- 0100 rem ------------------------------------------
- 0110 rem Filename: case3.bas
- 0120 rem Purpose: Verify CASE TO
- 0130 rem ------------------------------------------
- Sub Main
- Print "SelCase.bas -- test SELECT CASE statement"
- rem Input "Enter a number"; d
- for d = -11 to 11 step 1
- print "d="; d
- Select Case d
- Case 3 to 5
- print "In Case 3 to 5"
- if d < 3 then goto TestFailed
- if d > 5 then goto TestFailed
- Print "The number is between 3 and 5."
- Case 6
- print "In Case 6"
- if d <> 6 then goto TestFailed
- Print "The number you entered is 6."
- Case 7 to 9
- print "In Case 7 to 9"
- if d < 7 then goto TestFailed
- if d > 9 then goto TestFailed
- Print "The number is between 7 and 9."
- Case If > 10
- print "In Case If > 10"
- if d <= 10 then goto TestFailed
- Print "The number is greater than 10"
- Case If < 0
- print "In Case If < 0"
- if d >= 0 then goto TestFailed
- Print "The number is less than 0"
- Case Else
- print "In Case Else"
- if d <> 0 and d <> 1 and d <> 2 and d <> 10 then goto TestFailed
- Print "The number is 0, 1, 2 or 10."
- End Select
- next d
- 8000 rem ------------------------------------------
- 8010 TestPassed:
- 8020 print "*** ALL TESTS PASSED ***"
- 8030 goto TheEnd
- 8500 rem ------------------------------------------
- 8510 TestFailed:
- 8520 print "*** TEST FAILED ***"
- 8530 goto TheEnd
- 9000 rem ------------------------------------------
- 9010 TheEnd:
- 9999 quit
- End Sub
- PRINT "*** SUB MAIN() was not executed ***"