ChipMaster's bwBASIC This also includes history going back to v2.10. *WARN* some binary files might have been corrupted by CRLF.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

142 lines
2.5 KiB

  1. # Puropose: Verify existing BWBASIC behavior
  2. # Author: Howard Wulf
  3. # Date: 2014-03-28
  4. # Usage: implementatino defined
  5. # Example:
  6. # cd /sdcard/Download/BASIC/bwbasic3/BP100
  7. # ash ./
  8. #
  9. rm *.80
  10. rm *.OUT
  11. rm *.dif
  12. # ----------------------------------------------
  13. # Regression Tests
  14. # ----------------------------------------------
  15. testcase()
  16. {
  17. TESTCASE=${1}
  18. echo "TESTCASE=${TESTCASE}"
  19. ~/bwbasic ${TESTCASE} > ${TESTCASE}.OUT
  20. echo "500 DATA ${TESTCASE}.OUT, ${TESTCASE}.80" > PAD80.INP
  21. ~/bwbasic PAD80.BAS
  22. diff ${TESTCASE}.run ${TESTCASE}.80 > ${TESTCASE}.dif
  23. if test -s ${TESTCASE}.dif
  24. then
  25. echo less ${TESTCASE}.dif
  26. fi
  27. }
  28. # ---------------------------------------------
  29. echo "OPTION VERSION BYWATER" > profile.bas
  30. echo "OPTION LABELS OFF" >> profile.bas
  31. testcase ACCTPAY
  32. testcase ACCTREC
  33. testcase ANNU1
  34. testcase ANNUDEF
  35. testcase ARBCOMP
  36. testcase ASSIGN
  37. testcase AUTOEXP
  38. testcase BAYES
  39. testcase BETAALPH
  40. testcase BLACKSH
  41. testcase BONDVAL
  42. testcase BONDVAL2
  43. testcase BREAKEVN
  44. testcase BUSBUD
  45. testcase CAP1
  46. testcase CHECK2
  47. testcase CHECKBK1
  48. testcase COMPBAL
  49. testcase CONDPROF
  50. testcase CVP
  51. testcase DATE
  52. testcase DATEVAL
  53. testcase DAYYEAR
  54. testcase DEPLETE
  55. testcase DEPRDB
  56. testcase DEPRDDB
  57. testcase DEPRSF
  58. testcase DEPRSL
  59. testcase DEPRSY
  60. testcase DILANAL
  61. testcase DISCBAL
  62. testcase EFFECT
  63. testcase ENVELOPE
  64. testcase EOQ
  65. testcase EPSEST
  66. testcase EXPVAL
  67. testcase FINRAT
  68. testcase FQEOQ
  69. testcase FQEOQPB
  70. testcase FQEOWSH
  71. testcase FUPRINF
  72. testcase FVAL
  73. testcase INSFILE
  74. testcase INVENT2
  75. testcase INVOICE
  76. testcase LABEL1
  77. testcase LABEL2
  78. testcase LEASEINT
  79. testcase LETWRT
  80. testcase LOANAFFD
  81. testcase LOANPAY
  82. testcase MAILPAC
  83. testcase MARKUP
  84. testcase MERGANAL
  85. testcase MORTGAGE
  86. testcase MULTMON
  87. testcase NCFANAL
  88. testcase NPV
  89. testcase OPTLOSS
  90. testcase OPTWRITE
  91. testcase PAYNET
  92. testcase PAYROLL2
  93. testcase PORTVAL9
  94. testcase PRINDLAS
  95. testcase PRINDPA
  96. testcase PROFIND
  97. testcase PVAL
  98. testcase QUEUE1
  99. testcase QUEUECB
  100. testcase REGWITH
  101. testcase RENTPRCH
  102. testcase RRCONST
  103. testcase RRCONVBD
  104. testcase RRVARIN
  105. testcase RTVAL
  106. testcase RULE78
  107. testcase SALELEAS
  108. testcase SALVAGE
  109. testcase SEASIND
  110. testcase SELLPR
  111. testcase SHARPE1
  112. testcase SIMPDISK
  113. testcase SIMPLEX
  114. testcase SINKFUND
  115. testcase SORT3
  116. testcase STOCVAL1
  117. testcase TAXDEP
  118. testcase TELDIR
  119. testcase TERMSPAY
  120. testcase TIMECLCK
  121. testcase TIMEMOV
  122. testcase TIMETR
  123. testcase TIMUSAN
  124. testcase TRANS
  125. testcase UPSZONE
  126. testcase UTILITY
  127. testcase VALADINF
  128. testcase VALPRINF
  129. testcase WACC
  130. testcase WARVAL
  131. cat *.dif > dif.OUT
  132. less dif.OUT
  133. # EOF