About the Site's Software

Written by SysOp on 2021-03-02 18:12:58 updated 2021-03-02 18:12:58

This site's software is written by and hosting is managed by JF Possibilities, Inc. using various Open Source technologies. Most of the site is written using CppCMS. The GIT repository hosting is provided by Gitea and GIT. Here is a list of the Open Source projects in use, with license links and download paths.

package License Source
clipboard.js Expat clipboard-2.0.4.tar.gz
CppCMS MIT cppcms-1.2.1-2j.tar.bz2
CppDB MIT cppdb-0.3.1-4j.tar.gz
dropzone.js MIT dropzone-master.tar.gz
font-awesome - code Expat font-awesome-4.6.0.zip
font-awesome - fonts OFL font-awesome-4.6.0.zip
Gitea MIT v1.12.3.tar.gz
gitgraph.js BSD 3-Clause gitgraph.js-latest
highlight.js BSD 3-Clause highlight.js.tar.gz
Inconsolata Font
index.js Expat *.js
jquery.are-you-sure.js Expat jquery.areyousure-1.9.0.tar.gz
jQuery DateTimePicker MIT jquery.datetimepicker.tar.gz
jQuery MIT jquery-3.5.0.min.js
jquery.minicolors.min.js Expat jquery.minicolors-2.2.3.tar.gz
loadmode.js Expat codemirror-5.49.0.tar.gz
meta.js Expat codemirror-5.49.0.tar.gz
octicons Expat octicons-v4.3.0.tar.gz
pdf.js Apache-2.0-only pdf.js-v2.1.266.tar.gz
roboto-fonts Apache-2.0 roboto-v20-latin-ext_cyrillic-ext_latin_greek_vietnamese_cyrillic_greek-ext.zip
semantic.dropdown Expat semantic.dropdown.custom.js
semantic.min.js Expat Fomantic-UI-2.8.2.tar.gz
simplemde.min.js Expat simplemde-markdown-editor-1.10.1.tar.gz
swagger-ui Apache-2.0 swagger-ui-v3.22.1.tar.gz
Tango Icons Public Domain tango-icon-theme-0.8.90.tar.gz
u2f-api Expat u2f-api-1.0.8.zip
vue-calendar-heatmap MIT master.zip
vue Expat vue.js-v2.6.11.tar.gz

Many other projects aren't directly part of the site software but are used to provide services for various aspects of the application: