- /***************************************************************
- bwb_cnd.c Conditional Expressions and Commands
- for Bywater BASIC Interpreter
- Copyright (c) 1993, Ted A. Campbell
- Bywater Software
- email: tcamp@delphi.com
- Copyright and Permissions Information:
- All U.S. and international rights are claimed by the author,
- Ted A. Campbell.
- This software is released under the terms of the GNU General
- Public License (GPL), which is distributed with this software
- in the file "COPYING". The GPL specifies the terms under
- which users may copy and use the software in this distribution.
- A separate license is available for commercial distribution,
- for information on which you should contact the author.
- ***************************************************************/
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* NOTE: Modifications marked "JBV" were made by Jon B. Volkoff, */
- /* 11/1995 (eidetics@cerf.net). */
- /* */
- /* Those additionally marked with "DD" were at the suggestion of */
- /* Dale DePriest (daled@cadence.com). */
- /* */
- /* Version 3.00 by Howard Wulf, AF5NE */
- /* */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "bwbasic.h"
- /* declarations of functions visible to this file only */
- static int
- cnd_thenels(char *buffer, int position, int *then, int *els);
- static int
- cnd_tostep(char *buffer, int position, int *to, int *step);
- static int
- case_eval(struct exp_ese * expression, struct exp_ese * minval, struct exp_ese * maxval);
- static int
- FindTopLineOnStack(struct bwb_line * l);
- static int
- FindBottomLineOnStack(struct bwb_line * l);
- static struct bwb_line *
- FindExitLineOnStack(struct bwb_line * l);
- static struct bwb_line *
- find_NextTestInCode(struct bwb_line * l);
- /* FIXME: DELETE should remove DEF FN, FUNCTIONS, and SUBROUTINES in the deleted line range. */
- /* FIXME: add Variable Range checking, based upon type characters $, @, %, &, !, # */
- /* FIXME: check EOF, LOF, LOC, SEEK, such as QB45 */
- /* FIXME: centralize Variable/Function/Command name character checking, so we can configure it with OPTION VERSION */
- /*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_FUNCTION(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check current exec level */
- if (CURTASK exsc == 0)
- {
- /* skip over the entire function definition */
- return l->OtherLine->next; /* line after END SUB */
- }
- /* we are being executed via fnc_deffn() */
- /* if this is the first time at this SUB statement, note it */
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine != l)
- {
- bwb_incexec();
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = l;
- /* find the END SUB statement */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = find_BottomLineInCode(l);;
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("FUNCTION without END FUNCTION");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_EXIT_FUNCTION(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l);
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("EXIT FUNCTION without FUNCTION");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- {
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- #if 0
- /* set the next line in the exec stack */
- next_line->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(next_line, 0, EXEC_FUNCTION);
- return next_line;
- #endif
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_END_FUNCTION(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check integrity of SUB commmand */
- if (FindBottomLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("END FUNCTION without FUNCTION");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* decrement the stack */
- bwb_decexec();
- /* and return next from old line */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].line->next->position = 0;
- return CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].line->next;
- }
- /*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_sub()
- DESCRIPTION: This function implements the BASIC
- SUB command, introducing a named
- subroutine.
- SYNTAX: SUB subroutine-name
- ...
- [ EXIT SUB ]
- ...
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_SUB(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check current exec level */
- if (CURTASK exsc == 0)
- {
- /* skip over the entire function definition */
- return l->OtherLine->next; /* line after END SUB */
- }
- /* we are being executed via fnc_deffn() */
- /* if this is the first time at this SUB statement, note it */
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine != l)
- {
- bwb_incexec();
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = l;
- /* find the END SUB statement */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = find_BottomLineInCode(l);;
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("SUB without END SUB");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_endsub()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- END SUB command, ending a subroutine
- definition. Because the command END
- can have multiple meanings, this function
- should be called from the bwb_xend()
- function, which should be able to identify
- an END SUB command.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_EXIT_SUB(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l);
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("EXIT SUB without SUB");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- {
- /* EXIT SUB */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- #if 0
- /* set the next line in the exec stack */
- next_line->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(next_line, 0, EXEC_FUNCTION);
- return next_line;
- #endif
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_END_SUB(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check integrity of SUB commmand */
- if (FindBottomLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("END SUB without SUB");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* decrement the stack */
- bwb_decexec();
- /* and return next from old line */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].line->next->position = 0;
- return CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].line->next;
- }
- /*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_IF()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC IF
- statement, standard flavor.
