Pi Shack BASIC is HERE!!

Written by on 2024-07-15 12:28:34 updated 2024-07-15 12:28:34

Fellow Shackian KenUNIX passed away in early June. SysOp remembers him.

Pi Shack BASIC

NOTE: Colors are my choice. The default is your terminal's (B&W, W&B, ...)

Pi Shack BASIC is here!! It's a quick, fun and simple way to program the GPIO features of modern SBCs like the Raspberry Pi. It provides a classic BASIC experience with live access to hardware features, very similar to what was common with the microcomputers that became available in the 1970s and '80s. Plus it unlocks a lot of the potential of Linux I/O and interprocess communication.

The interactive experience coupled with in interpreter coding makes developing ideas, testing hardware or manipulating the hardware directly, possible in ways all other languages can't. At least all the languages that I'm aware of.

Click here to get your copy today!


' Cycle a single NeoPixel through red, green, blue, red, ...
' The NeoPixel data-in pin should get wired to SPI port #1 MOSI.
OPEN "b",#1,"/dev/spidev1.1:2400000" : ' 2.4MHz = 800KHz*3
neo_rst$=string$(15,0) : ' 50us of GND to restart at 1st Neo.
' Start color sequence
r,g = 0 : b = 255
  ' Cycle colors: r->g->b->r
  x=b : b=g : g=r : r = x
  ' Assemble wire bits - repeat neo_pixel$() for all attached LEDs
  ' Send data to SPI port
  put #1,,neo_data$
  SLEEP 0.1 : ' 1/10th second between changes
LOOP UNTIL INP(1)=0 : 'GND GPIO #1 to exit (ie push button w/ pull-up)

' change 1 byte into its 3 byte wire format
FUNCTION neo_byte$(b%)
   r$=chr$(&b10010010 OR ((b% AND 128)\2) OR ((b% AND 64)\8) OR ((b% AND 32)\32))
   r$=r$+chr$(&b1001001 OR ((b% AND 16)*2) OR ((b% AND 8)\2))
   r$=r$+chr$(&b100100 OR ((b% AND 4)*32) OR ((b% AND 2)*8) OR (b% AND 1)*2)

' Make a wire RGB triplet
FUNCTION neo_pixel$(r%,g%,b%)

This will cycle a Neo Pixel attached to the MOSI line of SPI bus #1, through an R, G, B sequence and then back to R at full intensity, until a button attached to GPIO #1 is pushed. It demonstrates a line number free design using the newer BASIC DO ... LOOP and FUNCTION statements.

After the program has run and been exited you can experiment with sending data to the Neo Pixel from the command prompt like this:

psBASIC> s$ = neo_rst$+neo_pixel$(12,64,128) : put #1,,s$

Click here to get started!