ChipMaster's bwBASIC This also includes history going back to v2.10. *WARN* some binary files might have been corrupted by CRLF.
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putget.bas 422 B

2 years ago
  1. rem PUTGET.BAS -- Test PUT and GET statements
  2. open "r", 1, "test.dat", 48
  3. field 1, 20 as r1$, 20 as r2$, 8 as r3$
  4. for l = 1 to 2
  5. line input "name: "; n$
  6. line input "address: "; m$
  7. line input "phone: "; p$
  8. lset r1$ = n$
  9. lset r2$ = m$
  10. lset r3$ = p$
  11. put #1, l
  12. next l
  13. close #1
  14. open "r", 1, "test.dat", 48
  15. field 1, 20 as r1$, 20 as r2$, 8 as r3$
  16. for l = 1 to 2
  17. get #1, l
  18. print r1$, r2$, r3$
  19. next l
  20. close #1
  21. kill "test.dat"
  22. end