- SYNTAX: IF expression THEN line [ELSE line]
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_IF(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* classic IF */
- int then, els;
- struct exp_ese *e;
- int tpos;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- int Value;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Call bwb_exp() to evaluate the condition. This should return with
- * position set to the "THEN" statement */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- Value = exp_getival(e);
- /* test for "THEN" and "ELSE" statements */
- cnd_thenels(l->buffer, l->position, &then, &els);
- /* evaluate and execute */
- if (Value != 0)
- {
- /* expression is TRUE */
- if (then == FALSE)
- {
- /* syntac error */
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- else
- {
- /* check for THEN followed by literal line number */
- struct bwb_line *x;
- tpos = then + strlen("THEN") + 1;
- adv_element(l->buffer, &tpos, tbuf);
- /* check for target label */
- x = find_label(tbuf);
- if (x != NULL)
- {
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- x->position = 0;
- return x;
- }
- /* syntac error */
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* expression is FALSE */
- if (els == FALSE)
- {
- /* optional */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- else
- {
- /* check for ELSE followed by literal line number */
- struct bwb_line *x;
- tpos = els + strlen("ELSE") + 1;
- adv_element(l->buffer, &tpos, tbuf);
- /* check for target label */
- x = find_label(tbuf);
- if (x != NULL)
- {
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- x->position = 0;
- return x;
- }
- /* syntac error */
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: cnd_thenelse()
- DESCRIPTION: This function searches through the
- <buffer> beginning at point <position>
- and attempts to find positions of THEN
- and ELSE statements.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- cnd_thenels(char *buffer, int position, int *then, int *els)
- {
- int loop, t_pos, b_pos, p_word;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* set then and els to 0 initially */
- *then = *els = 0;
- /* loop to find words */
- p_word = b_pos = position;
- t_pos = 0;
- tbuf[0] = '\0';
- loop = TRUE;
- while (loop == TRUE)
- {
- char c;
- c = buffer[b_pos];
- if (c == '\0' || c == OptionCommentChar || c == ' ')
- {
- if (strncasecmp(tbuf, "THEN", (size_t) strlen("THEN")) == 0)
- {
- *then = p_word;
- }
- else
- if (strncasecmp(tbuf, "GOTO", (size_t) strlen("GOTO")) == 0)
- {
- *then = p_word;
- }
- else
- if (strncasecmp(tbuf, "ELSE", (size_t) strlen("ELSE")) == 0)
- {
- *els = p_word;
- }
- /* check for end of the line */
- if (c == '\0' || c == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- ++b_pos;
- p_word = b_pos;
- t_pos = 0;
- tbuf[0] = '\0';
- }
- else
- {
- tbuf[t_pos] = c;
- ++b_pos;
- ++t_pos;
- tbuf[t_pos] = '\0';
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC IF
- statement, structured flavor.
- SYNTAX: IF expression THEN
- ...
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_IF_THEN(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* structured IF */
- struct exp_ese *e;
- struct bwb_line *else_line;
- struct bwb_line *endif_line;
- int Value;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* if this is the first time at this IF statement, note it */
- #if 0
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine != l)
- #endif
- if (FindTopLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- bwb_incexec();
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = l;
- /* find the LOOP statement */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = find_BottomLineInCode(l);;
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("IF without END IF");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- /* Call bwb_exp() to evaluate the condition. This should return with
- * position set to the "THEN" statement */
- /* FIXME: extract the expression before calling bwb_exp() - no COMMANDS should be there */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- Value = exp_getival(e);
- /* evaluate the expression */
- if (Value != 0)
- {
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code = EXEC_IFTRUE; /* IF has been processed */
- /* fall thru to execute this code block */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code = EXEC_IFFALSE; /* IF has NOT been
- * processed */
- else_line = find_NextTestInCode(l);
- if (else_line != NULL)
- {
- else_line->position = 0;
- return else_line;
- }
- endif_line = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine;
- endif_line->position = 0;
- return endif_line;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_else()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC ELSE
- statement.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_ELSE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* there are two legitamate ways to get here: 1. a fall thru from an
- * upper block, code == EXEC_IFTRUE we should jump to the END IF 2. a
- * jump from from an upper block, code == EXEC_IFFALSE we should
- * execute our code block */
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l); /* END IF */
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("ELSE without IF");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- switch (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code)
- {
- case EXEC_IFTRUE: /* IF has been processed */
- /* jump to the END IF */
- next_line->position = 0;
- return next_line;
- break;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code = EXEC_IFTRUE; /* IF has been processed */
- /* fall thru to execute this code block */
- break;
- default:
- /* the BASIC program has jumped into the middle of a
- * structured command */
- bwb_error("ELSE without IF");
- break;
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_elseif()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC ELSEIF
- statement.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_ELSEIF(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* there are two legitamate ways to get here: 1. a fall thru from an
- * upper block, code == EXEC_IFTRUE we should jump to the END IF 2. a
- * jump from from an upper block, code == EXEC_IFFALSE we should
- * execute our code block */
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l); /* END IF */
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("ELSEIF without IF");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- switch (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code)
- {
- case EXEC_IFTRUE: /* IF has been processed */
- /* jump to the END IF */
- next_line->position = 0;
- return next_line;
- break;
- /* execute our code block (maybe) */
- {
- struct bwb_line *else_line;
- struct exp_ese *e;
- /* Call bwb_exp() to evaluate the condition. This
- * should return with position set to the "THEN"
- * statement */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (exp_getival(e) != FALSE)
- {
- /* condition is TRUE: proceed to the next
- * line */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code = EXEC_IFTRUE; /* IF has been processed */
- /* fall thru to execute this code block */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* condition is FALSE */
- /* proceed to next ELSE line if there is one */
- else_line = find_NextTestInCode(l); /* ELSEIF or ELSE */
- if (else_line != NULL)
- {
- else_line->position = 0;
- return else_line;
- }
- /* no more ELSExx lines */
- /* jump to the END IF */
- next_line->position = 0;
- return next_line;
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* the BASIC program has jumped into the middle of a
- * structured command */
- bwb_error("ELSEIF without IF");
- break;
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_endif()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC END IF
- statement.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_END_IF(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check integrity of IF commmand */
- if (FindBottomLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("END IF without IF");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- switch (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code)
- {
- case EXEC_IFTRUE: /* IF has been processed */
- break;
- break;
- default:
- /* the BASIC program has jumped into the middle of a
- * structured command */
- bwb_error("ENDIF without IF");
- }
- /* remove IF from the stack (NEW) */
- bwb_decexec();
- bwb_setexec(l->next, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_select()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function handles the BASIC SELECT
- statement.
