- /***************************************************************
- bwb_cmd.c Miscellaneous Commands
- for Bywater BASIC Interpreter
- Copyright (c) 1993, Ted A. Campbell
- Bywater Software
- email: tcamp@delphi.com
- Copyright and Permissions Information:
- All U.S. and international rights are claimed by the author,
- Ted A. Campbell.
- This software is released under the terms of the GNU General
- Public License (GPL), which is distributed with this software
- in the file "COPYING". The GPL specifies the terms under
- which users may copy and use the software in this distribution.
- A separate license is available for commercial distribution,
- for information on which you should contact the author.
- ***************************************************************/
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* NOTE: Modifications marked "JBV" were made by Jon B. Volkoff, */
- /* 11/1995 (eidetics@cerf.net). */
- /* */
- /* Those additionally marked with "DD" were at the suggestion of */
- /* Dale DePriest (daled@cadence.com). */
- /* */
- /* Version 3.00 by Howard Wulf, AF5NE */
- /* */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "bwbasic.h"
- static int
- xl_line(FILE * file, struct bwb_line * l);
- static int
- LastLineNumber = -1;
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_rem()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC rem
- (REMark) command, ignoring the remainder
- of the line.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_REM(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_let()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- LET assignment command, even if LET
- is implied and not explicit.
- SYNTAX: LET variable = expression
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_LET(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Call the expression interpreter to evaluate the assignment */
- bwb_exp(l->buffer, TRUE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_go
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- GO command, branching appropriately to
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_GO(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_goto
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- GOTO command.
- SYNTAX: GOTO line | label
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_GOTO(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *x;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- /* check for target label */
- x = find_label(tbuf);
- if (x != NULL)
- {
- x->position = 0;
- return x;
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_gosub()
- DESCRIPTION: This function implements the BASIC GOSUB
- command.
- SYNTAX: GOSUB line | label
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_GOSUB(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *x;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- x = find_label(tbuf);
- if (x != NULL)
- {
- bwb_zline(l);
- bwb_incexec();
- /* set the new position to x and return x */
- x->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(x, 0, EXEC_GOSUB);
- return x;
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_return()
- DESCRIPTION: This function implements the BASIC RETURN
- command.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_RETURN(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- while (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code != EXEC_GOSUB)
- {
- bwb_decexec();
- if (CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code == EXEC_NORM) /* End of the line? */
- {
- bwb_error(err_retnogosub);
- }
- }
- /* decrement the EXEC stack counter */
- bwb_decexec();
- return CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].line;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_on
- DESCRIPTION: This function implements the BASIC ON...
- GOTO or ON...GOSUB statements.
- It will also detect the ON ERROR... statement
- and pass execution to bwb_onerror().
- SYNTAX: ON variable GOTO|GOSUB line|label[,...]
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_ON(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *x;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- int p;
- struct exp_ese *rvar;
- int v;
- int loop;
- int num_lines;
- int command;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Check for argument */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- if (l->buffer[l->position] == '\0' || l->buffer[l->position] == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- bwb_error(err_incomplete);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* get the variable name, numerical constant, or expression */
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- /* evaluate the variable name or constant */
- p = 0;
- rvar = bwb_exp(tbuf, FALSE, &p);
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- v = exp_getival(rvar);
- /* Get GOTO or GOSUB statements */
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "GO") == 0)
- {
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "TO") == 0)
- {
- command = C_GOTO;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "SUB") == 0)
- {
- command = C_GOSUB;
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, ERR_ONNOGOTO);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "GOTO") == 0)
- {
- command = C_GOTO;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "GOSUB") == 0)
- {
- command = C_GOSUB;
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, ERR_ONNOGOTO);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (v < 1)
- {
- if (OptionFlags & OPTION_BUGS_ON)
- {
- /* fall-thru to next line without error */
- /* advance to end of segment */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- }
- else
- {
- /* ERROR */
- bwb_error(err_valoorange);
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- num_lines = 0;
- loop = TRUE;
- while (loop == TRUE)
- {
- /* read a line|label */
- inp_adv(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- num_lines++;
- if (num_lines == v)
- {
- loop = FALSE;
- }
- /* check for end of line */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- if (l->buffer[l->position] == '\0' || l->buffer[l->position] == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- loop = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* advance to end of segment */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- /* Be sure value is in range */
- if (v > num_lines)
- {
- if (OptionFlags & OPTION_BUGS_ON)
- {
- /* fall-thru to next line without error */
- /* advance to end of segment */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- }
- else
- {
- /* ERROR */
- bwb_error(err_valoorange);
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- x = find_label(tbuf);
- if (x == NULL)
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (command == C_GOTO)
- {
- x->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(x, 0, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code);
- return x;
- }
- else
- if (command == C_GOSUB)
- {
- /* save current stack level */
- bwb_setexec(l, l->position, CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].code);
- /* increment exec stack */
- bwb_incexec();
- /* set the new position to x and return x */
- x->position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(x, 0, EXEC_GOSUB);
- return x;
- }
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_on(): invalid value for command.");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_stop()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- STOP command, interrupting program flow
- at a specific point.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_STOP(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- stopped_line = l->number;
- bwx_STOP();
- return bwb_END(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_xend()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- END command, checking for END SUB
- or END FUNCTION, else stopping program
- execution for a simple END command.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_END(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* a simple END statement */
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- stopped_line = l->number;
- break_handler();
- return &CURTASK bwb_end;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_run()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- RUN command.
- Even though RUN is not a core statement,
- the function bwb_run() is called from
- core, so it must be present for a minimal
- implementation.
- SYNTAX: RUN [line]|[file-name]
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_RUN(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *current;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* see if there is an element */
- current = NULL;
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- if (l->buffer[l->position] == '\0' || l->buffer[l->position] == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- current = CURTASK bwb_start.next;
- var_CLEAR();
- }
- else
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (e->type == STRING)
- {
- /* check its type: if it is a STRING, open the file
- * and execute it */
- FILE *input;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- bwb_NEW(l); /* clear memory */
- str_btoc(tbuf, exp_getsval(e)); /* get string in tbuf */
- if ((input = fopen(tbuf, "r")) == NULL) /* open file */
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_openfile, tbuf);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- bwb_fload(input); /* load program */
- current = &CURTASK bwb_start; /* JBV */
- }
- else
- {
- /* check its type: if it is a NUMBER, execute the
- * line */
- int go_lnumber; /* line number to go to */
- struct bwb_line *x;
- go_lnumber = exp_getival(e);
- for (x = CURTASK bwb_start.next; x != &CURTASK bwb_end; x = x->next)
- {
- if (x->number == go_lnumber)
- {
- current = x;
- }
- }
- if (current == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, go_lnumber);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return &CURTASK bwb_end;
- }
- }
- }
- bwb_scan();
- current->position = 0;
- CURTASK exsc = 0;
- bwb_setexec(current, 0, EXEC_NORM);
- /* RUN */
- bwb_Warning_Clear();
- stopped_line = 0;
- SetOnError(0);
- return current;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_cont()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- CONT command.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CONT(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *current, *x;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* see if there is an element */
- current = NULL;
- if (stopped_line > 0)
- {
- for (x = CURTASK bwb_start.next; (x != &CURTASK bwb_end) && (current == NULL); x = x->next)
- {
- if (x->number > stopped_line)
- {
- current = x;
- }
- }
- }
- if (current == NULL)
- {
- /* same as "RUN" */
- current = CURTASK bwb_start.next;
- }
- bwb_scan();
- current->position = 0;
- CURTASK exsc = 0;
- bwb_setexec(current, 0, EXEC_NORM);
- /* CONT */
- stopped_line = 0;
- return current;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_new()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- NEW command.
- Even though NEW is not a core statement,
- the function bwb_run() is called from
- core, so it must be present for a minimal
- implementation.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_NEW(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* clear program in memory */
- bwb_xnew(&bwb_start);
- /* clear all variables */
- var_CLEAR();
- /* NEW */
- bwb_Warning_Clear();
- stopped_line = 0;
- SetOnError(0);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* End of Core Functions Section */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_system()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- SYSTEM command, exiting to the operating
- system (or calling program). It is also
- called by the QUIT command, a functional
- equivalent for SYSTEM in Bywater BASIC.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_QUIT(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- return bwb_SYSTEM(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_SYSTEM(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- prn_xprintf("\n");
- bwx_terminate();
- return &CURTASK bwb_end;/* to make LINT happy */
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_load()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- LOAD command.
- SYNTAX: LOAD [file-name]
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_LOAD(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* clear current contents */
- bwb_NEW(l);
- /* call xload function to load program in memory */
- bwb_xload(l);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_xload()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function loads a BASIC program
- into memory.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_xload(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- FILE *loadfile;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Get an argument for filename */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- if (l->buffer[l->position] == '\0' || l->buffer[l->position] == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- /* default is the last filename used by LOAD or SAVE */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Section added by JBV (bug found by DD) */
- struct exp_ese *e; /* JBV */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (e->type != STRING)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_xload(): Missing filespec");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- str_btoc(CURTASK progfile, exp_getsval(e)); /* JBV */
- }
- if (strlen(CURTASK progfile) == 0)
- {
- bwb_error(err_nofn); /* Added by JBV (bug found by DD) */
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if ((loadfile = fopen(CURTASK progfile, "r")) == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_openfile, CURTASK progfile);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- bwb_fload(loadfile);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_save()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- SAVE command.
