README file for Bywater BASIC Interpreter, version 3.00 --------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1993, Ted A. Campbell for bwBASIC version 2.10, 11 October 1993 Version 2.20 modifications by Jon B. Volkoff, 25 November 1995 Patch level 1 release by Jon B. Volkoff, 15 March 1996 Patch level 2 release by Jon B. Volkoff, 11 October 1997 Version 2.30 modifications by Paul Edwards, 5 March 2008 Version 2.40 modifications by Paul Edwards, 26 Jan 2009 Version 2.50 modifications by Paul Edwards, 4 June 2009 Version 2.60 modifications by Paul Edwards, 6 November 2012 Version 2.61 modifications by Paul Edwards, 4 August 2014 Version 3.00 modifications by Howard Wulf, AF5NE 12 May 2015 DESCRIPTION: The Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) and a significant subset of the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC (X3.113-1987) in C. It also offers shell programming facilities as an extension of BASIC. bwBASIC seeks to be as portable as possible. This version of Bywater BASIC is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), which is distributed with this software in the file "COPYING". The GPL specifies the terms under which users may copy and use the software in this distribution. A separate license is available for commercial distribution, for information on which you should contact the author. OBTAINING THE SOURCE CODE: The source code for bwBASIC is available from COMMUNICATIONS: email: (for Ted Campbell) (for Jon Volkoff) (for Paul Edwards) A LIST OF BASIC COMMANDS AND FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTED in bwBASIC: Be aware that many of these commands and functions will not be available unless you have enabled a particular dialect using the OPTION VERSION command. ? expressions... ABS( X ) ACOS( X ) ANGLE( X, Y ) ARGC ARGT$( X ) ARGV$( X ) ARGV( X ) ASC( A$ ) ASIN( X ) ATN( X ) CALL subroutine-name [parameter [, ...] ] CASE ELSE CASE IF partial-expression CASE IS CASE constant CCUR( X ) CDBL( X ) CEIL( X ) CHAIN filename$ CHANGE A$ TO X | CHANGE X TO A$ CHDIR( A$ ) CHR$( X ) CINT( X ) CLEAR CLNG( X ) CLOAD [file-name$] CLOAD* ArrayName CLOSE( X ) CLS CMDS COLOR( X, Y ) COMMON variable [, ...] CONT COS( X ) COSH( X ) COT( X ) CSAVE [file-name$] CSAVE* ArrayName CSC( X ) CSNG( X ) CVC( A$ ) CVD( A$ ) CVI( A$ ) CVL( A$ ) CVS( A$ ) DATA constant[, ...] DATE DATE$ DEF FN DEF FNname(arg...)] = expression DEF SUB DEFDBL letter[-letter] [, ...] DEFINT letter[-letter] [, ...] DEFSNG letter[-letter] [, ...] DEFSTR letter[-letter] [, ...] DEG( X ) DELETE line [- line] DIM variable( elements [, ...]) [, ...] DO DO UNTIL expression DO WHILE expression EDIT ELSE ELSEIF END END FUNCTION END IF END SELECT END SUB ENVIRON$( A$ ) ENVIRON( A$ ) EOF( X ) EPS( X ) ERASE variable [, ...] ERL ERR ERR$ ERROR( X ) ERROR( X, A$ ) EXIT EXIT DO EXIT FOR EXIT FUNCTION EXIT SUB EXIT UNTIL EXIT WHILE EXP( X ) FIELD [#] device-number, number AS string-variable$ [, ...] FILEATTR( X, Y ) FILES FILES( A$ ) FIX( X ) FNCS FOR variable = start TO finish [STEP increment] FP( X ) FRE FRE( A$ ) FRE( X ) FREEFILE FUNCTION [ ( parameter [, ... ] ) ] GET( X ) GET( X, Y ) GO GOSUB line GOTO line HELP name HEX$( X ) IF expression THEN IF expression THEN line1 [ELSE line2] INKEY$ INP( X ) INPUT [# device-number]|[;]["prompt string";]list of variables INPUT$( X ) INPUT$( X, Y ) INSTR( A$, B$ ) INSTR( X, A$, B$ ) INT( X ) IP( X ) KILL( A$ ) LCASE$( A$ ) LEFT$( A$, X ) LEN( A$ ) [LET] variable = expression LINE INPUT [[#] device-number,]["prompt string";] string-variable$ LIST line1 [- line2] LOAD [file-name$] LOC( X ) LOCATE( X, Y ) LOF( X ) LOG( X ) LOG10( X ) LOG2( X ) LOOP LOOP UNTIL LOOP WHILE LPOS LPRINT [USING format-string$;] expressions... LSET string-variable$ = expression LTRIM$( A$ ) LWIDTH( X ) MAINTAINER MAX( X, Y ) MAXBYT MAXCUR MAXDBL MAXDEV MAXINT MAXLEN( A$ ) MAXLNG MAXLVL MAXNUM MAXSNG MERGE file-name MID$( A$, X ) MID$( A$, X, Y ) MID$( variable$, start [, count ] ) = expression MIN( X, Y ) MINBYT MINCUR MINDBL MINDEV MININT MINLNG MINNUM MINSNG MKC$( X ) MKD$( X ) MKDIR( A$ ) MKI$( X ) MKL$( X ) MKS$( X ) MOD( X, Y ) NAME old-file-name AS new-file-name NAME( A$, B$ ) NEW NEXT [variable] NULL( X ) OCT$( X ) ON ERROR GOTO errline | ON ERROR RESUME NEXT ON TIMER count GOSUB line ON expression GOTO | GOSUB line [, ...] OPEN file-name [FOR INPUT|OUTPUT|APPEND|BINARY|RANDOM] AS [#]device-number [LEN = record-length] OPEN( A$, X, B$ ) OPEN( A$, X, B$, Y ) OPTION ... OPTION ANGLE DEGREES OPTION ANGLE RADIANS OPTION ARITHMETIC DECIMAL OPTION ARITHMETIC FIXED OPTION ARITHMETIC NATIVE OPTION BASE 0 OPTION BASE 1 OPTION BUGS OFF OPTION BUGS ON OPTION COMPARE BINARY OPTION COMPARE TEXT OPTION COVERAGE OFF OPTION COVERAGE ON OPTION INDENT number OPTION STRICT OFF OPTION STRICT ON OPTION TERMINAL ADM-3A OPTION TERMINAL ANSI OPTION TERMINAL NONE OPTION TRACE OFF OPTION TRACE ON OPTION VERSION [version] ORD( A$ ) OUT( X, Y ) PEEK( X ) PI POKE( X, Y ) POS POS( A$, B$ ) POS( A$, B$, X ) POS( X ) PRINT [# device-number,][USING format-string$;] expressions... PUT( X ) PUT( X, Y ) QUIT RAD( X ) RANDOMIZE RANDOMIZE( X ) READ variable [, ...] REM ... REMAINDER( X, Y ) RENUM REPEAT$( X, A$ ) REPEAT$( X, Y ) RESET RESTORE [line] RESUME [ 0 | line | NEXT ] RETURN RIGHT$( A$, X ) RMDIR( A$ ) RND RND( X ) ROUND( X, Y ) RSET string-variable$ = expression RTRIM$( A$ ) RUN [line | file-name$] SAVE [file-name$] SEC( X ) SEEK( X ) SEEK( X, Y ) SELECT SELECT CASE expression SGN( X ) SHELL( A$ ) SIN( X ) SINH( X ) SPACE$( X ) SPC( X ) SQR( X ) STOP STR$( X ) STRING$( X, A$ ) STRING$( X, Y ) SUB name [ ( parameter [,...] ) ] SWAP variable, variable SYSTEM TAB( X ) TAN( X ) TANH( X ) TIME TIME$ TIMER TIMER ON | STOP | OFF TRIM$( A$ ) TROFF TRON TRUNCATE( X, Y ) UCASE$( A$ ) UEND UNTIL expression USER LBL VAL( A$ ) VARS WAIT( X, Y ) WAIT( X, Y, Z ) WEND WHILE WIDTH( X ) WIDTH( X, Y ) WRITE [# device-number,] element [, .... ] CHANGE HISTORY CHANGES FROM 2.61 to 3.00 * Code redesign from Howard Wulf, AF5NE CHANGES FROM 2.60 to 2.61 * Bug fix from Matthias Rustler CHANGES FROM 2.50 to 2.60 * New maths functions and append mode support from Edmond Orignac * Bug fixes CHANGES FROM 2.40 to 2.50 * Bug fixes * New compilation procedure for MVS and CMS CHANGES FROM 2.30 to 2.40 * Bug fixes from Bill Chatfield * Updated documentation * Added support for compiling on CMS (another IBM mainframe OS) CHANGES FROM 2.20pl2 to 2.30 * Minor bug fixes, cosmetic improvements and portability improvements * Added support for compiling on MVS (IBM mainframe) CHANGES FROM 2.20pl1 to 2.20pl2 bwb_cmd.c Fixed calling stack level logic in RETURN statement to prevent erroneous "RETURN without GOSUB" messages. bwb_cnd.c bwb_stc.c Changed continuation condition for WHILE, ELSEIF, and LOOP UNTIL to be != FALSE, not == TRUE. More in line with common commercial BASIC implementations. bwb_mth.c Fixed initialization in VAL function so that old results are not later returned as values. bwb_var.c Added parenthesis level checking to dim_getparams. Using multi-level expressions as array subscripts was causing the program to bomb. bwx_iqc.c bwx_tty.c bwb_mes.h Added second copyright notice. bwb_dio.c bwb_str.c Added support for strings longer than 255 characters. bwb_prn.c Disabled tab expansion and print width checks when not printing to a file. bwb_inp.c Fixed LINE INPUT file reads to accommodate strings of length MAXSTRINGSIZE. bwx_ncu.h bwx_ncu.c New files. Code for UNIX ncurses interface, compliments of L.C. Benschop, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Makefile.ncu New files. Sample makefile for ncurses implementation. bwbasic.h Revised defines for MININTSIZE and MAXINTSIZE from 16-bit to 32-bit limits. Revised define for MAXSTRINGSIZE from 255 to 5000 characters. Changed string length from unsigned char to unsigned int to support strings longer than 255 characters. Added support for new ncurses package. Revised VERSION define to reflect above changes. CHANGES FROM 2.20 to 2.20pl1 bwb_cnd.c Moved init routine for bwb_while so that it would be initialized regardless of expression value, not just if TRUE. This was causing some segmentation faults in WHILE-WEND loops. bwb_elx.c Plugged gaping memory leak. Temp variable space for expression evaluation was being allocated but not freed when done (oops!). bwb_fnc.c Added check for NULL return from getenv to prevent segmentation faults. bwbasic.h Revised VERSION define to reflect above changes. CHANGES FROM 2.10 to 2.20: * Plugged numerous memory leaks, resolved memory overruns and allocation difficulties. * General cleanup and bug fixes, too many to list in detail here. The major problem areas addressed were: - RUN command with file name argument - nested and cascaded FOR-NEXT loops - PRINT USING - EOF, LOF functions - string concatenation - operator hierarchy - multi-level expression evaluation - hex constant interpretation - hex and octal constants in INPUT and DATA statements * Added a CLOSE all files feature (when no argument supplied). * Added a unary minus sign operator. * Added a MID$ command to complement the MID$ function. * Added a RENUM facility in a standalone program. * Added checking in configure for unistd.h (important on Sun systems).