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = (char) precision;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_divide()
- DESCRIPTION: This function divides the number on
- the left by the number on the right.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_divide(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for
- * division; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be divided.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]))
- == 0)
- {
- /* - Evaluation of an expression results in division
- * by zero (nonfatal, the recommended recovery
- * procedure is to supply machine infinity with the
- * sign of the numerator and continue) */
- if (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1])) < 0)
- {
- /* NEGATIVE */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = -(DBL_MAX); /* NEGATIVE INFINITY */
- }
- else
- {
- /* POSITIVE */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = (DBL_MAX); /* POSITIVE INFINITY */
- }
- bwb_Warning_Overflow("*** WARNING: Divide by 0 ***");
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval
- = exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- / exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to requested precision */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = (char) precision;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- BasicNumberType
- VerifyNumeric(BasicNumberType Value)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check Value */
- if (isnan(Value))
- {
- bwb_error("NOT A NUMBER");
- return 0;
- }
- else
- if (isinf(Value))
- {
- /* - Evaluation of an expression results in an overflow
- * (nonfatal, the recommended recovery procedure is to supply
- * machine in- finity with the algebraically correct sign and
- * continue). */
- if (Value < 0)
- {
- Value = -DBL_MAX;
- }
- else
- {
- Value = DBL_MAX;
- }
- bwb_Warning_Overflow("*** Arithmetic Overflow ***");
- }
- return Value;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_assign()
- DESCRIPTION: This function assigns the value in the
- right hand side to the variable in the
- left hand side.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_assign(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Make sure the position one level below is a variable */
- if (CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation != VARIABLE)
- {
- op_pulldown(2);
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in op_assign(): Assignment must be to variable: level -1 <%d> op <%d>",
- level - 1, CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (CURTASK exps[level - 1].type != CURTASK exps[level + 1].type)
- {
- bwb_error("Type Mismatch");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* if the assignment is numerical, then the precision should be set
- * to that of the variable on the left-hand side of the assignment */
- if (precision != STRING)
- {
- precision = (int) CURTASK exps[level - 1].type;
- }
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- str_btob(exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1])),
- exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1])));
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (TRUE)
- {
- double Value;
- Value = exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- Value = VerifyNumeric(Value);
- /* assign Value */
- *var_findnval(CURTASK exps[level - 1].xvar,
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].array_pos) =
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval =
- Value;
- }
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in op_assign(): Variable before assignment operator has unidentified type.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* set variable to requested precision */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = (char) precision;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_equals()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two values and
- returns an integer value: TRUE if they are
- the same and FALSE if they are not.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_equals(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be strings for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- if ((op_islevelstr(level - 1) != TRUE)
- || (op_islevelstr(level + 1) != TRUE))
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in op_equals(): Type mismatch in string comparison.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* compare the two strings */
- if (str_cmp(exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1])),
- exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]))) == 0)
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- == exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1])))
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to integer and operation to NUMBER: this must be done
- * at the end, since at the beginning it might cause op_islevelstr()
- * to return a false error */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_lessthan()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two values and
- returns an integer value: TRUE if the
- left hand value is less than the right,
- and FALSE if it is not.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_lessthan(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- if ((op_islevelstr(level - 1) != TRUE)
- || (op_islevelstr(level + 1) != TRUE))
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Type mismatch in string comparison.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* compare the two strings */
- if (str_cmp(exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1])),
- exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]))) < 0)
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- < exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1])))
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to integer and operation to NUMBER: this must be done
- * at the end, since at the beginning it might cause op_islevelstr()
- * to return a false error */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_greaterthan()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two values and
- returns an integer value: TRUE if the
- left hand value is greater than the right,
- and FALSE if it is not.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_greaterthan(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- if ((op_islevelstr(level - 1) != TRUE)
- || (op_islevelstr(level + 1) != TRUE))
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Type mismatch in string comparison.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* compare the two strings */
- if (str_cmp(exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1])),
- exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]))) > 0)
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- > exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1])))
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to integer and operation to NUMBER: this must be done
- * at the end, since at the beginning it might cause op_islevelstr()
- * to return a false error */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_lteq()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two values and
- returns an integer value: TRUE if the
- left hand value is less than or equal
- to the right, and FALSE if it is not.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_lteq(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- if ((op_islevelstr(level - 1) != TRUE)
- || (op_islevelstr(level + 1) != TRUE))
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Type mismatch in string comparison.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* compare the two strings */
- if (str_cmp(exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1])),
- exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]))) <= 0)
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- <= exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1])))
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to integer and operation to NUMBER: this must be done
- * at the end, since at the beginning it might cause op_islevelstr()
- * to return a false error */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_gteq()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two values and
- returns an integer value: TRUE if the
- left hand value is greater than or equal
- to the right, and FALSE if it is not.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_gteq(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- if ((op_islevelstr(level - 1) != TRUE)
- || (op_islevelstr(level + 1) != TRUE))
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Type mismatch in string comparison.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* compare the two strings */
- if (str_cmp(exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1])),
- exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]))) >= 0)
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- >= exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1])))
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to integer and operation to NUMBER: this must be done
- * at the end, since at the beginning it might cause op_islevelstr()
- * to return a false error */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_notequal()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two values and