- SYNTAX: SELECT CASE expression
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_SELECT(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- bwb_error("SELECT without CASE");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_SELECT_CASE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* if this is the first time at this SELECT CASE statement, note it */
- #if 0
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine != l)
- #endif
- if (FindTopLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- bwb_incexec();
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = l;
- /* find the LOOP statement */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = find_BottomLineInCode(l);
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("SELECT CASE without END SELECT");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- /* increment the level and set to EXEC_SELFALSE */
- /* evaluate the expression at this level */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (e->type == STRING)
- {
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].expression.type = STRING;
- str_btob(&(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].expression.sval),
- &(e->sval));
- }
- else
- {
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].expression.type = NUMBER;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].expression.nval
- = exp_getnval(e);
- }
- /* return */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_case()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function handles the BASIC CASE
- statement.
- SYNTAX: CASE constant | IF partial-expression | ELSE
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CASE_ELSE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* there are two legitamate ways to get here: 1. a fall thru from an
- * upper block, code == EXEC_SELTRUE we should jump to the END SELECT
- * 2. a jump from from an upper block, code == EXEC_SELFALSE we
- * should execute our code block */
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l); /* END SELECT */
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("CASE ELSE without SELECT CASE");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- switch (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code)
- {
- case EXEC_SELTRUE: /* SELECT has been processed */
- /* jump to the END SELECT */
- next_line->position = 0;
- return next_line;
- break;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code = EXEC_SELTRUE; /* SELECT has been
- * processed */
- /* fall thru to execute this code block */
- break;
- default:
- /* the BASIC program has jumped into the middle of a
- * structured command */
- bwb_error("CASE ELSE without SELECT CASE");
- break;
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CASE(struct bwb_line * l) /* TODO - FIXME */
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* there are two legitamate ways to get here: 1. a fall thru from an
- * upper block, code == EXEC_SELTRUE we should jump to the END SELECT
- * 2. a jump from from an upper block, code == EXEC_SELFALSE we
- * should execute our code block */
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l); /* END SELECT */
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("CASE without SELECT CASE");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- switch (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code)
- {
- case EXEC_SELTRUE: /* SELECT has been processed */
- /* jump to the END SELECT */
- next_line->position = 0;
- return next_line;
- break;
- /* fall thru to execute this code block (maybe) */
- {
- struct exp_ese minvalue;
- struct exp_ese *minval;
- struct bwb_line *case_line;
- int IsExpression;
- IsExpression = FALSE;
- minval = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- memcpy(&minvalue, minval, sizeof(struct exp_ese));
- minval = &minvalue;
- /* check for string value */
- if (minvalue.type == STRING)
- { /* STRING */
- bstring *a;
- bstring *b;
- a = &(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].expression.sval);
- b = &(minvalue.sval);
- if (str_cmp(a, b) == 0)
- {
- IsExpression = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* STRING */
- else
- { /* NUMBER */
- struct exp_ese *maxval;
- maxval = minval;
- /* not a string; advance */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- /* check for TO */
- if (is_eol(l->buffer, &(l->position)) != TRUE)
- {
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- /* find the TO statement */
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "TO") != 0)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "CASE has inexplicable code following expression");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* now evaluate the MAX expression */
- maxval = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- /* evaluate the expression */
- if (case_eval(&(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].expression), minval, maxval) == TRUE)
- {
- IsExpression = TRUE;
- }
- } /* NUMBER */
- if (IsExpression == TRUE)
- {
- /* condition is TRUE: proceed to the next
- * line */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code = EXEC_SELTRUE; /* SELECT has been
- * processed */
- /* fall thru to execute this code block */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* evaluation returns a FALSE value; find next CASExx
- * statement */
- case_line = find_NextTestInCode(l); /* CASE or CASE IF or
- * CASE ELSE */
- if (case_line != NULL)
- {
- case_line->position = 0;
- return case_line;
- }
- /* no more CASExx lines */
- /* jump to the END SELECT */
- next_line->position = 0;
- return next_line;
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* the BASIC program has jumped into the middle of a
- * structured command */
- bwb_error("CASE without SELECT CASE");
- break;
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_caseif()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function handles the BASIC CASE IF
- statement.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CASE_IS(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- return bwb_CASE_IF(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CASE_IF(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* there are two legitamate ways to get here: 1. a fall thru from an
- * upper block, code == EXEC_SELTRUE we should jump to the END SELECT
- * 2. a jump from from an upper block, code == EXEC_SELFALSE we
- * should execute our code block */
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l); /* END SELECT */
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("CASE IF without SELECT CASE");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- switch (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code)
- {
- case EXEC_SELTRUE: /* IF has been processed */
- /* jump to the END IF */
- next_line->position = 0;
- return next_line;
- break;
- /* execute our code block (maybe) */
- {
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- int position;
- struct exp_ese *r;
- struct bwb_line *case_line;
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].expression.type == NUMBER)
- {
- sprintf(tbuf, BasicNumberPrintFormat " %s",
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].expression.nval,
- &(l->buffer[l->position]));
- }
- else
- {
- bwb_error(err_mismatch);
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- position = 0;
- r = bwb_exp(tbuf, FALSE, &position);
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (r->nval == TRUE)