- SYNTAX: SAVE [file-name]
- ***************************************************************/
- #define CSAVE_VERSION_1 0x20150218
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CSAVE_(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* CSAVE* NumericArrayName */
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- struct bwb_variable *v;
- FILE *f;
- unsigned long n;
- unsigned long t;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- bwb_getvarname(l->buffer, tbuf, &(l->position));
- v = var_find(tbuf);
- if (v == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* variable MUST be numeric */
- if (v->type == STRING)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* variable MUST be an array */
- if ((v->dimensions == 1) && (v->array_sizes[0] == 1))
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* * variable storage is a mess, * we bypass that tradition here. */
- t = 1;
- for (n = 0; n < v->dimensions; n++)
- {
- t *= v->array_sizes[n];
- }
- if (t <= 1)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* open file */
- f = fopen(v->name, "w");
- if (f == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* write version number */
- fwrite(&n, sizeof(long), 1, f);
- /* write total number of elements */
- fwrite(&t, sizeof(long), 1, f);
- /* write data */
- fwrite(v->memnum, sizeof(BasicNumberType), t, f);
- /* OK */
- fclose(f);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CLOAD_(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* CLOAD* NumericArrayName */
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- struct bwb_variable *v;
- FILE *f;
- unsigned long n;
- unsigned long t;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- bwb_getvarname(l->buffer, tbuf, &(l->position));
- v = var_find(tbuf);
- if (v == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* variable MUST be numeric */
- if (v->type == STRING)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* variable MUST be an array */
- if ((v->dimensions == 1) && (v->array_sizes[0] == 1))
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* variable storage is a mess, we bypass that tradition here. */
- t = 1;
- for (n = 0; n < v->dimensions; n++)
- {
- t *= v->array_sizes[n];
- }
- if (t <= 1)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* open file */
- f = fopen(v->name, "r");
- if (f == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* read version number */
- n = 0;
- fread(&n, sizeof(long), 1, f);
- if (n != CSAVE_VERSION_1)
- {
- fclose(f);
- bwb_error("Bad File");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* read total number of elements */
- n = 0;
- fread(&n, sizeof(long), 1, f);
- if (n != t)
- {
- fclose(f);
- bwb_error("Size Mismatch");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* read data */
- fread(v->memnum, sizeof(BasicNumberType), t, f);
- /* OK */
- fclose(f);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CSAVE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* CSAVE [filename$] */
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- return bwb_SAVE(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CLOAD(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* CLOAD [filename$] */
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- return bwb_LOAD(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_SAVE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- FILE *outfile;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Get an argument for filename */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- if (l->buffer[l->position] == '\0' || l->buffer[l->position] == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- /* default is the last filename used by LOAD or SAVE */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Section added by JBV (bug found by DD) */
- struct exp_ese *e; /* JBV */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (e->type != STRING)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_save(): Missing filespec");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- str_btoc(CURTASK progfile, exp_getsval(e)); /* JBV */
- }
- if (strlen(CURTASK progfile) == 0)
- {
- bwb_error(err_nofn); /* Added by JBV (bug found by DD) */
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if ((outfile = fopen(CURTASK progfile, "w")) == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_openfile, CURTASK progfile);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- bwb_xlist(l, outfile);
- fclose(outfile);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_list()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- LIST command.
- SYNTAX: LIST line[-line]
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_LIST(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- bwb_xlist(l, stdout);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_xlist()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function lists the program in
- memory to a specified output device.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_xlist(struct bwb_line * l, FILE * file)
- {
- struct bwb_line *start, *end, *current;
- BasicLineNumberType s, e;
- int f, r;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Default first value */
- start = CURTASK bwb_start.next;
- s = BasicLineNumberMin;
- /* Default last value */
- end = &CURTASK bwb_end;
- e = BasicLineNumberMax;
- /* Parse parameters */
- r = bwb_numseq(&(l->buffer[l->position]), &s, &e);
- /*
- r example
- = ================
- 0 LIST
- 1 LIST 1000
- 4 LIST -
- 5 LIST 1000-
- 6 LIST -9000
- 7 LIST 1000-9000
- */
- if (r == 1)
- {
- /* LIST 1000 */
- e = s;
- }
- /* advance to the end of the segment */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- /* abort if either number is out of range */
- if (s < BasicLineNumberMin || s > BasicLineNumberMax)
- {
- /* LIST 99999- */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, s);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (e < BasicLineNumberMin || e > BasicLineNumberMax)
- {
- /* LIST -99999 */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, e);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (s > e)
- {
- /* LIST 9999-1 */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, s);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* find the first line that actually exists that is >= START */
- f = FALSE;
- for (current = CURTASK bwb_start.next; (f == FALSE) && (current != &CURTASK bwb_end); current = current->next)
- {
- if (current->number >= s)
- {
- f = TRUE;
- start = current;
- }
- }
- /* "start" now points at the first line that actually exists that is
- * >= START */
- if (r == 1)
- {
- /* LIST 999 */
- if (s != start->number)
- {
- f = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* check and see if a line number was found */
- if (f == FALSE)
- {
- if (l->number > 0)
- {
- /* this is an executing program */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, s);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- f = FALSE;
- if (e > s)
- {
- /* find the last line that actually exists that is <= END */
- for (current = start; current != &CURTASK bwb_end; current = current->next)
- {
- if (current->number <= e)
- {
- f = TRUE;
- end = current;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* e == s */
- f = TRUE;
- end = start;
- }
- /* "end" now points at the last line that actually exists that is <=
- * END */
- if (r == 6 || r == 7)
- {
- /* LIST -999 */
- if (e < end->number)
- {
- f = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* "end" is always after "start" */
- end = end->next;
- while (end->number <= e)
- {
- end = end->next;
- }
- /* * "end" now points at the first line * that actually exists that
- * is > END */
- /* check and see if a line number was found */
- if (f == FALSE)
- {
- if (l->number > 0)
- {
- /* this is an executing program */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, e);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* now go through and list appropriate lines */
- bwb_scan();
- LastLineNumber = -1;
- for (current = start; current != end; current = current->next)
- {
- xl_line(file, current);
- }
- fprintf(file, "\n");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: xl_line()
- DESCRIPTION: This function lists a single program
- line to a specified device of file.
- It is called by bwb_xlist();
- ***************************************************************/
- static int
- xl_line(FILE * file, struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if ((file == stdout) || (file == stderr))
- {
- char tbuf[32];
- if (LastLineNumber == l->number)
- {
- strcpy(tbuf, " :");
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(tbuf, "%5d:", l->number);
- }
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- if (OptionFlags & OPTION_COVERAGE_ON)
- {
- #if 0
- sprintf(tbuf, "%c:", l->Coverage);
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- #endif
- if( l->LineFlags & LINE_EXECUTED )
- {
- prn_xprintf("*");
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf(" ");
- }
- prn_xprintf(":");
- }
- if (OptionIndentValue > 0)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < l->Indention; i++)
- {
- int j;
- for (j = 0; j < OptionIndentValue; j++)
- {
- prn_xprintf(" ");
- }
- }
- }
- prn_xprintf(l->buffer);
- prn_xprintf("\n");
- }
- else
- {
- #if 0
- if (LastLineNumber == l->number)
- {
- fprintf(file, "%s\n", l->buffer);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(file, "%d %s\n", l->number, l->buffer);
- }
- #endif
- if (LastLineNumber == l->number && OptionStatementChar != '\0' )
- {
- fprintf(file, "%c", OptionStatementChar);
- }
- else
- if(LastLineNumber == -1 )
- {
- /* first line, do nothing */
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(file, "\n");
- }
- if( l->LineFlags & LINE_NUMBERED )
- {
- fprintf(file, "%d ", l->number);
- }
- fprintf(file, "%s", l->buffer);
- }
- LastLineNumber = l->number;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_delete()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- DELETE command for interactive programming,
- deleting a specified program line (or lines)
- from memory.
- SYNTAX: DELETE line[-line]
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_DELETE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *start, *end, *current, *previous, *p, *next;
- BasicLineNumberType s, e;
- int f, r;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Default first value */
- start = CURTASK bwb_start.next;
- s = BasicLineNumberMin;
- /* Default last value */
- end = &CURTASK bwb_end;
- e = BasicLineNumberMax;
- /* Default previous value */
- previous = p = &CURTASK bwb_start;
- r = bwb_numseq(&(l->buffer[l->position]), &s, &e);
- /*
- r example
- = ================
- 1 DELETE 1000
- 4 DELETE -
- 5 DELETE 1000-
- 6 DELETE -9000
- 7 DELETE 1000-9000
- */
- if (r == 1)
- {
- /* DELETE 1000 */
- e = s;
- }
- /* advance to the end of the segment */
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- /* abort if either number is out of range */
- if (s < BasicLineNumberMin || s > BasicLineNumberMax)
- {
- /* DELETE 99999- */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, s);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (e < BasicLineNumberMin || e > BasicLineNumberMax)
- {
- /* DELETE -99999 */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, e);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (s > e)
- {
- /* DELETE 9999-1 */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, s);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* find the first line that exists that is >= START */
- f = FALSE;
- for (current = CURTASK bwb_start.next; (f == FALSE) && (current != &CURTASK bwb_end); current = current->next)
- {
- if (current->number >= s)
- {
- f = TRUE;
- previous = p;
- start = current;
- }
- p = current;
- }
- /* "start" now points at the first line that actually exists that is
- * >= START */
- /* "previous" now points at the first line that actually exists that
- * is < START */
- if (r == 1)
- {
- /* DELETE 1000 */
- if (s != start->number)
- {
- f = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* check and see if a line number was found */
- if (f == FALSE)
- {
- if (l->number > 0)
- {
- /* this is an executing program */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, s);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- f = FALSE;
- if (e > s)
- {
- /* find the last line that actually exists that is <= END */
- for (current = start; current != &CURTASK bwb_end; current = current->next)
- {
- if (current->number <= e)
- {
- f = TRUE;
- end = current;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* e == s */
- f = TRUE;
- end = start;
- }
- /* "end" now points at the last line that actually exists that is <=
- * END */
- if (r == 6 || r == 7)
- {
- /* DELETE -999 */
- /* DELETE 1-999 */
- if (e < end->number)
- {
- f = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* "end" is always after "start" */
- end = end->next;
- while (end->number <= e)
- {
- end = end->next;
- }
- /* * "end" now points at the first line * that actually exists * that
- * is > END */
- /* check and see if a line number was found */
- if (f == FALSE)
- {
- if (l->number > 0)
- {
- /* this is an executing program */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_lnnotfound, e);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (l->number > 0)
- {
- /* This is an executing progrram. So make sure DELETE removes
- * structured commands completely. The BASIC program must
- * delete all of a structured command. Do not allow a
- * dangling FOR, NEXT, and so on, since that is just a FATAL
- * error waiting to happen. FOR - NEXT DO - LOOP WHILE - WEND
- s = start->number;
- e = end->number;
- current = start;
- while ((current != end) && (current != &CURTASK bwb_end))
- {
- if (current->OtherLine != NULL)
- {
- /* this line is either the Top or the Bottomm
- * of a structured command */
- /* verify the other end of the block is also
- * in the DELETE range */
- int n;
- n = current->OtherLine->number;
- if (n < s || n >= e)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf,
- "Cannot delete at %d because %d is not included"
- ,current->number
- ,n
- );
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- current = current->next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* The user is executing DELETE interactively, Allow user to
- * DELETE whatever they want. Whenever user attempts to run,
- * bwb_scan() will find any mismatch. */
- }
- /* now go through and delete appropriate lines */
- current = start;
- while ((current != end) && (current != &CURTASK bwb_end))
- {
- next = current->next;
- if (current == l)
- {
- l = previous;
- }
- if (current->OtherLine != NULL)
- {
- /* remove any existing structured command linkage */
- current->OtherLine->OtherLine = NULL;
- current->OtherLine = NULL;
- }
- bwb_freeline(current);
- current = next;
- }
- /* previous should now be set to the line previous to the first in
- * the omission list */
- previous->next = current;
- CURTASK rescan = TRUE; /* program needs to be scanned again */
- bwb_scan();
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_donum()
- DESCRIPTION: This function implements the BASIC DO
- NUM command, numbering all program lines
- in memory in increments of 10 beginning
- at 10.
