#!/bin/bash echo "05/03/2020 Ken. Install bwbasic-3.20b. Soup to nuts." echo -e "\nYou may be required to enter your password.\n" if [ `id -u` == "0" ] then echo -e "\n\nThis should not be executed as root\n\n" exit fi echo -e -n "\007Press Enter to begin " ; read j cd ~/ echo " " if [ -d "bwbasic-3.20b" ] then echo -e " ===> bwbasic-3.20b directory already exists <=== \007" echo " Can not compile" echo "If this is a rerun rm -r bwbasic-3.20b then $0" echo " Manual intervention required" echo " " exit else echo -e "Untaring, Compiling\n" tar -xf bwbasic-3.20b.tar echo -e "...Compiling...\n" cd bwbasic-3.20b make echo -e "\nCompile exited\n" echo -e -n "\007If no errors Press Enter " ; read j echo -e "\n...Installing...\n" sudo make install echo -e "\nInstall exited\n" echo -e -n "\007If no errors Press Enter " ; read j fi cd ~/ echo " " if [ -d "bwbasic" ] then echo -e "===> bwbasic directory exists <=== \007" echo " Can not overwrite existing files." echo " If you have new or modified programs" echo " in bwbasic temporarily move them to a" echo " different folder. Then after install" echo " move them back." echo " If directory bwbasic in error" echo " Try rm -r bwbasic and $0" else echo "===> Instaling bwbasic sample programs <===" echo " " echo "Copying files into folder bwbasic" mkdir ~/bwbasic cp ~/bwbasic-3.20b/BAS-EXAMPLES/* ~/bwbasic echo "Copying completed" fi echo -e "\n\007" echo "You can run bwbasic at the command line. To exit bwbasic use quit" echo "Should be Done"