- {
- /* condition is TRUE: proceed to the next
- * line */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code = EXEC_SELTRUE; /* SELECT has been
- * processed */
- /* fall thru to execute this code block */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* condition is FALSE */
- /* proceed to next CASE line if there is one */
- case_line = find_NextTestInCode(l); /* CASE IF or CASE ELSE */
- if (case_line != NULL)
- {
- case_line->position = 0;
- return case_line;
- }
- /* no more CASExx lines */
- /* jump to the END SELECT */
- next_line->position = 0;
- return next_line;
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* the BASIC program has jumped into the middle of a
- * structured command */
- bwb_error("CASE IF without SELECT CASE");
- break;
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: case_eval()
- DESCRIPTION: This function evaluates a case statement
- by comparing minimum and maximum values
- with a set expression. It returns either
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- case_eval(struct exp_ese * expression, struct exp_ese * minval,
- struct exp_ese * maxval)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* string value */
- if (expression->type == STRING)
- {
- bwb_error(err_mismatch);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* numerical value */
- if ((expression->nval >= minval->nval)
- && (expression->nval <= maxval->nval))
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_endselect()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC END
- SELECT statement.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_END_SELECT(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check integrity of SELECT CASE commmand */
- if (FindBottomLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("END SELECT without SELECT CASE");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- switch (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code)
- {
- case EXEC_SELTRUE: /* SELECT has been processed */
- break;
- break;
- default:
- /* the BASIC program has jumped into the middle of a
- * structured command */
- bwb_error("END SELECT without SELECT CASE");
- }
- /* remove SELECT from the stack */
- bwb_decexec();
- bwb_setexec(l->next, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_DO()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the ANSI BASIC
- DO statement, when DO is not followed by
- an argument. It is called by bwb_do() in
- bwb_cmd.c.
- SYNTAX: DO ' forever
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_DO(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* if this is the first time at this DO statement, note it */
- #if 0
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine != l)
- #endif
- if (FindTopLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- bwb_incexec();
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = l;
- /* find the LOOP statement */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = find_BottomLineInCode(l);;
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("DO without LOOP");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- bwb_setexec(l, l->position, EXEC_DO);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the ANSI BASIC
- DO UNTIL statement, when DO is not followed by
- an argument. It is called by bwb_do() in
- bwb_cmd.c.
- SYNTAX: DO UNTIL expression ' exit when X <> 0
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_DO_UNTIL(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* if this is the first time at this WHILE statement, note it */
- #if 0
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine != l)
- #endif
- if (FindTopLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- bwb_incexec();
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = l;
- /* find the UEND statement (or LOOP statement) */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = find_BottomLineInCode(l);
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("DO without LOOP");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Expression evaluation was at the top of bwb_while, */
- /* and the init portion was performed only if TRUE. */
- /* The init routine should be performed regardless of */
- /* expression value, else a segmentation fault can */
- /* occur! (JBV) */
- /*----------------------------------------------------*/
- /* call bwb_exp() to interpret the expression */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (exp_getival(e) != FALSE)
- {
- /* EXIT DO */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- /* DO UNTIL ... */
- bwb_setexec(l, l->position, EXEC_DO);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the ANSI BASIC
- DO statement, when DO is not followed by
- an argument. It is called by bwb_do() in
- bwb_cmd.c.
- SYNTAX: DO WHILE expression ' exit when X = 0
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_DO_WHILE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* if this is the first time at this WHILE statement, note it */
- #if 0
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine != l)
- #endif
- if (FindTopLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- bwb_incexec();
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = l;
- /* find the LOOP statement */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = find_BottomLineInCode(l);
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("DO without LOOP");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Expression evaluation was at the top of bwb_while, */
- /* and the init portion was performed only if TRUE. */
- /* The init routine should be performed regardless of */
- /* expression value, else a segmentation fault can */
- /* occur! (JBV) */
- /*----------------------------------------------------*/
- /* call bwb_exp() to interpret the expression */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (exp_getival(e) == FALSE)
- {
- /* EXIT DO */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- /* DO WHILE ... */
- bwb_setexec(l, l->position, EXEC_DO);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC EXIT
- DO statement. This is a structured
- programming command compatible with ANSI
- BASIC. It is called from the bwb_exit()
- subroutine.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_EXIT_DO(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l);
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("EXIT DO without DO");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- {
- /* EXIT DO */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- #if 0
- next_line = next_line->next;
- /* set the next line in the exec stack */
- next_line->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(next_line, 0, EXEC_DO);
- return next_line;
- #endif
- }
- /***************************************************************
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the ANSI BASIC
- LOOP statement.
- SYNTAX: LOOP ' forever
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_LOOP(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check integrity of DO loop */
- if (FindBottomLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("LOOP without DO");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* reset to the top of the current DO loop */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine, 0, EXEC_DO);
- return CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the ANSI BASIC
- LOOP UNTIL statement and is called by
- bwb_loop().
