ChipMaster's bwBASIC This also includes history going back to v2.10. *WARN* some binary files might have been corrupted by CRLF.
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16 lines
350 B

  1. 100 CALL SHELL("cls")
  2. 110 on error gosub 170
  3. 120 C = 0
  4. : REM C will hold the number of data items
  5. 130 READ N
  6. 140 PRINT N
  7. 150 C = C + 1
  8. 160 GOTO 130
  9. 170 print "Error number #, line # "; err; " , ";erl
  10. 180 PRINT "Read ";C;" data elements"
  11. 185 end
  12. 190 DATA 12,107,0,20,443,218,232,468,561
  13. 200 DATA 273,187,936,436,4,50,110,320,120
  14. 210 DATA 45,670,87