- ***************************************************************/
- #if 0
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_donum(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *current;
- register int lnumber;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- lnumber = 10;
- for (current = bwb_start.next; current != &bwb_end; current = current->next)
- {
- current->number = lnumber;
- lnumber += 10;
- if (lnumber > BasicLineNumberMax)
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_dounnum()
- DESCRIPTION: This function implements the BASIC DO
- UNNUM command, removing all line numbers
- from the program in memory.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_dounnum(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *current;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- for (current = bwb_start.next; current != &bwb_end; current = current->next)
- {
- current->number = 0;
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- #endif /* 0 */
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_chain()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- CHAIN command.
- SYNTAX: CHAIN "file-name" | file-name$
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CHAIN(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* based upon bwb_xload() */
- FILE *loadfile;
- struct exp_ese *e;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* Get an argument for filename */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- if (l->buffer[l->position] == '\0' || l->buffer[l->position] == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- bwb_error(err_nofn); /* Added by JBV (bug found by DD) */
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* The file-name may be any string expression */
- e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (e->type != STRING)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_chain(): Missing filespec");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* save the filename */
- str_btoc(CURTASK progfile, exp_getsval(e));
- /* deallocate all variables except common ones */
- var_delcvars();
- /* remove old program from memory */
- bwb_xnew(&bwb_start);
- /* call xload function to load new program in memory */
- if ((loadfile = fopen(CURTASK progfile, "r")) == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, err_openfile, CURTASK progfile);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- bwb_fload(loadfile);
- bwb_scan();
- /* reset all stack counters */
- CURTASK exsc = 0;
- CURTASK expsc = 0;
- /* run the program */
- /* CHAIN */
- bwb_Warning_Clear();
- stopped_line = 0;
- SetOnError(0);
- CURTASK bwb_start.position = 0;
- bwb_setexec(&CURTASK bwb_start, 0, EXEC_NORM);
- return &CURTASK bwb_start;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_merge()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- MERGE command, merging command lines from
- a specified file into the program in memory
- without deleting the lines already in memory.
- SYNTAX: MERGE file-name
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_MERGE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* call xload function to merge program in memory */
- bwb_xload(l);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- void
- SetOnError(int LineNumber)
- {
- /* scan the stack looking for a FUNCTION/SUB */
- int i;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- i = CURTASK exsc;
- while (i > 0)
- {
- struct bwb_line *current;
- current = CURTASK excs[i].LoopTopLine;
- if (current != NULL)
- {
- switch (current->cmdnum)
- {
- case C_FUNCTION:
- case C_SUB:
- /* FOUND */
- /* we are in a FUNCTION/SUB, so this is LOCAL */
- CURTASK excs[i].OnErrorGoto = LineNumber;
- return;
- break;
- }
- }
- i--;
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- /* we are NOT in a FUNCTION/SUB */
- CURTASK excs[0].OnErrorGoto = LineNumber;
- }
- int
- GetOnError(void)
- {
- /* scan the stack looking for a FUNCTION/SUB */
- int i;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- i = CURTASK exsc;
- while (i >= 0)
- {
- if (CURTASK excs[i].OnErrorGoto != 0)
- {
- /* FOUND */
- return CURTASK excs[i].OnErrorGoto;
- }
- i--;
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return 0;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_onerror()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- ON ERROR GOSUB command.
- SYNTAX: ON ERROR GOSUB line | label
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_ON_ERROR_GOTO(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* ON ERROR GOTO line */
- struct bwb_line *x;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- /* get the line number */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "0") == 0)
- {
- SetOnError(0);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- x = find_label(tbuf);
- if (x != NULL)
- {
- SetOnError(x->number);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_ON_ERROR_GOSUB(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* ON ERROR GOSUB line */
- struct bwb_line *x;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- /* get the line number */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "0") == 0)
- {
- SetOnError(0);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- x = find_label(tbuf);
- if (x != NULL)
- {
- SetOnError(x->number);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_ON_ERROR_RESUME_NEXT(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- SetOnError(-1);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_ON_ERROR_RETURN_NEXT(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- SetOnError(-1);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_ON_TIMER(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* ON TIMER(...) GOSUB ... TIMER ON ... */
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- int p;
- struct exp_ese *rvar;
- BasicNumberType v;
- BasicNumberType minv;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* turn off the TIMER - so syntax errors will NOT fire the timer */
- bwb_Timer_Off();
- tmr_gotol = 0;
- tmr_count = 0;
- /* get the SECOMDS parameter */
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- p = 0;
- rvar = bwb_exp(tbuf, FALSE, &p);
- {
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- v = exp_getnval(rvar);
- minv = 1;
- minv /= CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- if (v > minv)
- {
- /* get the GOSUB keyword */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "GOSUB") == 0)
- {
- /* ON TIMER(X) GOSUB line */
- struct bwb_line *x;
- /* get the line number */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- x = find_label(tbuf);
- if (x != NULL)
- {
- tmr_gotol = x->number;
- tmr_count = v;
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- }
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_TIMER(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* turn off the TIMER - so syntax errors will NOT fire the timer */
- bwb_Timer_Off();
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_TIMER_OFF(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* turn off the TIMER - so syntax errors will NOT fire the timer */
- bwb_Timer_Off();
- /* TIMER OFF */
- tmr_gotol = 0;
- tmr_count = 0;
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_TIMER_ON(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* turn off the TIMER - so syntax errors will NOT fire the timer */
- bwb_Timer_Off();
- /* TIMER ON */
- if (tmr_count > 0 && tmr_gotol > 0)
- {
- tmr_expires = bwx_TIMER(tmr_count);
- bwb_Timer_On();
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_TIMER_STOP(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* turn off the TIMER - so syntax errors will NOT fire the timer */
- bwb_Timer_Off();
- /* TIMER STOP */
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_resume()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function implements the BASIC
- RESUME command.
- SYNTAX: RESUME [ 0 | NEXT | line | label ]
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_RESUME(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- struct bwb_line *x = NULL;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (err_number == 0) /* RESUME without ERR are FATAL */
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "RESUME WITHOUT ERR AT %d", CURTASK number);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (err_line == NULL)
- {
- /* RESUME without ERL are FATAL */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "RESUME WITHOUT ERL AT %d", CURTASK number);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (err_line->number == 0)
- {
- /* RESUME without ERL are FATAL */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "RESUME WITHOUT ERL AT %d", CURTASK number);
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* Get optional argument for RESUME */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strlen(tbuf) == 0 || strcasecmp(tbuf, "0") == 0)
- {
- /* RESUME [0] */
- /* Execution resumes at the statement which caused the error */
- x = err_line;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "NEXT") == 0)
- {
- /* Execution resumes at the statement immediately following
- * the one which caused the error */
- x = err_line->next;
- }
- else
- {
- /* RESUME line|label */
- x = find_label(tbuf);
- }
- if (x != NULL)
- {
- bwb_Warning_Clear();
- x->position = 0;
- return x;
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_xnew()
- DESCRIPTION: Clears the program in memory, but does not
- deallocate all variables.
- ***************************************************************/
- void
- bwb_xnew(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- struct bwb_line *current, *previous;
- int wait;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- previous = NULL; /* JBV */
- wait = TRUE;
- for (current = l->next; current != &CURTASK bwb_end; current = current->next)
- {
- if (wait != TRUE)
- {
- /* Revised to FREE pass-thru call by JBV */
- FREE(previous, "bwb_xnew");
- }
- wait = FALSE;
- previous = current;
- }
- l->next = &bwb_end;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_cmds()
- DESCRIPTION: This function implements a CMD command,
- which lists all commands implemented.