- SYNTAX: LOOP UNTIL expression ' exit when X <> 0
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_LOOP_UNTIL(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (FindBottomLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("LOOP without DO");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* call bwb_exp() to interpret the expression */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (exp_getival(e) != FALSE)
- {
- /* EXIT DO */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- /* loop around to DO again */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine, 0, EXEC_DO);
- return CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- LOOP WHILE statement and is called by
- bwb_loop().
- SYNTAX: LOOP WHILE expression ' exit when X = 0
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_LOOP_WHILE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (FindBottomLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("LOOP without DO");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* call bwb_exp() to interpret the expression */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (exp_getival(e) == FALSE)
- {
- /* EXIT DO */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- /* execute DO-LOOP again */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine, 0, EXEC_DO);
- return CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine;
- }
- /*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /***************************************************************
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC
- WHILE statement.
- SYNTAX: WHILE expression
- ...
- SYNTAX: WHILE expression ' exit when X = 0
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_WHILE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* if this is the first time at this WHILE statement, note it */
- #if 0
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine != l)
- #endif
- if (FindTopLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- bwb_incexec();
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = l;
- /* find the LOOP statement */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = find_BottomLineInCode(l);
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("WHILE without WEND");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Expression evaluation was at the top of bwb_while, */
- /* and the init portion was performed only if TRUE. */
- /* The init routine should be performed regardless of */
- /* expression value, else a segmentation fault can */
- /* occur! (JBV) */
- /*----------------------------------------------------*/
- /* call bwb_exp() to interpret the expression */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (exp_getival(e) == FALSE)
- {
- /* EXIT WHILE */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- /* WHILE ... */
- bwb_setexec(l, l->position, EXEC_WHILE);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_exitwhile()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC EXIT
- WHILE statement. This is a structured
- programming command compatible with ANSI
- BASIC. It is called from the bwb_exit()
- subroutine.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_EXIT_WHILE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Check the integrity of the WHILE statement */
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l);
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("EXIT WHILE without WHILE");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- {
- /* EXIT WHILE */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- #if 0
- next_line = next_line->next;
- /* set the next line in the exec stack */
- next_line->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(next_line, 0, EXEC_WHILE);
- return next_line;
- #endif
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_wend()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC WEND
- statement and the LOOP statement ending
- a DO WHILE loop.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_WEND(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check integrity of WHILE loop */
- if (FindBottomLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("WEND without WHILE");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* reset to the top of the current WHILE loop */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine, 0, EXEC_WHILE);
- return CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine;
- }
- /*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /***************************************************************
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC
- UNTIL statement.
- SYNTAX: UNTIL expression ' exit when X <> 0
- ...
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_UNTIL(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* if this is the first time at this WHILE statement, note it */
- #if 0
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine != l)
- #endif
- if (FindTopLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- bwb_incexec();
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = l;
- /* find the UEND statement (or LOOP statement) */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = find_BottomLineInCode(l);
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("UNTIL without UEND");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Expression evaluation was at the top of bwb_while, */
- /* and the init portion was performed only if TRUE. */
- /* The init routine should be performed regardless of */
- /* expression value, else a segmentation fault can */
- /* occur! (JBV) */
- /*----------------------------------------------------*/
- /* call bwb_exp() to interpret the expression */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (exp_getival(e) != FALSE)
- {
- /* EXIT UNTIL */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- /* UNTIL ... */
- bwb_setexec(l, l->position, EXEC_UNTIL);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_exituntil()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC EXIT
- UNTIL statement. This is a structured
- programming command compatible with ANSI
- BASIC. It is called from the bwb_exit()
- subroutine.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_EXIT_UNTIL(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Check the integrity of the UNTIL statement */
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l);
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("EXIT UNTIL without UNTIL");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- {
- /* EXIT UNTIL */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- #if 0
- next_line = next_line->next;
- /* set the next line in the exec stack */
- next_line->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(next_line, 0, EXEC_UNTIL);
- return next_line;
- #endif
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_uend()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC UEND
- statement and the LOOP statement ending
- a DO UNTIL loop.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_UEND(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check integrity of UNTIL loop */
- if (FindBottomLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("UEND without UNTIL");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* reset to the top of the current UNTIL loop */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine, 0, EXEC_UNTIL);
- return CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine;
- }
- /*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_for()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC FOR
- statement.
- SYNTAX: FOR counter = start TO finish [STEP increment]
- NOTE: This is controlled by the OptionVersion bitmask.
- The order of expression evaluation and variable creation varies.
- For example:
- PRINT "Y="; Y
- FNA = Y
- FOR X = FNA(3) TO FNA(1) STEP FNA(2)
- Y= 1
- Y= 2
- Y= 3
- X is created (if it does not exist)
- X is assigned the value of 3
- X is created (if it does not exist)
- Y= 3
- X is assigned the value of 3
- Y= 1
- Y= 2
- ECMA-55: Section 13.4
- ...
- The action of the for-statement and the next-statement is de-
- fined in terms of other statements, as follows:
- FOR v = initial-value TO limit STEP increment
- (block)
- NEXT v
- is equivalent to:
- LET own1 = limit
- LET own2 = increment
- LET v = initial-value
- line1 IF (v-own1) * SGN (own2) > 0 THEN line2
- (block)
- LET v = v + own2
- GOTO line1
- line2 REM continued in sequence
- ...