- returns an integer value: TRUE if they
- are not the same and FALSE if they are.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_notequal(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- if ((op_islevelstr(level - 1) != TRUE)
- || (op_islevelstr(level + 1) != TRUE))
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Type mismatch in string comparison.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* compare the two strings */
- if (str_cmp(exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1])),
- exp_getsval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]))) != 0)
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- != exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1])))
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to integer and operation to NUMBER: this must be done
- * at the end, since at the beginning it might cause op_islevelstr()
- * to return a false error */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_modulus()
- DESCRIPTION: This function divides the number on
- the left by the number on the right
- and returns the remainder.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_modulus(int level, int precision)
- {
- static double iportion;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be divided.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- {
- /* N = X MOD Y */
- if (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]))
- == 0)
- {
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = -1;
- op_pulldown(2);
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Modulus by 0.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- CURTASK exps[level].nval
- = exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- / exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- modf((double) CURTASK exps[level].nval, &iportion);
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval
- = exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]))
- - (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]))
- * iportion);
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to requested precision */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = (char) precision;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_exponent()
- DESCRIPTION: This function finds the exponential value
- of a number (on the left) to the power
- indicated on the right-hand side.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_exponent(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be taken as exponents.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (TRUE)
- {
- /* N = X ^ Y */
- BasicNumberType X;
- BasicNumberType Y;
- BasicNumberType N;
- X = exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]));
- Y = exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- if (X < 0 && Y != (int) Y)
- {
- /*** FATAL ***/
- /* - Evaluation of the operation of
- * involution results in a nega- tive number
- * being raised to a non-integral power
- * (fatal). */
- N = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- if (X == 0 && Y < 0)
- {
- /* - Evaluation of the operation of
- * involution results in a zero be- ing
- * raised to a negative value (nonfatal, the
- * recommended re- covery procedure is to
- * supply positive machine infinity and
- * continue). */
- N = (DBL_MAX);
- bwb_Warning_Overflow("*** Arithmetic Overflow ***");
- }
- else
- {
- N = pow(X, Y);
- }
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = N;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to requested precision */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = (char) precision;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_intdiv()
- DESCRIPTION: This function divides the number on
- the left by the number on the right,
- returning the result as an integer.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_intdiv(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for string
- * addition; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be divided.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- {
- /* N = X \ Y */
- long X;
- long Y;
- long N;
- X = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]));
- Y = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- if (Y == 0)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Integer Divide by 0.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- N = X / Y;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = N;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable to requested precision */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_or()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two integers and
- performs a logical OR on them.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_or(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for logical
- * comparison; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be compared logically.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- {
- /* N = X OR Y */
- long X;
- long Y;
- long N;
- X = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]));
- Y = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- N = X | Y;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = N;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable type to integer */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_and()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two integers and
- performs a logical AND on them.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_and(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for logical
- * comparison; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be compared logically.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- {
- /* N = X AND Y */
- long X;
- long Y;
- long N;
- X = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]));
- Y = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- N = X & Y;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = N;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable type to integer */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_not()
- DESCRIPTION: This function performs a logical NOT on
- the integer to the right.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_not(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for logical
- * comparison; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be compared logically.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- {
- /* N = NOT X */
- long X;
- long N;
- X = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- N = ~X;
- CURTASK exps[level /*- 1*/ ].nval = N;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable type to integer */
- CURTASK exps[level].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack once */
- op_pulldown(1);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_xor()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two integers and
- performs a logical XOR on them.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_xor(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for logical
- * comparison; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be compared logically.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- {
- /* N = X XOR Y */
- long X;
- long Y;
- long N;
- X = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]));
- Y = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- N = X ^ Y;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = N;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable type to integer */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_eqv()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two integers and
- performs a logical EQV on them.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_eqv(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for logical
- * comparison; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be compared logically.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- {
- /* N = X EQV Y = NOT ( X XOR Y ) */
- long X;
- long Y;
- long N;
- X = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]));
- Y = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- N = ~(X ^ Y);
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = N;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable type to integer */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_imp()
- DESCRIPTION: This function compares two integers and
- performs a logical IMP on them.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_imp(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for logical
- * comparison; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be compared logically.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- {
- /* N = X IMP Y = (X AND Y) OR (NOT X) */
- long X;
- long Y;
- long N;
- X = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level - 1]));
- Y = exp_getival(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1]));
- N = (X & Y) | (~X);
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].nval = N;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set variable type to integer */
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK exps[level - 1].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack twice */
- op_pulldown(2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_negation()
- DESCRIPTION: This function performs a negation on the
- element to the right.