- It is not part of a BASIC specification,
- but is used for debugging bwBASIC.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CMDS(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- register int n;
- int t;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* run through the command table and print comand names */
- t = 0;
- for (n = 0; n < NUM_COMMANDS; ++n)
- {
- prn_iprintf(bwb_cmdtable[n].name);
- if (t < 4)
- {
- prn_iprintf("\t");
- t++;
- }
- else
- {
- prn_iprintf("\n");
- t = 0;
- }
- }
- if (t > 0)
- {
- prn_iprintf("\n");
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- static void
- CommandUniqueID(int i, char *UniqueID)
- {
- char *C;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- strcpy(UniqueID, "C_");
- if (strcasecmp(bwb_cmdtable[i].name, "?") == 0)
- {
- strcat(UniqueID, "QUEST");
- }
- else
- {
- strcat(UniqueID, bwb_cmdtable[i].name);
- }
- C = UniqueID;
- while (*C != '\0')
- {
- if (!isalnum(*C))
- *C = '_';
- C++;
- }
- }
- static void
- CommandVector(int i, char *Vector)
- {
- char *C;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- strcpy(Vector, "bwb_");
- if (strcasecmp(bwb_cmdtable[i].name, "?") == 0)
- {
- strcat(Vector, "QUEST");
- }
- else
- {
- strcat(Vector, bwb_cmdtable[i].name);
- }
- C = Vector;
- while (*C != '\0')
- {
- if (!isalnum(*C))
- *C = '_';
- C++;
- }
- }
- static void
- CommandOptionVersion(int n, char *OutputLine)
- {
- int i;
- int j;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- strcpy(OutputLine, "");
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_VERSIONS; i++)
- {
- if (bwb_cmdtable[n].OptionVersionBitmask & bwb_vertable[i].OptionVersionBitmask)
- {
- if (j > 0)
- {
- strcat(OutputLine, " | ");
- }
- strcat(OutputLine, bwb_vertable[i].ID);
- j++;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- SortAllCommands(void)
- {
- static int IsSorted = FALSE;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (IsSorted == FALSE)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_COMMANDS - 1; i++)
- {
- int j;
- int k;
- k = i;
- for (j = i + 1; j < NUM_COMMANDS; j++)
- {
- if (strcasecmp(bwb_cmdtable[j].name, bwb_cmdtable[k].name) < 0)
- {
- k = j;
- }
- }
- if (k > i)
- {
- struct bwb_command t;
- memcpy(&t, &(bwb_cmdtable[i]), sizeof(struct bwb_command));
- memcpy(&(bwb_cmdtable[i]), &(bwb_cmdtable[k]), sizeof(struct bwb_command));
- memcpy(&(bwb_cmdtable[k]), &t, sizeof(struct bwb_command));
- }
- }
- IsSorted = TRUE;
- }
- }
- void
- SortAllFunctions(void)
- {
- static int IsSorted = FALSE;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (IsSorted == FALSE)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_FUNCTIONS - 1; i++)
- {
- int j;
- int k;
- k = i;
- for (j = i + 1; j < NUM_FUNCTIONS; j++)
- {
- int n;
- n = strcasecmp(bwb_prefuncs[j].Name, bwb_prefuncs[k].Name);
- if (n < 0)
- {
- k = j;
- }
- else
- if (n == 0)
- {
- if (bwb_prefuncs[j].ParameterCount < bwb_prefuncs[k].ParameterCount)
- {
- k = j;
- }
- }
- }
- if (k > i)
- {
- struct bwb_function t;
- memcpy(&t, &(bwb_prefuncs[i]), sizeof(struct bwb_function));
- memcpy(&(bwb_prefuncs[i]), &(bwb_prefuncs[k]), sizeof(struct bwb_function));
- memcpy(&(bwb_prefuncs[k]), &t, sizeof(struct bwb_function));
- }
- }
- IsSorted = TRUE;
- }
- }
- void
- DumpAllCommandUniqueID(void)
- {
- register int i;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- prn_lprintf("/* COMMANDS */\n");
- /* run through the command table and print comand #define */
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_COMMANDS; i++)
- {
- char *Syntax;
- char UniqueID[BasicNameLengthMax + 1];
- CommandUniqueID(i, UniqueID);
- Syntax = bwb_cmdtable[i].name;
- sprintf(tbuf, "#define %-30s %3d /* %-30s */\n", UniqueID, i + 1, Syntax);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- sprintf(tbuf, "#define NUM_COMMANDS %d\n", i);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- static void
- ProcessEscapeChars(const char *Input, char *Output)
- {
- int n;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- n = 0;
- while (*Input != '\0')
- {
- switch (*Input)
- {
- case '\n':
- *Output = '\\';
- Output++;
- *Output = 'n';
- Output++;
- break;
- case '\t':
- *Output = '\\';
- Output++;
- *Output = 't';
- Output++;
- break;
- case '\"':
- *Output = '\\';
- Output++;
- *Output = '"';
- Output++;
- break;
- default:
- *Output = *Input;
- Output++;
- break;
- }
- Input++;
- *Output = '\0';
- n++;
- if (n > 60)
- {
- *Output = '\"';
- Output++;
- *Output = '\n';
- Output++;
- *Output = '\"';
- Output++;
- *Output = '\0';
- n = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- DumpAllCommandTableDefinitions(void)
- {
- /* generate bwd_cmd.c */
- int i;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- prn_lprintf("/* COMMAND TABLE */\n\n");
- prn_lprintf("#include \"bwbasic.h\"\n\n");
- prn_lprintf("struct bwb_command bwb_cmdtable[ NUM_COMMANDS ] =\n");
- prn_lprintf("{\n");
- /* run through the command table and print comand #define */
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_COMMANDS; i++)
- {
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- prn_lprintf("{\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- CommandUniqueID(i, tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(", /* UniqueID */\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("\"");
- ProcessEscapeChars(bwb_cmdtable[i].Syntax, tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- prn_lprintf("\"");
- prn_lprintf(", /* Syntax */\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("\"");
- ProcessEscapeChars(bwb_cmdtable[i].Description, tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- prn_lprintf("\"");
- prn_lprintf(", /* Description */\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("\"");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_cmdtable[i].name);
- prn_lprintf("\"");
- prn_lprintf(", /* Name */\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- CommandOptionVersion(i, tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(" /* OptionVersionBitmask */\n");
- prn_lprintf("},\n");
- }
- prn_lprintf("};\n\n");
- }
- void
- DumpAllCommandSwitchStatement(void)
- {
- int i;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* run through the command table and print comand #define */
- prn_lprintf("/* SWITCH */\n");
- prn_lprintf("struct bwb_line *bwb_vector( struct bwb_line *l )\n");
- prn_lprintf("{\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("struct bwb_line *r;\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("switch( l->cmdnum )\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("{\n");
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_COMMANDS; i++)
- {
- char tbuf[BasicNameLengthMax + 1];
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("case ");
- CommandUniqueID(i, tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(":\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("r = ");
- CommandVector(i, tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- prn_lprintf("( l );\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("break;\n");
- }
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("default:\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("sprintf( bwb_ebuf, \"in bwb_vector(), INTERNAL ERROR: %d not in switch\", l->cmdnum );\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("bwb_error( bwb_ebuf );\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("r = l;\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("break;\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("}\n");
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("return r;\n");
- prn_lprintf("}\n");
- }
- void
- DumpOneCommandSyntax(int n, int lp)
- {
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (n < 0 || n >= NUM_COMMANDS)
- {
- return;
- }
- /* NAME */
- {
- sprintf(tbuf, " SYNTAX: %s\n", bwb_cmdtable[n].Syntax);
- if (lp)
- {
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- }
- }
- {
- sprintf(tbuf, "DESCRIPTION: %s\n", bwb_cmdtable[n].Description);
- if (lp)
- {
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- }
- }
- if (lp)
- {
- int i;
- sprintf(tbuf, " VERSIONS:\n");
- if (lp)
- {
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_VERSIONS; i++)
- {
- char X;
- if (bwb_cmdtable[n].OptionVersionBitmask & bwb_vertable[i].OptionVersionBitmask)
- {
- X = 'X';
- }
- else
- {
- X = '_';
- }
- sprintf(tbuf, " [%c] %s\n", X, bwb_vertable[i].Name);
- if (lp)
- {
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- DumpAllCommandSyntax(void)
- {
- /* for the C maintainer */
- int n;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- for (n = 0; n < NUM_COMMANDS; n++)
- {
- prn_lprintf("------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- DumpOneCommandSyntax(n, TRUE);
- }
- prn_lprintf("------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- }
- void
- DumpAllCommandHtmlTable(void)
- {
- /* generate bwd_cmd.htm */
- int i;
- int j;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* LEGEND */
- prn_lprintf("<h1>LEGEND</h1><br>\n");
- prn_lprintf("<table>\n");
- prn_lprintf("<tr>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf("<b>");
- prn_lprintf("ID");
- prn_lprintf("</b>");
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf("<b>");
- prn_lprintf("NAME");
- prn_lprintf("</b>");
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf("<b>");
- prn_lprintf("DESCRIPTION");
- prn_lprintf("</b>");
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("</tr>\n");
- for (j = 0; j < NUM_VERSIONS; j++)
- {
- prn_lprintf("<tr>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_vertable[j].ID);
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_vertable[j].Name);
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_vertable[j].Description);
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("</tr>\n");
- }
- prn_lprintf("</table>\n");
- prn_lprintf("<hr>\n");
- /* DETAILS */
- prn_lprintf("<h1>DETAILS</h1><br>\n");
- prn_lprintf("<table>\n");
- prn_lprintf("<tr>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf("<b>");
- prn_lprintf("COMMAND");
- prn_lprintf("</b>");
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- for (j = 0; j < NUM_VERSIONS; j++)
- {
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf("<b>");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_vertable[j].ID);
- prn_lprintf("</b>");
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- }
- prn_lprintf("</tr>\n");
- /* run through the command table and print comand -vs- OPTION VERSION */
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_COMMANDS; i++)
- {
- prn_lprintf("<tr>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_cmdtable[i].name);
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- for (j = 0; j < NUM_VERSIONS; j++)
- {
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- if (bwb_cmdtable[i].OptionVersionBitmask & bwb_vertable[j].OptionVersionBitmask)
- {
- prn_lprintf("X");
- }
- else
- {
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- }
