# Filename: xxx.sh # Purpose: compile source code # Author: Howard Wulf, AF5NE # Date: 2015-01-29 # Uasage: implementation defined # Example: # cd /sdcard/Download/BASIC/bwbasic-2.62/ # ash ./yyy.sh # # cleanup rm -f bwbasic rm -f *.o # for normal compile # gcc -DHAVE_ISNAN -o bwbasic -lm -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Werror bw*.c # for broken strpcy() # gcc -DHAVE_ISNAN -DBROKEN_STRCPY -o bwbasic -lm -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Werror bw*.c # for regression testing gcc -DHAVE_ISNAN -DAUTOMATED_REGRESSION -o bwbasic -lm -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Werror bw*.c # for regression testing with broken strpcy() # gcc -DHAVE_ISNAN -DAUTOMATED_REGRESSION -DBROKEN_STRCPY -o bwbasic -lm -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Werror bw*.c # On my system, I have to copy the binary to another location cp bwbasic ~/ # cleanup rm -f bwbasic # make executable chmod 764 ~/bwbasic # start exectuable ~/bwbasic # EOF