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_FOR(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- #if 0
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine != l)
- #endif
- if (FindTopLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- bwb_incexec();
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = l;
- /* find the NEXT statement */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = find_BottomLineInCode(l);
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("FOR without NEXT");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
- * ------------------------------- */
- if (TRUE)
- {
- register int n;
- int e, loop;
- int to, step, p;
- BasicNumberType for_step; /* STEP value for FOR */
- BasicNumberType for_target; /* target value for FOR */
- struct exp_ese *exp;
- struct bwb_variable *v;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- int VarStart; /* position in l->buffer */
- int VarLength;
- int InitStart;
- int InitLength;
- int TermStart;
- int TermLength;
- int StepStart;
- int StepLength;
- BasicNumberType Value;
- /* VarStart = 0; */
- /* VarLength = 0; */
- InitStart = 0;
- InitLength = 0;
- TermStart = 0;
- TermLength = 0;
- StepStart = 0;
- StepLength = 0;
- /* get the variable name */
- VarStart = l->position;
- exp_getvfname(&(l->buffer[l->position]), tbuf);
- VarLength = strlen(tbuf);
- l->position += VarLength;
- /* at this point one should find an equals sign ('=') */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- if (l->buffer[l->position] != '=')
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_for(): failed to find equals sign, buf <%s>",
- &(l->buffer[l->position]));
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- else
- {
- ++(l->position);
- }
- /* Find the TO and STEP statements */
- cnd_tostep(l->buffer, l->position, &to, &step);
- /* if there is no TO statement, then an error has ocurred */
- if (to < 1)
- {
- bwb_error("FOR without TO");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* copy initial value to buffer and evaluate it */
- InitStart = l->position;
- tbuf[0] = '\0';
- p = 0;
- for (n = l->position; n < to; ++n)
- {
- tbuf[p] = l->buffer[n];
- ++p;
- ++l->position;
- tbuf[p] = '\0';
- }
- InitLength = p;
- /* copy target value to small buffer and evaluate it */
- tbuf[0] = '\0';
- p = 0;
- l->position = to + 2;
- if (step < 1)
- {
- e = strlen(l->buffer);
- }
- else
- {
- e = step - 1;
- }
- loop = TRUE;
- n = l->position;
- TermStart = l->position;
- while (loop == TRUE)
- {
- tbuf[p] = l->buffer[n];
- ++p;
- ++l->position;
- tbuf[p] = '\0';
- if (n >= e)
- {
- loop = FALSE;
- }
- ++n;
- if (l->buffer[n] == '\0' || l->buffer[n] == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- loop = FALSE;
- }
- }
- TermLength = p;
- /* If there is a STEP statement, copy it to a buffer and
- * evaluate it */
- if (step > 1)
- {
- tbuf[0] = '\0';
- p = 0;
- l->position = step + 4;
- StepStart = l->position;
- for (n = l->position; n < (int) strlen(l->buffer); ++n)
- {
- tbuf[p] = l->buffer[n];
- ++p;
- ++l->position;
- tbuf[p] = '\0';
- }
- StepLength = p;
- }
- if (OptionFlags & OPTION_BUGS_ON)
- {
- /* Create Variable */
- if (VarLength < 1)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- strncpy(tbuf, &l->buffer[VarStart], VarLength);
- tbuf[VarLength] = '\0';
- v = var_find(tbuf);
- /* Init */
- if (InitLength < 1)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- strncpy(tbuf, &l->buffer[InitStart], InitLength);
- tbuf[InitLength] = '\0';
- p = 0;
- exp = bwb_exp(tbuf, FALSE, &p);
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- Value = exp_getnval(exp);
- /* Assign Variable */
- var_setnval(v, Value);
- /* Limit */
- if (TermLength < 1)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- strncpy(tbuf, &l->buffer[TermStart], TermLength);
- tbuf[TermLength] = '\0';
- p = 0;
- exp = bwb_exp(tbuf, FALSE, &p);
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- for_target = exp_getnval(exp);
- /* Step */
- if (StepLength > 0)
- {
- strncpy(tbuf, &l->buffer[StepStart], StepLength);
- tbuf[StepLength] = '\0';
- p = 0;
- exp = bwb_exp(tbuf, FALSE, &p);
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- for_step = exp_getnval(exp);
- }
- else
- {
- for_step = 1.0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Limit */
- if (TermLength < 1)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- strncpy(tbuf, &l->buffer[TermStart], TermLength);
- tbuf[TermLength] = '\0';
- p = 0;
- exp = bwb_exp(tbuf, FALSE, &p);
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- for_target = exp_getnval(exp);
- /* Step */
- if (StepLength > 0)
- {
- strncpy(tbuf, &l->buffer[StepStart], StepLength);
- tbuf[StepLength] = '\0';
- p = 0;
- exp = bwb_exp(tbuf, FALSE, &p);
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- for_step = exp_getnval(exp);
- }
- else
- {
- for_step = 1.0;
- }
- /* Init */
- if (InitLength < 1)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- strncpy(tbuf, &l->buffer[InitStart], InitLength);
- tbuf[InitLength] = '\0';
- p = 0;
- exp = bwb_exp(tbuf, FALSE, &p);
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- Value = exp_getnval(exp);
- /* Create Variable */
- if (VarLength < 1)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- strncpy(tbuf, &l->buffer[VarStart], VarLength);
- tbuf[VarLength] = '\0';
- v = var_find(tbuf);
- /* Assign Variable */
- var_setnval(v, Value);
- }
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable = v;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].for_step = for_step;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].for_target = for_target;
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
- * ------------------------------ */
- bwb_setexec(l, l->position, EXEC_FOR);