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- }
- prn_lprintf("</tr>\n");
- }
- prn_lprintf("</table>\n");
- prn_lprintf("\n");
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_HELP(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* HELP ... */
- int n;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- int Found;
- char * C;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- Found = FALSE;
- C = l->buffer;
- C += l->position;
- strcpy( tbuf, C );
- C = strchr( tbuf, OptionCommentChar );
- if( C != NULL )
- {
- *C = '\0';
- }
- /* RTRIM$ */
- C = tbuf;
- if (*C != 0)
- {
- /* not an empty line, so remove one (or more) trailing spaces */
- char *E;
- E = strchr(tbuf, 0);
- E--;
- while (E >= tbuf && *E == ' ')
- {
- *E = 0;
- E--;
- }
- }
- /* EXACT match */
- for (n = 0; n < NUM_COMMANDS; n++)
- {
- if (strcasecmp(bwb_cmdtable[n].name, tbuf) == 0)
- {
- prn_xprintf("------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- DumpOneCommandSyntax(n, FALSE);
- Found = TRUE;
- }
- }
- for (n = 0; n < NUM_FUNCTIONS; n++)
- {
- if (strcasecmp(bwb_prefuncs[n].Name, tbuf) == 0)
- {
- prn_xprintf("------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- DumpOneFunctionSyntax(n, FALSE);
- Found = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (Found == FALSE)
- {
- /* PARTIAL match */
- int Length;
- Length = strlen(tbuf);
- for (n = 0; n < NUM_COMMANDS; n++)
- {
- if (strncasecmp(bwb_cmdtable[n].name, tbuf, Length) == 0)
- {
- if (Found == FALSE)
- {
- prn_xprintf("The following topics are a partial match:\n");
- }
- prn_xprintf(bwb_cmdtable[n].name);
- prn_xprintf("\t");
- Found = TRUE;
- }
- }
- for (n = 0; n < NUM_FUNCTIONS; n++)
- {
- if (strncasecmp(bwb_prefuncs[n].Name, tbuf, Length) == 0)
- {
- if (Found == FALSE)
- {
- prn_xprintf("The following topics are a partial match:\n");
- }
- prn_xprintf(bwb_prefuncs[n].Name);
- prn_xprintf("\t");
- Found = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (Found == TRUE)
- {
- /* match */
- prn_xprintf("\n");
- }
- }
- if (Found == FALSE)
- {
- /* NO match */
- prn_xprintf("No help found.\n");
- }
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- int
- NumberValueCheck(unsigned long ParameterTests, BasicNumberType X)
- {
- BasicNumberType XR; /* rounded value */
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check for invalid numeric value */
- if (isnan(X))
- {
- return -1;
- }
- XR = rint(X);
- ParameterTests &= 0x0000000F;
- switch (ParameterTests)
- {
- case P1ERR:
- {
- return -1;
- }
- break;
- case P1ANY:
- if (XR < -DBL_MAX || XR > DBL_MAX)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- case P1BYT:
- if (XR < 0 || XR > UCHAR_MAX)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1INT:
- if (XR < SHRT_MIN || XR > SHRT_MAX)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1LNG:
- if (XR < LONG_MIN || XR > LONG_MAX)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1CUR:
- if (XR < LONG_MIN || XR > LONG_MAX)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1FLT:
- if (X < -FLT_MAX || X > FLT_MAX)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1DBL:
- if (X < -DBL_MAX || X > DBL_MAX)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1DEV:
- /* BasicFileNumberMax must be <= INT16_MAX */
- if (XR < 0 || XR > BasicFileNumberMax)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1LEN:
- /* BasicStringLengthMax must be <= INT16_MAX */
- if (XR < 0 || XR > BasicStringLengthMax)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1POS:
- /* BasicStringLengthMax must be <= INT16_MAX */
- if (XR < 1 || XR > BasicStringLengthMax)
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1COM:
- /* Number of COMx: ports must be <= INT16_MAX */
- if (XR == 1 || XR == 2 || XR == 3 || XR == 4)
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1LPT:
- /* Number of LPTx: ports must be <= INT16_MAX */
- if (XR == 0 || XR == 1 || XR == 2 || XR == 3)
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1GTZ:
- if (X > 0)
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1GEZ:
- if (X >= 0)
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1NEZ:
- if (X != 0)
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- int
- StringLengthCheck(unsigned long ParameterTests, int s)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* check for invalid string length */
- if (s < 0 || s > BasicStringLengthMax)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- ParameterTests &= 0x0000000F;
- switch (ParameterTests)
- {
- case P1ERR:
- {
- return -1;
- }
- break;
- case P1ANY:
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1BYT:
- if (s >= sizeof(BasicByteType))
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1INT:
- if (s >= sizeof(BasicIntegerType))
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1LNG:
- if (s >= sizeof(BasicLongType))
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1CUR:
- if (s >= sizeof(BasicCurrencyType))
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1FLT:
- if (s >= sizeof(BasicSingleType))
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1DBL:
- if (s >= sizeof(BasicDoubleType))
- {
- /* OK */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case P1DEV:
- case P1LEN:
- case P1POS:
- case P1GEZ:
- case P1GTZ:
- case P1NEZ:
- {
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* ERROR */
- return -1;
- }
- void
- FunctionDefinitionCheck(struct bwb_function * f)
- {
- /* function definition check -- look for obvious errors */
- char bwb_ebuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* sanity check */
- if (f->ParameterCount == PNONE)
- {
- /* function has NO parameters */
- if (f->ParameterTypes == PNONE)
- {
- /* OK */
- }
- else
- {
- /* oops */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in fnc_init(): invalid ParameterTypes <%s>\n", f->Name);
- prn_xprintf(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- if (f->ParameterTests == PNONE)
- {
- /* OK */
- }
- else
- {
- /* oops */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in fnc_init(): invalid ParameterTests <%s>\n", f->Name);
- prn_xprintf(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* function HAS parameters */
- int i;
- unsigned long ParameterTests;
- ParameterTests = f->ParameterTests;
- for (i = 0; i < f->ParameterCount; i++)
- {
- /* sanity check this parameter */
- unsigned long thischeck;
- thischeck = ParameterTests & 0x0000000F;
- /* verify parameter check */
- if (f->ParameterTypes & (1 << i))
- {
- /* STRING */
- if (thischeck >= P1ANY && thischeck <= P1DBL)
- {
- /* OK */
- }
- else
- {
- /* oops */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in fnc_init(): invalid ParameterTests <%s> parameter %d\n", f->Name, i + 1);
- prn_xprintf(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* NUMBER */
- if (thischeck >= P1ANY && thischeck <= P1NEZ)
- {
- /* OK */
- }
- else
- {
- /* oops */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in fnc_init(): invalid ParameterTests <%s> parameter %d\n", f->Name, i + 1);
- prn_xprintf(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- }
- ParameterTests = ParameterTests >> 4;
- }
- if (ParameterTests != 0)
- {
- /* oops */
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in fnc_init(): invalid ParameterTests <%s> parameter %d\n", f->Name, i + 1);
- prn_xprintf(bwb_ebuf);
- }
- }
- }
- void
- FunctionUniqueID(struct bwb_function * f, char *UniqueID)
- {
- /* generate the function's UniqueID */
- /* manual fixup required for duplicates */
- char *D; /* location of $ */
- char NumVar;
- char StrVar;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- NumVar = 'X';
- StrVar = 'A';
- /* F_ */
- strcpy(UniqueID, "F_");
- /* NAME */
- strcat(UniqueID, f->Name);
- D = strchr(UniqueID, BasicStringSuffix);
- if (D == NULL)
- {
- /* NOT FOUND */
- }
- else
- {
- /* FOUND */
- *D = 0; /* remove it */
- }
- if (f->ParameterCount == PNONE)
- {
- /* function has NO parameters */
- }
- else
- {
- /* function HAS parameters */
- int i;
- unsigned int ParameterTypes;
- /* unsigned long ParameterTests; */
- ParameterTypes = f->ParameterTypes;
- /* ParameterTests = f->ParameterTests; */
- for (i = 0; i < f->ParameterCount; i++)
- {
- char VarName[BasicNameLengthMax + 1];
- /* sanity check this parameter */
- /* unsigned long thischeck; thischeck =
- * ParameterTests & 0x0000000F; */
- /* verify parameter check */
- if (ParameterTypes & 1)
- {
- /* STRING */
- sprintf(VarName, "_%c", StrVar);
- StrVar++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* NUMBER */
- sprintf(VarName, "_%c", NumVar);
- NumVar++;
- }
- strcat(UniqueID, VarName);
- ParameterTypes = ParameterTypes >> 1;
- /* ParameterTests = ParameterTests >> 4; */
- }
- }
- switch (f->ReturnType)
- {
- case STRING:
- strcat(UniqueID, "_S");
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- strcat(UniqueID, "_N");
- break;
- default:
- strcat(UniqueID, "_INTERNAL ERROR");
- break;
- }
- /* fixup illegal characters, "DEF FN" "BLOAD:", "CLOAD*" */
- {
- char *P;
- P = UniqueID;
- while (*P)
- {
- if (isalnum(*P))
- {
- /* OK */
- }
- else
- {
- /* FIXUP */
- *P = '_';
- }
- P++;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- FunctionSyntax(struct bwb_function * f, char *Syntax)
- {
- /* generate the function's Syntax */
- char NumVar;
- char StrVar;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- NumVar = 'X';
- StrVar = 'A';
- switch (f->ReturnType)
- {
- case STRING:
- strcpy(Syntax, "S$ = ");
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- strcpy(Syntax, "N = ");
- break;
- default:
- strcpy(Syntax, "INTERNAL ERROR = ");
- break;
- }
- /* NAME */
- strcat(Syntax, f->Name);
- if (f->ParameterCount == PNONE)
- {
- /* function has NO parameters */
- }
- else
- {
- /* function HAS parameters */
- int i;
- unsigned int ParameterTypes;
- /* unsigned long ParameterTests; */
- ParameterTypes = f->ParameterTypes;
- /* ParameterTests = f->ParameterTests; */
- switch (f->ReturnType)
- {
- case STRING:
- strcat(Syntax, "( ");
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- strcat(Syntax, "( ");
- break;
- default:
- strcat(Syntax, "INTERNAL ERROR( ");
- break;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < f->ParameterCount; i++)
- {
- char VarName[BasicNameLengthMax + 1];
- /* sanity check this parameter */
- /* unsigned long thischeck; thischeck =
- * ParameterTests & 0x0000000F; */
- if (i > 0)
- {
- strcat(Syntax, ", ");
- }
- /* verify parameter check */
- if (ParameterTypes & 1)
- {
- /* STRING */
- sprintf(VarName, "%c$", StrVar);
- StrVar++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* NUMBER */
- sprintf(VarName, "%c", NumVar);
- NumVar++;
- }
- strcat(Syntax, VarName);
- ParameterTypes = ParameterTypes >> 1;
- /* ParameterTests = ParameterTests >> 4; */
- }
- switch (f->ReturnType)
- {
- case STRING:
- strcat(Syntax, " )");
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- strcat(Syntax, " )");
- break;
- default:
- strcat(Syntax, " INTERNAL ERROR)");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- DumpAllFuctionUniqueID(void)
