<% c++ // Why isn't this done automatically?!?! %> <% c++ #include %> <% c++ #include "data.h" %> <% skin mainskin %> <% view domain_list uses ::DomainList %> <% template title() %><%= filter %> Domain List<% end %> <% template menu() %> Filters: ">To Be Decided | ">Accepted | ">Blocks <% end template %> <% template pager(int no, int ct) %> <% if (ct>1) %>
<% if (no>1) %> |< << <% end if %> <%= no %> of <%= ct %> <% if (no >> >| <% end if %>
<% end if %> <% end template %> <% template render() %> <% include title() %>

<% include title() %>

<% foreach domain rowid r from 1 in list %> <% include pager(page, pages) %> <% if not empty error %>

<%= error %>

<% end %>
Whole Domain:

NOTE: the root domain name listed here will match any records in this list with the same suffix and record the decision as chosen below. <% if ( content.filter == "undecided" ) %> Whole domains can be blocked by prefixing them with "*.". This means that even if the exact host name or subdomain is not listed here it will get blocked. <% end %> <% item %> <% end item %>
Domain When Decided
<% c++ out() << r+content.page_size*(content.page-1); %>.
<%= domain.name %> <%= domain.decided %>
of <%= count %>
<% include pager(page, pages) %> <% empty %>

Nothing available

<% end %>
<% end template %> <% end view %> <% end skin %>