- /* 800 FOR I1=9 TO I1 STEP I1 ' I1=-2 */
- if (TRUE)
- {
- int IsExit;
- BasicNumberType Value;
- BasicNumberType Target;
- BasicNumberType Step;
- IsExit = FALSE;
- Value = var_getnval(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable);
- Target = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].for_target;
- Step = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].for_step;
- if (Step > 0)
- {
- /* POSITIVE */
- if (Value > Target)
- {
- IsExit = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* NEGATIVE */
- if (Value < Target)
- {
- IsExit = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (IsExit == TRUE)
- {
- /* EXIT FOR */
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- next_line = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_decexec();
- /* set the next line in the exec stack */
- next_line->position = 0;
- /* bwb_setexec( next_line, 0, EXEC_NORM ); *//* WRONG
- * (JBV) */
- bwb_setexec(next_line, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code); /* JBV */
- return next_line;
- }
- }
- /* proceed with processing */
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_exitfor()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC EXIT
- FOR statement. This is a structured
- programming command compatible with ANSI
- BASIC. It is called from the bwb_exit()
- subroutine.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_EXIT_FOR(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *next_line;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Check the integrity of the FOR statement */
- next_line = FindExitLineOnStack(l);
- if (next_line == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("EXIT FOR without FOR");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- {
- /* EXIT FOR */
- struct bwb_line *r;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = NULL;
- r = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine->next;
- bwb_setexec(r, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc - 1].code);
- r->position = 0;
- bwb_decexec();
- return r;
- }
- #if 0
- next_line = next_line->next;
- /* set the next line in the exec stack */
- next_line->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(next_line, 0, EXEC_FOR);
- return next_line;
- #endif
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_next()
- DESCRIPTION: This function handles the BASIC NEXT
- statement.
- SYNTAX: NEXT counter
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_NEXT(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (FindBottomLineOnStack(l) == FALSE)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- bwb_error("NEXT without FOR");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* read the argument, if there is one */
- exp_getvfname(&(l->buffer[l->position]), tbuf);
- if (strlen(tbuf) != 0)
- {
- /* NEXT variablename */
- struct bwb_variable *v;
- v = var_find(tbuf);
- l->position += strlen(tbuf);
- /* decrement or increment the value */
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable != v)
- {
- /* not found */
- bwb_error("NEXT without FOR");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* NEXT */
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable == NULL)
- {
- /* not found */
- bwb_error("NEXT without FOR");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- var_setnval(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable,
- var_getnval(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable)
- + CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].for_step);
- /* check for completion of the loop */
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].for_step > 0) /* if step is positive */
- {
- if (var_getnval(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable)
- > CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].for_target)
- {
- bwb_decexec();
- bwb_setexec(l->next, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- else /* if step is negative */
- {
- if (var_getnval(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable)
- < CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].for_target)
- {
- bwb_decexec();
- bwb_setexec(l->next, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- /* Target not reached: return to the top of the FOR loop */
- bwb_setexec(CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine,
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine->position, EXEC_FOR);
- return CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: cnd_tostep()
- DESCRIPTION: This function searches through the
- <buffer> beginning at point <position>
- and attempts to find positions of TO
- and STEP statements.
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- cnd_tostep(char *buffer, int position, int *to, int *step)
- {
- int loop, t_pos, b_pos, p_word;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* set then and els to FALSE initially */
- *to = *step = FALSE;
- /* loop to find words */
- p_word = b_pos = position;
- t_pos = 0;
- tbuf[0] = '\0';
- loop = TRUE;
- while (loop == TRUE)
- {
- if (buffer[b_pos] == '\0' || buffer[b_pos] == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- /* end of string */
- return TRUE;
- }
- switch (buffer[b_pos])
- {
- case ' ': /* whitespace = end of word */
- if (strncasecmp(tbuf, "TO", (size_t) strlen("TO")) == 0)
- {
- *to = p_word;
- }
- else
- if (strncasecmp(tbuf, "STEP", (size_t) strlen("STEP")) == 0)
- {
- *step = p_word;
- }
- ++b_pos;
- p_word = b_pos;
- t_pos = 0;
- tbuf[0] = '\0';
- break;
- default:
- tbuf[t_pos] = buffer[b_pos];
- ++b_pos;
- ++t_pos;
- tbuf[t_pos] = '\0';
- break;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: var_setnval()
- DESCRIPTION: This function sets the value of numerical
- variable v to the value of i.