- {
- /* for the C maintainer */
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- int i;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- prn_lprintf("/* FUNCTIONS */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_FUNCTIONS; i++)
- {
- char UniqueID[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- char Syntax[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- FunctionUniqueID(&(bwb_prefuncs[i]), UniqueID);
- FunctionSyntax(&(bwb_prefuncs[i]), Syntax);
- sprintf(tbuf, "#define %-30s %3d /* %-30s */\n", UniqueID, i + 1, Syntax);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- sprintf(tbuf, "#define NUM_FUNCTIONS %d\n", i);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- void
- DumpAllFunctionSwitch(void)
- {
- /* for the C maintainer */
- int i;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- prn_lprintf("/* SWITCH */\n");
- prn_lprintf("switch( UniqueID )\n");
- prn_lprintf("{\n");
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_FUNCTIONS; i++)
- {
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- prn_lprintf("case ");
- FunctionUniqueID(&(bwb_prefuncs[i]), tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(":\n");
- prn_lprintf(" break;\n");
- }
- prn_lprintf("}\n");
- }
- static const char *ParameterRangeID[16] =
- {
- "P%dERR",
- "P%dANY",
- "P%dBYT",
- "P%dINT",
- "P%dLNG",
- "P%dCUR",
- "P%dFLT",
- "P%dDBL",
- "P%dDEV",
- "P%dLEN",
- "P%dPOS",
- "P%dCOM",
- "P%dLPT",
- "P%dGTZ",
- "P%dGEZ",
- "P%dNEZ",
- };
- static const char *NumberVariableRange[16] =
- {
- /* P1ERR */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, INTERNAL ERROR",
- /* P1ANY */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number",
- /* P1BYT */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [0,255]",
- /* P1INT */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [MININT,MAXINT]",
- /* P1LNG */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [MINLNG,MAXLNG]",
- /* P1CUR */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [MINCUR,MAXCUR]",
- /* P1FLT */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [MINFLT,MAXFLT]",
- /* P1DBL */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [MINDBL,MAXDBL]",
- /* P1DEV */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [1,MAXDEV]",
- /* P1LEN */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [0,MAXLEN]",
- /* P1POS */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [1,MAXLEN]",
- /* P1COM */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [1,4]",
- /* P1LPT */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, [0,3]",
- /* P1GTZ */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, > 0",
- /* P1GEZ */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, >= 0",
- /* P1NEZ */ " PARAMETER: %c is a number, <> 0",
- };
- static const char *StringVariableRange[16] =
- {
- /* P1ERR */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, INTERNAL ERROR",
- /* P1ANY */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, LEN >= 0",
- /* P1BYT */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, LEN >= 1",
- /* P1INT */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, LEN >= sizeof(INT)",
- /* P1LNG */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, LEN >= sizeof(LNG)",
- /* P1CUR */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, LEN >= sizeof(CUR)",
- /* P1FLT */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, LEN >= sizeof(FLT)",
- /* P1DBL */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, LEN >= sizeof(DBL)",
- /* P1DEV */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, RESERVED",
- /* P1LEN */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, RESERVED",
- /* P1POS */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, RESERVED",
- /* P1COM */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, RESERVED",
- /* P1LPT */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, RESERVED",
- /* P1GTZ */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, RESERVED",
- /* P1GEZ */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, RESERVED",
- /* P1NEZ */ " PARAMETER: %c$ is a string, RESERVED",
- };
- void
- DumpAllFuctionTableDefinitions(void)
- {
- /* generate bwd_fun.c */
- int n;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- prn_lprintf("/* FUNCTION TABLE */\n\n");
- prn_lprintf("#include \"bwbasic.h\"\n\n");
- prn_lprintf("struct bwb_function bwb_prefuncs[ NUM_FUNCTIONS ] =\n");
- prn_lprintf("{\n");
- for (n = 0; n < NUM_FUNCTIONS; n++)
- {
- int i;
- int j;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- char UniqueID[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- char Syntax[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- struct bwb_function *f;
- f = &(bwb_prefuncs[n]);
- FunctionUniqueID(f, UniqueID);
- FunctionSyntax(f, Syntax);
- prn_lprintf("{\n");
- sprintf(tbuf, " %s, /* UniqueID */\n", UniqueID);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- sprintf(tbuf, " \"%s\", /* Syntax */\n", Syntax);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- prn_lprintf("\"");
- ProcessEscapeChars(f->Description, tbuf);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- prn_lprintf("\"");
- prn_lprintf(", /* Description */\n");
- sprintf(tbuf, " \"%s\", /* Name */\n", f->Name);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- switch (f->ReturnType)
- {
- case STRING:
- sprintf(tbuf, " %s, /* ReturnType */\n", "STRING");
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- sprintf(tbuf, " %s, /* ReturnType */\n", "NUMBER");
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(tbuf, " %s, /* ReturnType */\n", "INTERNAL ERROR");
- break;
- }
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- sprintf(tbuf, " %d, /* ParameterCount */\n", f->ParameterCount);
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- if (f->ParameterCount == 0)
- {
- sprintf(tbuf, " %s, /* ParameterTypes */\n", "PNONE");
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- sprintf(tbuf, " %s, /* ParameterTests */\n", "PNONE");
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(tbuf, " ");
- for (i = 0; i < f->ParameterCount; i++)
- {
- int ParameterTypes;
- ParameterTypes = f->ParameterTypes >> i;
- ParameterTypes &= 0x1;
- if (i > 0)
- {
- strcat(tbuf, " | ");
- }
- if (ParameterTypes)
- {
- sprintf(strchr(tbuf, 0), "P%dSTR", i + 1);
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(strchr(tbuf, 0), "P%dNUM", i + 1);
- }
- }
- strcat(tbuf, ", /* ParameterTypes */\n");
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- strcpy(tbuf, " ");
- for (i = 0; i < f->ParameterCount; i++)
- {
- unsigned int ParameterTests;
- ParameterTests = f->ParameterTests >> (i * 4);
- ParameterTests &= 0xF;
- if (i > 0)
- {
- strcat(tbuf, " | ");
- }
- sprintf(strchr(tbuf, 0), ParameterRangeID[ParameterTests], i + 1);
- }
- strcat(tbuf, ", /* ParameterTests */\n");
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- sprintf(tbuf, " %s, /* NextPointer */\n", "NULL");
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- strcpy(tbuf, " ");
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_VERSIONS; i++)
- {
- if (f->OptionVersionBitmask & bwb_vertable[i].OptionVersionBitmask)
- {
- if (j > 0)
- {
- strcat(tbuf, " | ");
- }
- strcat(tbuf, bwb_vertable[i].ID);
- j++;
- }
- }
- strcat(tbuf, " /* OptionVersionBitmask */\n");
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- prn_lprintf("},\n");
- }
- prn_lprintf("};\n\n");
- }
- void
- DumpOneFunctionSyntax(int n, int lp)
- {
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- struct bwb_function *f;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (n < 0 || n >= NUM_FUNCTIONS)
- {
- return;
- }
- f = &(bwb_prefuncs[n]);
- /* NAME */
- {
- char UniqueID[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- char Syntax[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- FunctionUniqueID(f, UniqueID);
- FunctionSyntax(f, Syntax);
- sprintf(tbuf, " SYNTAX: %s\n", Syntax);
- if (lp)
- {
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- }
- }
- if (f->ParameterCount == PNONE)
- {
- /* function has NO parameters */
- }
- else
- {
- /* function HAS parameters */
- int i;
- unsigned int ParameterTypes;
- unsigned long ParameterTests;
- char NumVar;
- char StrVar;
- ParameterTypes = f->ParameterTypes;
- ParameterTests = f->ParameterTests;
- NumVar = 'X';
- StrVar = 'A';
- for (i = 0; i < f->ParameterCount; i++)
- {
- /* sanity check this parameter */
- unsigned long thischeck;
- thischeck = ParameterTests & 0x0000000F;
- /* verify parameter check */
- if (ParameterTypes & 1)
- {
- /* STRING */
- sprintf(tbuf, StringVariableRange[thischeck], StrVar);
- StrVar++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* NUMBER */
- sprintf(tbuf, NumberVariableRange[thischeck], NumVar);
- NumVar++;
- }
- if (lp)
- {
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- }
- if (lp)
- {
- prn_lprintf("\n");
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf("\n");
- }
- ParameterTypes = ParameterTypes >> 1;
- ParameterTests = ParameterTests >> 4;
- }
- }
- {
- sprintf(tbuf, "DESCRIPTION: %s\n", f->Description);
- if (lp)
- {
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- }
- }
- if (lp)
- {
- int i;
- sprintf(tbuf, " VERSIONS:\n");
- if (lp)
- {
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_VERSIONS; i++)
- {
- char X;
- if (f->OptionVersionBitmask & bwb_vertable[i].OptionVersionBitmask)
- {
- X = 'X';
- }
- else
- {
- X = '_';
- }
- sprintf(tbuf, " [%c] %s\n", X, bwb_vertable[i].Name);
- if (lp)
- {
- prn_lprintf(tbuf);
- }
- else
- {
- prn_xprintf(tbuf);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- DumpAllFuctionSyntax(void)
- {
- /* for the C maintainer */
- int n;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- for (n = 0; n < NUM_FUNCTIONS; n++)
- {
- prn_lprintf("------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- DumpOneFunctionSyntax(n, TRUE);
- }
- prn_lprintf("------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- }
- void
- DumpAllFunctionHtmlTable(void)
- {
- /* generate bwd_cmd.htm */
- int i;
- int j;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* LEGEND */
- prn_lprintf("<h1>LEGEND</h1><br>\n");
- prn_lprintf("<table>\n");
- prn_lprintf("<tr>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf("<b>");
- prn_lprintf("ID");
- prn_lprintf("</b>");
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf("<b>");
- prn_lprintf("NAME");
- prn_lprintf("</b>");
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf("<b>");
- prn_lprintf("DESCRIPTION");
- prn_lprintf("</b>");
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("</tr>\n");
- for (j = 0; j < NUM_VERSIONS; j++)
- {
- prn_lprintf("<tr>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_vertable[j].ID);
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_vertable[j].Name);
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_vertable[j].Description);
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- prn_lprintf("</tr>\n");
- }
- prn_lprintf("</table>\n");