- Added by JBV 10/95
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_negation(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for logical
- * comparison; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be compared logically.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- CURTASK exps[level].nval =
- -(exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1])));
- break;
- }
- /* set variable type to requested precision (JBV) */
- CURTASK exps[level].type = (char) precision;
- CURTASK exps[level].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack once */
- op_pulldown(1);
- return TRUE;
- }
- static int
- op_posation(int level, int precision)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (precision)
- {
- case STRING:
- /* both sides of the operation should be numbers for logical
- * comparison; if not, report an error */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "Strings cannot be compared logically.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- CURTASK exps[level].nval =
- (exp_getnval(&(CURTASK exps[level + 1])));
- break;
- }
- /* set variable type to requested precision (JBV) */
- CURTASK exps[level].type = (char) precision;
- CURTASK exps[level].operation = NUMBER;
- /* decrement the stack once */
- op_pulldown(1);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_islevelstr()
- DESCRIPTION: This function determines whether the
- operation at a specified level involves a
- string constant or variable.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_islevelstr(int level)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* first see if the level holds a string constant */
- if (CURTASK exps[level].operation == CONST_STRING)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* see if the level holds a string variable */
- if (CURTASK exps[level].operation == VARIABLE)
- {
- if (CURTASK exps[level].xvar->type == STRING)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* test has failed, return FALSE */
- return FALSE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_getprecision()
- DESCRIPTION: This function finds the precision for
- an operation by comparing the precision
- at this level and that two levels below.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_getprecision(int level)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* first test for string value */
- if ((CURTASK exps[level + 1].type == STRING)
- || (CURTASK exps[level - 1].type == STRING))
- {
- return STRING;
- }
- /* Both are numbers, so we should be able to find a suitable
- * precision level by starting with the top and moving down; check
- * first for double precision */
- else
- {
- return NUMBER;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: op_pulldown()
- DESCRIPTION: This function pulls the expression stack
- down a specified number of levels, decrementing
- the expression stack counter (bycalling dec_esc())
- and decrementing the current "level" of operation
- processing.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- op_pulldown(int how_far)
- {
- int level;
- register int c;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* first pull down the actual variables themselves */
- level = op_level + (2 - how_far);
- while (CURTASK expsc >= (level + how_far))
- {
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* But before memcpy, deallocate sbuffer for level, and */
- /* afterwards, set sbuffer for level + how_far to NULL! */
- /* Else konfusion reigns the next time around... (JBV) */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (CURTASK exps[level].sval.sbuffer != NULL) /* JBV */
- FREE(CURTASK exps[level].sval.sbuffer, "op_pulldown");
- memcpy(&CURTASK exps[level], &CURTASK exps[level + how_far],
- (size_t) (sizeof(struct exp_ese)));
- CURTASK exps[level + how_far].sval.sbuffer = NULL; /* JBV */
- ++level;
- }
- /* decrement the expression stack counter */
- for (c = 0; c < how_far; ++c)
- {
- if (dec_esc() == TRUE)
- {
- --op_level;
- }
- else
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* EOF */