- ***************************************************************/
- int
- var_setnval(struct bwb_variable * v, BasicNumberType i)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (v->type)
- {
- case NUMBER:
- *var_findnval(v, v->array_pos) = i;
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in var_setnval(): variable <%s> is not a number",
- v->name);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- /* successful assignment */
- return TRUE;
- }
- static
- int
- FindTopLineOnStack(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* since we are the top of the loop, we MIGHT be on the stack */
- int i;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- for (i = CURTASK exsc; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- struct bwb_line *current;
- current = CURTASK excs[i].LoopTopLine;
- if (current != NULL)
- {
- if (current == l)
- {
- /* FOUND */
- while (CURTASK exsc > i)
- {
- bwb_decexec();
- }
- /* we are now the top item on the stack */
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* do NOT cross a function/sub boundary */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_FUNCTION:
- case C_SUB:
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return FALSE;
- }
- static
- int
- FindBottomLineOnStack(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* since we are the bottom of the loop, we MUST be on the stack */
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- while (CURTASK exsc >= 0)
- {
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine == l)
- {
- /* FOUND */
- return TRUE;
- }
- bwb_decexec();
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return FALSE;
- }
- static struct bwb_line *
- FindExitLineOnStack(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* we are an EXIT ... command, find the bottom line on the stack */
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- while (CURTASK exsc >= 0)
- {
- struct bwb_line *current;
- current = CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine;
- if (current != NULL)
- {
- switch (l->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_EXIT_DO:
- /* DO - LOOP */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_LOOP:
- case C_LOOP_UNTIL:
- case C_LOOP_WHILE:
- return current;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_EXIT_WHILE:
- /* WHILE - WEND */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_WEND:
- return current;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_EXIT_UNTIL:
- /* UNTIL - UEND */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_UEND:
- return current;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_EXIT_FOR:
- /* FOR - NEXT */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_NEXT:
- return current;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_EXIT_SUB:
- /* SUB - END SUB */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_END_SUB:
- return current;
- break;
- }
- break;
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- return current;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_ELSEIF:
- case C_ELSE:
- /* IF - END IF */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_END_IF:
- return current;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_CASE_IF:
- case C_CASE_IS:
- case C_CASE:
- case C_CASE_ELSE:
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_END_SELECT:
- return current;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- bwb_decexec();
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return FALSE;
- }
- static struct bwb_line *
- scan_BottomLineInCode(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* we are the TopLine. Let's find our matching BottomLine */
- struct bwb_line *current;
- register int w_level;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- switch (l->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_DEF:
- case C_USER_LBL:
- /* just the single line */
- return l;
- break;
- }
- /* multiple lines */
- w_level = 1;
- for (current = l->next; current != &CURTASK bwb_end; current = current->next)
- {
- switch (l->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_DO:
- case C_DO_WHILE:
- case C_DO_UNTIL:
- /* DO - LOOP */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_DO:
- case C_DO_WHILE:
- case C_DO_UNTIL:
- ++w_level;
- break;
- case C_LOOP:
- case C_LOOP_UNTIL:
- case C_LOOP_WHILE:
- --w_level;
- if (w_level == 0)
- {
- return current;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_WHILE:
- /* WHILE - WEND */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_WHILE:
- ++w_level;
- break;
- case C_WEND:
- --w_level;
- if (w_level == 0)
- {
- return current;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_UNTIL:
- /* UNTIL - UEND */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_UNTIL:
- ++w_level;
- break;
- case C_UEND:
- --w_level;
- if (w_level == 0)
- {
- return current;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_FOR:
- /* FOR - NEXT */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_FOR:
- ++w_level;
- break;
- case C_NEXT:
- --w_level;
- if (w_level == 0)
- {
- return current;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_IF_THEN:
- /* IF - END IF */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_IF_THEN:
- ++w_level;
- break;
- case C_END_IF:
- --w_level;
- if (w_level == 0)
- {
- return current;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- ++w_level;
- break;
- case C_END_SELECT:
- --w_level;
- if (w_level == 0)
- {
- return current;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_SUB:
- /* SUB - END SUB */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_SUB:
- ++w_level;
- break;
- case C_END_SUB:
- --w_level;
- if (w_level == 0)
- {
- return current;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_FUNCTION:
- /* SUB - END SUB */
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_FUNCTION:
- ++w_level;
- break;
- --w_level;
- if (w_level == 0)
- {
- return current;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return NULL;
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- find_BottomLineInCode(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* we only want to scan once */
- /* bwb_scan() sets l->OtherLine to NULL to ensure MERGE and DELETE
- * work correctly */
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (l->OtherLine == NULL)
- {
- /* we do not yet know */
- l->OtherLine = scan_BottomLineInCode(l);
- if (l->OtherLine != NULL)
- {
- /* FOUND */
- /* mark the bottom line to point to us, so we can use
- * this info in DELETE */
- l->OtherLine->OtherLine = l;
- }
- }
- return l->OtherLine;
- }
- static struct bwb_line *
- find_NextTestInCode(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *current;
- register int w_level;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- w_level = 1;
- for (current = l->next; current != &CURTASK bwb_end; current = current->next)
- {
- switch (l->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_IF_THEN:
- case C_ELSEIF:
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_IF_THEN:
- ++w_level;
- break;
- case C_ELSEIF:
- case C_ELSE:
- /* we must report only the first ELSE we
- * encounter at level 1 */
- if (w_level == 1)
- {
- return current;
- }
- break;
- case C_END_IF:
- --w_level;
- if (w_level == 0)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_CASE:
- case C_CASE_IF:
- case C_CASE_IS:
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- ++w_level;
- break;
- case C_CASE:
- case C_CASE_IF:
- case C_CASE_IS:
- case C_CASE_ELSE:
- /* we must report only the first CASE we
- * encounter at level 1 */
- if (w_level == 1)
- {
- return current;
- }
- break;
- case C_END_SELECT:
- --w_level;
- if (w_level == 0)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /* EOF */