- prn_lprintf("<hr>\n");
- /* DETAILS */
- prn_lprintf("<h1>DETAILS</h1><br>\n");
- prn_lprintf("<table>\n");
- prn_lprintf("<tr>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf("<b>");
- prn_lprintf("FUNCTION");
- prn_lprintf("</b>");
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- for (j = 0; j < NUM_VERSIONS; j++)
- {
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf("<b>");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_vertable[j].ID);
- prn_lprintf("</b>");
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- }
- prn_lprintf("</tr>\n");
- /* run through the command table and print comand -vs- OPTION VERSION */
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_FUNCTIONS; i++)
- {
- prn_lprintf("<tr>");
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- prn_lprintf(bwb_prefuncs[i].Name);
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- for (j = 0; j < NUM_VERSIONS; j++)
- {
- prn_lprintf("<td>");
- if (bwb_prefuncs[i].OptionVersionBitmask & bwb_vertable[j].OptionVersionBitmask)
- {
- prn_lprintf("X");
- }
- else
- {
- prn_lprintf(" ");
- }
- prn_lprintf("</td>");
- }
- prn_lprintf("</tr>\n");
- }
- prn_lprintf("</table>\n");
- prn_lprintf("\n");
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_DEF_SUB(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* user is executing a function, such as 100 COS X, as though it were
- * a command */
- /* this applies to both intrinsic functions and user defined
- * functions and subroutines */
- /* no special parsing is required, just add () around the parameters */
- char Buffer[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- int i;
- char *C;
- char *F;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- i = 0;
- C = l->buffer;
- C += l->position;
- F = Buffer;
- while (*C == ' ')
- {
- /* skip leading spaces before name */
- C++;
- }
- /* these should not happen */
- if (*C == '\0' || *C == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- bwb_error("bwb_DEF_SUB, INTERNAL null");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (!isalpha(*C))
- {
- bwb_error("bwb_DEF_SUB, INTERNAL isalpha");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (strlen(C) + 2 > BasicStringLengthMax)
- {
- bwb_error("Ibwb_DEF_SUB, NTERNAL strlen");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* OK */
- while (isalpha(*C))
- {
- /* copy command name */
- *F = *C;
- F++;
- C++;
- }
- if (*C == BasicStringSuffix)
- {
- /* copy command name */
- *F = *C;
- F++;
- C++;
- }
- while (*C == ' ')
- {
- /* skip trailing spaces after name */
- C++;
- }
- /* left paren */
- *F = '(';
- F++;
- while (*C != '\0')
- {
- /* copy parameters */
- if( *C == '"' )
- {
- /* quoted string */
- {
- /* leading quote */
- *F = *C;
- F++;
- C++;
- }
- while( *C != '\0' && *C != '"' )
- {
- /* copy inclosed string */
- *F = *C;
- F++;
- C++;
- }
- if( *C == '"' )
- {
- /* trailing quote */
- *F = *C;
- F++;
- C++;
- }
- }
- else
- if( *C == OptionCommentChar )
- {
- /* comment */
- while( *C != '\0' )
- {
- /* skip to end of line */
- C++;
- }
- }
- else
- if( *C == ' ' )
- {
- /* skip unquoted spaces */
- C++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* normal char, so copy it */
- *F = *C;
- F++;
- C++;
- }
- }
- /* right paren */
- *F = ')';
- F++;
- /* terminate */
- *F = '\0';
- /* Call the expression interpreter to evaluate the function */
- /* prn_xprintf(Buffer); */
- bwb_exp(Buffer, FALSE, &i);
- {
- /* prn_xprintf("oops"); */
- }
- adv_eos(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: bwb_zline()
- DESCRIPTION: This function is called at the exit from
- Bywater BASIC command functions. It returns
- a pointer to the current position in the current line.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_zline(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* skip trailing spaces */
- while (l->buffer[l->position] == ' ')
- l->position++;
- /* skip trailing comment */
- if (l->buffer[l->position] == OptionCommentChar)
- {
- /* COMMENT */
- while (l->buffer[l->position] != 0)
- l->position++;
- }
- /* usually, but NOT always, we are at the end of the line */
- return l;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: fnc_fncs()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function is used for debugging
- purposes; it prints a list of all defined
- functions.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_FNCS(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- register int n;
- int t;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* run through the command table and print comand names */
- t = 0;
- for (n = 0; n < NUM_FUNCTIONS; ++n)
- {
- prn_iprintf(bwb_prefuncs[n].Name);
- if (t < 4)
- {
- prn_iprintf("\t");
- t++;
- }
- else
- {
- prn_iprintf("\n");
- t = 0;
- }
- }
- if (t > 0)
- {
- prn_iprintf("\n");
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_MAINTAINER(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- int ShowHelp;
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- ShowHelp = TRUE;
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "CMDS") == 0)
- {
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "HTML") == 0)
- {
- DumpAllCommandHtmlTable();
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "ID") == 0)
- {
- DumpAllCommandUniqueID();
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "MANUAL") == 0)
- {
- DumpAllCommandSyntax();
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "SWITCH") == 0)
- {
- DumpAllCommandSwitchStatement();
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "TABLE") == 0)
- {
- DumpAllCommandTableDefinitions();
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "FNCS") == 0)
- {
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "HTML") == 0)
- {
- DumpAllFunctionHtmlTable();
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "ID") == 0)
- {
- DumpAllFuctionUniqueID();
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "MANUAL") == 0)
- {
- DumpAllFuctionSyntax();
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "SWITCH") == 0)
- {
- DumpAllFunctionSwitch();
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "TABLE") == 0)
- {
- DumpAllFuctionTableDefinitions();
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "DEBUG") == 0)
- {
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "ON") == 0)
- {
- MaintainerDebugOn = TRUE;
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "OFF") == 0)
- {
- MaintainerDebugOn = FALSE;
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "STACK") == 0)
- {
- /* * dump the current execution stack, * Leftmost is the
- * bottom, * Rigthmost is the top. */
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i <= CURTASK exsc; i++)
- {
- struct bwb_line *l;
- l = CURTASK excs[i].line;
- if (l != NULL)
- {
- char LineNumber[32];
- sprintf(LineNumber, "%d:", l->number);
- prn_xprintf(LineNumber);
- }
- }
- prn_xprintf("\n");
- ShowHelp = FALSE;
- }
- if (ShowHelp == TRUE)
- {
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER is a command intended for the C maintainer.\n");
- prn_xprintf("It is used when making global changes to the internal tables.\n");
- prn_xprintf("This command is subject to change without notice, at any time.\n");
- prn_xprintf("Currently, the valid statements are:\n\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER CMDS HTML ' dump COMMAND vs VERSION as HTML table\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER CMDS ID ' dump COMMAND #defines for UniqueID\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER CMDS MANUAL ' dump COMMAND manual\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER CMDS SWITCH ' dump COMMAND switch(UniqueID)\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER CMDS TABLE ' dump COMMAND table\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER FNCS HTML ' dump FUNCTION vs VERSION as HTML table\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER FNCS ID ' dump FUNCTION #defines for UniqueID\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER FNCS MANUAL ' dump FUNCTION manual\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER FNCS SWITCH ' dump FUNCTION switch(UniqueID)\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER FNCS TABLE ' dump FUNCTION table\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER DEBUG ON ' enable degug tracing\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER DEBUG OFF ' disable degug tracing\n");
- prn_xprintf("MAINTAINER STACK ' dump the BASIC stack\n");
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: fnc_init()
- DESCRIPTION: This command initializes the function
- linked list, placing all predefined functions
- in the list.
- ***************************************************************/
- int
- fnc_init(int task)
- {
- register int n;
- struct bwb_function *f;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- strcpy(LOCALTASK fnc_start.Name, "FNC_START");
- LOCALTASK fnc_start.ReturnType = 'X';
- strcpy(LOCALTASK fnc_end.Name, "FNC_END");
- LOCALTASK fnc_end.ReturnType = 'x';
- LOCALTASK fnc_end.next = &LOCALTASK fnc_end;
- f = &LOCALTASK fnc_start;
- /* now go through each of the preestablished functions and set up
- * links between them; from this point the program address the
- * functions only as a linked list (not as an array) */
- for (n = 0; n < NUM_FUNCTIONS; ++n)
- {
- f->next = &(bwb_prefuncs[n]);
- f = f->next;
- FunctionDefinitionCheck(f);
- }
- /* link the last pointer to the end; this completes the list */
- f->next = &LOCALTASK fnc_end;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void
- fnc_add_deffn(struct fslte * F)
- {
- struct bwb_function *f;
- struct bwb_function *n;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* get memory for fslt structure */
- if ((f = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct bwb_function), "fnc_add_deffn")) == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("in fnc_add_deffn(): failed to get memory for bwb_function structure");
- return;
- }
- strcpy(f->Name, F->name);
- if (strchr(F->name, BasicStringSuffix) != NULL)
- {
- f->ReturnType = STRING;
- }
- else
- {
- f->ReturnType = NUMBER;
- }
- f->ReturnType |= (F->line->cmdnum & 0x00FF) << 8; /* UniqueID is a line
- * number */
- f->UniqueID = F->line->number;
- f->ParameterCount = F->ParameterCount; /* 0..32, 0xFF == VARIANT */
- f->ParameterTypes = F->ParameterTypes;
- f->OptionVersionBitmask = OptionVersion;
- /* establish linkages */
- n = CURTASK fnc_start.next;
- CURTASK fnc_start.next = f;
- f->next = n;
- }
- static struct fslte *
- fslt_find_by_line(int LineNumber)
- {
- struct fslte *f;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* SEARCH */
- for (f = CURTASK fslt_start.next; f != &CURTASK fslt_end; f = f->next)
- {
- if (f->line->number == LineNumber)
- {
- /* FOUND */
- return f;
- }
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- The generic handler for user defined functions.
- When called by exp_function(), f->id will be set to the line number of a specific DEF USR.
- */
- struct bwb_variable *
- fnc_deffn(int argc, struct bwb_variable * argv, int unique_id)
- {
- struct fslte *f;
- struct bwb_variable *v;
- struct bwb_variable *argn;
- int i;
- struct bwb_line *call_line;
- int save_elevel;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- /* initialize the variable if necessary */
- f = fslt_find_by_line(unique_id);
- /* these errors should not occur */
- if (f == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "INTERNAL ERROR, f == NULL");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (argv == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "INTERNAL ERROR, argv == NULL");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (f->ParameterCount == 0xFF)
- {
- /* VARIANT */
- }
- else
- if (argc != f->ParameterCount)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "INTERNAL ERROR, argc != f->ParameterCount");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (f->ParameterCount == 0xFF)
- {
- /* VARIANT */
- f->local_variable = argv;
- }
- else
- if (argc > 0)
- {
- v = f->local_variable;
- argn = argv;
- for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
- {
- argn = argn->next;
- if (v == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "INTERNAL ERROR, v == NULL");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (argn == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "INTERNAL ERROR, argn == NULL");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (v->type != argn->type)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "INTERNAL ERROR, v->type != argn->type");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* NEW ... */
- if (strlen(v->name) > 0)
- {
- /* FIXME: this is a hack - the variable type
- * should be determined when the variable is
- * created */
- char *E;
- char e;
- int IsError;
- IsError = 0;
- E = strchr(v->name, '\0');
- E--;
- e = *E;
- /* sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "LAST CHAR is %c, TYPE
- * is %c", e, v->type ); puts( bwb_ebuf ); */
- /* so the following code is easier to read
- * and maintain */
- #define PARAM_NUMBER *argn->memnum
- #define PARAM_LENGTH argn->memstr->length
- #define PARAM_BUFFER argn->memstr->sbuffer
- /* check actual values versus formal
- * parameter type */
- switch (e)
- {
- case BasicStringSuffix:
- IsError = StringLengthCheck(P1ANY, PARAM_LENGTH);
- break;
- case BasicDoubleSuffix:
- IsError = NumberValueCheck(P1DBL, PARAM_NUMBER);
- break;
- case BasicSingleSuffix:
- IsError = NumberValueCheck(P1FLT, PARAM_NUMBER);
- break;
- case BasicCurrencySuffix:
- IsError = NumberValueCheck(P1CUR, PARAM_NUMBER);
- break;
- case BasicLongSuffix:
- IsError = NumberValueCheck(P1LNG, PARAM_NUMBER);
- break;
- case BasicIntegerSuffix:
- IsError = NumberValueCheck(P1INT, PARAM_NUMBER);
- break;
- }
- if (IsError != 0)
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "ILLEGAL FUUNCTION CALL: %s(%s)", f->name, v->name);
- bwb_Warning_InvalidParameter(bwb_ebuf);
- return argv;
- }
- }
- /* ...NEW */
- v = v->next;
- }
- }
- /* OK */
- call_line = f->line; /* line to call for function */
- call_line->position = f->startpos;
- if (call_line->cmdnum == C_DEF)
- {
- adv_ws(call_line->buffer, &call_line->position);
- if (call_line->buffer[call_line->position] != '=')
- {
- sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "*** INTERNAL ERROR #%d (%s) ***", 5, "call_line->buffer[ ] != '='");
- bwb_error(bwb_ebuf);
- return argv;
- }
- call_line->position++; /* NOTE - we skip past the '=' sign */
- }
- /* PUSH STACK */
- save_elevel = CURTASK exsc;
- bwb_incexec();
- bwb_setexec(call_line, call_line->position, EXEC_FUNCTION);
- /* create variable chain */
- if (f->ParameterCount == 0xFF)
- {
- /* VARIANT */
- }
- else
- if (argc > 0)
- {
- struct bwb_variable *source = NULL; /* source variable */
- source = f->local_variable;
- argn = argv;
- for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
- {
- argn = argn->next;
- /* copy the name */
- strcpy(argn->name, source->name);
- source = source->next;
- }
- }
- if (call_line->cmdnum == C_DEF)
- {
- struct exp_ese *e;
- /* the function return variable is hidden */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable = argv->next;
- e = bwb_exp(call_line->buffer, FALSE, &call_line->position);
- bwb_etov(argv, e);
- /* break variable chain */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable = NULL;
- /* POP STACK */
- bwb_decexec();
- }
- else
- {
- /* the function return variable is visible */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].local_variable = argv;
- /* exp_isfn() uses these to determine use of the function
- * name as a variable */
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopTopLine = call_line;
- CURTASK excs[CURTASK exsc].LoopBottomLine = call_line->OtherLine;
- /* execute until function returns */
- while (CURTASK exsc > save_elevel)
- {
- bwb_execline();
- }
- }
- if (f->ParameterCount == 0xFF)
- {
- /* VARIANT */
- f->local_variable = NULL;
- }
- return argv;
- }
- /***************************************************************
- FUNCTION: fnc_find()
- DESCRIPTION: This C function attempts to locate
- a BASIC function with the specified name.
- If successful, it returns a pointer to
- the C structure for the BASIC function,
- if not successful, it returns NULL.
- ***************************************************************/
- struct bwb_function *
- fnc_find(char *name)
- {
- struct bwb_function *f;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (strlen(name) == 0)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- for (f = CURTASK fnc_start.next; f != &CURTASK fnc_end; f = f->next)
- {
- if (OptionVersion & f->OptionVersionBitmask)
- if (strcasecmp(f->Name, name) == 0)
- {
- return f;
- }
- }
- /* search has failed: return NULL */
- return NULL;
- }
- struct bwb_function *
- fnc_find_exact(char *name, int ParameterCount, int ParameterTypes)
- {
- struct bwb_function *f;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- for (f = CURTASK fnc_start.next; f != &CURTASK fnc_end; f = f->next)
- {
- if (OptionVersion & f->OptionVersionBitmask)
- {
- if (f->ParameterCount == ParameterCount)
- {
- if (f->ParameterTypes == ParameterTypes)
- {
- if (strcasecmp(f->Name, name) == 0)
- {
- return f;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* search has failed: return NULL */
- return NULL;
- }
- struct bwb_variable *
- var_free(struct bwb_variable * v)
- {
- /* // Release all the memory associated with a specific variable. //
- * This function returns NULL, so you can use it like this: // v
- * = var_new(...); // ... // v = var_free( v ); */
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (v != NULL)
- {
- if (v->next != NULL)
- {
- /* This allows variable chains to be easily released. */
- v->next = var_free(v->next);
- }
- /* cleanup this variable */
- if (v->memnum != NULL)
- {
- FREE(v->memnum, "var_free");
- v->memnum = NULL;
- }
- if (v->memstr != NULL)
- {
- int j;
- for (j = 0; j < v->array_units; ++j)
- {
- if (v->memstr[j].sbuffer != NULL)
- {
- FREE(v->memstr[j].sbuffer, "var_free");
- v->memstr[j].sbuffer = NULL;
- }
- v->memstr[j].rab = FALSE;
- v->memstr[j].length = 0;
- }
- FREE(v->memstr, "var_free");
- v->memstr = NULL;
- }
- if (v->array_sizes != NULL)
- {
- FREE(v->array_sizes, "var_free");
- v->array_sizes = NULL;
- }
- if (v->array_pos != NULL)
- {
- FREE(v->array_pos, "var_free");
- v->array_pos = NULL;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- struct bwb_function *
- fnc_find_by_id(int unique_id)
- {
- /* NOTE: This should ONLY search the INTRINSIC functions, not USER
- * functions */
- int i;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_FUNCTIONS; i++)
- {
- if (bwb_prefuncs[i].UniqueID == unique_id)
- {
- /* FOUND */
- return &(bwb_prefuncs[i]);
- }
- }
- /* NOT FOUND */
- return NULL;
- }
- struct bwb_line *
- bwb_CHANGE(struct bwb_line * l)
- {
- /* * CHANGE A$ TO X * CHANGE X TO A$ */
- char tbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
- struct bwb_variable *v = NULL;
- struct bwb_variable *A = NULL;
- struct bwb_variable *X = NULL;
- int IsStringToArray = FALSE;
- bwx_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__);
- if (OptionFlags & OPTION_BASE_ONE)
- {
- bwb_error("CHANGE is only valid for OPTION BASE 0");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* get 1st variable */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- bwb_getvarname(l->buffer, tbuf, &(l->position));
- v = var_find(tbuf);
- if (v == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (v->type == STRING)
- {
- A = v;
- IsStringToArray = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- /* variable MUST be an array */
- if ((v->dimensions == 1) && (v->array_sizes[0] == 1))
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- X = v;
- IsStringToArray = FALSE;
- }
- /* get "TO" */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), tbuf);
- if (strcasecmp(tbuf, "TO") != 0)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* get 2nd variable */
- adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
- bwb_getvarname(l->buffer, tbuf, &(l->position));
- v = var_find(tbuf);
- if (v == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (v->type == STRING)
- {
- A = v;
- if (IsStringToArray == TRUE)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* variable MUST be an array */
- if ((v->dimensions == 1) && (v->array_sizes[0] == 1))
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- X = v;
- if (IsStringToArray == FALSE)
- {
- bwb_error(err_syntax);
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- }
- if (IsStringToArray)
- {
- /* CHANGE A$ TO X */
- int i;
- int n;
- char *a;
- BasicNumberType *x;
- unsigned long t;
- if (A->memstr == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("String Variable not allocated");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (A->memstr->sbuffer == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("String Variable not allocated");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* variable storage is a mess, we bypass that tradition here. */
- t = 1;
- for (n = 0; n < X->dimensions; n++)
- {
- t *= X->array_sizes[n];
- }
- if (t <= A->memstr->length)
- {
- bwb_error("Numeric Array too small");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- n = A->memstr->length;
- a = A->memstr->sbuffer;
- x = X->memnum;
- *x = n;
- x++;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- char C;
- BasicNumberType V;
- C = *a;
- V = C;
- *x = V;
- x++;
- a++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* CHANGE X TO A$ */
- int i;
- int n;
- char *a;
- BasicNumberType *x;
- unsigned long t;
- if (A->memstr == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("String Variable not allocated");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (A->memstr->sbuffer == NULL)
- {
- bwb_error("String Variable not allocated");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* variable storage is a mess, we bypass that tradition here. */
- t = 1;
- for (n = 0; n < X->dimensions; n++)
- {
- t *= X->array_sizes[n];
- }
- if (t <= 1)
- {
- bwb_error("Numeric Array to small");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- if (t > BasicStringLengthMax)
- {
- bwb_error("Numeric Array too large");
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* n = A->memstr->length; */
- a = A->memstr->sbuffer;
- x = X->memnum;
- n = *x;
- x++;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- char C;
- BasicNumberType V;
- V = *x;
- C = V;
- *a = C;
- x++;
- a++;
- }
- }
- return bwb_zline(l);
- }
- /* EOF */